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Identifikasi Gen E7 Isolat Human Papillomavirus Tipe 18 (HPV18) dari Penderita Kanker Serviks Arfiandi Arfiandi; Densi Selpia Sopianti; Dewi Gulyla Hari; Marlina Marlina; Yufri Aldi; Andani Eka Putra; Akmal Djamaan; Rustini Rustini
Jurnal Sains Farmasi & Klinis Vol 3, No 1 (2016): J Sains Farm Klin 3(1), November 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.463 KB) | DOI: 10.29208/jsfk.2016.3.1.95


Gen E7 HPV18 merupakan salah satu onkoprotein yang selalu diekspresikan oleh HPV pada sel yang terinfeksi. Infeksi persisten oleh Human papillomavirus (HPV) beresiko tinggi adalah faktor etiologi utama untuk kanker serviks dan ekspresi Onkoprotein HPV E7 disarankan untuk menjadi penanda potensial untuk perkembangan tumor. E7 akan mempengaruhi aktivitas pRB supresor tumor serta mengikat dan mengaktifkan kompleks cyclin sehingga dapat menimbulkan kanker serviks. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan identifikasi terhadap Gen E7 isolat HPV18 dari penderita kanker serviks yang berasal dari RSUP M. Jamil Padang, Sumatera Barat dan RSUD Arifin Ahmad, Pekan Baru, Riau. Proses identifikasi dilakukan dengan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) menggunakan primer spesifik untuk gen E7 HPV18. Dari lima belas isolat HPV18 yang diamplifikasi dengan primer spesifik gen E7 HPV18, didapatkan sepuluh sampel positif teridentifikasi gen E7 (66,6%) sedangkan lima sampel lainnya tidak teridentifikasi. Infeksi kanker pada penderita kanker serviks yang berasal dari RSUP. M. Jamil, Padang dan RSUD. Arifin Ahmad, Pekan Baru, Riau sebagian besar disebabkan oleh gen E7 HPV18 sehingga hal ini bisa dijadikan penanda potensial untuk perkembangan tumor bagi penderita kanker serviks di Sumatera Barat dan Riau pada khususnya serta di Indonesia pada umumnya.
VARIASI EKSTRAK DAUN JAMBU BIJI MERAH (Psidium guajava L.) PADA LULUR BODY SCRUB Densi Selpia Sopianti; Laila Munawara
Oceana Biomedicina Journal Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Oceana Biomedicina Journal
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/obj.v5i2.85


Red guava is a plant that is easily found in the tropics, especially in Indonesia. In addition to the fruit that is used, many people use red guava leaves as a natural cosmetic. One of the contents of red guava leaves is 17.4% flavonoids, which is one of the functions of these flavonoids as an antioxidant that can counteract free radicals which these free radicals can damage body cells. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best formula from variations of red guava leaf extract (Psidium guajava L.) in body scrub preparations. The extract was made by maceration method using 96% ethanol solvent, the variation of extract used was F0=0%, F1=4%, F2=6%, F3=8%. Body scrub scrub from Psidium guajava extract was evaluated including organoleptic test, homogeneity test, pH test, stability test, viscosity test, adhesion test, spreadability test, and cream type test. The results of the study showed the variation consentration is that red guava leaf extract (Psidium guajava L) can be formulated as a body scrub preparation. And the evaluation that has been done, then the concentration variations of red guava leaf extract affect the physical properties of the resulting lulur, especially on organoleptic and viscosity. The higher the concentration of red guava leaf extract, the darker the color and the thicker it is. Does not affect the spreadability, pH and adhesion
Formulasi Dan Evaluasi Fisik Sediaan Tablet Kunyah Minyak Atsiri Jeruk Kalamansi (Citrus macrocarpa Bunge) Dengan Variasi Pemanis Laktosa Aina Fatkhil Haque; Densi Selpia Sopianti; Tri Mayuri Brutu
Lumbung Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol 4, No 1 (2023): Januari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/lf.v4i1.11620


Tanaman yang berpotensi sebagai obat salah satunya adalah jeruk kalamansi yang mengandung minyak atsiri dan limonen yang paling banyak. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dalam pemanfaatan minyak atasiri jeruk kalamansi yang masih tradisional, maka dikembangkan sediaan tablet dengan zat aktif minyak atsiri jeruk kalamansi. Tablet kunyah lebih disukai pasien yang mempunyai kesulitan menelan. Selain itu, tablet kunyah dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan anak-anak yang sering kali memberikan perlawanan dalam menelan obat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu memformulasi tablet kunyah dengan zat aktif minyak atsiri jeruk kalamansi (Citrus microcarpa Bunge) dengan variasi pemanis laktosa.Formulasi tablet kunyah dari minyak atsiri jeruk kalamansi dengan memvariasikan pemanis laktosa F1: 50% ; F2: 60% ; F3: 70%, dibuat dengan metode cetak langsung.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa minyak atsiri dapat diformulasi menjadi sediaan tablet kunyah. Perbedaan konsentrasi pemanis laktosa dalam formulasi tablet kunyah dari minyak atsiri dapat mempengaruhi evaluasi kerapuhan tablet yaitu semakin tinggi konsentrasi laktosa (F3: 70%), maka semakin besar nilai kerapuhan tablet dan kekerasan tablet semakin kecil.
Oceana Biomedicina Journal Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Hang Tuah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30649/obj.v6i1.112


Flavonoid compounds can act as antioxidants that can play o role in skin ejuvenation as contained in Daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav) which is formulated in the form of body scrub cream. A good cream can be seen from the stability of the physical properties of the emulsion. Good emulsifier properties are able to form a stable oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion composition. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine which concentration of the formulation was the most stable of the variations in the concentration of the Span-Tween 80 emulsifier in the body scrub cream formulation of the ethanol extract of Daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav). Extraction method uses the maceration method with 96% ethanol as solvent. Body scrub cream preparations from the daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav) extract were made in three variations of the concentration of emulsifier span-tween 80, namely: 1%, 3%, 5% and then evaluated physically and chemically including organoleptic tests, homogeneity tests, pH tests, viscosity tests, power tests. stickiness test, daun sirih merah (Piper crocatum Ruiz & Pav) spreadability test, cream type test, hedonic test and irritation test. The results showed that from the evaluation results of the three variations in the concentration of emulsifier span-tween 80 1%, 3%, 5%, the best red betel leaf ethanol extract body scrub cream was formula 3 with a span-tween concentration of 80 5% which met all the requirements. to the stability verygood of the body scrub cream.
MASKER GEL DARI EKSTRAK DAUN JAMBU BIJI MERAH (Psidium guajava L.) Densi Selpia Sopianti; Abdul Aziz Zulhakim; Tri Yanuarto
Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Antioxidant compounds can reduce the adverse effects on the skin due to the presence of free radicals. One of the plants that contain antioxidants is guava red leaves (Psidium guajava L) which in the past, the Bengkulu community, especially young women, often used guava leaves as a face mask that was pounded and rubbed on the face. There are developments in the times that demand everything in a more practical form so that the aim of the study was to find out whther the formulation of a gel mask from guajava leaf met the physical requirements for a gel mask. The method in this study uses an experimental method, which begins with the extraction of red guajava leaf using the maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. Gel masks were made with various concentrations of guava leaf extract F0 0%, F1 3%, F2 6% and F3 9%. Further evaluation of the preparations included Organoleptic Test, Homogeneity Test, pH Test, Spreadability Test, Viscosity Test, Irritation Test, Adhesion Test, Dry Time Test and Hedonic Test. The evaluation results show that the four formulas have met the required evaluation requirements.