Teti Indrawati
Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Farmasi Institut Sains Dan Teknologi Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Uji Daya Lekat Mukoadhesif secara In Vitro beberapa Eksipien Polimer Tunggal dan Kombinasinya pada Lambung dan Usus Tikus Teti Indrawati; Goeswin Agoes; Elin Yulinah; Yeyet Cahyati Sumirtapura
Jurnal Matematika & Sains Vol 10, No 2 (2005)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Mucoadhesive strength test of some polymer excipients is importance for development of oral sustain release with mucoadhesive system to enchance bioavailability. Mucoadhesive strength of granules that prepared using single and combination of polymers i.e. from carboxymethylcellulose, gum arabic, and sodium alginate with Metolose 90SH-15.000 (Metolose K-15) and Metolose 90SH-100.000 (Metolose K-100) on rat stomach and intestinal had been determined by bioadhesion and wash off test. Results showed that single polymer and its combination could adhesive to rat stomach and intestine in 5 minuter. The granul prepared using Metolose K-15 and sodium alginat in single and combination form gave the strongest adhesive strength to stomach, while Metolose K-15 and gum arabic in a single form showed the strongest adhesive to intestine. The strongest adhesion to stomach and intestine was the granule combination of sodium alginat and Metolose K-15 (20 : 40) with the amount of granule adhesived to stomach and intestine was 100 % and 88 % respectively.
PENGARUH SUHU DAN CAHAYA TERHADAP STABILITAS ANGKAK HASIL FERMENTASI Monascus purpureus 3090 PADA BERAS Indrawati, Teti; Tisnadjaja, Djadjat; Ismawatie, .
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 5, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

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Red rice is the product of yeast Monascus purpureus grown on rice as a natural colorant but unstable. This research aims are to get the optimum of depository conditions for red yeast rice. This research was did by fermentating the yeast strain of Monascus purpureus 3090 on rice, later its product were characterised and tested its stability during 9 weeks at 6 depository conditions, that  is in   room ((24-27oC), 30oC, and  40oC temperature, hit by sunlight, lamp light and without light.The results exhibited that the red rice product were dust powder, red color, caramel smell, and water content 5,62 %. The water solution of 0,2% red rice had pH of 4,70 and 0,1093 color absorpstion, and in 70% ethanol solution had pH of 5,60 and 0,5348 color absorption at 523 nm.  Its stability didn’t influence by temperature, but influence by lamp light and sunlight. It was stable in depository without light, room temperature, 30oC and 40oC. ABSTRAK Angkak  merupakan pigmen berwarna kuning sampai merah hasil fermentasi beras (Oryza sativa) yang aman sebagai pewarna alami tetapi tidak stabil.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi penyimpanan angkak yang optimun. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara beras difermentasi oleh kapang Monascus purpureus 3090, kemudian angkak yang dihasilkan  dikarakterisasi dan diuji stabilitasnya selama 9 minggu pada 6 kondisi penyimpanan, yaitu suhu kamar (24-27oC), 30oC, 40oC, terkena cahaya matahari, terkena cahaya lampu dan tanpa cahaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa angkak yang dihasilkan berupa serbuk halus, berwarna merah,  berbau karamel dan mengandung kadar air 5,62%. Larutan angkak 0,2 % dalam pelarut air suling memiliki pH 4,70 dan serapan warna 0,1093 pada λ 523 nm, dalam etanol 70% memiliki pH 5,60 dan serapan warna 0,5348 pada λ 523 nm. Stabilitasnya tidak dipengaruhi oleh suhu, tetapi dipengaruhi oleh cahaya lampu dan matahari. Angkak stabil pada penyimpanan tanpa cahaya, suhu kamar (24-27oC), 30oC dan 40oC selama 9 minggu.
Formulasi Gel Peel Off Pewarna Kuku yang Mengandung Ekstrak Daun Pacar Air (Impatiens balsamina L.) dan Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose Teti Indrawati; Titih Ayunda Larasati; Anggun Nia Mulyani; Desy Muliana Wenas
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/jifi.v18i2.816


