Slamet Rosyadi
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Porwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

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JI@P Vol 4 No 1 (2017): JI@P
Publisher : Master of Public Administration, Universitas Slamet Riyadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33061/jp.v4i1.1552


The environment public administration provides the situation is unpredictableand uncertain. Therefore, public administration needs to be supported byadequate capability in order to organize public services that are moreinnovative. The scarcity of budget and demands of an increasingly diversepublic administration encourages countries to do public service innovation. Tofacilitate the innovation of public service required three capabilities: thinkingahead, thinking again and thinking across. The third of these capabilities needto be supported with organizational climate that supports innovation process,namely the availability of resources, the new leadership styles, spaceslearning and incentives.Key Words: Public administration, inovation, capability, public service
Format Kelembagaan Kerja Sama Antar Daerah Untuk Pembangunan Ekonomi Kawasan Berkelanjutan Bambang Tri Harsanto; Slamet Rosyadi; Simin Simin
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 31, No. 1, Year 2015 [Accredited by Ristekdikti]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.887 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v31i1.1317


This study was aimed at examining in depth the various weaknesses and efforts to improve the format of interregional cooperation better, and examining in depth perception, practice collaboration and document of inter-regional cooperation. To address these objectives, this study applied qualitative research methods: Multiple Case Study. This study will discuss various strategies, actions and opinions of actors cooperation in responding to various constraints and weaknesses in the former format of cooperation. The results showed each region considers that decentralization of regional cooperation is indispensable for the development efforts of regional economic potential. However, the existence of inter-regional cooperation is highly dependent on the commitment of the head of local governments and the support of government agencies in  both the provincial and central government, particularly in the form of funding and legislation that is used as an umbrella law for cooperation between regions.
Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kesiapan BPK RI Sulawesi Tenggara dalam “E-Audit” Pramita Sukarso; Ali Rokhman; Slamet Rosyadi
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 31, No. 2, Year 2015 [Accredited by Ristekdikti]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.86 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v31i2.1352


One of the bureaucratic reform implementation is the application of electronicgovernment (e-government). This is for the reason that e-government is considered ableto actualize the enhanced performance of bureaucracy. Nevertheless, this application ofe-government should also be in unison with the readiness of the officers. The purpose ofthis research is to analyze factor that affecting The Readiness of Auditor on implementinge-audit as well as to analyze The Readiness of Auditor on implementing e-audit.The respondents were all of auditor of The Audit Board of The Republic of IndonesiaRepresentative Office of Southeast Sulawesi as a census research. To analyze factor thataffecting The Readiness of Auditor on implementing e-audit and The Readiness of Auditoron implementing e-audit, a multiple linear regression of questionnaires was used. Therewere found that Auditor have been ready for e-audit implementation simultaneouslyCompatibility and Ease of Use affects Auditor Readiness.
Perumusan Kebijakan Publik dalam Menggali Akar Kemiskinan Slamet Rosyadi; Tobirin '
JIANA ( Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara ) Vol 10, No 02 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.853 KB) | DOI: 10.46730/jiana.v10i02.1063


The objective of this research was to identify and analyze deeply various poverty rootsof problem developing in both coastal and agriculture area as basis of formulating public policy inpoverty alleviation. Qualitative with multicase study method was applied in two villages in order togain complete description concerning roots of rural poverty. In-depth interview and observationwere used to collect qualitative data. Informants taken from farmer and fisherman leading actors,development agencies from district to village level, and other community organization actors werepurposively selected followed by snow-ball sampling in order to get more comprehensive data.Data was analyzed by interactive model consisting of interactive activities from data collection,reduction, display and verification/conclusion drawing. Results of this study show that roots ofpoverty in coastal villages are more complicated than those of agriculture one. This circumstanceindicates that coastal village area is the primary pocket of poverty. Some causes of poverty thatshould be paid attention by policy makers are low of education level, disadvantage developmentpolicy and marketing system for farmers as well as fishermen, and degraded coastal environment.Therefore, developmental efforts aimed at alleviating the poverty should be directed to improvethe primary roots of poverty problem.
Jurnal Manajemen Kepegawaian Vol 8 No 1 Juni (2014): Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen PNS
Publisher : Badan Kepegawaian Negara | The National Civil Service Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1327.947 KB)


