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Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v4i1.131-138


The purpose of community partnership activities is to help the partner group of women for Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK) Nagori Dolok Maraja in utilizing used used oil waste by taking appropriate treatment so that it does not cause disease for the body and does not harm the natural ecosystem. The problem that exists in the community is waste of used cooking oil which is wasted and damages the water ecosystem. The location selection was due to the fact that there are people in the village who are entrepreneurs in the field of home industry and do not yet have economic independence. Besides that, they also have difficulties in developing their business. From the activities carried out, data was obtained during the training and assistance in making liquid soap 9 participants (24%) with very good categories, 10 participants (26%) in good categories, 16 participants (42%) in the Enough category and 3 Participants (8%) were in the poor category. The method used in this activity is assistance and the process of making soap from waste used cooking oil. Assistance and guidance starting from the aspect of awareness about health in consuming cooking oil, the use of waste oil into soap, the production process using appropriate technology so as to give birth to people who are able and economically independent and conservation.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Kotoran Ayam sebagai Bahan Baku Pupuk Cair Alami di Kabupaten Simalungun Halim Simatupang; Rudi Salman; Taufik Hidayat; Irfandi Irfandi
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202051.239


UTILIZATION OF CHICKEN MANURE WASTE AS RAW MATERIAL FOR NATURAL LIQUID FERTILIZER IN SIMALUNGUN REGENCY. In the economic activities of the chicken farmers and farmers community groups fail to get adequate profits to survive because of the many problems that occur in the Group Production process because the waste processing is not right, causing problems in the business and disrupt the surrounding environment. The high costs of agricultural production and fertilizer make agricultural production also has a downward effect. In addition, other problems include: 1) The low income of the Group due to the decline in livestock and agriculture production due to waste; 2) Livestock waste is not utilized so it becomes a pollutant in the community; 3) Lack of community and group members' understanding of the use of livestock manure and agricultural waste as raw material for liquid organic fertilizer; 4) Limited public knowledge about processing liquid organic fertilizer; 5) Unavailability of TTG maker of liquid organic fertilizer. The sequence of implementation of activities as a Solution is 1) To increase the income of community groups is done through the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer from chicken manure and agricultural waste and Appropriate Technology (TTG); 2) Provide training in making liquid organic fertilizer to community groups 3). Solutions to provide understanding to the Group for the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer from chicken manure and agricultural waste; 4) Provide workshops and business management assistance in making liquid fertilizer; 5) Provide assistance in making liquid organic fertilizer from chicken manure and agricultural waste. Target outputs of the program include guide to the method of making Liquid Organic Fertilizers, production of liquid orgamic fertilizer with quality and quantity that meets the standard, and providing and Socializing Appropriate Technology Tools for making liquid organic fertilizer from chicken manure and agricultural waste.
Efektifitas Penggunaan Mesin Pencampur Bahan Pupuk Cair Pada Limbah Ternak Koperasi Fajar Surya Mandiri Halim Simatupang; Rudi Salman; Taufik hidayat; Irfandi Irfandi
JURNAL PRODIKMAS Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.723 KB) | DOI: 10.30596/jp.v3i2.5771


Abstrak. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Mitra Kelompok Kelompok peternak Surya Fajar Mandiri, Dalam aktivitas Perekonomian kelompok masyarakat peternak ayam dan petani urung mendapatkan keuntungan yang memadai untuk bertahan hidup dikarenakan banyaknya permasalahan yang terjadi pada proses Produksi Kelompok karena proses pengolahan limbah kurang tepat sehingga menimbulkan masalah pada usaha seta menggangu lingkungan sekitar. Selain itu juga mahalnya ongkos produksi pertanian dan pupuk membuat produksi pertanian juga berpengaruh turun.. Selain itu Permasalahan lain meliputi : 1). Rendahnya pendapatan Kelompok karena turunnya produksi ternak dan pertanian akibat limbah 2). Limbah kotoran ternak tidak dimanfaatakan sehingga menjadi bahan pencemar di masyarakat. 3). Kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat dan anggota kelompok tentang pemanfaatan limbah kotoran ternak dan limbah pertanian sebagai bahan baku pupuk organic cair 4). Terbatasnya pengetahuan Masyarakat tentang pengolahan pupuk organic cair.5).tidak tersedianya TTG pembuat pupuk organic cair. Urutan pelaksanaan kegiatan sebagai Solusi yaitu 1). Untuk meningkatkan pendapatan Kelompok masyarakat dilakukan melalui pembuatan pupuk organic cair dari limbah kotoran ayam dan limbah pertanian dan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) 2). Memberikan pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organic cair pada Kelompok masyarakat 3). Solusi untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada Kelompok untuk pembuatan pupuk organic cair dari limbah kotoran ayam dan limbah pertanian 4). Memberikan worksop dan pendampingan manajemen usaha pembuatan Pupuk cair 5). Memberikan pendampingan tentang pembuatan pupuk organic cair dari limbah kotoran ayam dan limbah pertanian. Target Luaran dari program antara lain : 1). Panduan Metode pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair 2). Produksi Pupuk Orgamik cair dengan kualitas dan kuantitas yang memenuhi standar 3). Pemberian alat.
Perhitungan Kapasitas dan Waktu Penggunaan Baterai Lithium-Ion pada Sepeda Listrik dengan Motor BLDC 350 W Denny Haryanto Sinaga; Muhammad Aulia Rahman Sembiring; Rudi Salman; Olnes Yosefa Hutajulu; Arwadi Sinuraya
Fidelity : Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Edisi Mei 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/fidelity.v5i2.157


Batteries are one of the most important components in electric vehicles. Batteries are used as an energy source for the entire electrical system and as a place to store electrical energy during charging process. The battery functions to supply electric current in order to operate the electric machine. The lithium-ion battery is a type of secondary battery (rechargeable battery) that can be recharged and is an environmentally friendly battery. This battery has excellent energy storage stability and higher energy density compared to other types of secondary batteries, making this type of battery increasingly attractive for use in electric vehicles. This study aims to design the size of an electric bicycle battery according to its specifications. In addition, an analysis of the calculation of the capacity of the battery to be used and the time for the recharging process is also carried out.
A, Analisis Pengaruh Probabilitas Crossover Terhadap Kinerja Algoritma Genetika Dalam Optimasi Penjadwalan Matakuliah Rudi Salman; Suprapto; Irfandi
Jurnal Teknoif Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Padang Vol 11 No 2 (2023): TEKNOIF OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : ITP Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21063/jtif.2023.V11.2.69-74


Genetic Algorithm speed is determined by computation time. Computing time in AG for finding the optimum value is strongly influenced by the following parameters: population size, crossover probability (Pc), mutation probability (Pm), and the selected selection method. Pc is one of the essential parameters in AG. A chromosome that will reach the best solution can be obtained from the crossover process of the two parent chromosomes. The Pc value strongly influences the crossover process. Determining the appropriate and correct Pc value indicates how large the parent chromosome will experience crossover.The method used to analyze the effect of Pc on AG performance is changing the Pc value between 0.80-0.95. The simulation used MATLAB R2012b to obtain the best computational time for each Pc value. Meanwhile, the other AG parameters remained the same: Pm=0.05 and population size=100 for each change of Pc value.The test results using MATLABR2012b show that the fastest computing time is in the range of Pc values between 0.85-0.95 with an average computation time of 0.14564s. This indicates that for the case of optimizing the scheduling of courses in the Unimed Electrical Engineering study program, the Pc value between 0.85-0.95 will provide the fastest computation time.