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Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

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Evaluation toward the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 : A Qualitative Study on Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 Jakarta. Thesis. Research and Educational Evaluation Department, Graduate School of Muhammadiyah University of Prof. DR. HAMKA. January 2015. This Research aims to reveal the evaluation toward the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 by using CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model : A Qualitative Study on Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 Jakarta. The method used is Evaluation Research Method, that is a method which uses  numbers, written statement, oral information and various facts to obtain data which relates to the problem of evaluation toward the implementation of Curriculum 2013. Data collection used documentation, interviews, and observation. Interviews were conducted at five Muhammadiyah Elementary School Principals, Curriculum Staffs and Classroom teachers Research result concludes that in terms of context, the implementation of Curriculum 2013   in Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 is clear in its vision, mission and objective. But in term of input, the implementation of Curriculum 2013 is not controlled well yet. It is seen from the input of teachers and employees who are not in accordance with their profession. Some teachers are   classroom teachers who did not graduate from PGSD but from one field of study. The process implementation of Curriculum 2013 is running well, it is in accordance with the procedures established by the government curriculum. There is no   products in the implementation of Curriculum 2013   in Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 yet, both in academic and non-academic terms. It is very expected for Institutions to pay more attention to the process of recruitment of teachers, therefore the skill of prospective teachers will be in accordance with their profession to gain an optimal learning process. Besides, the institutions is also expected to provide briefing and training to all teachers to be able to master the implementation of curriculum in 2013 correctly and in accordance with the provisions that have been set by the government.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 9 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

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Learning ISMUBA (al-Islam, KeMuhammadiyahan and Arabic) is the key feature of all Muhammadiyah schools. SD Muhammadiyah 5 in Limau South Jakarta is one of the Muhammadiyah elementary school that implemented this learning ISMUBA. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative with qualitative interpretation. This research is conducted in SD Muhammadiyah 5 Jakarta Selatan between September to November 2017. This research population is all class IV students in SD Muhammadiyah 5 South Jakarta. The sample used in this research is saturated population that is all student of Class IV. The collected data includes primary data. Primary data is obtained from the students answer sheet on the subjects of al-Islam, KeMuhammadiyahan and Arabic. Analysis of question items is using IRT (Item Response Theory) through the use of software to see the level of difficulty, distinguishing power. The results obtained from the ITEMAN application will be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of different problem power and problem level.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

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Evaluation toward the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 : A Qualitative Study on Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 Jakarta. Thesis. Research and Educational Evaluation Department, Graduate School of Muhammadiyah University of Prof. DR. HAMKA. January 2015. This Research aims to reveal the evaluation toward the Implementation of Curriculum 2013 by using CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model : A Qualitative Study on Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 Jakarta. The method used is Evaluation Research Method, that is a method which uses numbers, written statement, oral information and various facts to obtain data which relates to the problem of evaluation toward the implementation of Curriculum 2013. Data collection used documentation, interviews, and observation. Interviews were conducted at five Muhammadiyah Elementary School Principals, Curriculum Staffs and Classroom teachers Research result concludes that in terms of context, the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 is clear in its vision, mission and objective. But in term of input, the implementation of Curriculum 2013 is not controlled well yet. It is seen from the input of teachers and employees who are not in accordance with their profession. Some teachers are classroom teachers who did not graduate from PGSD but from one field of study. The process implementation of Curriculum 2013 is running well, it is in accordance with the procedures established by the government curriculum. There is no products in the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in Elementary School Muhammadiyah 5 yet, both in academic and non-academic terms. It is very expected for Institutions to pay more attention to the process of recruitment of teachers, therefore the skill of prospective teachers will be in accordance with their profession to gain an optimal learning process. Besides, the institutions is also expected to provide briefing and training to all teachers to be able to master the implementation of curriculum in 2013 correctly and in accordance with the provisions that have been set by the government.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

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Learning ISMUBA (al-Islam, KeMuhammadiyahan and Arabic) is the key feature of all Muhammadiyah schools. SD Muhammadiyah 5 in Limau South Jakarta is one of the Muhammadiyah elementary school that implemented this learning ISMUBA. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative with qualitative interpretation. This research is conducted in SD Muhammadiyah 5 Jakarta Selatan between September to November 2017. This research population is all class IV students in SD Muhammadiyah 5 South Jakarta. The sample used in this research is saturated population that is all student of Class IV. The collected data includes primary data. Primary data is obtained from the students answer sheet on the subjects of al-Islam, KeMuhammadiyahan and Arabic. Analysis of question items is using IRT (Item Response Theory) through the use of software to see the level of difficulty, distinguishing power. The results obtained from the ITEMAN application will be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of different problem power and problem level.
Tracer Study Alumni: Upaya Peningkatan Layanan Pembelajaran Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam UHAMKA Lismawati Lismawati; Shobah Shofariyani Iryanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jpi.v11i2.5977


