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Jurnal Ilmiah Hijau Cendekia Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Hijau Cendekia
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32503/hijau.v6i1.1375


Maize (Zea mays L.) is a monocotyledons plant (the seeds contain only one embryonic leaf) and it is classified as an important food crop that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. There are several varieties of Zea mays L. and bisi-18 is the variety has chosen in this research because it is a superior variety with 90% growth power. Electric fertilizer (EF) is a tool for transmitting an electric current into the soil to stimulate plant growth (stimulus growth). Fertilization of plants is divided into 2 types, they are chemical fertilization and physical fertilization. The chemical fertilization includes the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers, while for physical fertilization is through stimulation of ions in the soil by an electric current. The physical fertilization using by EF tool is expected can reduce the consumption of synthetic chemical fertilizers and optimize the use of organic fertilizers. So, it can be an alternative environmental friendly fertilizers. The purpose of this study was, designing an EF set tool with a DC voltage with electrode plates to stimulate the growth of Zea mays L., designing automatic irrigation system with a soil moisture sensor, and analyzing the growth of Zea mays L. with electric current from the EF tool and compared to control (without EF tool). The EF set tool is carried out at various voltage, there are 10V, 12V, 15V, and 20V. The results showed that 12V voltage had the best variable to stimulate the growth of Zea mays L.
Sosialisasi Kegiatan PKK RT 22 RW 9 dan Prodamas Betet Indah Kelurahan Betet Kota Kediri Nunuk Helilusiatiningsih; Sumarji Sumarji; Nadhifah Al Indis; Ribut Santosa; Ahmad Idris
Cendekia : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3271.18 KB) | DOI: 10.32503/cendekia.v4i2.2631


Kegiatan PKK di Kediri tergolong maju dan potensi untuk dilanjutkan dan dikembangkan berbagai ketrampilan yang bermanfaat. Permasalahan yang ada sebagian wanita banyak yang bekerja sehingga untuk memaksimalkan program PKK perlu di efektifkan pada saat hari libur yaitu minggu dan hari besar nasional. Tujuan program PKK adalah mendidik dan menggali potensi ibu-ibu dengan berbgai ketrampilan yang mendukung kesejahteraan keluarga. Metode yang digunakan meliputi pembinaan, penyuluhan serta memberi pelatihan yang bernuansa ekonomi mikro seperti umkm. Hasil survey dan mentoring diperoleh kegiatan yang meliputi pertemuan rutin PKK setiap minggu ke 2, posyandu pada minggu ke 4 hari selasa, pengajian bapak dan ibu, TPQ di masjid Alijtihad, kegiatan rebana ibu2 dan remaja masjid, prodamas , karang taruna remaja, pemberantasan jentik2 nyamuk, kegiatan hari besar agama dan nasional, pelatihan ketrampilan, dan kebersihan lingkungan dan keamanan, serta paguyuban RT 22 dalam mempererat silaturohim dalam meningkatkan kerukunan antar tetangga dan warga di kelurahan betet, Kediri.
Agrika Vol 16, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/ja.v16i2.4025


