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Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Februari 2020
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1220.252 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v4i1.7083


Product Development of Cane Brown Sugar Using Herbal Extract in The Latellang Village District of BoneAbstract. The production of cane brown sugar is decreasing due to the low price of brown sugar form cane in the market. The low selling price of cane sugar is due to the quality and distinctive aroma of cane sugar which is less attractive to consumers. The community partnership program aims to provide solutions to partners while educating partners and citizens, especially for partner, on the benefits of cane brown sugar consumption compared to other as a form of food security as a form of persuasive methods to partners and citizens before the training takes place. This program is carried out in the form of counseling, training and mentoring. The training carried out was the manufacture of liquid sugar and instant sugar as a form of differentiation from cane brown sugar which can be of high economic value compared to selling original. The results of this program show that partners have been able to make and produce liquid sugar and instant sugar. Liquid sugar products are packaged in 250 ml bottles, while instant sugars called recengan sugar packed in wrapping plastic weighing 25 g, then packaged again in the form of a pouch containing 6 instant sugars. The results of the assistance show that partners have been able to make and produce liquid sugar and instant sugar and begin to expand into granulated sugar products. This differentiation product can certainly improve the price (profitable). Partner problems for the typical aroma of sugar cane can also be overcome by adding herbal extracts in the form of ginger extract and pandan leaf extract, so that the distinctive aroma of sugar cane can be disguised.Keywords: sugar cane liquid sugar, disposable sugar, recengan sugar, sugar variations of sugar cane herbal extract.Abstrak. Produksi gula merah tebu semakin merosot diakibatkan rendahnya harga gula merah tebu dipasaran. Rendahnya harga jual gula merah tebu disebabkan oleh kualitas dan aroma khas tebu yang kurang diminati oleh konsumen. Program kemitraan masyarakat ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk memberi solusi kepada mitra sekaligus mengedukasi mitra dan warga khususnya kelompok usaha gula merah tebu akan manfaat konsumsi gula merah tebu dibandingkan gula merah lainnya sebagai bentuk dari keamanan pangan melalui penyuluhan sebagai bentuk metode persuasif kepada mitra dan warga sebelum pelatihan dilaksanakan. Program ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Pelatihan yang dilakukan adalah pembuatan gula cair dan gula sekali pakai sebagai bentuk diferensiasi dari gula merah tebu yang dapat bernilai ekonomis tinggi dibandingkan hanya menjual gula merah batok. Hasil dari program ini nampak bahwa mitra telah mampu membuat dan produksi gula cair dan gula sekali pakai. Produk gula cair dikemas dalam bentuk botol 250 ml, sedangkan gula sekali pakai dengan nama produk komersilnya adalah gula recengan dikemas dalam plastik wraping dengan berat 25 g, kemudian dikemas lagi dalam bentuk pouch yang berisi 6 buah gula sekali pakai. Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa mitra telah mampu membuat dan produksi gula cair dan gula sekali pakai serta mulai merambah ke produk gula semut. Produk diferensiasi ini tentu dapat memperbaiki harga gula merah tebu. Permasalahan mitra akan aroma khas tebu dapat pula teratasi dengan penambahan ekstrak herbal berupa ekstrak jahe dan ekstrak daun pandan, sehingga aroma khas tebu dapat tersamarkan.Kata Kunci: gula cair tebu, gula sekali pakai, gula recengan, gula variasi tebu ekstrak herbal.
Gula cair dan gula recengan berbahan dasar gula merah tebu M. Yasser; A.M. Iqbal Akbar Asfar; Marlia Rianti; A.M. Irfan Taufan Asfar; Eko Budianto
DEDIKASI Vol 22, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Dedikasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/dedikasi.v22i1.13825


This Community Service is a Community Partnership Program that was carried out by to partners of the Brown Sugar Cane Business Group in Latellang Village, Patimpeng District. The processing of sugar cane so far has been very simple, and some of the sugar cane businesses were out of business due to the consumption and need for brown sugar cane by the community, especially the Latellang and other villages, who are reluctant to consume brown sugar cane. This reluctance is caused by the aroma of brown sugar cane. Therefore, diversification of brown sugar cane products was carried out by processing brown sugar cane into Liquid sugar and Recengan sugar. The results of the PKM program were able to provide partners with increased knowledge of processing brown sugar cane into a diversified product that has high economic value and reduced the price of brown sugar cane from Rp. 10,000 per kilogram into products with 250 grams of brown sugar cane as raw material. 2-3 bottles of Liquid Sugar (250 ml plastic packaging) with a price of Rp.10,000 per bottle and produce 15 pieces of Recengan Sugar. Especially for Recengan sugar packaging, it is packaged in pouch containing 8 Recengan sugar ata a price of Rp.10,000. The impact will be revive the production of cane brown sugar to the Cane Brown Sugar Business Group partners, especially in Latellang Village.
Diferensiasi Produk Gula Merah Tebu Menjadi Gula Cair dan Gula Recengan Kombinasi M. Yasser Yasser; Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar; Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar; Marlia Rianti; Eko Budianto
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 3, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.654 KB) | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v3i3.1021


