Dessy Maulina
Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan, Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin

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At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.854 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/at-taradhi.v7i2.2013


Abstract :This research suggests that increasing economic growth effect on land use Banjarmasin called the increasing needs of economic land, which in turn affects the conversion of agricultural land, swamp and bush into residential land, industry and trade. In Islamic view due to conditions that occur in Banjarmasin is like two poles masalih and mafasid mutual attraction between infltration needs such as paddy felds, swamps and thickets with the residential land needs which important for the beneft entirely. This condition can be minimized by the efforts of economic equality through justice and equitable development as well as economic growth in the Islamic concept.Abstract : Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap tata guna lahan kota Banjarmasin yakni meningkatnya kebutuhan lahan ekonomi yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada alih fungsi lahan pertanian, rawa dan semak menjadi lahan pemukiman, industri dan perdagangan. Dalam pandangan Islam kondisi yang terjadi pada kota Banjarmasin ini ibarat dua kutub masalih dan mafasid yang saling tarik menarik antara kebutuhan lahan resapan seperti sawah, rawa dan semak dengan kebutuhan terhadap lahan pemukiman yang seluruhnya penting bagi kemaslahatan. Kondisi ini dapat diminimalisir dengan upaya pemerataan ekonomi melalui keadilan dan pemerataan pembangunan sebagaimana konsep pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam Islam.
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/at-taradhi.v7i2.2013


Abstract :This research suggests that increasing economic growth effect on land use Banjarmasin called the increasing needs of economic land, which in turn affects the conversion of agricultural land, swamp and bush into residential land, industry and trade. In Islamic view due to conditions that occur in Banjarmasin is like two poles masalih and mafasid mutual attraction between infltration needs such as paddy felds, swamps and thickets with the residential land needs which important for the beneft entirely. This condition can be minimized by the efforts of economic equality through justice and equitable development as well as economic growth in the Islamic concept.Abstract : Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap tata guna lahan kota Banjarmasin yakni meningkatnya kebutuhan lahan ekonomi yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada alih fungsi lahan pertanian, rawa dan semak menjadi lahan pemukiman, industri dan perdagangan. Dalam pandangan Islam kondisi yang terjadi pada kota Banjarmasin ini ibarat dua kutub masalih dan mafasid yang saling tarik menarik antara kebutuhan lahan resapan seperti sawah, rawa dan semak dengan kebutuhan terhadap lahan pemukiman yang seluruhnya penting bagi kemaslahatan. Kondisi ini dapat diminimalisir dengan upaya pemerataan ekonomi melalui keadilan dan pemerataan pembangunan sebagaimana konsep pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam Islam.
At-Taradhi Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Vol 7, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Islamic Economics and Business Faculty of UIN Antasari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/at-taradhi.v7i2.2013


Abstract :This research suggests that increasing economic growth effect on land use Banjarmasin called the increasing needs of economic land, which in turn affects the conversion of agricultural land, swamp and bush into residential land, industry and trade. In Islamic view due to conditions that occur in Banjarmasin is like two poles masalih and mafasid mutual attraction between infltration needs such as paddy felds, swamps and thickets with the residential land needs which important for the beneft entirely. This condition can be minimized by the efforts of economic equality through justice and equitable development as well as economic growth in the Islamic concept.Abstract : Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap tata guna lahan kota Banjarmasin yakni meningkatnya kebutuhan lahan ekonomi yang pada akhirnya berdampak pada alih fungsi lahan pertanian, rawa dan semak menjadi lahan pemukiman, industri dan perdagangan. Dalam pandangan Islam kondisi yang terjadi pada kota Banjarmasin ini ibarat dua kutub masalih dan mafasid yang saling tarik menarik antara kebutuhan lahan resapan seperti sawah, rawa dan semak dengan kebutuhan terhadap lahan pemukiman yang seluruhnya penting bagi kemaslahatan. Kondisi ini dapat diminimalisir dengan upaya pemerataan ekonomi melalui keadilan dan pemerataan pembangunan sebagaimana konsep pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam Islam.
Manajemen E-Learning Pada Perguruan Tinggi (Studi Pada UIN Antasari Banjarmasin) Sri Winarsih; Tuti Hasanah; Dessy Maulina
Madania: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol 10, No 2 (2020): Madania
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jiik.v10i2.10693


UIN Antasari Banjarmasin telah melaksanakan kegiatan Workshop Manajemen Perkuliahan Berbasis E-learning setiap tahun sejak tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2019. Maka, sudah sewajarnya jika mayoritas dosen menggunakan manajemen perkuliahan tersebut. Namun pada kenyataannya, hanya sebagian kecil dosen yang menggunakan manajemen perkuliahan e-learning. Atas dasar hal tersebut peneliti bertujuan mencari tahu penyebab dosen enggan menggunakan manajemen e-learning serta kendala yang dihadapi dosen sehingga lebih memilih menggunakan metode konvensional dan mencari tahu solusi untuk masalah yang dhadapi oleh dosen sehingga tidak menerapakan perkuliahan berbasis E-learning. Untuk dapat menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian yakni dengan jenis penelitian lapangan menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini antara lain manajemen e-learning pada Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin dilaksanakan dalam beberapa proses yakni perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya berasal dari dosen, mahasiswa dan fasilitas. Solusi untuk menghadapi kendala pelaksanaan manajemen e-learning antara lain 1) UIN Antasari harus membuat kebijakan yang mengharuskan Dosen menerapakan perkuliahan menggunakan manajemen e-learning; 2) Melaporkan kendala-kendala yang terjadi pada fasilitas kepada pihak yang berkepentingan guna perbaikan.
Jurnal Ekonomi Integra Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ekonomi Integra
Publisher : STIE 'INDONESIA' Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51195/iga.v13i1.246


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui analisis pendapatan dan efisiensi penggunaan biaya dalam usaha peternakan itik petelur di Kecamatan Kusan Hilir. Menganalisis pengaruh faktor produksi terhadap pendapatan usaha peternakan itik petelur di Kecamatan Kusan Hilir. Responden dalam penelitian adalah 49 peternak itik petelur dengan pemeliharaan intensif di Kecamatan Kusan Hilir. Pengolahan data dengan analisis pendapatan, analisis efisiensi dan analisis regresi linier berganda menggunakan Eviews. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa usaha peternakan itik petelur memperoleh pendapatan satu kali proses produksi, skala 100-299 memperoleh Rp. 25.339.866, skala 300-499 memperoleh Rp 61.154.260, skala 500-699 memperoleh Rp. 97.592.692 dan skala 900-1.099 memperoleh Rp. 211.618.927. Nilai R/C ratio seluruh skala ternak diatas 1 artinya usaha ternak efisien. Secara simultan faktor harga jual, jumlah ternak dan biaya pakan berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan usaha peternakan itik petelur di Kecamatan Kusan Hilir Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu.
Publik: Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Administrasi dan Pelayanan Publik Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Publik: Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Administrasi dan Pelayanan Publik
Publisher : Universitas Bina Taruna Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37606/publik.v10i1.484


The aim of the study was to determine the potential economic structure and competitiveness between economic sectors in districts/cities in South Kalimantan. Shift Share analysis was used as the research method. The results of the study showed that during the period 2012-2018, the economy in districts/cities in South Kalimantan, totaling 13 districts/cities, had a competitive sector for each district/city, which could be seen from the positive Cij value. It indicated that a sector had competitiveness and specialization. In other words, having competitive advantage showed the capability of a region to market its products outside the region / abroad / global market. In 13 districts/cities in South Kalimantan, they were still quite controlled by the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fishery, mining and quarrying sectors, Processing industry; Procurement of electricity and gas, Procurement, Construction; Wholesale and retail trade, repairs, Transportation and warehousing, Provision of accommodation and food and drink, Real estate, Corporate services, Government administration of defense and social security, Educational services, Health services and social activities. However, in terms of negative or less competitive sectors, they were information and communication sector, financial services and other services.
Perkembangan Sektor Basis dan Non Basis di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Dessy Maulina; M. Rusmin Nuryadin
Dinamika Ekonomi: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 16 No 1 (2023): DINAMIKA EKONOMI Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 16. No.1 Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Nasional (STIENAS) Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53651/jdeb.v16i1.419


Economic growth can be driven by increasing the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) of a region by looking at which sectors are the base or non-base sectors. This study aims to determine the basic and non-base sectors in 13 regencies/cities in South Kalimantan. with a quantitative method using the LQ (Loqation Quetient) index analysis technique using secondary data, namely Regency/City data in South Kalimantan. The results show that the agricultural sector for several regions is still the basis sector. cities in South Kalimantan can be seen from LQ> 1. Then the sector can be interpreted to be superior and if the LQ value < 1 then the sectors in the districts/cities in South Kalimantan are not superior or not dominant.
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kain Sasirangan dengan Pemanfaatan Platform Digital saat Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Banjarmasin Muhammad Shodiq Permana; Dessy Maulina
JIEP: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : PPJP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jiep.v6i1.8979


This Study aims to analyze the Sasirangan MSMEs Business development strategy in Banjarmasin City by utilizing digital platforms during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative in the form of responses from sources and participants through interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis method used is the SWOT analysis technique. The result of this Study indicates that the condition of the survival of the Sasirangan MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic caused a drastic decrease in sales levels. However, market growth slowly began to increase from early 2020 to 2021. Next, the use of digital platforms by Sasirangan SMEs in Banjarmasin City is still not optimal, so a re-analysis is needed to apply digital-based sales. Based on calculations through the IFAS and IFAS matrices, it shows that the Sasirangan MSMEs are in quadrant I, so an SO strategy can be applied that can take advantage of the strength of the business to get the available opportunities by adding product variations with adjustment to consumer tastes and expanding the marketing network by digital-based media.
Competitive Strategy Of Wholesalers Using Digital Business In Banjarmasin Novia Nour Halisa; Dessy Maulina; Dita Anggraini; Rika Nur Asyifa; Sherly Saputri
Hut Publication Business and Management Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Hut Publication Business and Management
Publisher : PT. Hanken SUkses Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to analyze the development of digital technology in supporting businesses run by traders and analyze strategies that can be developed to increase the competitiveness of Wholesale Market traders in Banjarmasin City. The method used in this research is qualitative research with a survey approach ie do field research ( field research ) on wholesale market traders in the city of Banjarmasin. Informants selected in this study were the Head of the Department of Trade and Industry of the City of Banjarmasin, traders and business people at the Banjarmasin Wholesale Market. Research results explain part Most traders in the Sudimampir market have implemented digital business. Apart from that there is Online business can attract more consumers not only within the city but also outside the region as well promote online with flexible time and profitable for traders. Furthermore The use of social media as a means of promotion by merchants cannot be separated from the marketing strategy, namely advertising, marketing through e-commerce, and promotions price . Keywords: Digital Business, Wholesale market
Analisis Tingkat Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Petani Karet Rakyat di Kecamatan Bati – Bati, Kabupaten Tanah Laut Rahmat Nurhidayat; Dessy Maulina
JIEP: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : PPJP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jiep.v6i1.9658


This study aims to determine the level of economic welfare of smallholder rubber farmers in Bati-bati District using Farmer Household Income Exchange Rate (NTPRP) analysis and analyze the factors that affect the level of economic welfare of smallholder rubber farmers consisting of land area, production amount, and price rubber either partially or simultaneously using multiple linear regression analysis. This research is descriptive, quantitative, and inferential. The location of the research was carried out in several villages in Bati-bati District with 40 farmers as respondents where the sampling used purposive sampling technique.The results showed that smallholder rubber farmers in the study area were classified as not prosperous where the results of the calculation of the Farmer's Household Income Exchange Rate < 1,00 (0.99 < 1,00). The land area, production amount, and rubber price either partially or simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the Farmer's Household Income Exchange Rate (NTPRP) or the welfare level of smallholder rubber farmers.