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JAB (Jurnal Akuntansi & Bisnis) Vol 3, No 02 (2017): Vol. 3, No. 02 DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : JAB (Jurnal Akuntansi & Bisnis)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aimed to describe leadership, motivation, and employee performance, analyze the influence of leadership and motivation on employee performance, and to analyze the leadership and motivation among the dominant influence on employee performance. This research included in the category explanatory research. Samples many as 52 people. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, F test and t test. Based on the descriptive results show that leadership run has been able to carry out the role of transformational leaders. Employee motivation Puri Indah Hotel Mataram is already very high, and is influenced by need for achievement, need for power, and need for affiliation. Employee performance is predominantly influenced by transformational leadership compared with motivation. Transformational leadership is essentially emphasizes a leader needs to motivate subordinates to carry out responsibilities of employees over the employees expect. Motivation is essential in improving the effectiveness of a work, because employees who have high motivation will strive with all his strength so that work can be managed as well as possible. If the employee's personal needs are met, then the employees will be able to work harder and can improve employee performance. Keywords: transformational leadership, motivation, employee performance
Strategi Pemasaran Hotel Pasca Bencana Gempa Bumi Di Hotel Kota Mataram Dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Muhammad Ihdal Karomi; Firman Koma Febdilan; Yoyok Antoni; AA. Ngurah Sedana Putra; Ayu Gardenia Lantang
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME) Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education (JIME)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jime.v6i2.1277


Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain adalah untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran internal dan eksternal beberapa hotel di kota Mataram dan beberapa hotel di Yogyakarta pasca bencana gempa bumi.Penelitianini menggunakanmetodepenelitiankualitatifmelaluipendekatan deskriptif analisisPenelitian ini berlokasi dibeberapa Hotel di Kota Mataram dan beberapa Hotel di Yogyakarta karena di dasarkan pada beberapa pertimbangan: dua lokasi penelitian ini pernah mengalami bencana yang sama (gempa bumi) dan merupakan daerah wisata yang menjadi kunjungan favorit wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara.Strategi pemasaran internal pasca bencana gempa bumi oleh hotel di Kota Mataram dan Yogyakarta yang berfokus pada karyawan dan strategi pemasaran eksternal dengan fokus tamu atau pelanggan menggunakan dan melibatkan semua sumber daya yang dimiliki.Strategi penentuan harga, hotel yang ada di Kota Mataram dan Yogyakarta. Hal ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan tingkat okupansi. Dari segistrategi promosi hotel, dilakukan promosi bisnis dan promosi tanggungjawab sosial. Melakukan promosi lewat OTA, media sosial, instansi pemerintah dan swasta melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan okupansi hotel.
PENGEMBANGAN STANDAR PENGELOLAAN HOMESTAY SESUAI PROTOKOL COVID-19 (Studi Kasus Di Kota Mataram Dan Kabupaten Banyuwangi) M Ihdal Karomi; Ahmad Ab; Firman Koma Febdilan; Yoyok Antoni; AA Ngurah Sedana Putra
MEDIA BINA ILMIAH Vol 15, No 12: Juli 2021
Publisher : BINA PATRIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33758/mbi.v15i12.1162


Corona Virus Desease 19 atau disebut juga Covid-19 saat ini sangat berdampak pada industri pariwisata Indonesia. Sebaian besar pelaku usaha pariwisata di Indonesia terpaksa harus menghentikan operasional bisnisnya. Selama kuartal pertama 2020, kunjungan wisatawan internasional turun sebesar 60-80%. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kondisi pariwisata saat ini dalam keadaan yang buruk. Utuk mengantisipasi penyebaran Covid-19 ini, pemerintah indonesia membuat standar protokol kesehatan yaang akan diterapkan di sektor-sektor pariwisat, seperti hotel, destinasi wisata, restaurant, dan homestay yang ada di Indonesia. Khusus di sektor homestay, dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa belum semua homestay menerapkan protokol covid-19 untuk usaha mereka, namun ada pula kabupaten yang sudah memiliki sertifikat “new normal” yang dikeluarkan oleh para ahli dari dinas kesehatan untuk usaha yang telah lulus uji protokol kesehatan, yaitu Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Hal inilah yang menarik peneliti untuk melakukan sebuah penelitian tentang bagaimana penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam pengembangan homestay yang ada di Indonesia, khususnya yang ada di Kabupaten Banyuwangi dan di Kota Mataram. Tujuan penelitian yang diharapkan tercapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Mengetahui Standar Pengelolaan Homestay di Kota Mataram selama Pandemi COVID-19; 2) Mengetahui Standar Pengelolaan Homestay di Banyuwangi selama Pandemi COVID-19; 3) Menyusun Pengembangan Standar Pengelolaan Homestay Sesuai Protokol COVID-19. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan  adalah dengan observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi yang nantinya akan dianalisis dengan model analisis data interaktif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil Penelitian ini diketahui bahwa beberapa homestay di Kota Mataram dan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi telah menerapkan protokol COVID-19 walaupun belum secara optimal, seperti hanya menyiapkan fasilitas cuci tangan dengan sabun, menggunakan masker, melakukan pembersihan kamar dengan  melakukan penyemprotan disinfektan, dan menjaga jarak. Terdapat juga homestay yang belum begitu ketat dalam penerapan protokol COVID-19, bahkan ada juga homestay yang tidak sama sekali menerapkan protokol COVID-19. Penyusunan pengembangan standar pengelolaan homestay sesuai protokol COVID-19 adalah pengelola dan tamu wajib menggunakan masker di area homestay; Penggunaan face shield untuk pengelola dan tamu di area homestay sangat direkomendasikan untuk mengurangi risiko terpapar COVID-19; Pengelola wajib menggunakan sarung tangan karet di area homestay;  Pengelola wajib meyediakan public hand washing di lokasi sebelum memasuki area homestay; Pengelola wajib melakukan pengecekan suhu tubuh kepada siapapun pihak yang memasuki area homestay (suhu badan tidak lebih dari 37,3ºc) dan memastikan pihak tersebut berada dalam kondisi sehat (pengelola, karyawan, tamu, pihak lain yang berkepentingan); Pengelola homestay wajib menyediakan public hand sanitizer di lokasi yang mudah terlihat dan mudah untuk dijangkau; Pengelola homestay sangat direkomendasikan untuk memasang counter shield/ kaca/ plastik. aklirik pembatas pada bagian penerimaan tamu; Tamu wajib membawa sendiri masker tambahan dan hand sanitizer; Pengelola homestay wajib menyediakan AC/ kipas angin dalam kondisi yang layak untuk memastikan sirkulasi udara berjalan dengan baik; Pengelola homestay wajib menyediakan Kotak P3K; Pengelola homestay wajib melakukan pembersihan kamar tamu dengan menyemprotkan disinfektan secara rutin minimal pada saat kamar telah selesai digunakan oleh tamu; Pengelola homestay wajib memasang flyer/ sign/ sticker mengenai protokol COVID-19 di tempat-tempat yang mudah terlihat; Seluruh pihak wajib berkomunikasi/ berinteraksi dengan menerapkan physical distancing;
International Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 5: February 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/ijss.v1i5.1313


