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JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 8, No 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : STMIK Royal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33330/jurteksi.v8i3.1483


Abstract: Non-performing loan (NPL) is a risk that credit unions must face and to avoid that, prospective debtors need to be surveyed. With previous loan data, support vector machine and naïve bayes can be used as classification methods to give a decision about NPL. We use a data set with 61 data and process the data with orange 3.30 application to see the difference between SVM using linear (SVM-L), polynomial (SVM-P), RBF (SVM-R) and sigmoid (SVM-S) kernel with naïve bayes. We use a cross validation technique with various folds to measure the classification results and a convusion matrix to measure the data training classification results. Naïve bayes scores the highest in terms of accuracy and SVM-R scores the highest in terms of F1, precision and recall. SVM-P scores the lowest in terms of accuracy, F1, precision and recall. Naïve bayes scores the highest in terms of proportion of predicted for true negative class and proportion of actual for true positive class. SVM-S scores the highest in terms of proportion of predicted for true positive class and proportion of actual for true negative class. SVM-P scores the lowest in both proportion of predicted and proportion of actual.             Keywords: classification; naïve bayes; non-performing loan; support vector machine  Abstrak: Kredit macet merupakan resiko yang sering dialami koperasi simpan pinjam, sehingga perlu dilakukan survei terhadap calon debitur agar kredit menjadi sehat. Dengan menggunakan data pemberian kredit sebelumnya, support vector machine dan naïve bayes digunakan sebagai metode klasifikasi untuk memberikan keputusan macet atau tidaknya kredit anggota koperasi Mutiara Sejahtera. Data set yang berjumlah 61 data diolah menggunakan aplikasi Orange 3.30 dan dilihat perbandingan antara metode SVM dengan kernel linear, polynomial, RBF dan sigomoid dengan metode naïve bayes. Cross validation dengan jumlah fold bervariasi digunakan sebagai nilai ukur klasifikasi dan convusion matrix digunakan sebagai nilai ukur klasifikasi data training. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah naïve bayes memiliki nilai accuracy tertinggi dan SVM kernel RBF memiliki nilai F1, precision dan recall tertinggi. SVM kernel polynomial memiliki nilai terendah untuk accuracy, F1, precision dan recall. Naïve bayes memiliki nilai tertinggi untuk proportion of predicted (PoP) kelas true negative dan proportion of actual (PoA) kelas true positive. SVM kernel sigmoid memiliki nilai tertinggi untuk PoP kelas true positive dan PoA kelas true negative. SVM kernel polynomial memiliki nilai terendah baik untuk PoP maupun PoA true negative dan kelas true positive. Kata kunci: klasifikasi; kredit macet; naive bayes;  SVM
Mat-Edukasia Vol 8 No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Pendidikan Matematika | STKIP YM Bangko

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55221/mat-edukasia.v8i1.932


The history of this studies is the low gaining knowledge of motivation and potential to assume creatively mathematically, primarily based on the consequences of the pre-check where there may be 1 tricky indicator, specifically 2 flexibility signs. The motive of this examine was to describe a large dating between studying motivation and the potential to assume creatively mathematically. This take a look at uses a quantitative approach with correlational methods. The populace on this study were all elegance XII students at SMK Negeri 2 Merangin inclusive of 6 instructions with 128 students. with the aid of the usage of the Slovin method, ninetyseven students were selected as samples. The sampling technique in this take a look at turned into simple random sampling by lottery. data series techniques in this study had been questionnaires and tests. The device used become within the shape of 41 declaration gadgets and three items about the potential to suppose creatively mathematically. based on the evaluation, the facts is commonly allotted and has a linear pattern. The information evaluation approach used to check the speculation is the pearson product moment, to test the significance the usage of the Z-test, followed by the figuring out coefficient formulation to specific the dimensions of the contribution of variable X to variable Y. based totally on statistics evaluation, it shows that the outcomes of the Pearson product second test are rcount > rtable or 0.238 > zero.198, the result of the Z-test is Zcount > Ztable or 2.332 > 1.960, followed with the aid of the result of the determinant coefficient test is five.sixty six%, then H0 is rejected and H1 is normal that means that there is a enormous dating among gaining knowledge of motivation and potential think creatively mathematically in elegance XII college students of SMK Negeri 2 Merangin for the 2022/2023 instructional yr
Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Pesantren Berbasis Excel dan Laporan Pajak Tahunan Baitul Qur’An Berbasis Excel Sinarti Sinarti; Riri Zelmiyanti; Doni Putra Utama; Nanik Lestari; Muhammad Ikhlash; Sugeng Riyadi; Muhammad Zaenuddin
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Batam
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/abdimaspolibatam.v5i1.4869


Abstract—This service activity aims to continue the implementation of community service activities for the 2021 period, the output of which is PSAK 45 Socialization, preparation of accounting policies for Islamic Boarding Schools, and a simple Excel application for preparing financial reports. The location of the Islamic boarding school which will be used as a place for carrying out activities is in Tanjung Buntung, Bengkong District, Batam City, Riau Archipelago. The method of implementing the activities that will be used is the mentoring method and the Excel application development method. The output of this service is the application of excel-based financial reports, videos of community service activities, and tax reports. It is hoped that this community service activity will increase the knowledge, expertise and independence of partners' financial departments in preparing financial reports based on standards set by the Public Accountants Association professional organization and make maximum use of accounting policies and excel templates that have been made in previous community service activities and the preparation of tax reports . Another output is that the results of this community service activity will be published in journals or community service proceedings and reported in online media so that similar organizations can obtain information and establish mentoring cooperation with the Batam State Polytechnic. Keywords—Islamic Boarding School Accounting, ISAK 35, Financial Statements, Accounting Policies
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD Bojongkoneng Slamet Rabani; Sugeng Riyadi
Sintaksis : Publikasi Para ahli Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli: Publikasi Para ahli Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Publisher : Asosiasi Periset Bahasa Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/sintaksis.v1i4.12


Learning Indonesian plays an important role in improving quality, especially at the elementary school (SD) level. In elementary school, especially grade 6, you will learn to understand a text and find the main idea, make speeches, learn interviews, and make reports. Indonesian learning activities are important so that we can accelerate the mastery of science and technology because Indonesian is a means of thinking to develop logical, systematic and critical ways of thinking.