The research objectives of the PAI UHAMKA tracer study are to analyze the personal data of graduates, the views of graduates regarding the education services provided, the level of user satisfaction related to the professional competence of graduates, and the implementation of Al Islam and Muhammadiyah values ​​for graduates in the workplace and society. This research is a quantitative descriptive research through a survey approach which includes four stages: 1) developing concepts and instruments; 2) data collection 3) data analysis and 4) reporting. The research samples were graduates of PAI UHAMKA in 2016. For the data analysis stage, a mix method was used with the Sequential Explanatory model. The results showed 79% of PAI UHAMKA graduates in 2016 already had jobs with the majority working in companies / agencies / government institutions and companies / agencies / private institutions. The level of competence mastered by PAI UHAMKA graduates in 2016 is that knowledge in the field or discipline occupies the highest result. AIK coaching has an impact on the worship obedience of graduates, namely 48% answered fairly and 52% answered high.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jpi.v12i1.7011


The research objective of PAI UHAMKA tracer study is to determine the quality of graduates and the demands of the world of work. This research is a descriptive quantitative research through a survey approach which includes three stages: 1) developing concepts and instruments; 2) data collection and 3) data analysis. The research samples were graduates of PAI UHAMKA 2017. For the data analysis stage, a mix method was used with the Sequential Explanatory model. The results showed that the majority of PAI UHAMKA graduates in 2017 were absorbed in working in the government and private sectors. The competencies possessed by graduates are in accordance with the job. The assessment of graduate respondents on the learning process states that the learning methods, qualifications of teaching staff and learning facilities are appropriate to support the increase in knowledge and abilities needed to support work, and the guidance of AIK has an impact on the worship obedience of graduates.
Pengaruh Evaluasi Online Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Lismawati; Shobah Shofariyani Iryanti; Anisya Fitrah Amalia
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/jpi.v12i2.7913


This study aims to determine how much influence the evaluation of online learning using the Quizizz application and Google Form has on student learning outcomes within the scope of the Islamic Religious Education study program. This type of research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research method. The data collection method was carried out using a test technique with a research design of pretest-posttest control group design, where the researcher gave a pretest with the aim of getting students' initial scores through the google form. The posttest was also given using the Quizizz application, then analyzed using data tabulation to draw conclusions. The place where the research was carried out was at FAI UHAMKA, South Jakarta. The samples used in this study were PAI VI A (Google form) and VI D (Quizizz). The data collected includes primary data. Primary data was obtained from the results of the pre-test and post-test of students. The results of the study confirm that there is an effect of online evaluation on the learning outcomes of PAI UHAMKA students in semester 6 of the Statistics course. This was obtained from the results of the study which showed that there was an increase from the original average value of 42.17 to 48.5.
Peta Keterampilan Mengajar Bahasa Arab Guru-Guru Ismuba di Sekolah Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta Ari Khairurrijal Fahmi; Lismawati
Jurnal SOLMA Vol. 10 No. 1s (2021): Spesial Issue
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka (UHAMKA Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/solma.v10i1s.6714


Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan latar belakang bahwa pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan harus terus dikembangkan melalui kompetensi guru yang mengajar khususnya dalam bidang bahasa Arab. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui peta keterampilan mengajar Bahasa Arab bagi guru sekolah Muhammadiyah di DKI Jakarta. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan; yaitu pendekatan terhadap mitra, partisipasi mitra, dan evaluasi dan keberlanjutan program pasca pelaksanaan pengabdian ini. pendekatan terhadap mitra dilakukan dengan pendekatan personal dan institusional guna mendapatkan data yang akurat mengenai kondisi sosial demografis mitra. Adapun partisipasi mitra dilaksanakan dengan program pelatihan yang akan dilaksanakan dua kali dalam satu bulan untuk materi pelatihan yang akan dilaksanakan empat bulan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini menghasilkan 2 hal; pertama berupa kegiatan pelatihan model pembelajaran bahasa arab berbasis digital dan pelatihan evaluasi pembelajarn berbasis digita, kedua berupa hasil pemetaan kemampuan mengajar bahasa arab guru guru ISMUBA di DKI Jakarta. Data menunjukkan bahwa dari 65 orang guru bahasa Arab yang mengajar di sekolah Muhammadiyah DKI Jakarta sangat membutuhkan pelatihan ini. Secara angka, 58.5% guru tidak memiliki ijazah bahasa Arab, dan 41.5% memiliki ijazah bahasa Arab, 76.9% guru yang mengajar, tidak pernah mengikuti pelatihan khusus terkait pembelajaran bahasa Arab, 21% guru pernah mengikuti 1-2 kali pelatihan, 1,1% guru pernah mengikuti pelatihan lebih dari 2 kali. Berdasarkan pengamatan mendalam dari data hasil survey setelah kegiatan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan yang terfokus pada model dan evaluasi pembelajaran bahasa Arab secara daring perlu dilakukan lebih sering.
Prophetic Approach dalam Kebijakan Pendidikan Indonesia: Studi Analisis Teori Sosial Profetik Kuntowijoyo Alif Rizky Ramadhan; Lismawati
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

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Indonesian education at this time has experienced a great shift from education that is oriented towards individual scientific capabilities to education that is oriented towards industrial needs. This shift occurred due to changes in the global market share which is increasingly fixated on industrial machines so that these ideas and thoughts develop in the national education ministry. As a result, the spirit of education in Indonesia is experiencing a void because the orientation and mindset that is currently being carried out is based on industrial needs. Seeing this condition, we as Muslims should realize the impact that arises from this industry-based education that is not supported by an understanding of the socio-religious approach and the religio-scientific approach. So it is not wrong if we re-read Kuntowijoyo's thoughts on prophetic social science as an alternative way of developing education based on a prophetic approach. So that Indonesian education does not only talk about industrial needs but also realizes how important the prophetic approach offered by Kuntowijoyo is as a driving force for educational development in Indonesia.
PENEGUHAN DAN PENGUATAN KEMPUAN SOFT SKIL DEMI MENUNJANG EKONOMI DAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM YANG BERKEMAJUAN Abi Fauzi; Vellix Vernando; Indrastuti Handayani; Thufail Alfarobi; Ilham Fajar Baskoro; Indri Putriana Dewita Sari; Arti Yulyani; Alista Pristantika Nur Kholifah; Vina Ayu Lestari; Paisal Amir; Abdul Hasan Fatur; Lismawati Lismawati
EJOIN : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): EJOIN : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/ejoin.v2i4.2613


Seeing that there are several problems that occur in the North Cipete sub-district. Among other things, there are problems with people's understanding regarding online buying and selling, the lack of interactive media and methods for learning the Qur'an, the lack of interest in learning, especially in Islamic Religious Education, Arabic Language Education, and Sharia Banking Economics. Thus, the first step in starting this KKS activity program, we coordinated with several parties such as DKM (Mosque Prosperity Council), PKK Mother, Karang Taruna, and educational institutions (TPQ Al-Istiqomah), as well as residents of Cipete Utara Subdistrict RT.07 RW. 02.We hope that through the efforts of this Social Work Lecture (KKS) activity carried out by FAI UHAMKA group 2 students at Muhammadiyah University, Prof. Dr. HAMKA with its spirit of collaboration, knowledge and high dedication can become an agent of change for the people of Cipete Utara RT. 07/RW.02 in helping community empowerment and developing personal potential optimally. Apart from that, the Social Work Lecture (KKS) program is not only a source of knowledge, but also a source of experience for students in social activities and to strengthen Islamic brotherhood.The activity strategy in implementing the Social Work Lecture (KKS) is carried out through an active approach, namely mingling with the community and through workshop presentation methods regarding digital marketing and the introduction of sharia banking, as well as PAI, PBA and PS training materials, learning at the TPQ Al institution -Istiqomah with story telling, learning while playing, learning with songs and movements, question and answer, and using digital media to achieve innovative and progressive learning goals.In implementing this social work lecture, the focus is on strengthening soft skills through empowerment and teaching to residents of the North Cipete RT.07/RW.02 community. As said by the chief executive of KKS activities, the aim of implementing this activity and training program is so that people are able to do business through digital and market products online, one of which is through shopefood as business support