Livian Teddy
Department Architecture, Faculty Of Engineering, Universitas Sriwijaya

Published : 9 Documents Claim Missing Document
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ARCHITECTURE teddy, livian
Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies Vol 1, No 01 (2012): ARTIKEL KP VOL 01 periode 2012/2013
Publisher : Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies

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Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies

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Abstrak Tujuan dasar dari PDA test yaitu untuk mengevaluasi daya dukung tiang, integritas/keutuhan tiang dan penurunan tiang. Dengan kemampuannya tersebut PDA test digunakan pada proyek-proyek besar sebagai tes tambahan selain ujian beban skala penuh (static load test), sedangkan pada proyek-proyek menengah dan kecil PDA test dianggap bisa menggantikan uji beban. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan PDA test dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisa hasil-hasil tes PDA di 3 lokasi yang ada di Kota Palembang. Hasilnya daya dukung ultimit dan penurunan tiang pada ketiga lokasi masih cukup aman. Sedangkan untuk uji integritas tiang hanya 1 lokasi yang melaporkan kondisi tiang baik. Disini integritas perusahaan dipertaruhkan untuk melaporkan apa adanya. Dengan tulisan ini juga penulis berharap dapat menggugah pemahaman para pekerja konstruksi/praktisi tentang PDA test, sehingga dengan memahaminya dapat memberikan ‘early warning’ jika ada sesuatu yang tidak beres dilapangan selanjutnya ‘serahkan pada ahlinya’. Kata Kunci : PDA test, uji beban skala penuh, static load test
Prediksi Settlement Pondasi Tiang Cara Hand Method vs Pile Driving Analysis (PDA) di Kota Palembang Livian Teddy
JURNAL ARSITEKTUR Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1898.843 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jaubl.v3i2.30


Foundation reduction calculation end bearing foundation and friction pilehand Boussinesq theory method based on the simplification of the theory of soil mechanics. To determine the level of accuracy of the calculation of this hand method, conducted a comparison with the results of a decrease in the pole using a PDA Test . It is assumed that there is a positive correlation between the decrease in mast results of Static Load Test and PDA Test, so that PDA Test results of the settlement can be considered to replace the results of the settlement of Static Load Test.Comparison of reduction in foundation using hand method borepile Boussinesq theory and the PDA Test conducted at 3 locations in the city of Palembang. The result shows that the calculation of hand method Boussinesq theory can predict a moderate decrease in pile foundation in these three locations. In addition, a practical calculation for settlement of the pole, based on the ultimate load of the column, so the decline in each column can be estimated, so that differential settlement can be predicted. ---Perhitungan penurunan pondasi end bearing dan friction pilehand method teori Boussinesq didasarkan penyederhanaan teori mekanika tanah. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keakurasian perhitungan hand method ini diperbandingkan dengan penurunan tiang hasil PDA Test. Dengan asumsi dengan adanya korelasi positif antara penurunan tiang hasil Static Load Test dan PDA Test, sehingga hasil settlement PDA Test dapat dianggap menggantikan hasil settlement dari Static Load Test. Perbandingan penurunan pondasi borepile hand method teori Boussinesq dan PDA Test yang dilakukan 3 lokasi di Kota Palembang menunjukkan perhitungan hand method teori Boussinesq secara moderat dapat memprediksi penurunan pondasi tiang di ketiga lokasi. Selain itu perhitungan praktis settlement tiang ini didasarkan pada beban ultimit kolom sehingga penurunan masing-masing kolom dapat diestimasi sehingga differential settlement dapat diprediksi.
Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (891.376 KB)


Abstrak Tujuan dasar dari PDA test yaitu untuk mengevaluasi daya dukung tiang, integritas/keutuhan tiang dan penurunan tiang. Dengan kemampuannya tersebut PDA test digunakan pada proyek-proyek besar sebagai tes tambahan selain ujian beban skala penuh (static load test), sedangkan pada proyek-proyek menengah dan kecil PDA test dianggap bisa menggantikan uji beban. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan PDA test dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisa hasil-hasil tes PDA di 3 lokasi yang ada di Kota Palembang. Hasilnya daya dukung ultimit dan penurunan tiang pada ketiga lokasi masih cukup aman. Sedangkan untuk uji integritas tiang hanya 1 lokasi yang melaporkan kondisi tiang baik. Disini integritas perusahaan dipertaruhkan untuk melaporkan apa adanya. Dengan tulisan ini juga penulis berharap dapat menggugah pemahaman para pekerja konstruksi/praktisi tentang PDA test, sehingga dengan memahaminya dapat memberikan ‘early warning’ jika ada sesuatu yang tidak beres dilapangan selanjutnya ‘serahkan pada ahlinya’. Kata Kunci : PDA test, uji beban skala penuh, static load test
ARCHITECTURE livian teddy
Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies Vol 1, No 01 (2012): ARTIKEL KP VOL 01 periode 2012/2013
Publisher : Journal of Architecture and Wetland Environment Studies

