Benny Junior Kaban
Guru Sejarah, SMA Swasta Methodist Binjai, Indonesia

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PERANAN DR. T.D. PARDEDE DALAM PEMBANGUNAN KOTA MEDAN (1953-1991) Abdul Haris Nasution; Benny Junior Kaban
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Puteri Hijau Vol.3 No. 1
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v3i1.11738


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk megetahui latar belakang kehidupan Dr. T.D. Pardede dan juga untuk mengetahui peranan Dr. T.D. Pardede dalam pembangunan di Kota Medan khusunya pembangunan Industri Tekstil dan Pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan fokus penelitian menggunakan studi pustaka (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research) guna mendapatkan data yang akurat. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan, pertama menggunakan literatur-literatur yang mendukung penelitian, kedua wawancara langsung dengan narasumber yaeng dapat memberikan informasi yang mendukung, ketiga observasi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunujukkan bahwa latar kehidupan T.D. Pardede yang berasal dari keluarga yang sederhana membuat dirinya hidup dalam kemandirian, di masa kecilnya beliau sudah tertarik pada dunia pasar dengan ikut berjualan untuk memenuhi biaya hidupnya, T.D. Pardede sempat bekerja di beberapa perkebunan. Industri Tekstil menjadi usaha T.D. Pardede yang berhasil membuat dirinya dapat dikenal luas oleh masyarakat atas peranannya yang memberikan devisa bagi Negara dan menciptakan lowongan pekerjaan yang sangat besar. T.D. Pardede juga aktif dalam pembangunan pendidikan di Kota Medan dengan mendirikan T.D. Pardede Foundation yaitu suatu yayasan sosial yang fokusnya dalam bidang pendidikan. Kata Kunci: T.D Pardede, Industri Tekstil, Pendidikan, Pembagunan Kota
Analisis Pemilihan Buku Teks Sejarah dalam Pemanfaatan Sebagai Sumber Belajar Untuk Siswa/Siswi di SMA Swasta Rakyat Fiqri Haiqal; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Benny Junior Kaban; Aditya Darma; Fikri Alkhairi
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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History books play an important role in history learning because they provide information and explanations about important historical events. However, choosing the right textbook is an important factor in ensuring the effective use of textbooks as learning tools. The research method used is literature research by collecting and analyzing history textbooks available and used at Pancur Batu People's Private High School. The results of the analysis show that in choosing a good history textbook should pay attention to the accuracy of the information presented. Textbooks must contain accurate historical facts and be supported by valid evidence. In addition, textbooks must be in accordance with the applicable curriculum of Pancur Batu People's Private High School so that they contain relevant material and support the achievement of narrative learning objectives. Ease of reading is also an important factor when history textbooks have to be written in a language that students can easily understand. /Student. The use of images, charts, and graphs can also help students better understand historical content. In addition, a good history textbook should provide multiple perspectives to help students understand multiple perspectives on historical events. Finally, the importance of history books to students' lives is very important. History textbooks that connect the material to students' current reality or experience can increase their interest and participation in history learning. By considering these factors, the selection of the right history textbook at Pancur Batu People's Private High School can provide effective and quality learning resources for students. The importance of this research lies in the importance of selecting quality history textbooks to enhance students' understanding of history and develop critical thinking.
Implementation of History Textbooks as A Learning Resource at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan Nadiyah Zahra Lubis; Benny Junior Kaban; Surya Aymanda Nababan; Muhammad Adika Nugraha; Dedi Kusbiantoro; Muhammad Ricky Hardiyansyah; Fikri Alkhairi
Keguruan Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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History textbooks play an important role in the history learning process at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan. These textbooks become the main source of information and understanding of historical events for students. The implementation of history textbooks shows a systematic and structured effort in incorporating historical material into the school curriculum. The use of high-quality history textbooks provides accurate and in-depth information about historical events, helping students understand their context. While important, the use of history textbooks also faces challenges such as limited information, the need to update content according to the latest research, and maintaining an inclusive diversity of historical perspectives. The use of history textbooks can improve history learning at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan by helping students gain a better understanding of history and relate it to the current social, political, and cultural context. This research is a library research where research is based on previous literature searches that are relevant to the problems discussed in this study. The data collected in this study were obtained through excavation and tracing of books, articles, magazines, journals, internet access, and other important records related to the subject of this study and can help understand the issues discussed. However, this research is descriptive analytical, which means collecting data, interpreting it, then analyzing and interpreting it.
Analysis of The Process of Implementing Character Education in Overcoming The Moral Crisis of Class X Students at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan Surya Aymanda Nababan*; Aditya Darma; Benny Junior Kaban; Forman Laia
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 2 (2023): April, Social and Religious Aspect in History, Economic Science and Law
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i2.26103


This study aims to educate character in overcoming the moral crisis of grade X students at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan, considering that many students have a crisis of good character and morals. The method used in this study is to cultivate moral and religious values to students. So that the younger generation is able to understand their shortcomings and strengths as a source of grace from God that must be grateful. With this method can create an attitude of confidence, decrease violations of social rules that apply in society, the younger generation is able to show logical and creative thinking. In today's world of education, character education in overcoming students' moral crisis has begun to decrease. It can be proven by the number of students who lack respect, respect, and are not polite to people around them, especially in the school environment. This is due to the underestimation and non-compliance with applicable regulations in the school environment and also caused by the influence of the surrounding environment such as digital lifestyle, both from home, and also from friends. The digital era not only has a positive impact, but also a negative impact. For this reason, those who must play an active role in preventing a moral crisis of students like this are parents, especially and also teachers who teach in their schools. So that by preventing this student moral crisis, it can slowly realize character education in overcoming the moral crisis of students in class X at SMA Brigjend Katamso 1 Medan.