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Application of Dry Biomass of Aphanothece sp. as A Biosorbent of Copper Heavy Metal Fauzi Abdilah; Lina Troskialina
EduChemia (Jurnal Kimia dan Pendidikan) Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Chemical Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Su

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.699 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/educhemia.v5i1.7246


Various technologies have been developed to reduce heavy metal content in the wastewater. The biosorption method is a technique that is widely applied because it is cheap, environmentally friendly, and has high efficiency. This study aims to ascertain the potential of dry biomass of microalgae Aphanothece sp. as a biosorbent of Cu (II) ions in synthetic wastewater and determine the appropriate biosorption kinetics model. Analysis of Cu (II) ion concentrations was carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results showed that the optimum conditions for the biosorption process were at pH 4, and the contact time was 210 minutes with the removal efficiency of Cu (II) ions reaching 80.02%. The results of tests on the adsorption isotherm model showed that the biosorption process of Cu (II) ions using dry biomass biosorbent Aphanothece sp. follows the Freundlich isotherm model with an R2 value of 0.9962.
Studi Literatur Potensi Ekstrak Zat Warna Alam sebagai Indikator Asam Basa Alternatif Alifa Gunawan Yusuf; Naila Najiyah; Edi Wahyu Sri Mulyono; Fauzi Abdilah
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v6i2.338


Currently, the use of acid-base indicators is limited to synthetic indicators, which are relatively expensive and not environmentally friendly. Therefore, an alternative acid-base indicator is needed from natural ingredients containing anthocyanins which are relatively cheaper, easy to obtain, and environmentally friendly so that they can replace the function of synthetic indicators. For this reason, it is necessary to research beforehand on the sources of raw materials that can be used as alternative acid-base indicators, how the method and what solvents are suitable, as well as the character of the anthocyanin dye extract obtained. In this research, a literature study related to the potential of natural dye extracts was carried out as an alternative acid-base indicator. From the results of the literature study, it can be seen that natural ingredients derived from groups of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and tubers have the potential as raw materials for making alternative acid-base indicators. The best method for extracting anthocyanin dyes from natural materials is the maceration method and the solvent that is suitable for use is ethanol-HCl solvent. The results of titration using natural dye extract indicators have similarities with the results of titrations using phenolphthalein and methyl orange indicators so that natural dye extract indicators can be used as alternative indicators in acid-base titrations.
Efektivitas Cangkang Telur untuk Menurunkan Bilangan Peroksida dan Asam Lemak Bebas pada Minyak Jelantah Fauzi Abdilah; Mentik Hulupi
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v5i2.209


Minyak jelantah mengandung berbagai pengotor yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan dan lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemurnian minyak jelantah untuk menurunkan kadar asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida dengan menggunakan adsorben berbasis cangkang telur ayam (CTA) pada berbagai variasi temperatur kalsinasi. Proses persiapan adsorben dilakukan dengan menggunakan furnace elektrik selama 2 jam pada suhu 200, 400, 600 dan 800oC. Proses adsorpsi dilakukan selama 1 jam dengan pengadukan. Analisis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitas adsorben dan karakterisasi gugus fungsi dengan menggunakan FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy). Analisis kadar asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida dilakukan dengan metode titrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adsorben CTA pada suhu kalsinasi 800oC (AE800) memberikan kualitas adsorben terbaik. Hasil karakterisasi menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan adanya puncak baru pada bilangan gelombang 3640 cm-1. Hasil pengukuran kadar asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida adsorben AE800 mencapai 54,74% dan 65,79%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa temperatur kalsinasi sangat mempengaruhi karakteristik adsorben dan CTA memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai adsorben untuk meningkatkan kualitas minyak jelantah dan bahan baku pembuatan katalis berbasis CaO.
Sintesis Carbon Nanodots dari Molase Menggunakan Metode Pemanasan Terbantukan Gelombang Mikro Mentik Hulupi; Nida Nabilah; Tiana Hasna Nabilah; Keryanti Keryanti; Fauzi Abdilah
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Volume 6, No 1 July 2022
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v6i1.61212