Leaves of Pacar air or Impatiens balsamina L. (IB) are directly pounded and then placed on the surface of the nail to color the nails traditionally. It’s preferred by Moslem because wudu water can penetrate to the nail. The traditional way of using the leaves is unpleasant and these leaves should be used in the fresh form. The IB leaves contain fl avonoids, quinones and tannins that provide a natural orange color. A formulation of a nail polish containing the leaf’s extract is needed so it’s easy to use and stable during storage. The aim of this research is to make nail color gel peel off from IB extract which is easy to use and stable. Nail color gel peel off is made using Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (Na-CMC) as a gel base. This research was carried out by making six formula of gel peel off using swelling and mixing methods at various IB extract concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15% using 1% and 3 % of Na-CMC as the base respectively and the prepared product was evaluated. The IB leaves can be made into cosmetic preparations that have a good quality. All preparations have a yellow to orange red, odorous and homogeneous, pH 4.7-5.4, viscosities 630-3600 cps, has a pseudo plastic thixotropic fl ow properties. When nail color gel peel off used in nails, the base can remove from nail and only the coloring agent attached to the nail.
Stabilitas Sabun Cair Wajah yang Mengandung Susu Kambing dengan Variasi Kokamide DEA TETI INDRAWATI; NELLY WULANDARI
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

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Goat milk containing many amino acids and fatty acids that can be used as an emollient and humectant in skin liquid soap. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of variation in cocamide DEA concentration on a face liquid soap stability. Face liquid soap formulae containing 10% goat milk and different concentration of cocamide DEA (3%, 4%, 5%, and 6%) were made by dissolving and mixing methods. The goat milk liquid soap products were evaluated and tested for their stability. Stability were justified from the colour, smell, viscosity, pH, density, and homogenity. The result showed that higher cocamide DEA concentration would produce better soap stability consecutively. The goat milk liquid soap containing 6% of cocamide DEA is the best formula investigated.
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1988.72 KB) | DOI: 10.35814/jifi.v16i1.462


Ambon banana (Musa acuminata Colla) humps contain anthraquinone compounds that effectives This research aims to take advantage of the hump to be confectionary cream bath as hair growth. Water extracts of Ambon banana humps were blended and filtered, and then, this water extracts of Ambon banana was made into cream bath using concentration of 8%, 10%, and 12%. The method that is used to make cream bath is dissolution and mixing methods at a temperature of 75oC–80oC and the water extract was add at 40oC. These cream bath products weres evaluated by organoleptic, homogeneity, emulsion type, pH, spreading ability, viscosity and flow character. All formula cream bath preparations had white to ivory white, odourless bananas, emulsion type o/w, homogenized, pH 6.05 to 6.38, spreading ability 4862.05 mm2-3672.67 mm2, has a viscosity of 12000 cps-145000 cps, and showed the flow properties pseudo-plastic thixotropic.
Formulasi Sediaan Gel Antijerawat Ekstrak Herba Meniran (Phylanthus niruri L) Dan Ekstrak Daun Sirsak (Annoni muricata L). Dimas Adrianto; Shirly Kumala; Teti Indrawati
Lumbung Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Juli