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Method of Buildings Structural Vulnerability and Geometry Form Designs Evaluation Towards Earthquakes With The SVA Architectural Design Livian Teddy; Gagoek Hardiman; N. Nuroji; Sri Tudjono
Journal of Architectural Design and Urbanism Vol 2, No 2 (2020): May 2020
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1129.66 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jadu.v2i2.7577


In the process of architectural design, there is no special method employed by architects to evaluate buildings’ structural vulnerability and building geometry form designs towards earthquakes. Therefore, the alternative is adapting the existing method called SVA-Retrofit. JBDPA and Matsutaro Seki developed this method, and then the author adapted this method now called SVA Architectural Design. In the process of adaptation, deep literature review was conducted in order to acquire the adaptation results of the SVA-Architectural Design. These results can furthermore be an early prediction of structural vulnerability toward earthquakes that eventually leads to finding solutions for building designs or conducting detailed analysis done by structure experts.
The New Method in Calculating Columns and Beams Dimensions That Meets Requirements of The Strong Column-Weak Beam and Non-Soft Story Livian Teddy; Gagoek Hardiman; N. Nuroji; Sri Tudjono
Journal of Architectural Design and Urbanism Vol 1, No 2 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1383.18 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jadu.v1i2.4492


Situated at an earthquake prone area, buildings planning in Indonesia must implement earthquake resistant building principles. One of these principles is determining dimensions of columns and beams in the process of architectural designing.This act eventually affects the behaviour of the strong column-weak beam and the probability of bending failure due to soft story. At present time, there are no simple rules architects can use in calculating the dimensions of beams and columns that meet the criteria for strong column-weak beam and non-soft story. This paper is an effort to provide an input to the architects in designing the dimensions of the columns and beams. This research is a review result of three theories namely: 1). The theory of columns and beams preliminary design, 2). The theory of the strong column-weak beam concept, and 3). The theory of soft story and column slenderness. Those theories were then synthesized into a spreadsheet. To meet the criteria for strong column-weak beam and non-soft story, the following procedures must be done : 1). Determine the columns’ dimensions according to 0.15% of the columns’ cumulative tributary area, 2). Determine the beams’ dimensions according to 1/12 of the beams’ span and the beams’ plastic modulus, 3). Determine the columns’ dimensions and the columns’plastic modulus, 4). Determine the columns’ height based on the column slenderness criteria, and 5). Compare the columns plastic modulus and the beams plastic modulus and check whether they meet the criteria “the columns’plastic modulus ≥ 1.2 * the beams’ plastic modulus”.
Identifikasi Konfigurasi Geometri Bangunan Tahan Gempa Livian Teddy; Johannes Adiyanto; Husnul Hidayat
ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur Vol 6 No 2 (2021): ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur | Mei 2021 ~ Agustus 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30822/arteks.v6i2.839


Indonesia is an earthquake-prone area because it is located at the world's most active tectonic plates and hundreds of local faults. Obviously, there have been many earthquake victims caused by collapsed buildings, hence the need for earthquake-resistant construction. However, there is not much guidance for architects to design earthquake-resistant buildings. This research proposes guidance for architects on how to design building forms relatively able to resist earthquakes. The simulation experiment method involving 32 building models in various forms was employed. The experimental results were then analyzed with modal analysis in ETABS and SVA for architectural design. Based on the analysis report, some guidelines were proposed: 1). Avoid buildings that are too slender, use the slenderness ratio H/D ≤ 2, 2). Avoid soft stories where the ratio of the top column height (h) to the bottom column height (h1) ≤ 0.8, 3). Use symmetrical shapes with 1 or 2 axes and avoid shapes with random compositions, 4). Use the additive and subtractive mass transformation ≤ 15%, 5).Strengthen the structural elements, install shear walls, or use dilatation to minimize potential torsional irregularities and non-parallel system irregularities of L, T, U, +, and Z forms6). Avoid using non-axial asymmetrical forms.
Tren desain arsitektur di indonesia yang mempengaruhi kerentanan bangunan terhadap gempa Livian Teddy
Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis Vol 14 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis
Publisher : STEKOM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/pixel.v14i1.459


Indonesia is an earthquake-prone zone country. Many victims of life and material due to the earthquake that occurred in Indonesia. One of them is the result of the collapse of the building. Buildings in Indonesia should be designed to withstand earthquakes. The resistance of buildings to earthquakes is highly dependent on their geometric configuration which is closely related to form and space. With the development of the era, it also affects the architectural 'trend' favored by architects and clients. But without realizing this trend can affect the vulnerability of buildings to earthquakes. Design trends carried out by architects that can affect the vulnerability of buildings to earthquakes are: 1). Architectural styles that are developing in the world, 2). Transformation of the geometric form of the building, 3). Selection of building materials, 4). Placement of swimming pools on the roofs of high-rise buildings, and 5). Use of building modules.