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Klasterisasi Desa dengan Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means pada Data Potensi Desa Anggi Syahadat Harahap; Pepi Zulvia
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer) Vol 8, No 6 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/jurikom.v8i6.3724


The Developing Village Index (Indeks Desa Membangun) is a composite index compiled based on three indices, namely the Social Resilience Index, the Economic Resilience Index and the Village Ecological Index. Based on the Developing Village Index, there are 5 classifications of villages, namely Independent Villages, Developed Villages, Developing Villages, Underdeveloped Villages, and Very Underdeveloped Villages. In line with that, the Central Statistics Agency also issued a Village Development Index (Indeks Pembangunan Desa) to show the classification of the village. This study aims to determine village clustering using the K-Means Algorithm on the 2020 Village Potential (Podes) data, especially on the economic dimension. K-Means is a non-hierarchical data clustering method that can partition data into two or more groups. The number of clusters is determined based on the number of The Developing Village Index statuses, which are 5 clusters. The results of 6 iterations of calculations using the K-Means algorithm show that cluster 1 is grouped into the status of Very Underdeveloped Villages as many as 8 Villages. Then in cluster 2 it is grouped as Underdeveloped Villages as many as 3 Villages. Furthermore, in cluster 3, it is grouped as Developing Villages as many as 83,987 Villages. In cluster 4, they are grouped as Developed Villages as many as 24 Villages. Then in cluster 5 it is grouped as Independent Villages as many as 16 Villages
Mengurai Faktor Terpenting Pada Kualitas Pelayanan Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Syariah Hafid Aditya Pradesa; Iin Agustina; Pepi Zulvia
Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi dan Syariah (EKUITAS) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/ekuitas.v4i2.2419


The quality of service perceived by users has been generally reviewed and researched previously. This study aims to describe the important factors that reflect the quality of service in murabahah financing of a Islamic Rural Bank (BPRS) AM which is operating in Bandung Regency. A total of 140 respondents who are customers of BPRS AM in Bandung Regency are the samples in this study. Two-level confirmatory factor analysis (second order factor analysis) is used to answer the research question posed in this study, namely what are the most important aspects that can be reflected in murabahah services for customers. Factor analysis is used to test the factor weight values of each indicator of the variables observed in the study. The results of data analysis reveal that the quality of murabahah financing services can be well reflected in the aspects of guarantees of trust, responsiveness, price, physical evidence, and reliability provided to murabahah financing customers. In addition, the murabahah service model has a level of validity that can be well confirmed. Findings also reveals that respondents perceive the quality of murabahah services as being in the moderate category. Among five dimensions of murabahah service quality, the aspect of physical evidence was found to be the most important factor in reflecting the quality of murabahah services of BPRS AM operating in Bandung Regency. On the other hand, the respondent's assessment also shows that the aspect of guarantee or trust is the aspect that is rated the highest in murabahah services. In addition to the generally well-confirmed model, the findings of this study are useful as a basis for further exploration of the concept of service quality in Islamic Rural banks.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v18i2.796


The level of intense business competition makes a company must continue to be able to increase customer satisfaction, then the company is required to be able to meet the needs and desires of customers, when the company is unable to increase satisfaction later, competitors may seize the customer. This study uses CSI, IPA and PGCV methods to analyze the level of satisfaction, map service quality in quadrants and determine the order of priority for improving service quality at the Purworejo Post Office 54100 The research was conducted on 52 customers using the Accidental Sampling technique. The level of satisfaction through CSI was obtained at 80.6%. Through IPA obtained 8 indicators that are included in quadrant 1 and 5 indicators included in quadrant 3. From quadrant 1 and quadrant 3 obtained the top 5 rankings through PGCV, namely 1) Fast and responsive service, 2) Response to suggestions and complaints, 3) Providing information that is easy to understand, 4) Security from any loss or damage to goods that occurs and 5) Service procedures that are not confusing. It is concluded that the Purworejo 54100 POS office still needs to make improvements in service quality to the 5 indicators in order of priority.
Policy Advocacy for Strengthening Village Governance in Developing Tourism Destination in Wangunharja Village Hafid Aditya Pradesa; Pepi Zulvia; Andi Zhillan Sabtina Syawali
IMPOWERMENT SOCIETY Vol 5 No 1 (2022): February
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30741/eps.v5i1.840


