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(JurTI) Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Vol 3, No 2 (2019): DESEMBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Asahan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1907.875 KB) | DOI: 10.36294/jurti.v3i2.1217


Abstract - Augmented Reality is a merger between two worlds, namely the virtual world to the real world, in other words, we can display objects in the virtual world into the real world. Augmented Reality has many opportunities to continue to be developed in any field. The Augmented Reality method also has the advantage of an interactive side because the makers to display certain videos that are directed to the webcam. Making an interactive learning media application using augmented reality technology will be applied to Android-based smartphones and is designed as a learning medium for cadets and prospective cadets of ATKP Medan to the general public. In this application, there are 3D objects in the shape of the plane and its parts created using the 3Dsmax and Blender applications, with Unity as the game engine and Vuforia as the library. The way to use it is by pointing the smartphone camera at the markers that have been provided. Then on the smartphone screen, an object will appear 3D aircraft and the inside. The making of this application will help increase the understanding and participation of the general public as well as the Medan ATKP cadets in learning to recognize the shapes and parts of the aircraft. The results of testing the introduction of an aircraft application can run on a variety of Android mobile devices. The normal distance that can be detected by the camera is 6cm to 4m with a marker size of 20 x 22cm. The slope that can be detected normally between 20 ͦ - 90 ͦ. Based on the percentage of markers that are blocked can run between 0-87%. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the material contained in the aircraft form and part recognition application using Android-based Augmented Reality is suitable for introducing aircraft shapes and parts to field ATKP cadets to the general public. There are still many shortcomings that can be developed, such as increasing 3D plane objects and making better animations, so that applications are more interesting, interactive, and easy to understand.Keywords - Augmented Reality, Android, Unity, Vuforia, 3D, Blender  Abstract - Augmented Reality merupakan penggabungan antara dua dunia, yaitu dunia maya ke dunia nyata, dalam kata lain benda dalam dunia maya dapat kita tampilkan ke dunia nyata. Augmented Reality memiliki banyak peluang untuk terus dikembangkan dalam bidang apapun.  Metode Augmented Reality juga memiliki kelebihan dari sisi interaktif karena pembuat untuk menampilkan video tertentu yang diarahkan ke webcam. Pembuatan aplikasi media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan teknologi augmented reality ini akan diterapkan pada smartphone berbasis Android dan didesain sebagai media pembelajaran bagi taruna maupun calon taruna ATKP Medan hingga masyarakat umum. Di dalam aplikasi ini terdapat objek 3D bentuk pesawat dan bagian-bagiannya yang dibuat dengan menggunakan aplikasi 3Dsmax dan Blender, dengan Unity sebagai game engine dan Vuforia sebagai library. Cara penggunaanya adalah dengan mengarahkan kamera smartphone pada marker atau penanda yang telah tersedia. Kemudian dilayar smartphone akan muncul objek 3D Pesawat serta bagian sisi dalamnya. Pembuatan aplikasi ini akan membantu meningkatkan pemahaman dan partisipasi masyarakat umum maupun taruna ATKP Medan dalam belajar mengenal bentuk dan bagian dalam pesawat. Hasil dari pengujian  aplikasi Pengenalan pesawat terbang dapat berjalan pada berbagai perangkat mobile Android. Jarak normal yang dapat terdeteksi oleh kamera adalah 6cm sampai 4m dengan ukuran marker 20 x 22cm. Kemiringan yang dapat terdeteksi dengan normal antara 20 ͦ - 90 ͦ. Berdasarkan prosentase marker yang terhalang dapat berjalan antara 0-87%. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner materi yang terdapat pada aplikasi pengenalan bentuk dan bagian pesawat menggunakan Augmented Reality berbasis android ini cocok untuk mengenalkan bentuk dan bagian pesawat kepada taruna ATKP medan hingga masyarakat umum. Masih banyak kekurangan  yang dapat dikembangkan, misalnya memperbanyak objek 3D pesawat dan membuat animasi yang lebih baik, agar aplikasi lebih menarik, interaktif, dan mudah dipahami. Kata kunci - Augmented Reality, Android, Unity, Vuforia, 3D, Blender
Training on Electrical Welding Engineering for Airport Environment Force III Fitri Masito; Sukahir Sukahir; Asep M Soleh; Sunardi Sunardi; Ganda Rukmana; Retno Sawitri Wulandari; Alfian Meidy Anes
Aktual: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Aktual: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat May 2023
Publisher : CV Media Inti Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58723/aktual.v1i1.22


The training aims to enable participants to equip participants with trained, skilled, and tested abilities in electric welding. The training is designed to accommodate a total of 42 lesson hours and will take place over five days from March 13 to March 17, 2023. The face-to-face learning method is employed at Atung Bungsu Airport in Pagar Alam to facilitate practical activities using actual equipment in the field. The theoretical learning sessions are conducted on-site, allowing participants and instructors to remain at the location throughout the training. Face-to-face interactions, discussions, and questions are facilitated during the scheduled sessions, while additional communication is maintained through a WhatsApp Group. The practical session takes place after participants have completed the theory session and passed the theory exam. It is held in the Atung Bungsu Airport environment, where participants actively engage in hands-on activities. Strict adherence to health protocols is maintained throughout the learning activities. Assessment of learning outcomes is based on participants' attendance records and comprehensive exam results, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of their progress and performance.