ABSTRAK. Carbon nanodots (CNDs) merupakan nanomaterial yang berukuran dibawah 10 nm. CNDs memiliki keunggulan diantaranya yaitu fotostabilitas tinggi, biokompatibilitas baik, toksisitas yang rendah, mudah dibuat, dan ramah lingkungan. Sumber karbon yang digunakan berasal dari molase karena murah dan mudah didapat serta merupakan hasil samping dari pengolahan tebu. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode pemanasan terbantukan gelombang mikro atau Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) yang memberikan hasil suspensi yang homogen, pemanasan efisien, dan waktu yang singkat. Waktu iradiasi mempengaruhi energi gap CNDs dari molase yang dihasilkan. Waktu yang optimum untuk sintesis CNDs dari molase menggunakan metode MAE yaitu selama 3 menit. Efek fluoresensi telah diamati untuk suspensi CNDs yang mengubah warna kuning menjadi warna biru dibawah sinar UV 366 nm. Karakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis menunjukan serapan maksimum CNDs dari molase pada panjang gelombang 255 nm dengan energi gap sebesar 4,55 eV.Kata kunci: Carbon Nanodots, Microwave, MolaseABSTRACT. Carbon nanodots (CNDs) are nanomaterials with a size below 10 nm. CNDs have advantages such as high photostability, good biocompatibility, low toxicity, easy to manufacture, and environmentally friendly. The carbon source used comes from molasses because it is cheap and easy to obtain and is a by-product of sugarcane processing. In this study, the Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) method was used which gave homogeneous suspension results, efficient heating, and short time. The irradiation time affects the energy gap of the CNDs of the molasses produced. The optimum time for the synthesis of CNDs from molasses using the MAE method is 3 minutes. Fluorescence effects have been observed for suspensions of CNDs which turn yellow to blue under 366 nm UV light. Characterization using UV-Vis spectrophotometry showed the maximum absorption of CNDs from molasses at a wavelength of 255 nm with an energy gap of 4.55 eV.Keywords: Carbon Nanodots, Microwave, Molasses 
Sintesis Zn-BDC dengan Metode Sonokimia dan Aplikasinya Pada Proses Adsorpsi Ion Logam Pb2+ Fauzi Abdilah; Mentik Hulupi; Keryanti Keryanti; Nida Nabilah; Tiana Hasna Nabilah
REACTOR: Journal of Research on Chemistry and Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Published in June 2022
Publisher : Politeknik ATI Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52759/reactor.v3i1.48


The heavy metal ion pollution such as lead (Pb2+) in wastewater is an environmental problem that needs to be solved. The adsorption method has been reported to have good potential as an alternative method for reducing heavy metal contents in aquatic environment. The most widely used adsorbent media are porous materials with a large surface area and low density. Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are a type of porous material that is widely applied in various fields, such as fuel purification, solvent recovery, gas storage, and adsorbents. Lead(II) is a heavy metal ion that can pollute the environment and endanger humans. This study aims to synthesize MOFs and apply it to the Pb2+ adsorption process. In this research, MOFs type Zn-BDC or MOF-5 were synthesized by sonochemistry method at 60 ℃ as adsorbent for Pb2+ ion. Characterization of the adsorbent by FTIR showed the presence of functional groups C=O, C-H, and Zn-O which indicated the formation of the MOF-5 compound. The concentrations of Pb2+ ions were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The experimental results show the optimum conditions for the adsorption process at pH 5 for 60 minutes with adsorption efficiency reaching 93.41%. Testing the adsorption isotherm model showed that the Pb2+ ion adsorption process using Zn-BDC as an adsorbent followed the Langmuir isotherm model with the R2 value of 0.9986.
Pembuatan dan Pengujian Pupuk Organik Cair dari Limbah Kulit Buah-buahan dengan Penambahan Bioaktivator EM4 dan Variasi Waktu Fermentasi Dewi Widyabudiningsih; Lina Troskialina; Siti Fauziah; Shalihatunnisa Shalihatunnisa; Riniati Riniati; Nancy Siti Djenar; Mentik Hulupi; Lili Indrawati; Ahmad Fauzan; Fauzi Abdilah
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Analysis (IJCA) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Chemical Analysis
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijca.vol4.iss1.art4


Produksi olahan pangan dari buah-buahan selalu menghasilkan limbah kulit dalam pengolahannya. Limbah tersebut hanya dibuang dan dibiarkan menumpuk begitu saja oleh mansyarakat. Apabila tidak ditangani secara cepat akan menghasilkan bau yang tidak sedap sehingga akan mencemari lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mengolah limbah tersebut menjadi pupuk organik cair dengan proses fermentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan hara makro dan kualitas dari pupuk organik cair, mengetahui waktu fermentasi optimum, harga pokok produksi dan BEP dari proses pembuatan pupuk organik cair. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan EM4, ragi, dan air gula ke dalam reaktor yang berisi limbah kulit buah yaitu kulit pisang, mangga dan nanas. Proses fermentasi dilakukan selama 34 hari dan dilakukan pengambilan sampel pada hari ke-7, 14, 24 dan 34 untuk dianalisis kandungan hara makro yang terdiri dari C-Organik, P, dan K dengan metode spektrofotometri UV/VIS, SSA dan N dengan metode Kjeldahl. Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan pupuk organik cair yang terbaik yaitu campuran limbah kulit pisang, mangga dan nanas dengan waktu fermentasi 7-14 hari dan kandungan unsur C-Organik, N-total, K2O, dan P2O5 masing-masing sebesar 17,4; 6,05; 2,50 dan 0,15 %. Pupuk organik cair yang dihasilkan sudah memenuhi baku mutu dari Permentan Nomor 261 tahun 2019 kecuali kandungan P2O5, walaupun demikian pupuk organik cair yang diperoleh ini memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik dibanding beberapa pupuk yang sudah dijual secara komersial. Biaya pokok produksi dari pembuatan POC ini sebesar Rp 770.554 dengan Break Event Point (BEP) pada 10 liter.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Carbon Nanodots dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction: Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanodots with Microwave Assisted Extraction Mentik Hulupi; Haryadi; Nabila Sofiyani; Rizka Amalia Nuriana; Retno Indarti; Fauzi Abdilah
KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): August Edition
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Tadulako University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/kovalen.2022.v8.i2.15910