The development of tourism villages has become one of important programs of current government. Wangunharja Village, one of area in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency in West Java, has tourism potential that can be developed by stakeholders. The implementation of this community service activity uses the focus grup discussion method in order to increase understanding and involvement among stakeholders of the Wangunharja Village. The subject of the intense discussion with the Village Community was about understanding strengthening social capital in the process of developing tourism destinations. As a result, community gave a positive response and expressed their commitment in strengthening social capital such as form of collective action for managing resources in their area. This subject condition will be followed up by the Wangunharja Village Government by developing policies that encourage positive affirmations that could lead to more involvement among village communities. This activity recommends further activities in the form of workshops to guide the community in the process of developing tourism destinations in a sustainable manner.
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi dan Media Vol 26 No 2 (2022): JURNAL STUDI KOMUNIKASI DAN MEDIA
Publisher : BPSDMP Kominfo Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17933/jskm.2022.4734

Abstract menjadi situs berita terpopuler di Indonesia dan sebagian pendapatannya melalui iklan yang masuk, hal ini berdasarkan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan pada kualitas informasi yang diberikan dan persaingan ketat dengan portal berita lainnya membuat harus meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggannya melalui perbaikan kualitas informasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur kepuasan pelanggan dengan American Customer Statisfaction Index (ACSI), memetakan atribut kualitas informasi dengan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan menentukan prioritas perbaikan dengan Potential Gain Customer Value (PGCV). Sampel yang didapatkan 58 orang pelanggan dengan teknik convenience sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan penyebaran 3 kuesioner (kepuasan, harapan dan kinerja) terhadap responden. Teknik analisis menggunakan CSI, IPA dan PGCV. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan ACSI didapatkan tingkat kepuasan sebesar 80,04%, melalui IPA didapatkan pada kuadran 1 terdapat 7 atribut, kuadran 2 terdapat 4 atribut, kuadran 3 terdapat 2 atribut dan kaudran 4 terdapat 5 atribut, dan melalui PGCV didapatkan 5 prioritas perbaikan terdiri dari tingkat ketersediaan informasi yang dimuat, penyajian informasi yang mudah dipahami maknanya oleh penerima, keutuhan isi informasi yang dimuat, konsistensi penyajian informasi yang teratur dan tidak menyimpang dan informasi disampaikan terbebas dari kesalahan dan mampu memberikan bukti. Simpulan penelitian  pihak manajemen perlu melakukan peningkatan kepuasan melalui perbaikan kualitas informasi.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Profesional Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal JPro
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32815/jpro.v3i2.1445


Keberadaan sistem informasi bagi setiap perusahaan sangat penting dan menjadi salah satu bagian sumber daya yang dibutuhkan dalam menciptakan keunggulan bersaing. Oleh karena itu sistem informasi dapat dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan sejalan dengan upaya pencapaian tujuan perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas sistem informasi Rely On PGN dalam mengelola kegiatan administrasi pelanggan pada PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara, Tbk Area Batam. Hal ini didasarkan pada premis tentang sebagian besar keberhasilan suatu perusahaan didorong untuk dapat meningkatkan efektivitas kinerjanya, biasanya didukung oleh kecanggihan sistem informasi yang dimiliki perusahaan dalam memberikan kemudahan serta mengoptimalkan kegiatan operasional perusahaan. Model kesuksesan DeLone & McLean diterapkan pada penelitian ini untuk mengukur efektivitas sistem informasi, yang terdiri dari enam indikator yaitu kualitas informasi, kualitas sistem, kualitas layanan, penggunaan, kepuasan pengguna, dan manfaat bersih. Pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif digunakan pada penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan suatu keadaan atau peristiwa dalam menjawab pertanyaan penting penelitian. Oleh karena itu pengumpulan data kulitatif dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, maupun studi kepustakaan atau dokumen sekunder yang relevan. Hasil analisis terhadap data kualitatif yang terkumpul menunjukkan beberapa hal penting yakni penerapan sistem informasi Rely On PGN terbukti efektif dalam mendukung kegiatan administrasi atau pengelolaan pelanggan berdasarkan enam indikator pada Model Kesuksesan Delone & McLean. Selanjutnya sistem Rely On PGN diyakini mampu memberikan dampak positif bagi individual maupun perusahaan. Indikator kualitas layanan pada model kesuksesan Delone & McLean pada Rely On PGN perlu ditingkatkan, terutama fokus pada pengembangan sistem yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna.
Disentangling Important Factors in Service Quality: An Empirical Study in Vocational Higher Education at Bandung City Pepi Zulvia; Hendrikus Tri Wibawanto Gedeona; Hafid Aditya Pradesa
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Advantage Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widya Gama Lumajang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30741/adv.v6i2.938