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/lf.v3i2.8041


ABSTRAKHerba meniran dan daun sirsak mengandung senyawa flavonoid, triterpenoid, saponin, polifenol dan metabolit sekunder lainnya. Secara tradisional herba meniran dan daun sirsak tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai Obat jerawat. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara uji aktifitas antibakteri dari kombinasi ekstrak herba meniran dan daun sirsak sebagai antibakteri penyebab jerawat agar didapatkan efek sinergi sehingga bisa memperkuat kerja antibakteri dan memformulasi sediaan gel obat jerawat dengan bahan aktif kombinasi ekstrak herba meniran dan daun sirsak yang efektif sebagai antijerawat terhadap bakteri P.acne dan S.aureus. Metode Penelitian dilakukan dengan menentukan aktifitas antijerawat dari ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak menggunakan bakteri P.acne dan S.aureus, dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan gel kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak. Evaluasi terhadap sediaan gel meliputi uji organoleptik, homogenitas, pH, viskositas, daya sebar, iritasi dan aktifitas antibakteri sediaan gel. Sediaan gel kombinasi ektrak daun sirsak dan meniran  (3% : 4,5%) memiliki aktivitas menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri P.acne dan S.aureus terbaik dengan nilai DDH P.acne sebesar 32 mm dengan kategori aktivitas sangat kuat dan S.aureus  21 mm dengan kategori aktivitas sangat kuat.  Sediaan gel ekstrak daun sirsak dan meniran dapat memenuhi parameter fisika dan kimia sediaan gel serta stabil selama 12 minggu pada suhu penyimpanan 4oC, suhu 27oC dan suhu 40oC. Sediaan gel kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan daun sirsak memiliki indeks iritasi primer sebesar 0,40 dan termasuk kategori respon iritasi sangat ringan.  Kata kunci : Daun sirsak; Gel antijerawat; Jerawat; Meniran. ABSTRACTMeniran herbs and soursop leaves contain flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins, polyphenols and other secondary metabolites. Meniran herbs and soursop leaves were traditionally used as an acne medication. This study aimed to formulate carried out by testing the antibacterial activity of a combination of extracts from meniran herbs and soursop leaves as an antibacterial that causes acne with the aim of getting a synergistic effect so that it can strengthen antibacterial work and antiacne  gel formulation containing the active ingredients of a combination of meniran herb and soursop leaf extract which is effective as an anti-acne against P.acne and S.aureus bacteria. The research method was conducted by determining the antibacterial activity of extract to P.acne and S.aureus, followed by formulate a gel combination of meniran and soursop leaf extract. The evaluation of gel formulation included organoleptic tests, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, spreadability, irritation and antibacterial activity. The gel preparation of the combination of soursop leaf extract and meniran (3%: 4.5%) had the best activity inhibiting the growth of P.acne and S.aureus bacteria with a DDH value of P.acne of 32 mm with very strong activity category and S.aureus 21 mm with a very strong activity category. The gel formulations we meet to the physical and chemical parameters of the gel formulation and were stable for 12 weeks at storage temperature of 4oC, temperature of 27oC and temperature of 40oC. The gel formulation had a primary irritation index of 0.40 and was included in the very mild irritation response category. Keywords : Acne; Antiacne gel; Meniran; Soursop leaf. 
PROFIL MUTU EKSTRAK DAN FORMULASI SEDIAAN SALEP EKSTRAK KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga L.) Kartika Sari; Teti Indrawati; Dhanella Cristy Haryanto
Binawan Student Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Binawan (LPPM Universitas Binawan)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54771/bsj.v4i1.352


