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Jurnal Education and Development Vol 9 No 3 (2021): Vol.9.No.3.2021
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

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Pemahaman lintas budaya pengajaran bahasa asing memiliki peran yang sangat penting. Budaya patriarkri yang melekat pada Bahasa Jawa telah menjadikannya sebagai salah satu unsur budaya Indonesia yang memiliki kompleksitas tinggi. Unsur budaya yang tidak terpahami secara komprehensif seringkali mengakibatkan kesalah pahaman dalam proses pembelajaran lintas bahasa dan budaya. Artikel ini akan membahas kompleksitas bahasa jawa ditinjau dari sisi sosiolinguistik dan nilai-nilai budaya yang melekat padanya dengan harapan memiliki sumbangsih pemikiran terutama bagi pengajar asing yang akan bersinergi dengan para pemelajar yang berlatar belakang Bahasa Jawa.
A reflective study on Indonesian English teacher's expectation from teacher forum for professional development Sueb Sueb; Ririn Pusparini; Anis Trisusana; Esti Kurniasih; Nur Chakim
Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/j-reall.v1i1.6116


Teacher professional development is an ongoing process. Standing on the frontline in implementing educational policies, teachers are encouraged to actualize both theoretically, policies, and practices. One way to improve the professionalism of a teacher is reflection through an academic forum so as to enrich the inquiry obtained in order to improve individual professionalism. This is an ongoing research involving English teachers in East Java members of the ELT Best Practices academic forum. The goal is to elaborate two basic things, namely the motivation of teachers in their involvement in academic forums and how academic forums can help them in conducting self-reflection in order to increase professionalism. Almost all teachers say that increasing professionalism as an English teacher is the main motivation. In detail, several aspects that are the focus of improvement are language skills, teaching techniques, the renewal of language teaching theories, and increasing networking among English teacher professions. With diverse backgrounds ranging from English teachers in middle and high school (or similar), the academic forum is considered important to help the teachers upgrade their knowledge and professionalism.
Formative Peer-Assessment in Oral Presentation Skill: EFL Secondary School Students’ Perception and Its Challenges Jalu Wintang Widodo; Nur Chakim
Prosodi Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 17, No 1: (2023): prosodi
Publisher : Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/prosodi.v17i1.14758


Penilaian teman sebaya formatif memiliki peran penting dalam memantau performa belajar peserta didik di kelas. Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar, penilaian teman sebaya formatif adalah sebuah metode penilaian yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif, psikomotor, dan afektif peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri persepsi dan tantangan yang dihadapi peserta didik SMP dalam menerapkan penilaian teman sebaya formatif selama kegiatan presentasi lisan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan dilakukan dengan melibatkan 5 peserta didik kelas VII di salah satu SMP di Sidoarjo. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner terbuka dan sesi wawancara. Sumber data penelitian diambil dari jawaban peserta didik yang ada di kuesioner dan wawancara. Analisis data digunakan sebagai evaluasi dari implementasi penilaian teman sebaya formatif dalam presentasi lisan di tingkat SMP. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penilaian teman sebaya formatif membantu peserta didik SMP dalam mempersiapkan tugas, fokus selama sesi kegiatan presentasi lisan, meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan evaluatif, mengembangkan kepercayaan diri, dan mengenali kelebihan dan kelemahan teman mereka secara mendalam. Di sisi lain, beberapa peserta didik justru mendapatkan keluhan, menemukan kesulitan dalam menentukan nilai, ulasan, dan pertanyaan yang sesuai serta menemukan adanya tindakan kecurangan selama kegiatan penilaian teman sebaya formatif. Selain dari keuntungan dan kerugiannya, penilaian teman sebaya formatif dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai metode penilaian alternatif bagi para peserta didik SMP selama melaksanakan kegiatan presentasi lisan. Diharapkan, penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan oleh peneliti lain di lingkup pendidikan yang lebih luas.
Revealing EFL Students’ Perception towards the Implementation of Kahoot! in Learning Narrative Text at the Secondary School Level Melina Cahyaningtyas; Nur Chakim
Prosodi Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 17, No 1: (2023): prosodi
Publisher : Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/prosodi.v17i1.14772


Information and communication technology development has been massive in the last decades. This development allows teachers to utilize internet based applications such as Kahoot! as a learning tool. This present study was conducted to reveal the perception of secondary level students about the use of Kahoot! in learning narrative text. The participants of this study are 66 students of a junior high school in Sidoarjo. The study uses the quantitative method to collect and analyze the data. This study shows that students see Kahoot! in a positive way. They find Kahoot! as a learning tool that may help them improve their activities in class with an engaging environment, resulting in higher academic achievement.
Pre-service English Teachers’ Adaptation Skills in Two ESP Courses Ahmad Munir; Wiwiet Eva Savitri; Asrori Asrori; Nur Chakim
Script Journal: Journal of Linguistics and English Teaching Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): April
Publisher : Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24903/sj.v8i01.1290


Background: The ability to adapt, imitate and modify knowledge in a learning context into another learning context is an important ability for students. However, the ability of pre-service English teachers to adapt their knowledge and skills from one course to other courses has not been studied. This research seeks to find out how pre-service English teachers in one state university in Indonesia adapt knowledge and skills acquired in the Syllabus Design (SD) and Developing EFL Materials (DEM) courses into ESP Program Design (ESP PD) and ESP Materials Development (ESP MD) courses. Methodology: This research is a mixed quantitative and qualitative study involving 54 students who have taken SD, DEM, ESP PD and ESP MD courses in 2022 in a state university in Indonesia. Fifteen of them also took part in a focus group discussion. Their answers to the semi-open questionnaire asking whether the 16 knowledge and skills learned in SD and DEM courses had been adapted were analyzed in a simple quantitative manner with percentages and modes. While the results of focus group discussion about how they adapted them were analyzed qualitatively for themes.Findings: The results of this study show that 15 knowledge and skills in SD and DEM courses were adapted by students into ESP PD and ESP MD courses. The participants adapted them by changing the context of the syllabus and materials the developed in SD and DEM from English at school to English for specific purposes in ESP PD and ESP MD especially when formulating learning objectives. They also developed general English materials into ESP English materials for certain occupations. These findings indicate that students master the contexts of ESP PD and ESP MD.Conclusion: It can be concluded that pre-service English teachers have excellent adaptation skills, which are done not by force, but by choice, to the peripheral component and for the benefit of students. Originality: This is the contribution of this research to students’ learning theory in ESP in English teacher education to add to Leko’s (2015) Evidence by Practice (EBP) theory.
Yavana Bhasha : Journal of English Language Education Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Volume 6, Issue 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar

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This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of utilizing video blogs (vlogs) as a means to enhance the speaking ability of senior high school students. Employing a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design, the research involved two classes comprising 37 students each. The participants were assigned randomly to either the experimental group, which received the vlog treatment, or the control group, which did not. Both groups underwent pre-test and post-test assessments to evaluate their speaking ability. The findings from the paired sample t-test demonstrated a significant improvement in the speaking ability of the experimental group (p < .05), indicating the positive impact of vlogs. Furthermore, effect size analysis indicated a substantial effect of vlogs on enhancing students' speaking skills, with an effect size of 0.37. In conclusion, this research provides support for the use of vlogs as an effective tool for improving the speaking ability of senior high school students.