Untuk membangun Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) yang tangguh dibutuhkan sumber daya pegawai yang profesional, kompeten, dan berintegritas. Namun demikian, upaya tersebut bukanlah perkara yang mudah dan menuntut perubahan sistematis dalam pengelolaan ASN. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menganalisis kondisi saat ini yang terkait dengan pengembangan pegawai negeri sipil. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sejumlah peluang yang mendukung pengembangan ASN berbasis merit seperti akses menjadi pegawai negeri yang bebas gender, tingkat pendidikan pegawai yang makin tinggi, dan perubahan sistem penilaian kinerja. Namun demikian, ditemukan juga sejumlah tantangan seperti rekrutmen dan pengembangan karier yang bias kepentingan politik dan gender, dan sistem remunerasi yang belum berdampak pada kinerja. Saran yang dapat diajukan adalah pengembangan ASN berbasis merit harus didukung dengan kelembagaan yang independen baik dalam rekrutmen maupun pengawasan pengelolaan ASN.Kata kunci: aparatur sipil negera, merit, pengembangan karier, penilaian kinerja, rekrutment, remunerasi .
Jurnal Manajemen Kepegawaian Vol 5 No 2 November (2011): Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen PNS
Publisher : Badan Kepegawaian Negara | The National Civil Service Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (168.058 KB)


Akar masalah buruknya pelayanan publik di Indonesia diantaranya adalah lemahnya sistem rekruitmen dan seleksi pegawai negeri sipil (PNS). Pemerintah hingga saat ini belum serius untuk mengembangkan sistem rekruitmen dan seleksi yang berbasis merit (prestasi). Situasi ini baru sekedar ditanggapi dengan kebijakan moratorium perekrutan PNS. Ironisnya, perekrutan pada masa moratorium yang hanya berlaku satu tahun justru kembali diprioritaskan untuk para aparatur bukan hasil seleksi kompetitif (honerer). Akibatnya, birokrasi pemerintah hanya dipenuhi oleh para aparatur yang tidak berkualifikasi tinggi. Otonomi daerah yang diharapkan dapat menjaring calon-calon PNS di daerah yang berkualifikasi tinggi ternyata hanya menjadi sarana untuk merekrut pegawai sebanyak mungkin tanpa mempertimbangkan kemampuan anggaran. Di masa yang akan datang, pemerintah hendaknya segera merealisasikan pembentukan lembaga independen semacam komisi kepegawaian negara agar manajemen kepegawaian efektif menarik animo calon-calon PNS yang berkualifikasi tinggi dan memiliki integritas. Kata kunci: rekruitmen, seleksi, kebijakan moratorium
Jurnal Manajemen Kepegawaian Vol 1 No 1 Juni (2007): Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen PNS
Publisher : Badan Kepegawaian Negara | The National Civil Service Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.537 KB)


Salah satu agenda reformasi pelayanan publik adalah memperbaiki gaji pegawai negeri sipil. Meskipun setiap tahunnya gaji PNS mengalami kenaikan antara 15 – 20 persen, pemerintah belum memiliki peraturan penggajian pegawai negeri sipil maupun pejabat negara yang mengaitkan antara beban kerja dan imbalan (gaji). Dengan kata lain, pemerintah belum mengembangkan strategi manajemen kinerja untuk menciptakan PNS yang produktif. Oleh karenanya, kebijakan kenaikan gaji selama ini belum efektif menciptakan iklim yang kondusif bagi produktivitas PNS. Mereka yang berkinerja baik, biasa-biasa saja maupun yang berkinerja buruk diberikan imbalan yang relatif sama.Dengan sistem penggajian semacam ini dalam jangka panjang dapat berdampak negatif terhadap semangat, etos, dan disiplin kerja PNS yang memiliki produktivitas dan disiplin yang tinggi. Permasalahan ini menunjukan urgensi mengaitkan kenaikan gaji dengan pencapaian kinerja PNS. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara imbalan dan kinerja serta implikasi imbalan berbasis kinerja sebagai dasar bagi pengembangan manajemen kompensasi PNS di masa yang akan datang.