Lestari Ujianto
Program Studi Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram

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CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 9 No 2 (2016): jurnal Crop Agro Januari 2016
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemajuan seleksi dan perubahan karakteristik hingga populasi F4 hasil persilangan antara jagung ketan dengan jagung manis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Nyurlembang Kecamatan Narmada Kabupaten Lombok Barat mulai bulan April sampai Juli 2014. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas lima perlakuan yaitu tetua betina, tetua jantan, keturunan kedua (F2), keturunan ketiga (F3), dan keturunan keempat (F4). Masing-masing perlakuan diulang empat kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua sifat yang diamati mengalami kemajuan seleksi kecuali kadar gula dan jumlah baris biji per tongkol. Perubahan karakteristik pada populasi F4 hasil persilangan antara jagung ketan dengan jagung manis terjadi pada umur berbunga jantan, umur berbunga betina, tinggi tanaman, umur panen, panjang tongkol, dan bobot biji kering pipil per tongkol. Parameter diameter batang, jumlah daun, kadar gula, diameter tongkol, bobot biji dan tongkol jumlah biji perbaris jumlah baris biji per tongkol dan bobot 100 biji tidak mengalami perubahan karakteristik. ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to determine the selection progress and the characteristic changes of the F4 populations from hybridization between glutinous and sweet corn. The research was conducted in the Nyurlembang Village, Narmada District, West Lombok County from April to July 2014. The experimental design used was the randomized complete block design (RCBD) consisted of five treatments ie. Female parent, male parent, second filial (F2), third filial (F3), and fourth filial(F4). Each treatment was replicated four times. The results of this research showed that all the observed traits indicated the selection progress except the sugar content and the number of seed rows per ear. The characteristic changes of the F4 populations were time of anther emerging, time of silk emerging, plant height, days to harvesting, ear length, and dry seed weight per ear. Stem diameter, number of leaves, sugar content, ear diameter, seed weight and seed number per line, number of seed rows per ear and weight of 100 seeds were not change.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 10 No 01 (2017): jurnal Crop Agro Januari 2017
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya koefisien korelasi genotipik untuk menentukan derajat keeratan hubungan antar karakter pada keturunan hasil persilangan blewah dan melon. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Oktober 2015 sampai Januari 2016 di Kebun Koleksi dan Hibridisasi, Kelurahan Pejeruk, Kecamatan Ampenan. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu G1 (tetua blewah lonjong), G2 (tetua melon putih), G3 (F2 hasil persilangan BL X MP), G4 (F2 resiprok hasil persilangan MP X BL). Perlakuan G1 dan G2 diulang sebanyak 4 kali, sedangkan G3 dan G4 diulang sebanyak 16 kali sehingga diperoleh 40 unit percobaan. Data dianalisis dengan korelasi genotipik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bobot buah segar dan kadar gula berkorelasi genotipik positif nyata dengan jumlah bunga jantan. Implikasinya adalah perbaikan daya hasil persilangan blewah dan melon dapat dilakukan melalui perbaikan jumlah bunga jantan. ABSTARACT The objective of this experiment was to identify the genotypic correlation coefficient to determine the degree of relationship between the characters on the generation of hybridization between cantaloupe and melon. This experiment was conducted on October 2015 to January 2016 in The Collection and Hybridization Garden at Pejeruk Village, Ampenan District. The experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) which consisting of 4 treatments. They were G1 (Oval cantaloupe), G2 (White Melon), G3 (F2 hybrids of BL X MP), G4 ( F2 resiprocal hybrids of MP X BL ) The treatments for G1 and G2 were repeated in 4 times while G3 and G4 were repeated 16 times thus obtained 40 units of experiment.The data was analyzed using Genotypic Correlation. The result of the research showed that the weight of fresh fruit and sugar content had a significant positive correlation with the number of male flower, the implication was the improvement of yield ability of progeny result of hybridization between cantaloupe and melon could be conducted by improving number of male flower.
