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Perancangan Konverter DC ke DC untuk Menstabilkan Tegangan Keluaran Panel Solar Cell Menggunakan Teknologi Boost Converter Suwitno Suwitno; Yusnita Rahayu; Rahyul Amri; Eddy Hamdani
JET (Journal of Electrical Technology) Vol 2, No 3 (2017): JET (Journal of Electrical Technology) Edisi Oktober
Publisher : JET (Journal of Electrical Technology)

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Efforts and strategies have been done both by the providers of electrical energy and the government to handle the increase in electricity demand.  However, there has been no satisfactory result. The government has set a major policy on energy management, namely conservation and energy diversification in order to reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources and utilize renewable energy available in areas where power plants will be built to meet the growing demand for electricity. Riau Province in addition to located in tropical climates and many of its areas are on the coast that its existence is very far for affordable network of PLN electricity, therefore the provision of solar power plant is one appropriate alternative, to meet the needs of electrical energy for the needs of the population. While the output voltage generated by solar cells is not constant, but it depends on the natural conditions that at any time vary the intensity of sunlight, so that the output voltage of the solar cell is also not constant and varies throughout the daytime. In general, commercial equipment has specification limits for ± 10% voltage variation. Disturbances such as voltage varization, if not handled seriously can cause damage to consumer electrical equipment, in addition to the use of electrical energy, in the form of varying output voltage resulting in expensive cost. To overcome the problem of voltage variations produced solar cell can be used prototype dc to dc converter using boost converter technology, which  automatically  adjust  the  output  voltage  according  to  the  desired  voltage.Designing  DC  to  DC Converters To Stabilize Solar Cell Outputs Using Boost Converter Technology has been tested for performance through the output voltage of a 100 WP solar cell panel whose values vary from 13.5 volts to 20.8 volts as a boost converter input and produce a regulated output voltage 24 volt. Based on the results of prototype testi ng dc to dc converter using booast converter technology that has been designed to produce a voltage regulated voltage of 24 volts direct current declared valid. The valid intent here because the output voltage is still dirange 24 volts ± 10%.
Analysis of Controlling Wireless Temperature Sensor for Monitoring Peat-Land Fire Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung; Rahyul Amri; Edy Ervianto; Nurhalim Dani Ali
International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEP
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.676 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/ijeepse.1.2.14-19


The problem of forest and peatland fires in Riau has become main topic to prioritize its revamping. Land and forest fires in Riau until reached 3,700 hectares area, happened in some last years,.Forest and peatland fires occured in the majority of districts in Riau Province, from low category of 4 hectares until 2,800 hectares. This researchdiscusses aboutanalysis of controlling wirelessTemperature Sensor for monitoring Peat-Land fire by using LM35 Temperature Sensor, Transmitter-Module (HC-12), Receiver-Module (HC-12), Arduino-ProMini to produce outputs on LED, LCD, Buzzer. Detector of Peat-Land fire works when it is burning, so heat will spread through aluminium stalk and be read by Temperature-Sensor1 upto Temperature-Sensor4. Output of each sensor is sent to each control block of Arduino-ProMini in Transmitter-Module(FU1–FU4). From Arduino-ProMini, it is sent toReceiver-Module(FU5). Receiver-Module only receives one data from Transmitter-Module in one time. Every data is received by Receiver-Module goes to Arduino-ProMini, processed to produce outputs on LCD that shows ID of FU1–FU4, Peat-Land Status, temperature of Peat Land. If LED is Green, Peat-Land not burned, LED shows SAFE Condition, Buzzer Off. If LED is Yellow, Peat-Land burned underground, LED shows BE-CAREFUL Condition, Buzzer On. If LED is Red, Peat-Land burned on the ground, LED shows DANGER Condition, Buzzer On. Temperature 0°C–21.9°Cis SAFE Category because Peat-Land not burned. Temperature 22°C–28.4°Cis BE-CAREFUL Category because Peat-Land burned underground. Temperature 28.4°C–50°Cis DANGER Category because Peat-Land burned on the ground. This equipment works as its frame work.
Analysis of SCADA Application on Distribution System Reliability Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung; Edy Ervianto; Rahyul Amri; Hayatul Illahi
International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): International Journal of Electrical, Energy and Power System Engineering (IJEEP
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ijeepse.3.2.46-52