The community service program aims to solve the problem of sugar cane group in Latellang village, Patimpeng sub-district, South Sulawesi province, about increasing business through product differentiation with a combination of ginger extract and pandan leaf extract. The combination is done to reduce the typical aroma of sugar cane in processed sugar. The distinctive aroma of sugar cane is what causes the lack of consumption of brown sugar from sugar cane, so the selling price is very low compared to brown sugar from sugar palm. The implementation of service includes several stages of preparation, cooking, cooling, and packaging. Through training, partners have been able to process sugar cane sugar into a differentiation product with a combination of ginger extract and pandan leaf extract into liquid sugar and recengan sugar with flavor variants according to the extract added. The selling price is very profitable for partners because liquid sugar can be sold at a price of Rp. 15,000 per bottle (250 ml) and recengan sugar is sold at Rp. 8,000 per pouch (each pouch consists of 6 recengan sugar seeds). This sale is very profitable because brown sugar cane is sold at a price of Rp.10,000 per kg, while to make liquid sugar and recengan sugar, only 500 g of sugar cane is needed. Therefore, this service has succeeded in helping to overcome partner problems and increase partner profits through the differentiation of sugar cane into liquid sugar and recengan sugar with combination. 
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran ROAR (Read, Observe, Auditory, Review) Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa Emmi Azis; Andi Muhammad Irfan Taufan Asfar; Marliah Rianti; Andi Muhammad iqbal Akbar Asfar; Hasanuddin Hasanuddin; Andi Sitti Aisyah Nur
Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Maret
Publisher : ILIN Institute Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.5 KB) | DOI: 10.31960/ijolec.v2i2.262


The ROAR learning model is learning that gives students the broadest opportunity to develop concepts, pre-existing ideas become new concepts. The concept is built through direct observation because during learning the teacher presents examples of reality so students will be more critical with the concepts of reality, so that in the end they are able to connect the material based on the concept of reality they are building. This integration aims to have concepts related so that the meaningfulness of learning can be achieved. This study is an experimental study with a nonequivalent control group design with a research focus on social studies subject material in junior high school 8th grade. The results of the analysis of the test analysis show that the application of the ROAR learning model has a consistent impact on students' conceptual understanding abilities. Positive responses from teachers and students to the application of the ROAR learning model as an alternative solution in supporting success in improving the ability to understand concepts that have implications for student motivation and learning achievement.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen "E M O R" Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk Banggai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32529/jim.v5i1.989


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh penilaian pelanggan  dan kepuasan terhadap loyalitas peternak dalam menggunakan pakan lokal di Kabupaten Bone.  Desain penelitian deskriptif dan ekspalanatif, dilakukan selama 2 bulan, Mei sampai Juni 2020. Populasi penelitian sebanyak  170 orang.  Sampel dipilih secara acak sederhana dan berdasarkan tabel Issac dan Michael sebanyak 139 orang.   Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan structural equation modelling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  customer Value  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan yang terlihat dari koefisien jalur yang bertanda positif sebesar 0,37 dengan  nilai t value 2,155 > 1,96.  Variabel yang  berkontribusi terbesar terhadap pembentukan customer value adalah tujuan penggunaaan pakan lokal oleh peternak, dengan besar loading factor sebesar 0,62. Customer Satisfaction berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan  yang terlihat dari koefisien jalur yang bertanda positif sebesar 0,60 dengan  nilai t value 2,536 > 1,96.  Variabel yang berkontribusi terhadap pembentukan variabel laten customer satisfaction adalah keandalan pakan lokal dengan loading factor sebesar 0,83.
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Tepat Guna Tenaga Surya Dalam Mengelola Air Bersih Sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Samaenre Kabupaten Bone Andi Asrijal; Marlia Rianti; Rusnaedi Rusnaedi; Mashuri Mashuri; Mardi Mardi
Jurnal Pengabdian UNDIKMA Vol 3, No 3 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika (UNDIKMA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jpu.v3i3.6051


This service activity aims to empower the community through appropriate technology in managing clean water to make it easier for the people of Samaenre Village to obtain clean water at a low cost. The method of carrying out this devotion used Participatory Rural Appraisal through discussion, mentoring, compiling product quality standards, designing production processes, and developing marketing strategies through marketing research results. The result of service showed that the community got relief in terms of payment of clean water tariff, where previously, each cubic was valued at 3000 rupiahs. With the presence of solar system panels, it could reduce costs to 2000 rupiahs per cubic. Meanwhile, from the management, in this case, Bumdes Samaenre could also save production costs because it no longer used generator power or PLN electricity with a reasonably high load rate and was not worried about frequent lights out.