Vinsensius Crispinus Lemba
Institut Keguruan dan Teknologi Larantuka

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Model Pendidikan Nilai Budaya Lamaholot Dalam Ritus Lodong Ana’ Vinsensius Crispinus Lemba; Agnes Ona Bliti Puka; Irene Evi Krismawati; Germana Oreng Ritan
Jurnal Moral Kemasyarakatan Vol 6 No 1 (2021): Volume 4, Nomor 1J - uni 2021
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jmk.v6i1.5096


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan dan menganalisis model pendidikan nilai budaya Lamaholot dalam ritus lodong ana’. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif, dan dilakukan di Kawaliwu, Desa Sinar Hading, Kabupaten Flores Timur. Subjek penelitian ini adalah para tokoh adat dari tiga Suku Raja Tua dan para ema nimu sebagai pelaku ritus lodong ana’. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan participant observation, yang terdiri atas analisis dokumen, wawancara terfokus pada informan kunci, keterlibatan langsung, pengamatan, dan introspeksi. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles and Huberman, yang terdiri atas reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai utama budaya Lamaholot dalam ritus lodong ana’ adalah nilai religius, moral, dan sosial. Penginternalisasian nilai menggunakan metode berdoa, bercerita, dan bernyanyi. Sedangkan model pendidikan dalam ritus ini adalah model pendidikan nilai kuru kawak, karena kuru kawak menjadi focus dan locus pendidikan nilai. Model ini terdiri atas tiga hal, yakni: input, proses, dan output.
Jurnal Reinha Vol 12 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : STP Reinha Larantuka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.387 KB) | DOI: 10.56358/ejr.v12i2.85


This article examines the professionalism of lecturers in the disruptive world. The disruptive world is a world full of change and is a character of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The disruptive world brings together two great forces, namely globalization and technology. Technology in the disruptive world prioritizes automation and digitization with five main pillars that form the basis of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, namely the internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and additive manufacturing. The disruptive world demands the ability to adapt to the changes it produces. Universities as world centers of excellence, driven by educated humans to produce superior and competitive human beings are required to be able to face changes in a disruptive world. One of the main components needed in this case, namely professional lecturers. Professional lecturers are not determined only in terms of academic qualifications, but also superior and competitive competencies. The professionalism required of lecturers in a disruptive world, which is also needed in the 21st century world, can be improved by honing three main skills, namely learning and innovation skills, digital literacy skills, and career and life skills. These three skills can produce higher education outputs and outcomes, specifically in the form of graduates who have high competitiveness and are ready to compete in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era.
Penerapan Model Regresi Logistik Ordinal pada klasifikasi status Gizi Baduta di Kabupaten Flores Timur Agnes Ona Bliti Puka; Vinsensius Crispinus Lemba; Joko Purwadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika Vol 9, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/konvergensi.v9i2.26133


The problem of malnutrition is urgent in East Flores Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the nutritional status of under-fives in East Flores Regency. This study used cross-sectional data with a sample of 400 children aged 12-59 months. The research data is secondary data obtained from the Social Assessment and Development Foundation. Nutritional status is measured by weight and age index. Nutritional status is classified into very short, short, and regular. The results showed a significant relationship between parenting and eating patterns, water and sanitation, government services and health services, and the nutritional status of under-fives. The role of community nurses is needed in education and empowerment to improve the nutritional quality of under-fives.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Efektif melalui Metode Skimming dan Scanning pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri Panca Marga Kolimasang Agnes Sakan Nini Tukan; Vinsensius Crispinus Lemba; Yoakim Yolanda Mario Leu
Social Science Academic Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v1i2.3541


This thesis raises the issue of efforts to improve effective reading skills through skimming and scanning methods for class VII students of SMP Negeri Panca Marga Kolimasang. Reading has several types, including speed reading, silent reading, beautiful reading, language reading and literature reading. Reading speed is a skill that must be trained. Success in mastering and practicing speed reading depends on attitude, level of seriousness, and readiness to practice. However, at school students are not given the opportunity to read so that students are less proficient in speed reading techniques. This study aims to find out and describe whether the use of skimming and scanning methods can improve the effective reading ability of class VII students of SMP Negeri Panca Marga Kolimasang. This type of research is this research is classroom action research (PTK). The implementation of this research consisted of two cycles. each cycle through the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The method used is descriptive quantitative. The results of this study indicate that the average reading speed in the pre-cycle is 88 wpm with a total of 6 students who reach the very fast category. The results of students' reading speed after applying the skimming and scanning method in cycle I averaged 129 wpm with 16 students who achieved the very fast category, while in cycle II the average reading speed was 195 kpm with 27 students who achieved the very fast category. Thus it can be concluded that the skimming and scanning method can improve the effective reading skills of class VII students of SMP Negeri Panca Marga Kolimasang.