Reliability of Electrical Power Distribution to consumer is strongly influenced by its distribution system. Therefore, electrical power distribution system with high reliability is needed. In distribution of electrical power, reliability level of distribution system is very necessary, because it is influential strongly factor towards continuity of electrical energy distribution to consumers. Parameters can be used to determine reliability level of Electrical Power Distribution System are SAIDI, SAIFI, and CAIDI. SCADA on Electrical Power Ditribution System is needed because it can monitor, control, configure and record working system real time. Besides it, SCADA also can handle interruption temporary or permanently in short time by using remote. Aim of this research is to compare distribution system reliability indexes such as SAIFI, SAIDI and CAIDI before and after integrated with SCADA in Bukittinggi Rayon of PT PLN (Persero), Western Sumatera, Indonesia. This research uses Distribution System Data from 2015 and 2016. Result of this rresearch is Realibility Indexes before Integrated with SCADA(2015) are 15.40 hours/customer, 46.36 interruption/year, 0.33 hour/year, while after Integrated with SCADA(2016) are 2.14 hours/customer, 22.41 interruption/year, 0.10 hour/year. for SAIDI, SAIFI CAIDI Indexes respectivel y. It can be concluded that The increase of Reliability Index after integrated with SCADA are 86.1% for SAIDI, 51.66% for SAIFI, 69.7% for CAIDI.
Analisis Aplikasi PHP-MySql untuk Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan Surat Masuk LPP-RRI Pekanbaru Noveri Lysbetti Marpaun; Rahyul Amri; Edy Ervianto; Nurhalim Nurhalim
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 2 No 1 (2018): SISFOTEK 2018
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

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Administration is handled by a Secretary in Public Broadcasting Institution – Radio of Indonesian Republik (LPP-RRI) Pekanbaru. Administration is one field which need to be improved to increase performance of LPP-RRI Pekanbaru in giving services to broadly society in Indonesian area. Incoming Letter Administration is done by recording activity of entering letter manually in an Administration Book of Incoming Letter. Aim of this research is to analize Archieving Information System of Incoming Letters which built on Website of LPP-RRI Pekanbaru by using PHP and MySql for local network. So, Administration of Incoming Letters will not be done manually. Methodology in this research is Analyzing Necessity, Collecting Data, Designing of Recording System from Incoming Letters, Implementing Built System. Method is shown by flowchart and use case diagram. This research can help Secretary in organizing Incoming Letter from year to year completely. So, it can increase Secretary’s productivity. In addition, reporting to Chairmsn of Secretary can be easier because it can be done in form of MS Office. Recording process of Incoming Letters can be done faster because its data kept safety and structurely. Results of research shows that this research works as its framework.
Sainstek (e-Journal) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pekanbaru

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Telah dilakukan suatu pembuatan detektor panas nirkabel dengan modul pengiriman data dengan sistem pemantauan jarak jauh untuk stasiun monitoring kebakaran hutan. Sistem ini terdiri atas empat komponen utama sensor suhu LM35, modul pemancar HX2262, modul penerima HX2272 dan mikrokontroler AT Mega8. Sistem pengiriman data yang digunakan dalam modul ini adalah sistem FSK (Frekeunsi Shift Keying ). Sensor suhu LM35 memiliki karakterisasi linier kenaikan suhu sebesar 1 o C maka nilai tegangan keluaran akan naik sebesar 10 mV. Program yang digunakan merupakan bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi yang mudah dimengerti. Program ini akan dikompile ke dalam mikrokontroler menggunakan Downloader dan dibantu dengan software AVR Studio 4. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pada saat dilakukan pengujian pada suhu 50 o C diperoleh waktu sekitar 20-30 detik untuk mengirim data ke modul penerima dengan jarak 100 meter dan memiliki amplitudo sebesar 1.6 cm dalam kondisi Low dan dalam kondisi High amplitudo naik 2 cm yang dapat dilihat di osiloskop. Modul ini akan mendeteksi panas di sekelilingnya dan apa bila ada suhu yang melebihi suhu referensi 50 o C yang telah diset di dalam program bascom maka modul pemancar akan mengirimkan data ke udara dan akan ditangkap oleh modul penerima sehingga dapat ditampilkan di monitor .
Sainstek (e-Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pekanbaru

