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Perilaku makan berlebih dan hubungannya dengan kegemukan pada anak prasekolah Herni Dwi Herawati; Indria Laksmi Gamayanti; A. Fahmy Arif Tsani; I Made Alit Gunawan
Jurnal Gizi dan Dietetik Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics) VOLUME 4 NOMOR 3, SEPTEMBER 2016
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.673 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/ijnd.2016.4(3).161-169


Backgrounds: Obese children is a serious health problem. Obesity in childhood if it’s not handled properly will cause obesity up to adolescence and adulthood. Eating behavior in children plays an important role on the prevalence of obesity.Objectives: This study aims to determine the correlation of excessive eating behavior (overeating, enjoyment of food, desire to drink) with overweight in preschool children.Methods: The study used case control design adjusted for age and sex. The research subjects were taken randomly from 53 early childhood schools in the city of Yogyakarta. Subjects were mothers who has preschool children aged 3-5 years. The subjects were divided into 2 groups: cases who have Z score> 2 SD (n = 101) and control have Z score -2 up to 2 SD (n = 101) were adjusted for age and gender. Behaviors of food approach were assessed using CEBQ (Children Eating Behavior Questionnaire). The nutritional status of parents was determined by using BMI (Body Mass Index). Data of birth weight and socioeconomic was obtained by interviews directly to the mother. Data were Analyzed  by Mc Nemar and Conditional Logistic Regression.Results: There was correlation enjoyment of food with overweight (p < 0.05, OR 4.33, 95% CI: 1.74-12.87). There was no correlation overeating (emotional overeating / food responsiveness) with overweight (p > 0.05, OR 0, 95% CI : 0.02 to 0.00). There was no correlation desire to drink with overweight (p > 0.05, OR 1.5, 95% CI 0.47 to 5.12). Enjoyment of food behavior is accompanied by nutritional status of obese mothers had significant association with overweight (p < 0.05, OR:3.71, 95% CI: 1.12 to 4.05).Conclusions: Enjoyment of food behavior was risk factor of overweight in preschool children. Educator in early childhood schools hopefully can give information to parents about prevention and intervention of obesity in preschool children, which associated with food  approach and obesity. Future research needs longitudinal studies to better know the causal behavior of food approach to obesity in preschool children. KEYWORDS: excessive eating behavior, overweight, preschool children
Edukasi gizi menggunakan media booklet dengan atau tanpa konseling terhadap pengetahuan orangtua dan konsumsi sayur dan buah anak prasekolah di wilayah urban Herni Dwi Herawati; Azhari Silvia Novita Anggraeni; Nurul Pebriani; Arantika Meidya Pratiwi; Tri Siswati
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 18, No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.63338


Nutrition education using booklet media with and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in urban areasBackground: Consumption of vegetables and fruit in preschool children in Indonesia is still less than recommended. Nutrition education through booklets and counseling media will clarify information and understanding of parents about the importance of consuming vegetables and fruit in preschool children, resulting in parental feeding behavior to increase the amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits in preschool children. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition education using booklet media with counseling and without counseling on parental knowledge, amount, and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in urban areas. Methods: This type of research was a quasi-experimental research design with pre and post-test with the control group. The selection of respondents used purposive sampling to select the sub-districts that had the percentage of excess nutrition in Yogyakarta, namely the Danurejan District, and simple random sampling to choose children and preschools (kindergarten). The number of respondents was 56 people consisting of 28 experimental and 28 controls from 4 kindergartens. Nutrition education in the experimental group gave booklets and counseling, once for 30-60 minutes and at each respondent's home. The control group was only assigned a booklet without counseling. The instruments used consisted of booklets, knowledge questionnaires, and SQ-FFQ. The statistical tests used were paired t-test, Wilcoxon, Mann Whitney, independent t-test, and Pearson. Results: This study showed increased parental knowledge before and after nutrition education in the experimental group (p<0.05). In addition, the amount and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruits of preschool children in the experimental group increased between before and after being given nutrition education (p<0.05). Knowledge, amount, and frequency of consumption of vegetables and fruit also showed differences between the experimental and control groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: Nutrition education using booklets and counseling media affects parents' knowledge and the amount and frequency of consuming vegetables and fruit in preschool children compared to using only booklets without counseling.
Pendampingan pengajaran tentang gizi dan kesehatan di masa pandemi Covid-19 pada guru taman kanak-kanak Herni Dwi Herawati; Herwinda Kusuma Rahayu; Ruwet Rusiyono
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 3 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.3.584-589


The consumption of vegetables and fruit for the Indonesian population is currently still below the recommended one. The potential for low consumption of vegetables and vegetables is found in children, especially preschoolers. Preschoolers enter an important phase that will determine eating habits and behavior. For this reason, nutrition education is needed in order to increase children's love for healthy food. Efforts to foster a love of healthy food in children are needed by educators. The problems that arise faced by educators are the lack of knowledge related to child nutrition education and the right media and methods to introduce nutrition education in the era of the Covid 19 pandemic. Service activities have provided educators, knowledge related to nutrition education for preschool children, simulation of child health protocols in schools and making appropriate learning media for preschoolers during the Covid 19 pandemic by the Nutrition Science Study Program Service Team of the Faculty of Health Sciences in collaboration with the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program Elementary School Teachers Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Alma Ata University. The service method used goes through three stages, namely the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. All these stages are directly accompanied by the service team. The location of this service activity is in TK Negeri 1 Pajangan, Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region. The results of the activity evaluation show that the knowledge of nutrition education that has been given has increased from the average knowledge score between pre and post-test which has increased from 70 to 73.87. Educators have also been able to apply health protocols in schools, namely by practicing 4 M and being able to make learning media in the form of learning videos.
Perilaku ‘Food Approach’ Pada Anak Prasekolah : Studi Kualitatif Herni Dwi Herawati; Indria Laksmi Gamayanti; A Fahmi Arif Tsani; I Made Alit Gunawan
JURNAL NUTRISIA Vol 18 No 1 (2016): Maret 2016
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (67.173 KB) | DOI: 10.29238/jnutri.v18i1.74