Keaneka ragaman hayati di Indonesia dikenal dengan sumber daya alam yang melimpah yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional, tanaman yang sering digunakan di masyarakat adalah kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.). Kencur banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku jamu, fitofarmaka, industri kosmetika, penyedap makanan dan minuman, rempah, bahan campuran saus. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mutu ekstrak kencur dan evaluasi sediaan salep yang mengandung ekstrak kencur. Ekstrak kencur dibuat secara maserasi menggunakan etanol 96% kemudian dipekatkan menggunakan rotary evaporator pada suhu 40oC dan ditimbang hasil maseratnya dan dibuat sediaan salep dengan metode peleburan dan pencampuran, serta dilakukan uji mutu ekstrak dan evaluasi sediaan salep. Ekstrak kencur yang dihasilkan berwarna coklat, berbau khas aromatik dan rasa pedas. Uji mutu ekstrak kencur memiliki rendemen 10%, kadar air 6,49±0,231, kadar abu total 6,54±0,499, kadar abu tak larut asam 0,23±0,0335, sisa pelarut 0,06±0,005, hasil penapisan fitokimia mengandung Alkaloid, glikosida, minyak atsiri, saponin, tannin dan flavonoid. Salep yang dihasilkan bewarna putih agak kuning muda sampai kuning muda, berbau khas aromatik, homogen, pH 5,07-6,11, mudah menyebar dengan kemampuan menyebar 1.508,04-1.975,87 mm2 dan memiliki viskositas antara 10.000-340.000 cP.
The Effectiveness and Stability Test of Moisturizing Cream Extracts of Fruit Peel Papaya (Carica papaya L) and Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum L) Kartika Sari; Abu Dzarrin Al Ghifari; Teti Indrawati; Shelly Taurhesia; Dhanella Cristy
Jurnal EduHealth Vol. 13 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal EduHealth, April - September 2022
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The skin of the fruit that has not been used by humans and other living things so far, has a fairly good nutritional value for the skin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and stability of the moisturizing cream. Fruit peel papaya and fruit peel rambutan were extracted respectively using ethanol 70% by maceration method, produced maserate, concentrated using a rotary evaporator. The combination of extracts was made into a cream preparation using the emulsification method. The resulting cream was evaluated for stability and effectiveness in humans. Skin moisture test showed that the increase in skin moisture value occurred in all formulas, where the highest percentage value was seen in F4, namely the initial moisture value of 46.99±3.908 and after 28 days of use it became 58.95±3.792 there was an increase in skin moisture value of 11 ,96, while in F1 as a positive control the results of the skin moisture value before use of 46.98 ± 4.634 and after using for 29 days it became 53.61 ± 4,888 there was an increase in skin moisture value of 6.63. The resulting cream is stable on storage for 3 months at temperatures of 250 and 400
Medical Sains : Jurnal Ilmiah Kefarmasian Vol 4 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37874/ms.v4i1.106


Rambut sehat mempunyai siklus pertumbuhan rambut yang panjang dan kelembaban yang cukup dimana pertumbuhan rambut terjadi karena sel-sel daerah matriks atau umbi rambut secara terus menerus membelah. Bahan alam yang diperkirakan berpotensi dalam pertumbuhan rambut adalah daun teh hijau (Camellia sinensis (L) OK) dan herba pegagan (Centella asiatica (L) Urban). Dalam penelitian ini ekstrak air daun teh hijau 5% dan herba pegagan 2,5% diformulasikan dalam sediaan gel penyubur rambut dengan gelling agent carbophol 940 0,5%, 1% dan 1,5 %. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah ekstrak air daun teh hijau 5% dan herba pegagan 2,5% dapat diformulasikan menjadi sediaan gel dan apakah gel yang mengandung kombinasi ekstrak tersebut mempunyai aktivitas sebagai penyubur rambut dan formula manakah yang memiliki aktivitas penyubur rambut yang paling optimum. Uji aktivitas penyubur rambut meliputi laju pertumbuhan rambut, percepatan pertumbuhan rambut dan bobot rambut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Campuran ekstrak air daun teh hijau 5 % dan ekstrak air herba pegagan 2,5% dengan gelling agent carbophol 940 0,5%, 1% dan 1,5% dapat dibuat menjadi sediaan gel yang baik, dan yang memiliki aktifitas optimum adalah gel penyubur rambut yang menggunakan gelling agent carbophol 0,5 % dengan karakteristik warna coklat, aroma yang khas, homogen, nilai konsistensi 585,886 dyne/cm2, viskositas 90.333 cps, sifat aliran plastis tikstropik, pH 5,56 , laju pertumbuhan 1,804 cm dalam 28 hari percepatan pertumbuhan rambut 0,1201 cm/hari dan bobot rambut 0,0858 gram dalam 28 hari.