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Cross-Section Resistivity Detection of Tree (Swietenia Magahoni and Gmelina) Using ERT Method Evi Fazriati; Asep Purnama; Gian Agistian Algifari; Irene Siti Amilah Muslimah; Fitria Hapsari Puteri Sumanto; Kartika Hajar Kirana; Kusnahadi Susanto
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i1.965


The existence of trees is very beneficial for humans’ life. There are utilizations of tree such as urban planning and reforestation. However, the tree can be dangerous when the tree is aged and decay because of several factors that might be cause fallen tree. Furthermore, the monitoring activity is needed to know the condition of the tree. One of the methods that can be used to detect hollow in living tree is Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). The ERT is an efficient and nondestructive method that can be potential to estimate resistivity cross section. The measurement of ERT conducted on Swietenia mahagoni and Gmelina with unhealthy and healthy condition visually. The data processed using Res2Dinv and reconstructed for obtaining 2D resistivity cross section. The results shows that the unhealthy Swietenia mahagoni has logarithmic resistivity value range between 0.1-1 Ωm and the healthy Swietenia mahagoni has 1-4 Ωm. Meanwhile, the unhealthy and healthy Gmelina has logarithmic resistivity value range between 0.5-4.5 Ωm and 0.5-3 Ωm, respectively. It is shows that the tree indicated health visually from biological view does not mean the tree is decay. It might be influenced by phenology factor and/or the species of the tree.
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 10, No 4 (2022): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektr
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v10i4.903


ABSTRAKPemerintah Indonesia melalui Stranas Percepatan Pencegahan Anak Kerdil (stunting) 2018-2024 memprioritaskan pencegahan dan penurunan prevalensi stunting dengan menyasar berbagai penyebab langsung dan tidak langsung yang memerlukan kerjasama dan koordinasi lintas sektor di seluruh tingkatan pemerintah, swasta, dunia usaha dan masyarakat, terutama di Posyandu. EGrowth Monitoring System (EGMS) yang dirancang ini berfungsi untuk mengukur tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita, terutama mendeteksi terjadinya stunting dan gizi buruk sejak dini agar dapat dilakukan upaya perbaikan secara tepat. Implementasi produk inovasi ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik dan load cell untuk mengukur tinggi badan dan berat badan bayi dan balita, di mana rentang error pembacaan sensor-sensor tersebut secara berturut-turut adalah 0,01 – 4,36% dan 0,00 – 1,43%.Kata kunci: stunting, e-growth monitoring system, berat badan, tinggi badan, posyandu ABSTRACTIndonesian government, through National Strategy for Preventing Child Stunting 2018-2024, prioritize both prevention and reduction of stunting prevalence by targeting the causes. It requires inter-sector coordinations between government, private companies, businesses, and citizens, especially in local clinics. E-Growth Monitoring System (EGMS) is proposed to measure the growth of infant and toddler, specifically to detect a possible stunting and bad nutrition as early as possible in order to devise an improvement effectively. The implementation of this innovation employs the use of both ultrasonic sensor and load cell to measure the body height and weight of infant and toddler. Its expected margin of error for the sensors are 0.01 – 4.36% and 0.00 – 1.43% for ultrasonic sensor and load cell, respectively.Keywords: stunting, e-growth monitoring system, weight, height, posyandu
Pemetaan Daerah Potensi Longsor Menggunakan Analisis Fault Fracture Density Pada Data DEMNAS Di Wilayah Cisarua, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat Silmi Afina Aliyan; Totok Doyo Pamungkas; Kusnahadi Susanto; Putri Aprilia Ayesha
Jurnal Geografi, Edukasi dan Lingkungan (JGEL) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Bulan Juli
Publisher : Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jgel.v7i2.11397


The Cisarua area is located in the northern part of Bandung City and is one of the sub-districts in West Bandung Regency and has steep topography in several locations, giving rise to the potential for landslides. The eastern region is part of the Lembang Fault which is still active in the North Bandung area. The potential for landslides related to the geological structure in this area can be identified by looking at the lineament patterns of the valleys, the presence of lithological offsets and others. The geological structure that developed in the Cisarua area was identified based on the results of analysis of satellite imagery data and the National Digital Elevation Model (DEMNAS) to identify the presence of geological structures and determine the direction of the dominant force. This study aims to determine the distribution of potential landslides in the Cisarua area using the Fault Fracture Density (FFD) method. Linearity analysis is estimated using the Fault Fracture Density (FFD) method. This method produces an analysis based on the straightness of the ridges and valleys around Cisarua which is then processed using a rosette diagram and interpreted as the dominant lineament trending west-east and northeast- southwest, this dominant lineament corresponds to the direction of the Lembang Fault. The lineament density level value describes a weak zone in the rock which creates the potential for landslide hazard. The weak zone in red indicates that the study area has a high landslide hazard potential, which is red, and the light green color indicates that the study area has a low landslide hazard potential. The potential for landslides in the study area is spread more in areas close to regional geological structures such as faults when compared to other areas. This pattern indicates that the presence of geological structures has an influence on the occurrence of landslides in potential areas.
Implementasi Mesin Roasting Kopi Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Produksi Kopi UMKM Darma Coffee Husneni Mukhtar; Wahmisari Priharti; Dien Rahmawati; Hesty Susanti; Willy Anugrah Cahyadi; Bambang Setia Nugroho; Suryo Adhi Wibowo; Teuku Zulkarnain Muttaqien; Achmad Rizal; Kusnahadi Susanto
SWAGATI : Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): November
Publisher : Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24076/swagati.2023v1i3.1082


UMKM Darma Coffee adalah salah satu UMKM bersifat industri rumah tangga yang ada di Desa Warjabakti, Kecamatan Cimaung, Kabupaten Bandung. Saat ini, masalah yang dihadapi oleh UMKM Darma Coffee ini adalah masih manualnya proses roasting kopi. Pengabdian masyarakat ini berfokus pada penyediaan solusi roasting kopi karena saat ini proses roasting kopi tersebut masih manual. Petani juga diharuskan fokus dengan pekerjaan memutar alat agar kopi tidak gosong, dan temperatur yang presisi juga tidak diketahui sehingga kualitas roasting kopi di bawah standar. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pengembangan sebuah mesin roasting kopi otomatis dengan timer digital serta dilengkapi pemantauan suhu, kecuali pengaturan sumber pemanasnya. Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil wawancara dengan ketua UMKM Darma Coffee. Hasil yang dicapai adalah tersedianya mesin roasting kopi otomatis serta desain packaging kopi yang lebih menarik. Terjadi peningkatan kecepatan proses roasting menjadi 10-15 menit. Terdapat pula peningkatan soft skill pada para petani kopi di UMKM Darma Coffee.