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 10 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Crop Agro Juli 2017
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Usaha mempertinggi produksi jagung pada system tumpangsari antara lain dengan mencari varietas yang cocok untuk tumpangsari. Usaha ini antara lain dengan program pemuliaan yaitu melakukan seleksi pada suatu populasi jagung yang cocok untuk tumpangasi. Lebih-lebih hal ini bila dihubungkan dengan kemampuan suatu varietas yang memiliki kemampuan berbeda untuk beradaptasi dengan suatu kondisi lingkungan tertentu termasuk untuk tumpangsari. Penelitian diawali dengan penanaman populasi siklus kedua (C2) sekitar 4.000 tanaman, kemudian dibuat 10 petak yang masing-masing memuat 200 tanaman. Pada tiap petak dipilih 20 tanaman yang jumlah daun terbanyak, kemudian dipilih 15 tanaman yang berbatang tinggi di antara tanaman yang berdaun banyak. Selanjutnya dipilih 10 tanaman yang memiliki tongkol terpanjang di antara 15 tanaman berbatang tinggi. Bijinya dipipil dan diambil hanya bagian tengahnya (1/3 bagian (kemudian dibulk menjadi benih hasil seleksi massa tanpa pengendalian penyerbukan siklus ketiga (C3). Akhir kegiatan dilakukan pengujian kemajuan seleksi dengan membandingk siklus ketiga (C3) dengan populasi C2, C1dan C0. Jika kemajuan seleksi menunjukkan nyata maka akan dilanjutkan seleksi siklus berikutnya. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa Kemajuan seleksi dari seluruh sifat yang diamati adalah nyata dan bersifat linear kecuali sifat berat biji pipilan kering per tongkol dan jumlah baris per tongkol, sehingga jagung lokal Kebo berpeluang untuk menjadi varietas ungul dalam sistem pertanaman tumpangsari. Populasi jagung lokal Kebo siklus ketiga (C3) menunjukkan sifat yang lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan populasi C2, C1 dan C0. ABSTRACT Suitable varieties for intercropping is one of factors to increase production in intercropping system and the way to find out the varieties is by implementing breeding technique, i.e. selection method in order to develop superior varieties capable for adapting to a certain environment, including for intercropping. This study began with planting the second cycle populations (C2 ) of approximately as many as 4,000 plants, then plotted into 10 plots containing 200 plants each. In each plot, 20 plants were chosen based on the most number of leaves, then of these, 15 plants were selected on the basis of the tallest plants. Of these only 10 plants were selected based on the longest ear. Seeds were harvested and taken only the in middle of the ear (the third part of the ear), and all seeds were bulked. These seeds were called from the third cycle of population ( C3 ). The next experiment was to test all the progenies obtained, including C2, C1, and C0 . If there is no any progress of the selection, the multilocation trials will be conducted. The multilocation trials is aimed to determine the adaptability and stability of the C3 population. The multilocation trials are part of the stages in the prosess of variety release. The research results showed that the selection progress of all characters observed were significant and linear, except the weight of dry seeds per ear and and number of rows per ear, therefore, the corn local Kebo is expected to be superior varieties for seeds in intercropping systems. The characteristics of C3 population of Maize local Kebo compared to the population of the C2, C1 and C0 showed to be superior.
KAJIAN KERAGAMAN GENETIK PADA POPULASI F2 HASIL PERSILANGAN BLEWAH (Cucumis melo var cantalupensis) DENGAN MELON (Cucumis melo L.) Misfalah Misfalah; Lestari Ujianto; Dwi Ratna Anugrahwati
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 10 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Crop Agro Juli 2017
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kergaman genetik pada populasi F2 hasil persilangan blewah dengan melon. Percobaan ini dilakukan di Kebun Koleksi dan Hibridisasi, Kelurahan Pejeruk, Kecamatan Ampenan pada bulan Oktober 2015 sampai Januari 2016. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu G1 (P1 Blewah Lonjong), G2 (P2 Melon Putih), G3 (F2 BLXMP) dan G4 (F2 MPXBL). Perlakuan G1 dan G2 diulang sebanyak 4 kali sedangkan perlakuan G3 dan G4 diulang sebanyak 16 kali sehingga diperoleh 40 unit percobaan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis keragaman, koefisien keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas yang diduga berdasarkan analisis keragaman dan metode Mahmud-Kramer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik pada populasi F2 hasil persilangan blewah dengan melon beragam dari nilai yang paling tinggi (36%) sampai paling rendah (0,2%), poulasi F2 keragamannya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kedua tetuanya. Nilai heritabilitas yang diduga berdasarkan metode Mahmud-Kramer beragam, yang tegolong rendah yaitu jumlah bunga jantan (3,7%) dan jumlah cabang produktif (17%), yang tergolong sedang pada umur bunga jantan (44%), kadar gula (25%brix), dan bobot buah segar (28%), sedangkan yang tergolong tinggi panjang tanaman (79%), jumlah bunga betina (91%), umur bunga betina (92%), umur panen (74%), diameter batang (89%), diameter buah (54%) dan panjang buah (72%).Nilai heritabilitas yang diduga berdasarkan analisis keragaman yang tergolong rendah yaitu umur bunga jantan (9%), umur panen (10%), diameter batang (9,5%), bobot buah segar (10%), panjang buah (9,5%) dan jumlah cabang produktif (6,8%), yang tergolong sedang jumlah bunga jantan (25%) dan kadar gula (30%), sedangkan yang tergolong tinggi hanya pada diameter buah (56%). ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to study the genetic variation on F2 population resulted of hybridization between cantaloupe and melon. This research was conducted in the Collection and hybridization Garden, Pejeruk Village, Ampenan District in October 2015 to January 2016. The experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 4 treatments ie: G1 (P1 Cantaloupe Oval), G2 (P2 Melon white), G3 (F2 BLxMP) and G4 (F2 MPxBL). G1 and G2 treatments were repeated 4 times while the G3 and G4 treatments were repeated 16 times thus obtained 40 experimental units. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, genetic variation coefficients and heritability estimated based on analysis of variance and Mahmud-Kramer method. The results of this research showed that the genetic variation on F2 population of hybridization between cantaloupe and melon was varywith the highest scores (36%) to the lowest score (0.2%), the variation on F2 population was greater than their parents. Heritability values ​​ estimated based on Mahmud-Kramer method was vary, the lowest score was on the number of male flowers (3.7%) and the number of productive branches (17%), classified as medium score was on the age of male flowers (44%), sugar content (25% brix), and the weight of fresh fruit (28%), while a high score was plant length (79%), the number of female flowers (91%), the age of the female flowers (92%), harvesting day(74%), stem diameter (89% ), fruit diameter (54%) and fruit length (72%). Heritability Value estimated based on analysis of variance classified as low level was age of male flowers (9%), harvesting date (10%), stem diameter (9.5%), the weight of the fresh fruit (10%), fruit length (9.5%) and the number of productive branches (6.8%). classified as moderate was amount of male flowers (25%) and sugar (30%), while the high level was only in fruit diameter (56%).
CROP AGRO, Scientific Journal of Agronomy Vol 9 No 2 (2016): jurnal Crop Agro Januari 2016
Publisher : Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram and Indonesian Society of Agronomy Branch NTB

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi karakteristik F1 hasil persilangan blewah (endes) dengan melon (Cucumis melo L.) dari segi kuantitatif maupun kuantitatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental dengan percobaan di lapangan. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 8 perlakuan yaitu 4 tetua dan 4 F1 hasil persilangan blewah dengan melon. Semua parameter pengamatan dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis keragaman pada taraf nyata 5%. Jika terdapat perlakuan yang berbeda nyata (P < 0.05) maka dilakuakn uji lanjut dengan uji Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi perubahan karakteristik pada keempat F1 hasil persilangan blewah dengan melon, perubahan karakter terdapat pada beberapa sifat yaitu, panjang tanaman, umur tanaman saat berbunga betina, umur panen, lingkar buah, panjang buah, bobot buah segar, berat brangkasan basah tanaman dan berat brangkasan kering tanaman. Parameter yang tidak mengalami perubahan karakteristik yaitu diameter batang, jumlah bunga jantan dan betina, jumlah cabang produktif dan umur tanaman saat berbunga jantan. ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the characteristics on F1 from hybridization between cantaloupe and melon (Cucumis melo L.) both quantitative and quantitative traits. The method used in this study is the experimental with experiments in the field. The field design used was a randomized completely block design with 8 treatments, four parents and the four F1 from crossing between cantaloupe and melon . The observed data were analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% significant level and the Duncan Multiple Range Test Test (DMRT) if the effect of treatments was significantly different. The results showed that there wes a characteristic change of F1 on the length of plant, the days for flowering of the female flower, days for harvesting, fruit circumference, length of fruit , fresh fruit weight , weight of plant fresh matter and weight of plant dry matter. The unchanged characters of F1 compared to their paents were stem diameter, number of male and female flowers, the number of productive branches and the days for flowering of male flower.