ABSTRAKAnalisis tanah merupakan kegiatan berskala laboratorium yang bertujuan mengetahui serta menetapkan kualitas atau kesuburan tanah. Kualitas dan kesuburan tanah dipengaruhi oleh sifat-sifat fisika, kimia, dan biologi. Penelitian ini menguji beberapa parameter fisika dan kimia, di antaranya adalah kadar air, karbon organik, fosfor, nitrogen, kalium, pH, dan tekstur tanah. Parameter biologi tanah, yaitu jumlah mikroorganisme di dalam tanah, tidak diukur pada penelitian ini. Hal ini dikarenakan berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya kadar C-organik berbanding lurus dengan jumlah mikroorganisme tanah. Contoh tanah diperoleh dari Kota Batu Jawa Timur pada bulan Februari-Mei 2022. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Tanah BPTP Jawa Timur dengan menggunakan metode analisis sebagai berikut: gravimetri, spektrofotometri UV-Vis, Kjeldahl, perkolasi, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), dan hydrometer. Hasil analisis contoh tanah dengan kode 66, 67, dan 115, berturut-turut adalah: kadar air 11,65%; 6,62%; dan 8,25%; karbon organik 0,95% (rendah), 1,43% (rendah) dan 0,93% (rendah); fosfor 12,69 ppm (sedang), 6,00 ppm (rendah) dan 34,75 ppm (tinggi); nitrogen 0,15% (rendah), 0,17% (rendah) dan 0,13% (rendah); kalium 0,36 cmol(+)/kg (rendah), 0,54 cmol (+)/kg (sedang), dan 0,66 cmol (+)/kg (tinggi); pH 4,6 (masam), 5,1 (masam), dan 5,5 (masam); tekstur liat, lempung berliat, dan liat. Hasil analisis contoh tanah tidak dikorelasikan dengan pertumbuhan tanaman, karena setiap jenis tanaman memiliki kondisi yang berbeda-beda. Secara umum hasil analisis tanah angka yang rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan pemupukan secara berkala pada tanah tersebut, baik menggunakan pupuk organik ataupun campuran antara pupuk organik dan pupuk kimia, dengan dosis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman. ABSTRACTSoil analysis is a laboratory-scale activity that aims to knows and determine the quality and fertility of soil. Soil quality and fertility are influenced by physical, chemical, and biological properties. This study tested several physical and chemical parameters, including water content, organic carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, pH, and soil texture. Soil biological parameters, namely the number of microorganisms in the soil, were not measured in this study, because based on the results of previous studies, the content of organic carbon was directly proportional to the amount of soil microorganisms. Soil samples were taken from Batu Regency, East Java, from February to Mei 2022. This research was conducted at Soil Laboratory – BPTP East Java, using the following analytical methods: gravimetric, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, Kjeldahl, percolation, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and hydrometer. The results of analysis soil samples in this research with codes 66, 67, and 115, respectively were: water content 11.65%; 6.62%; and 8.25%; organic carbon 0.95% (low), 1.43% (low) and 0.93% (low); phosphorus 12.69 ppm (medium), 6.00 ppm (low) and 34.75 ppm (high); nitrogen 0.15% (low), 0.17% (low) and 0.13% (low); potassium 0.36 cmol(+)/kg (low), 0.54 cmol(+)/kg (moderate), and 0.66 cmol(+)/kg (high); pH 4.6 (sour), 5.1 (sour), and 5.5 (sour); soil textures are clay, loamy clay, and clay. The results of soil sample analysis in this research were not correlated with plant growth, because in every plant had a different conditions.
Potensi Arang Aktif yang Terbuat dari Kulit Biji Nyamplung Sebagai Adsorben Logam Berat Kromium (VI) Nadhifah Al Indis
Journal Science Innovation and Technology (SINTECH) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): SCIENCE INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL Volume 2 Number 1
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.749 KB)


The important issues in era industrial 4.0 is the problem of environment polluted by heavy metal waste water, especially chromium (VI). Chromium (VI) can accumulate in aquatic organisms and enter the human body, which caused the skin rashes, cancer, and genetic mutations. One way to reducing chromium (VI) in waste water using adsorption method with activated carbon made from Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) seed shell. Biomass was carbonized to produce carbon (yield 22.36%), and then it activated by H2SO4 (50:50) solution. Based on observations, activated carbon has a black color and contains carbon-carbon cross-links (FTIR test). Gravimetric method to analyze of water content obtained 5.21%. Analysis of porous material using the BET and BJH methods, obtained the surface area was ​​61,339 m²/g, the pore diameter was 3.781 nm, and the pore volume was 0.015 cm3/g. Adsorption test of 0.1g activated charcoal against 50mL of chromium (VI) with various concentrations 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg/L, at pH = 1, timing 150 minutes, and 500 rpm batch rotation speed, obtained the adsorption capacity of activated carbon (qt) is 8.57 mg/g.
Implementasi Alat Electric Fertilizer Untuk Mempengaruhi Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea mays L.) Raditya Putra Suhendra; Diah Arie W. K; Nadhifah Al Indis
Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Mei : Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/juisi.v1i2.314


Electric current inserted to the soil media to stimulate plant growth is called electric fertilizer (EF). There are two types of plant fertilization methods, physical & chemical fertilization (synthetic chemistry and organic chemistry). EF is an alternative physical fertilizer that can be used for enhance plant growth beside chemical and biological fertilizer. Using EF can decrease inorganic or agrochemical input which often lead to soil degradation and high production cost in the implementation. This research aims to design EF apparatus to exerting DC electric current and voltage to the soil using electrode plate as a probe to stimulate sweet corn (Zea mays L.) growth and to design an automatic irrigation system using soil moisture sensor. This research also examines the effect of electric input on sweet corn growth. The application of EF with 12V DC (in variable C) which observed for five days show the highest measurements results, but the control variable (A) had a more stable increase in plant height. This research show that EF can stimulate sweet corn growth when it set under appropriate time and electric voltage condition. Variables C and A had the similar weigh, with a difference of 0,02 gram.