Background : the prevalence of obesity in preschool children was increasing. Food approach behavior was the cause of obesity in children. Objective :to describe food approach behavior in preschool children who have obese and normal nutritional status. Method:this research was qualitatif study. Sampling was done by purposive sampling in mothers who had preschool children aged 3-5 years, consist of two groups; mothers who had obese children (Zscore weight/height > 2 SD), and mothers who had normal nutritional status children. The data colllection was done in-depth interview. Results:in children who were obese more describing overeating, enjoyment of food and desire to drink than in children who were normal nutritional status. Conclusion:obese children tend to describe food approach behavior. Keyword:food approach, preschool children, qualitative study
Pencegahan Stunting dengan Edukasi Pentingnya 1000 HPK dan Gizi Seimbang di Dusun Kabrokan Kulon, Desa Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul Salma Alfina Putri Nada; Lisa Widiastuti; Muhammad Yahya; Muhammad Arif; Herni Dwi Herawati
Bangun Desa: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Alma Ata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1100.191 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/jbd.2022.1(1).19-24


Seribu hari pertama kehidupan (1000 HPK) merupakan periode emas atau yang dikenal sebagai  Golden Period seorang anak untuk tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Periode ini disebut Golden Period karena dimana pertumbuhan otak sangat pesat yang dapat menentukan kualias hidup anak di masa depan. Dampak jika asupan gizi kurang selama 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) diantaranya yaitu bayi lahir dengan Berat Badan Rendah (BBLR), kurus, imunitas yang kurang, mudah terserang penyakit kronis seperti sakit ginjal, jantung, diabetes type 2, stroke, hipertensi dan kanker, terhambatan pertumbuhan kognitif dan IQ yang rendah. Tujuan dari penyuluhan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap ibu hamil dan wanita usia subuh (WUS) terhadap 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (HPK) di Dusun Kabrokan Kulon, Sendangsari, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Metode yang kami gunakan pada program kerja ini ialah ceramah dan diskusi. Alur pelaksanaan dari program ini yaitu,  analisa masalah yang terjadi terutama masalah kesehatan terkait stunting dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai 1000 hari pertama kehidupan juga gizi seimbang, pemilihan program kerja yang tepat, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari dilakukaanya penyuluhan ini mendapatkan hasil yang baik. Keberhasilan program tersebut dilihat dari hasil pemahaman peserta terhadap materi yang diberikan melalui pre-test dan post-test yang menunjukkan adanya perubahan kenaikan nilai.
Pencegahan Malnutrisi pada Anak Prasekolah melalui Pelatihan Pengukuran Status Gizi pada Guru PAUD Herni Dwi Herawati; Herwinda Kusuma Rahayu; Resti Kurnia Triastanti; Ruwet Rusiyono
Media Karya Kesehatan Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Media Karya Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/mkk.v6i1.40800


Masalah gizi balita di Indonesia saat ini yaitu gizi kurang dan lebih. Guru dan sekolah dapat berperan dalam memantau pertumbuhan anak prasekolah melalui pengukuran antropometri secara berkala pada anak dini untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan perkembangan siswa-siswi. Namun guru PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan pengukuran status gizi sehingga perlu dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mencegah malnutrisi (gizi kurang dan lebih) pada anak prasekolah melalui pelatihan pengukuran status gizi pada guru PAUD. Metode kegiatan yaitu pelatihan  meliputi cara mengukur tinggi badan dan berat badan serta menilai status gizi, yang dilaksakan selama 2 hari (9-10 Juni 2021) pada 7 orang di TK Negeri 1 Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Alat yang digunakan yaitu timbangan digital, microtoise dan buku standar antropometri. Evaluasi pelatihan dengan menghitung skor keterampilan pengukuran tinggi badan dan penimbangan berat badan, serta menghitung reliabilitas inter-rater (guru) dalam pengukuran tinggi badan. Uji statistik reliabilitas inter-rater menggunakan Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) dan ANOVA. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan keterampilan mengukur berat badan dan tinggi badan  yaitu sangat baik  dengan rerata skor sebesar 95,4%, dan reliabilitas inter-rater (guru) dalam pengukuran tinggi badan sebesar 0,61 yang artinya cukup konsisten serta tidak ada perbedaan antar guru dalam mengukur tinggi badan subyek (p >0,05). Guru PAUD terlatih perlu terus diberdayakan dalam kegiatan rutin pengukuran antropometri di lingkungan sekolah dalam upaya pencegahan malnutrisi pada anak prasekolah. Kata kunci: Anak prasekolah, antropometri, berat badan, status gizi, tinggi badan.