Johny Zeth Lombok
Universitas Negeri Manado

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Sintesis Triacetin dari Gliserol dan Asam Asetat dengan Katalis Zeolit Alam Termodifikasi Semuel Gideon Rommy Kosegeran; Sanusi Gugule; Johny Zeth Lombok
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v6i2.362


Research has been conducted on the synthesis of triacetin from glycerol and acetate acid by the modify of natural zeolite catalyst with sulfuric acid 6N and followed by the characterization of the results of the reaction. Modified natural zeolite followed by an analysis of infrared spectrophotometry and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The characterization showed that modified natural zeolite has mordenite characteristics. The concentration of modified zeolite used is 3, 5, and 7% by weight of acetate acid as its reactant. Data processing used is one-way variation analysis and its characteristics seen in the physical-chemical test, followed by an analysis of gas chromatography-mass spectroscopic (GCMS) and infrared spectrophotometry. Based on the results of data processing, the concentrations of modified zeolite 3, 5, and 7% did not affect the yield of triacetin esterification reactions, the results respectively were 75,2881%, 71,9681%, and 69,0431%. The characterization results show that the physical-chemical properties of the reaction such as density, viscosity, and solubility are not following Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) of triacetin. The results of the GCMS analysis showed that there were two peaks with their respective fragments and the results of the infrared spectrophotometric analysis showed the presence of functional groups absorption for ester compounds.
Penerapan Blended Learning Berbasis Zoom Cloud Meeting Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit Dan Nonelektrolit Junike Rondonuwu; Johny Zeth Lombok
Oxygenius Journal Of Chemistry Education Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Oxygenius : Journal of Chemistry Education
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/ojce.v4i1.372


Blended learning is mixed learning, namely online and face-to-face learning. Because it is still during the Covid-19 pandemic, learning is currently still being carried out online. To support the online learning process, the Zoom Cloud Meeting application is used. The learning process can also be carried out offline but in accordance with the protocol from the government. This study aims to determine student learning outcomes after being given treatment can exceed the KKM value. The study used an experiment with a one shoot case study research design. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Tutuyan for the academic year 2020/2021 with 29 students in class X MIA 1. The data collection technique was a posttest and the instrument used to measure learning outcomes was a multiple choice test. The results of this study used the t-test one sample t-test with the results of ttable 1.701 and tcount 28.8476 with a significant level of 5% and therefore ttable was smaller than tcount. Thus, it means that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. So it was concluded that student learning outcomes after being given treatment can increase and exceed the KKM value.
Oxygenius: Journal Of Chemistry Education Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Oxygenius : Journal of Chemistry Education
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/ojce.v5i1.542


Proses belajar mengajar dengan penggunaan media dan model pembelajaran belum maksimal. Keaktifan peserta didik pada saat proses pembelajaran masih kurang, peserta didik belum terlatih menemukan solusi atau berpikir kreatif untuk memecahkan masalah, peserta didik kaku dalam berbagi hasil diskusi/presentasi, peserta didik bersikap acuh tak acuh terhadap materi pelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan perbedaan model kooperatif TPS berbantuan media chemistry comic untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pokok bahasan redoks kelas X di SMA Negeri 1 Langowan tahun ajaran 2022/2023 Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian eksperimen. Sampel yaitu kelas X-f terdiri dari 30 peserta didik sebagai kelas kontrol dan X-g terdiri dari 30 peserta didik sebagai kelas eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes hasil belajar dengan instrument tes berupa soal pilihan ganda. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan statistik Uji-T pada taraf signifikan 0,05 dan diperoleh hasil Thitung = 8,69 > Ttabel = 2,00. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan penggunaan model kooperatif TPS berbantuan media chemistry comic untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik.