Sukmareni Sukmareni
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

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Kewenangan Penyadapan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Sukmareni Sukmareni; Ujuh Juhana; Muhammad Basri
Pagaruyuang Law Journal Volume 3 Nomor 2, Januari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/plj.v3i2.1876


Kewenangan penyadapan dan merekam pembicaraan yang dimiliki Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam melaksanakan tugas penyelidikan, penyidikan, dan penuntutan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 6 huruf c, dalam menjaring pelaku tindak pidana korupsi (TPK) lebih luas dibandingkan kewenangan penyadapan yang dimiliki oleh aparat kepolisian dan kejaksaan yang memerlukan izin Ketua Pengadilan Negeri, sehingga menimbulkan masalah dalam implementasinya, puncaknya dengan dikeluarkannya Undang-Undang No 19 Tahun 2019 tentang Perubahan Terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, yang jelas sangat berdampak kepada pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang KPK terutama kewenangan penyadapan, yang memerlukan izin dari Badan Pengawas.Perubahan pengaturan kewenangan penyadapan oleh KPK pada satu sisi lebih menyulitkan bagi KPK, karena harus meminta izin dari Badan Pengawas, gelar perkara, jangka waktu terentu, diawasi dan dipertanggungjawabkan pada akhir pelaksanaan penyadapant. Hal ini membutuhkan waktu dan proses lebih panjang dari pada pengaturan dalam UU KPK 2002. Di sisi lain, jika terlaksana dengan baik akan membuat penyadapan KPK lebih berkualitas karena ada yang mengawasi dan harus membuat laporan. Pengaturan penyadapan dalam Undang-Undang No 19 Tahun 2019 akan mampu membantu KPK melaksanakan tugasnya dalam penyelidikan TPK, jika Badan Pengawas yang ditunjuk juga mempunyai komitmen yang jelas dan tegas serta objektif dalam menilai serta memberi izin perlu tidaknya dilakukan penyadapan oleh KPK, jika tidak, maka pemberantasan korupsi oleh KPK akan sulit untuk dilaksanakan, karena TPK biasanya dilakukan bersama-sama dengan pihak lain, sehingga pembuktiannya jadi sulit tanpa dilakukan penyadapan
Penegakan Hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi menurut Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia Sukmareni Sukmareni
Pagaruyuang Law Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 2, JANUARI 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/plj.v1i2.563


The success or failure of corruption law enforcement in Indonesia depends on the work of any component of the criminal justice system (SPP) itself, ranging from investigation, prosecution, court examination and criminal prosecution.The formulation of the issues raised in this study (1) Is the pattern of law enforcement that has been regulated in the Indonesian criminal justice system has been able to eradicate corruption in Indonesia to date? (2) What is the ideal pattern of law enforcement against corruption under the Indonesian criminal justice system? This researarch is descriptive research using normative juridical approach, by using legal materials as secondary data. Which legal substance consists of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, related to law enforcement against corruption in Indonesia's criminal justice system, analyzed using qualitative analysis. The Pattern enforcement in the SPPI still has not been able to enforce the maximal law enforcement against the TPK perpetrators, because there are still some weaknesses and problems, there is still overlapping of corruption arrangements, the quality of the judiciary has not been able to create justice in the community, the supervisory system on the performance of law enforcement officials with the law enforcement of corruption because it is not yet integrated and not yet clearly regulated, once the sanction given is still not maximized so it has not caused a deterrent effect to the perpetrator The ideal pattern of law enforcement against the TPK perpetrators required changes, improvements and improvements in various aspects above, such as regulatory reform, independence to four sub SPPI, improving the judicial supervision system as well as giving maximum sanction and more severe to the perpetrators so that cause the effects of good for the perpetrators and against other communities.
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 4, No 3 (2022): Vol 4 No. 3 Edisi 2 April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.205 KB) | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v4i3.1033


Adjustment to the nomenclature and name of the Child Correctional Institution (LAPAS Anak) to become the Special Child Development Institution (LPKA); not only in the form of the formation of a new organization, but also in the realization of the transformation of handling children in conflict with the law (ABH) in Indonesia.This change in the nomenclature above certainly causes some differences in terms of arrangements, duties and functions, scope of authority, forms of guidance carried out and others between Children’s Prison and Children's Special Development Institution. The formulation of the problems raised in this study “How are the differences in the duties and functions of fostering correctional inmates between Children’s Prison and Children's Special Development Institution. in the Indonesian criminal justice system.This research is a normative legal research, using secondary data as the main data in the form of regulations related to Child Correctional Institutions and Special Child Guidance Institutions, obtained through library research (document study), using qualitative analysis in drawing research conclusions.Research findings “The difference in duties and functions of fostering correctional inmates between Children’s Prison and Children's Special Development Institution. in the Indonesian criminal justice system, can be seen in several ways, including the basic nomenclature, principles, duties, functions, especially the coaching function. Correctional Students,  The right of children to obtain education and teaching, skills training, community guidance, alleviation of children, food and beverage management, distribution of equipment, and child health services in the context of personal development in accordance with their interests, talents and level of intelligence.  Children's Special Development Institution., changes to the institution and is based on the direction of guidance based on their rights, namely the right to survival, growth and developmentKeywords: Differences, Duties and Functions, Guidance, Children's Prison, Children's Special Development Institution
Indonesia's Revocation of Political Rights: Criminal Perspectives Philosophy Roni Efendi; Aria Zurnetti; Sukmareni Sukmareni
Nagari Law Review Vol 6 No 2 (2023): Nagari Law Review
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Andalas University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/nalrev.v.6.i.2.p.120-132.2023


Human rights are fundamental freedoms that are eternally guaranteed to all people as they are the creations of the Almighty God. As a result, it must be protected, supported, and respected. It also must not be disregarded, as neglect and human rights abuses result in human rights violations. Political rights are one of the fundamental rights that must be upheld and safeguarded by the State, the law, and the government. The Criminal Code's provision of criminal penalties for the elimination of political rights in Article 35 (1) (3), where the electoral process and electoral laws are founded, proves to conflict with the State's mission for the preservation and maintenance of political rights. This article's analysis of criminal sanctions that impact citizens' political rights in terms of punishment philosophy is urgently needed.
Proses Penyidikan Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pencurian Disertai Kekerasan Studi Kasus di Polres Agam Mahesa Pandu Erlangga; Sukmareni Sukmareni; Syaiful Munandar
UNES Law Review Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): UNES LAW REVIEW (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Ekasakti Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/unesrev.v6i1.896


Investigation is the stage of resolving a criminal case after an investigation, which is the initial stage of looking for the presence or absence of a criminal offense in an event. When it is known that a criminal offense has occurred, then that is when an investigation can be carried out based on the results of the investigation. In the act of investigation, the emphasis is placed on the act of searching and finding an event suspected of being a criminal act. Whereas in the investigation, the emphasis is placed on the act of searching and collecting evidence. Investigation aims to make light of the criminal offense found and also determine the perpetrator. This research is descriptive, which is research that aims to provide data that is as accurate as possible about the circumstances that are the object of research in this case about the investigation process against the perpetrators of the crime of gold robbery in the Agam Police area, so as to find answers to problems in the implementation of the investigation of criminal acts of theft accompanied by violence which was first carried out after receiving a report from the victim, namely processing the crime scene, asking for witness and victim testimony, after finding some preliminary evidence, several forced measures were taken, namely the arrest of the perpetrator, detention, and also confiscation. Investigations carried out by investigators play a role in uncovering or resolving a criminal offense. Therefore, investigators must improve their performance, so that they can complete the shortcomings in the investigation and can also overcome the obstacles that occur in the implementation of criminal investigations.
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Vol. 6 No. 1 Edisi 1 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i1.1943


The granting of remission is a right for inmates who are serving a criminal term in a Correctional Institution. In the Sawahlunto Class III Narcotics Special Penitentiary, the provision of remissions for inmates of the correctional facility has been running smoothly although there are several obstacles encountered, one of which is the delay in the remission decree (SK) received by the inmates of the correctional facility concerned so that the calculation of remissions for residents cannot be carried out. the correctional facility. One of the efforts made by Correctional Officers at the Class III Narcotics Special Penitentiary in Sawahlunto is by re-proposing the remission of the prisoner's inmates under the name of administrative delay remission. This research is descriptive in nature and the type of empirical juridical research is research that is descriptive in nature and aims to examine statutory provisions and their application, as well as data obtained from documentation studies and interviews conducted at the Class III Narcotics Correctional Institution Sawahlunto then analyzed to answer problems in research related to the problem of implementing remissions. The results of the study show that the implementation of granting remissions for inmates of correctional institutions has been carried out properly in accordance with statutory regulations, but there are still some obstacles.
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Vol. 6 No. 1 Edisi 2 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i1.1962


Correctional Institutions is a place to provide guidance to Prisoners and Correctional Students. Article 2 of Government Regulation number 31 of 1999 concerning the Guidance and Guidance of Correctional Assisted Citizens explains that the coaching and coaching activity program includes personality and independence coaching and development. Prisoners will receive guidance on independence and skills to equip them when they return to society. Regarding the implementation of independence and skills development, there are several obstacles faced by the Correctional Institutions Suliki Class III Penitentiary. This research is normative and empirical legal research, namely research that refers to legal norms contained in statutory regulations, literature, existing legal norms and data obtained from document studies and interviews at Class III Prison Suliki and then analyzed to answer community problems in this study related to the implementation of rights fulfillment to obtain independence and skill development. The results of the study show that the implementation of fulfilling the rights of convicts to gain independence and skills training has been going well, but there are still some obstacles. Prison Suliki has made several efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of independence and skills in Prison Suliki, but the efforts made are still not optimal due to budget constraints.
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Vol. 6 No. 1 Edisi 1 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v6i1.1938


The criminal act of corruption is any person who unlawfully commits an act of enriching himself or another person which is detrimental to state finances in article 2 paragraph 1 of law number 31 of 1999, based on article 1 number 28 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that expert testimony is information related to his expertise having a clear role in a case in a criminal act of corruption with this problem, the problem can be formulated including 1. How is the judge's consideration of the expert testimony given on the crime of corruption in the procurement of goods and services in Nagari, the decision No: 41/Pid.Sus.TPK arises. /2022/PN.Pdg ) 2. How is the application of punishment to the perpetrators of corruption in the procurement of goods and services provided by the judge in the case (Decision No: 41/Pid.Sus.TPK./2022/PN.Pdg)? This research method uses a nomative juridical approach in which the research is carried out by examining laws and regulations, aiming to provide knowledge and contributions of thought to law enforcement officials who have a duty in criminal prosecution of corruption.
Peran Balai Pemasyarakatan Dalam Upaya Diversi Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencurian Yang Dilakukan Oleh Anak Annisa Sya’barani*; Sukmareni Sukmareni; Yenny Fitri Z
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Agustus, Social Religious, History of low, Social Econmic and Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i4.26825


This study aims to determine the role of Correctional Centers in efforts to diversion of criminal acts of obscenity with children as the perpetrators of the case in Bukittinggi and to determine the obstacles to implementing diversion of children who are in conflict with the law in Class II Correctional Centers Bukittinggi. The type of research used is Empirical Legal research, using primary and secondary data. Then analyze the data by describing the data that has been collected as it is without intending to make general conclusions or generalizations using descriptive techniques. The results of the study are the role of correctional centers in diversion efforts. And the crime of theft of Article 363 paragraph 1 5e of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Law Number 11 of 2012 Concerning the Juvenile Justice System, which was committed by a child at the Bukittinggi class II Correctional Center, was successfully carried out by diversion with a decision to return stolen goods and compensation with money Court diversion And the obstacles to the implementation of diversion against children in conflict with the law are obstacles originating from the victims' families themselves, regulations between the police and the Correctional Center, and the distance traveled between the Class II Correctional Center of Bukittinggi. The efforts made by the correctional center in carrying out diversion of children in conflict with the law are by holding outreach from the Bukittinggi Class II Correctional Center to the community as a whole and providing counseling to the community so that they understand and the importance of the role of the correctional center in diversion of cases committed by children.