Elim Simamora
STT Injili Indonesia Medan

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Makna Frasa Oleh Bilur-Bilurnya Kamu Telah Sembuh (Studi Intertekstualiti Yesaya 53:4-9 dan 1 Petrus 2:22-25) Hulman Simanungkalit; Elim Simamora; Dedi Bastanta
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v5i1.646


Abstract There are so many usages of Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible survey. The New Testament authors have used Old Testament as one of the sources of their writings. In general, events that the authors had seen undergone are taken from their beliefs towards the Old Testament. For example, one of the well-known biblical verses in the First Book of Peter, “…by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1 Pet.2:24). The apostle Peter quoted the verse from the book of Isaiah. This biblical verse is very frequently quoted and has always been used as a healing prayer for the sick. In his letter, the apostle Peter speaks about Christ, that is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the One who is anointed. This writing, in fact, refers to the biblical verses in the book of Isaiah which prophesied the event undergone by Messiah. Therefore, in this study, it is important for the writer to conduct such as textual survey between the Book of First Peter and Isaiah that a clear and appropriate understanding of the the two authors will be obtained and then can be applied in daily life of Christians nowadays. Keywords: intertextuality, phrase “by whose stripes ye were healed” Abstrak Dari keseluruhan pembacaan Alkitab, banyak didapati penggunaan PL oleh PB. Para penulis PB menggunakan PL sebagai salah satu sumber tulisannya. Pada umumnya peristiwa yang dilihat maupun dialami oleh penulis masih dilatarbelakangi oleh pemberitaan PL yang dipahami dan diyakin mereka. Seperti salah satunya, sebagian dari kutipan nats yang cukup terkenal dari Surat pertama Petrus, “Oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh.” (1 Petrus 2:24). Jika memperhatikan nats dalam surat Petrus ini, ia sedang mengutip nats ini dari Kitab Yesaya. Nats Firman TUHAN ini banyak diucapkan dan menjadi kata-kata doa yang menguatkan bagi umat Kristen saat ini terlebih lagi bagi yang sedang sakit dan menantikan kesembuhan. Dalam tulisannya, Petrus sedang membahas mengenai Kristus, yakni pribadi Yesus Sang Mesias – yang diurapi. Tulisan ini ternyata merujuk pada tulisan di Yesaya yang menubuatkan peristiwa yang harus dialami oleh Mesias. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis merasa sangat perlu untuk melakukan study intertekstual antara tulisan Petrus dan Yesaya sehingga diperoleh pemahaman yang tepat mengenai maksud yang hendak disampaikan oleh masing-masing penulis Kitab Suci dan dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan iman Kristen sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: intertekstual; frasa “oleh bilur-bilur-Nya kamu telah sembuh”
Meninjau Soteriologi dan Kristologi Saksi Yehovah Tiur Imeldawati; Elim Simamora
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i2.80


In reality, Christianity has experienced a long history and has been faced with various false teachings or heresies throughout the history of the church. This is the case at the moment. One issue that remains hot to discuss is Christology and Soteriology. In this study the author tries to conduct a study of the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses related to these two topics, and through library research, it is hoped that the research formulation can be answered. The author takes part to make this contribution, by conducting a study of the challenges faced by systematic theology today, namely from the Jehovah's Witness school. By adhering to the truth of the Bible and the right approach in the science of commentary or hermeneutics, the author is sure to be able to deliver relevant presentations for readers who also take part in theological studies. Truth must be held fast and faithfully taught. The Bible is the source of absolute truth where its authority is firmly held in living the Christian life.Keywords: soteriology, Christology, jehovah’s witness, theology
Makna Teologis Hari Raya Yahudi Dalam Injil Yohanes Elim Simamora; Dedi Bastanta; Edy Syahputra Tarigan
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v6i1.1194


Abstract:Feasts are important in the Jewish tradition. In this study, the writer highlights the theological meaning of the Jewish holidays recorded by the writer of the Gospel of John. The main reason for conducting this study is to see the theological meaning contained in this section and which is considered important for Christians to understand considering that in the history of the development of Christian theology, there is still a connection between OT Judaism and New Testament theology. Easter is a Jewish tradition that is still preserved and celebrated in Christianity, where Easter is closely related to Christ's sacrifice in saving human sins. Through this exegesis study approach, it will be found the depth of the meaning of the Jewish holiday and is associated with theological and practical meanings that can be drawn. In-depth study of the text is indeed a step taken by the author.Abstrak:Hari raya merupakan hal yang penting dalam tradisi Yahudi. Dalam kajian ini penulis menyoroti makna teologis hari raya Yahudi yang dicatat oleh penulis Injil Yohanes. Alasan utama dalam melakukan studi ini adalah untuk melihat makna teologis yang terkandung di dalam bagian ini dan yang dianggap penting untuk dipahami oleh orang-orang Kristen mengingat memang dalam sejarah perkembangan teologi Kristen, tetap saja ada kaitan antara Yudaisme PL dengan teologi Perjanjian Baru. Paskah merupakan tradisi Yahudi yang tetap dipelihara dan dirayakan dalam kekristenan, dimana paskah erat kaitannya dengan korban Kristus dalam menyelamatkan dosa manusia. Melalui pendekatan study eksegesis ini, maka akan didapati kedalaman arti dari hari raya Yahudi tersebut dan dikaitkan dengan makna teologis dan praktis yang bisa ditarik. Studi mendalam atas teks memang merupakan langkah yang diambil oleh penulis.