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Interaural Time Difference ( ITD ) digunakan pada sistem pendengaran manusia untuk menentukan posisi sumber bunyi pada bidang horizontal. Implementasi ITD pada sistem robotik diharapkan akan membuat robot tsb mampu mendeteksi posisi dan menjejak sumber bunyi mendekati kemampuan manusia. Pada percobaan robot disimulasikan dengan sebuah sistem penjejak yang mempunyai sistem pendeteksi dan sistem penggerak. Sistem pendeteksi mendeteksi posisi sumber bunyi dan nilai posisi diberikan ke sistem penggerak, selanjutnya sistem penggerak akan bergerak sesuai dengan besar nilai yang diberikan. Dari hasil percobaan yang dilakukan kemampuan sistem untuk mendeteksi posisi mempunyai akurasi rata-rata 91.4 % dan waktu reaksi mengikuti / menjejak sumber bunyi adalah 1 - 2 dtk.
- Pelatihan Kader Posyandu tentang Kebutuhan Gizi Bagi Ibu Hamil dan Balita di Kelurahan Tirta Siak Pekanbaru Sakti Hutabarat; Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung; Edy Ervianto; Nurhalim Nurhalim; Rahyul Amri
Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022): July
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/cers.2.4.192-200


One healthy problem related to somebody’s physic that can not grow-up well is Stunting. Stunting is someone’s condition whereas less level of nutrient occurs in long time. Therefore, it causes nutrient problem cronically. Stunting be marked with growth of height of children which are not suitable with standar of their ages. One way to prevent stunting on toddler early is by increasing knowledge of a mother/pregnant-woman about nutrient, through nutrient education. Aim of this service is to educate craders of healthy facility, Posyandu, in Tirta Siak Village about nutrient requirement for pregnant-woman and Toddler to prevent stunting earlier in communities around Posyandu. Methodology of this service is performing training for Posyandu’s craders to give right understanding about standardization of nutrient need for pregnant-woman and toddler and to prevent stunting earlier, even since that baby in the womb. This training gets full support from PPKBD’s chairwoman, leader for all posyandus in Tirta Siak Village. Participants are enthusiastic to follow training. Hopefully, Posyandu’s craders can implement obtained knowledge about nutrient requirements for pregnant-woman and toddler to society.
Pencegahan Kegagalan Produksi Ikan Bilis Asam Masyarakat Nelayan Akibat Musim Hujan Di Desa Bunsur Apit Kabupaten Siak Rahyul Amri; Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung; Edy Ervianto; Nurhalim Nurhalim
BATOBO: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2023): BATOBO: Juni 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/batobo.1.1.36-48


Pengabdian kepada mayarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Bunsur Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak Propinsi Riau dengan khalayak sasarannya masyarakat nelayan desa tersebut. Sektor pertanian dan nelayan merupakan profesi yang sangat dominan sebagai sumber kehidupan di desa ini. Berdasarkan informasi kepala desa, desa ini terkenal sebagai penghasil ikan Bilis Asam. Berdasarkan hasil survei harga jual ikan ini di Pasar Panam Kota Pekanbaru berkisar Rp. 125 ribu per kg. Harga ini menunjukkan nilai keekonomian yang tinggi dan sangat menjanjikan bagi kehidupan masyarakat nelayan di Desa Bunsur ini. Dari informasi para nelayan, pada musim hujan semua hasil tangkapan ikan ini tidak dapat dijual bahkan dibuang begitu saja karena membusuk akhibat tidak bisa dikeringkan karena tidak ada cahaya matahari. Keadaan ini dapat diatasi dengan membuat sebuah tempat pengeringan khusus dengan teknik rekayasa cahaya lampu dalam sebuah ruangan yang dirancang sedemikian rupa. Ruangan ini akan dapat menyelamatkan gagal produksi ikan Bilis Asam masyarakat nelayan di Desa Bunsur dengan demikian kehidupan mayarakat nelayan dapat lebih stabil di setiap musim, baik musim hujan maupun musim panas. Pengeringan ikan yang akan dirancang adalah tipe pengeringan mekanis dengan rekayasa cahaya lampu. Pengeringan ikan ini akan dibuat transparan yang dikelilingi akrilik bening dan tembus cahaya. Penjemuran tembus cahaya ini bertujuan agar di musim panas masyarakat juga tetap menggunakan penjemuran ini.  Penjemuran ini akan dipasang sensor sehingga pada saat hujan atau panas pengeringan tetap berfungsi dengan baik dan otomatis. Sistem ini dirancang agar nelayan tidak perlu kuatir ikannya terkena hujan atau tidak kena panas karena sudah beroperasi secara otomatis