The purpose of this study, which is to reveal a comprehensive picture of the quality of these services in the data obtained from the evaluation of service quality from the perspective of its main users, namely students. This study was conducted using a quantitative method with a confirmatory factor analysis approach with a cross-sectional design. The proposed model is based on a current conceptualization of service quality, which suggests that service quality is a multidimensional and hierarchical construct. The validity value of the factor model shows good results so that the quality of higher education services can be reflected in nine aspects, namely (1) educational facilities, (2) reliability, (3) responsiveness, (4) empathy, (5) academic services information systems, ( 6) general facilities & infrastructure, (7) students' interests and activities, (8) library services, and (9) financial services. The results of the study reveal that responsiveness is the factor that best reflects service quality in higher education. While the score for general facilities and infrastructure is the aspect that is rated the lowest, especially on the factor regarding cleanliness in toilets and public facilities. The paper has value for the higher educational institute (HEI) seeking to improve the quality of services they provide.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/rjpkm.v4i1.2501


Digitalisasi desa merupakan salah satu bisnis model pengembangan desa yang dirancang oleh Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi. Desa Cibodas yang ada di Kecamatan Lembang merupakan salah satu desa yang berjarak sekitar 17 KM dari pusat Kota Bandung dengan letak geografis yang strategis. Dengan status desa maju, Desa Cibodas dapat mengembangkan potensi desa menuju smart village. Langkah awal inovasi desa dalam pengembangan smart village tersebut adalah dengan menjadikan Desa Cibodas sebagai desa digital. Dalam mendukung perwujudan Desa Cibodas menjadi salah satu desa digital dilakukan kegiatan advokasi sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan pelatihan pemetaan potensi desa dan literasi digital. Hasil proses pemetaan desa dan literasi desa diperoleh beberapa kendala seperti terbatasnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan internet, infrastruktur yang masih minim karena tower jaringan menyeluruh dirasakan oleh masyarakat, dan masih minim sosialisasi mengenai pemasaran hasil Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) secara digital. Dengan terungkapnya permasalahan tersebut sebagai tindak lanjut kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Cibodas disarankan untuk mengadakan pelatihan digitalisasi dan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan kepada masyarakat desa yang terlibat dan terkait dalam proses pengembangan desa Cibodas sebagai desa digital. Peningkatan sarana dan fasilitas yang bisa dimulai dari pelayanan kepada masyarakat berbasis digital di kantor desa yang diiringi komitmen warga masyarakat dalam mendukung terwujudnya desa digital.
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi Vol. 18 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31113/jia.v18i2.796


The level of intense business competition makes a company must continue to be able to increase customer satisfaction, then the company is required to be able to meet the needs and desires of customers, when the company is unable to increase satisfaction later, competitors may seize the customer. This study uses CSI, IPA and PGCV methods to analyze the level of satisfaction, map service quality in quadrants and determine the order of priority for improving service quality at the Purworejo Post Office 54100 The research was conducted on 52 customers using the Accidental Sampling technique. The level of satisfaction through CSI was obtained at 80.6%. Through IPA obtained 8 indicators that are included in quadrant 1 and 5 indicators included in quadrant 3. From quadrant 1 and quadrant 3 obtained the top 5 rankings through PGCV, namely 1) Fast and responsive service, 2) Response to suggestions and complaints, 3) Providing information that is easy to understand, 4) Security from any loss or damage to goods that occurs and 5) Service procedures that are not confusing. It is concluded that the Purworejo 54100 POS office still needs to make improvements in service quality to the 5 indicators in order of priority.
Analisis Pengembangan Smart City berdasarkan Dimensi Teknologi, Sumber Daya Manusia, dan Insitutional di Kota Padang Panjang Anggi Syahadat Harahap; Pepi Zulvia
KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Agustus 2023
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/klik.v4i1.1200


The smart city concept and all applications that have been created by the Padang Panjang City Government need to be studied and developed further. The purpose of this research was conducted in order to describe the extent of implementing smart cities and recommendations for improvement for the government in terms of technological, human resource, and institutional dimensions. The research method was carried out in an exploratory qualitative manner. Data obtained from interviews with authorized officials and in-depth observations regarding several applications that have been published. The dimensions explored consist of 3 parts, namely technology, human resources and institutions. In the technological dimension, the research results obtained are seen from the software sub-dimension and the hardware sub- dimension, where the results of the two sub dimensions need to be improved and optimized again, because most of the existing applications in Padang Panjang City are still not integrated with each database. In terms of the human resource dimension, there are still many Regional Apparatus Organizations that have not consistently updated data due to a shortage of experts in this field and the need for outreach to the public regarding the use of the application. Meanwhile, in the institutional dimension, looking at the regulations or policies implemented, it is good with the smart city master plan. From the results of these three dimensions, it was found that there is a need to develop a smart city in Padang Panjang City. An important focus of development, namely collaboration between government and society, needs to be improved and improved. So that the realization of a smart city that supports people who are smart, educated, have morals and improve the quality of life of residents in the city of Padang Panjang.