Carbon nanodots (CNDs) is one of the carbon nanoparticles that are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and have optical properties. The aim of this study was to synthesize CNDs from ascorbic acid as a precursor using the Microwave Assisted Extraction method. method. Best results are obtained at 4 minutes of heating and 500W of power. The synthesized CNDs solution showed a blue color under 365 nm UV light. The measurement results with UV Vis spectrophotometer showed the maximum wavelength at 341.5 nm with an energy gap of 5.57 eV. The results of the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis show that CNDs have the -OH (hydroxyl) functional group at a wave number of 3354.61 cm-1 and C=O functional group at a wave number of 1633.09 cm-1. Characterization results using High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) showed that CNDs were spherical in shape with a particle size range of 2.54-9.48 nm.
Validation of Methylene Blue Analysis Method in Wastewater Samples by Uv-Vis Spectrophotometry Mentik Hulupi; Keryanti Keryanti; Karina Aulia Rahmawati; Widya Tresna Dewi; Fauzi Abdilah
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Volume 7, No 2 December 2023-- Online First
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v7i2.75807


Abstract. Methylene blue (MB) is an extensively utilized cationic dye in the textile industry. MB is, however, a highly noxious substance that can have detrimental effects on both the environment and human health. MB can pollute waterways and cause the mortality of aquatic organisms in the environment. Due to the hazards posed by MB, it is crucial to have an effective method for analyzing its concentration in wastewater. This will ensure that MB-contaminated water is appropriately treated and disposed of, thereby protecting the environment and human health. One of the analyses utilized the Evolution 360 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer to determine methylene blue concentrations. The Evolution 360 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method was validated by measuring linearity tests, limit detection and quantization, precision, and accuracy. The R-value for linearity measurements is greater than 0.99, indicating that the method is proportionally validated. As required, the precision measurement yields acceptable results, with a %RSD value of less than 2%, and the accuracy measurement yields a recovery of 100% (between 80 and 110%). So that the method for measuring the concentration of methylene blue in water using the UV-Vis Evolution 360 Spectrophotometer satisfies the requirements for linearity, precision, and accuracy.Keywords:Analysis, Methylene Blue, Method Validation, Spectrophotometer
Validasi Metode Analisis Iodin Secara Spektrofotometri UV-Vis pada Dua Variasi Pelarut: Validation of The Method of Iodin Analysis by Uv-Vis Spectrofotometry with Two Variations of Solution Mentik Hulupi; Keryanti; Karina Aulia Rahmawati; Widya Tresna Dewi; Fauzi Abdilah
KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): December Edition
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Tadulako University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/kovalen.2023.v9.i3.16448


In this study, the method of analysis of iodine by UV-Vis spectrophotometry was validated. Two other solvents, ethanol, and cyclohexane were used to validate this approach. The UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method's linearity, detection, and quantization limitations, precision, and accuracy were investigated as variables. The results of the linearity tests indicated that the method was proportionally verified because the r values for the two iodine solutions in ethanol and cyclohexane varied between 0.990 and 0.999, respectively. This suggests that the values were higher than 0.99. The LOD values for the ethanol solvent were 4.441 mg/kg and the LOQ was 14.802 mg/kg, whereas the cyclohexane solvent had an LOD value of 2.660 mg/kg and the LOQ was 8.866 mg/kg. According to the required precision acceptance, the %RSD value of 2%, precision values for both standard iodine solutions with two modifications of solvents demonstrated good results. Recovery percentages of ethanol solvents are 96% and cyclohexane solvents are 86%, respectively, according to accuracy measurements. The combined uncertainty value for this test is 0.109 for the ethanol solvent and 0.019 for the cyclohexane solvent, respectively. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of the validity of the iodine analysis method, establishing a robust foundation for the sustainability and reliability of using UV-Vis spectrophotometer in the analysis