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PERANCANGAN SISTEM PENILAIAN KINERJA KARYAWAN (STUDI KASUS : PT. X) Hidayat, Trifenaus Prabu; Sukwadi, Ronald; Ngaditeja, Jeassyca
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 6, No.1, Januari 2011
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.501 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.6.1.57-64


PT. X merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang coating dan vacuum metalizing. Sistem penilaian prestasi kerja yang dilakukan oleh PT. X berdasarkan pada absensi. Sistem penilaian saat ini menimbulkan ketidakpuasan karyawan karena prestasi kerja karyawan tidak termasuk dalam sistem penilaian prestasi kerja. Hal ini berdampak pada pemberian insentif. Penelitian ini akan merancang sistem penilaian kerja karyawan dengan mempertimbangkan faktor -faktor hasil pekerjaan karyawan dan hasil penilaian tersebut akan digunakan untuk menghitung pemberian insentif karyawan. Tahap awal penelitian dilakukan identifikasi kriteria-kriteria dan sub kriteria. Kriteria yang digunakan adalah kriteria berdasarkan kriteria Spencer. Penentuan bobot masing-masing kriteria dan sub kriteria mengunakan kuisioner pembanding berpasangan, kemudian diolah menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Tahap akhir dari penelitian ini melakukan perhitungan insentif karyawan yang berdasarkan besarnya bonus yang disediakan perusahaan. Sistem penilaian prestasi kerja ini dilakukan oleh 4 orang penilai yang dilakukan secara kolektif, dimana penilaian dilakukan pada akhir tahun. Sistem penilaian usulan ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan sistem saat ini yaitu: kriteria yang digunakan sesuai dengan penilaian performansi operator, membantu perusahaan dalam memonitor aktivitas di lantai produksi. Keuntungan untuk operator adalah mengetahui kelebihan dan kelemahan performansinya sehingga untuk menjadi bahan evaluasi serta dapat meningkatkan insentif dengan bekerja lebih baik lagi. Sistem penilaian prestasi kerja usulan ini diharapkan memotivasi karyawan untuk bekerja lebih baik lagi.Kata kunci: Penilaian Prestasi kerja, Spencer,Analytical Hierarchy, Process, Insentif. PT. X is a company engaged in the field of coating and vacuum metalizing. System of performance appraisal work done by PT. X based on attendance. Rating systems currently generate employee dissatisfaction because employees 'performance is not included in employees' performance appraisal system. This has an impact on the provision of incentives. This study will design the employee appraisal system by considering the factors the employee's job and the assessment results will be used to calculate the employee incentives. The initial phase of research to identify the criteria and sub criteria. The criteria used is based on the criteria of Spencer's criteria. ¬ respective determination of each criteria and sub criteria using paired comparison questionnaire, then processed using the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The final stage of this study do calculations based on the employee incentive bonus provided by the company. Work performance appraisal system is conducted by 4 assessors who carried out collectively, where assessment is carried out at the end of the year. This proposed assessment system has several advantages over current systems, namely: the criteria used in accordance with the assessment of operator performance, helping companies monitor activity on the production floor. The advantage for operators is to know the strengths and weaknesses so as to be a material performance evaluation, and to increase the incentive to work even better. Work performance appraisal system proposal is expected to motivate employees to work better. Key words: Assessment of Achievement of work, Spencer, Analytical Hierarchy, Process, Incentives.
Usulan Pengembangan Komunikasi Pemasaran Melalui Strategi Customer Bonding (Studi Kasus : Supermarket Hero di Jakarta) Sukwadi, Ronald
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 2, No.2, Mei 2007
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.239 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.2.2.1-11


The consequence of competition is the decrease of the number of customers which causes Hero Supermarket closed down several of its outlets. This decrease is also caused by the existence of internal issue of marketing communication (promotion) which lacked a strong concept. The ineffective selection of communication channel which in turn fails to conform the activity to the public. For that, the identification in marketing communication activity through Customer Bonding strategy is needed. Through marketing communication program assessment with Customer Bonding (Awareness Bonding, Relationship Bonding, and Advocacy Bonding), intensity of marketing communication problem can be identified, through survey assessment (management and costumer), analyzed with statistical testing like validity and reliability test, Spearman Correlation test and Cross tab test. The questionnaires will be given to 13 respondents from Hero Management by using quota sampling and 100 customers using stratified sampling.               Through marketing communication program assessment using Customer Bonding, marketing communication intensity and correlation analysis between marketing communication program and consumer loyalty are obtained. From this analysis, it is shown that there is noise in marketing communication that influences information sending to customer. Hero must maintain marketing communication program which focuses in marketing program that have competitive advantages. Beside that, evaluation has always to be done in order to improve customer loyalty. Keywords: communication, customer bonding, loyalty  
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 10, No. 2, Mei 2015
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.915 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.10.2.71-76


Behavioral intention dipandang sebagai penentu utama kinerja penyedia transportasi umum. Penelitian ini menekankan pada hubungan antara behavioral intention dan variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhinya seperti kualitas layanan, nilai yang dirasakan, keterlibatan, dan kepuasan penumpang. Dengan melakukan survei penumpang Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL) Commuter Line Jabodetabek, teknik model persamaan struktural menggunakan software AMOS 22.0 digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan antar variabel dalam model konseptual. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kualitas layanan memiliki dampak positif terhadap nilai yang dirasakan. Nilai yang dirasakan dan kepuasan penumpang mempunyai dampak positif terhadap keterlibatan. Kualitas layanan dan keterlibatan memiliki dampak positif terhadap behavioral intention.     Abstract   The behavioral intention of public transportation passengers is seen as a crucial determinant of public transportation provider performance. This research highlights the relationships between passenger behavioral intention and the various variables that affect it such as service quality, perceived value, involvement, and satisfaction of public transportation services. By using passenger survey data from the Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL) Commuter Line Jabodetabek, the structural equation modeling technique AMOS 22.0 is applied to analyze the conceptualized relationship model. The findings reveal that service quality has positive effect to perceived value. Perceived value and customer satisfaction have positive effect to involvement. Service quality and involvement have positive effect to behavioral intention.