PKL is the term for Field Practice or Professional Placement program. PKL is one systematic implementation within educational programs with mastering skills obtained by undergoing work placement in the working world. The program itself is actually beneficial for students and enterprises. The skills obtained on the campus can be applied in PKL. Hence, it can determine how well students can apply the knowledge and skills derived through the PKL program to become evaluations to develop education quality. The purpose of conducting this research is to determine how the industry's strategy and the steps taken to develop or enhance the skills of the training students in Housekeeping and Front Office, particularly in performing the duties conforming to the predetermined set of the standard by the respective industries. The data collection technique used is observation, interview, literature study, and documentation, which was analyzed using the interactive communication data analysis model by reducing the data, conducting data presentation, and drawing the conclusion. This research results show that the hotelier had applied basic comprehension that the students must know, such as hotel area, hotel property, and the profile of all hotel departments. Additionally, they all implement program standardization after understanding basic product knowledge and dividing work sections in the Housekeeping and Front Office. In Housekeeping, the working standardizations applied are General knowledge of front office, Front Desk Agent, Service center, Bellboy, Guest relation officer. While housekeeping had implemented standardizations such as general training knowledge of housekeeping, room, and laundry.
Potential Identification of Community-Based Tourism Product Development in Santong Tourism Village, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia Oktomi Harja; Ruwaida Fajria Santi; Rizda Endean Ngoluanta Batubara; Jumraidin Jumraidin; Ainul Yakin; Putu Ari Nugraha; firman koma febdilan; Muh Ilham H; Ida Ayu Yadnya Sari Dewi Utami Pidada; Siti Lathifah
Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (JUWITA) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (JUWITA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/juwita.v1i3.6381


Purpose: This community service activity is carried out with the main objective of identifying the potential for developing tourism products in Santong Tourism Village which originates from the economic, social and cultural potential of the community in the context of developing quality and competitive tourism products in Santong Tourism Village. Method: The community service employs (1) field survey to identify current conditions and the need for intervention in the development of tourist village with data collection techniques ranging from direct observation, in-depth interview, to documentation, and (2) workshop which includes short lectures, guided group discussions, demonstrations, and simulations. The data obtained are all primary data obtained directly from Pokdarwis, other tourism actors, as well as Santong’s local community. Result: The 2 (two) main outputs of this community service activity are (1) tour package and culinary product prototypes that integrate various natural potentials and local community wisdom, as well as (2) needs identification for homestay development in Santong Tourism Village. Contribution: Providing new insights and skills to the local community in developing integrated and quality tourism products that can provide broader economic impact the people of Santong Tourism Village.
International Journal of Social Science Vol. 2 No. 5: February 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53625/ijss.v2i5.4815


Efforts to increase business standards in the capacity of cleaning rooms and receiving homestay guests are very important things to always improve in serving guests who stay overnight. Lack of facilities and business standards that have been set become the spearhead of the management in services so that guests who stay overnight are satisfied with the services provided. So, in this case the role of the manager is very much needed in understanding this. The purpose of holding this research is to find out how the role of managershomestay Mandalika Tourism Village in providing reception and room cleaning services. Data collection techniques that have been used by the author are observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation which has been analyzed with interactive communication data analysis models by reducing data, presenting data, and finally drawing conclusions. The results of this study in booking guest rooms, managers still usesystem walk-in and there is no registration form,list room prices and less friendly service to guests. This is evidenced by the lack of association relations or cooperation especiallyonline travel agent to expand the network in the ordering system so that it has an impact on business standardshomestay understanding of managers. This is evident from the product aspect of the availability of at least 1 bedroom with adequate air circulation, ventilation, tiled floors, sufficient lighting, trash cans, room keys, lighting, cupboards, mirrors, beds neatly arranged with other amenities