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Physiological Respons of Bali and Simbal Cattles on the Thermal Environtment of Lowland and Highland Areas in Lombok Island Lalu Wira Pribadi; Rr. Agustien Suhardiani; Tahyah Hidjaz; M. Ashari; Happy Poerwoto; Rina Andriati
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 21 No. 3 (2021): September - Desember
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v21i3.2771


The effort to increase productivity of Bali cattle in Lombok Island made use of crossbreeding with exotic breeds, such as Simmental, Limousine, Charolais, Hereford, and Brahman breed, in which Simmental was suggested the best one. However, replacing indigenous with exotic breed might in fact create significant problem, especially low tolerance on harsh environment condition and increased work to feed each animal because of higher growth and greater size at maturity. This study that mean objective to investigate the physiological respons of Bali and Simbal cattle  on the thermal environment of lowland and highland areas in Lombok island, was carried out by measure the rectal temperature (BT, oC), respiration rate (RR, resp/min), and heat tolerance coefficient (HTC) of 320 cattles in lowland and 280 cattle in highland, each consisted of pure Bali breed (B), crossbred of B x Simmental (SB), backcross of SB x Simmental (SBS), and backcross of SB x Bali (SBB). Each genotype consist of male and female, and 24-36 months of age. All cattle observed are ordered to be similar condition with BCS 3-5. The thermal condition of lowland and highland are measured from air temperature (oC), relative humidity (%), and temperature humidity index (THI). Data were analysed by using Anova and further test using HSD-test. Results of the study shows, the daily temperature and THI data obtained for the lowland environment are in considered to thermal stress zone for beef cattle, whereas those of found for the highland are within range of safety zone for cattle production. Physiological response shuch as BT, RR, and HTC, were significantly higher for cattle in the lowland than those in highland. The crossbreds cattle with higher proportion of Simmental genetic showed higher BT, RR, and HTC in the lowland, but became decrease in highland environment by higher decreasing index. It could be conclused that environmental condition in lowland with average THI of 80.02 lead to coused thermal stress to genotypes of Simbal cattle based on HTC wich in average of 2.91; however in highland wich average THI of 69.39 each genotype of cattle shows physiological responses in the normal range. 
Pengembangan Sistem Produksi Sapi Potong Rakyat dengan Penerapan Teknik Promosi Pertumbuhan Lalu Wira Pribadi; Happy Poerwoto; Tahyah Hidjaz; M. Ashari; Rina Andriati; Rr. Agustien Suhardiani
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA Vol 4 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.111 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpmpi.v4i2.812


Suatu kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tujuan pokok untuk mengembangkan system produksi sapi potong dengan penerapan teknik promosi pertumbuhan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat, dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyuluhan dengan metode demplot, orasi, dan diseminasi Ipteks melalui leaflet. Kegiatan berlokasi di Desa Batumekar Kecamatan Lingsar, dengan sasaran strategis adalah para peternak pada dua kelompok peternakan sapi dengan kinerja terbaik, dari kedua kelompok diambil 20 peternak sebagai sasaran langsung pembinaan. Demplot dilakukan menggunakan 10 ekor sapi bakalan 2,0-2,5 tahun, dibagi ke dalam 2 plot masing-masing 5 ekor sapi/plot. Sistem penggemukan dengan aplikasi pemacu pertumbuhan (probiotik) didemonstrasikan pada kedua plot dengan pemberian pakan (hijauan + konsentrat) sepenuhnya di dalam kandang selama 90 hari, dan ke dalam pakan yang disediakan ditambahkan probiotik sebanyak 25 dan 50 mg/ekor/hari berturut-turut untuk Plot 1, dan Plot 2. Terdapat satu plot lainnya sebagai kelompok non demplot yang tidak diberikan probiotik. Capaian tujuan dan manfaat kegiatan yang dievaluasi dengan metode survey menggunakan quisioner dan pengukuran langsung kinerja sapi-sapi demplot menunjukkan, semua peternak dari kedua kelompok sasaran telah memahami dengan baik materi Ipteks yang diberikan penyuluh dan dipandang telah mampu mengembangkan system produksi sapi potong dengan penerapan teknik promosi pertumbuhan. Penerapan teknik promosi pertumbuhan dalam penggemukan sapi rakyat sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan efisiensi penggemukan sapi serta dapat memberikan pendapatan jauh lebih tinggi bagi peternak.
Demplot Penerapan Teknik Reproduksi Terkontrol untuk Promosi Kinerja Perbibitan Kambing Potong di Kecamatan Praya Barat Daya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Lalu Wira Pribadi; Rr. Agustien Suhardiani; Tahyah Hidjaz; Happy Poerwoto; M. Ashari; Rina Andriati
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA Vol 4 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.653 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jpmpi.v4i3.955


Suatu kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan tujuan pokok untuk mengembangkan system produksi kambing perbibitan dengan penerapan Teknik Reproduksi Terkontrol di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, NTB, dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyuluhan dengan metode demplot, pelatihan, dan diseminasi Ipteks melalui penyebaran leaflet kepada peternak. Kegiatan berlokasi di Desa Darek Kecamatan Praya Barat Daya, dengan sasaran strategis adalah para peternak pada dua kelompok peternakan kambing perbibitan, dari kedua kelompok diambil 20 peternak sebagai sasaran langsung pembinaan. Demplot dilakukan menggunakan 20 ekor kambing induk Peranakan Etawa(PE) umur 2,0-2,5 tahun dengan BCS rata-rata 4. Sistem produksi kambing perbibitan dengan penerapan Teknik Reproduksi Terkontrol didemonstrasikan pada kedua kelompok mitra mulai dari pemilihan kambing-kambing induk, sinkronisasi birahi dengan introduksi Prostaglandin F2α intravaginal menggunakan hand made spong, penerapan teknik flushing dengan pemberian pakan konsentrat comfeed, pengamatan tanda-tanda birahi kambing-kambing induk pasca sinkronisasi, pelaksanaan perkawinan kambing-kambing induk secara IB  menggunakan semen beku pejantan Boer, deteksi kebuntingan menggunakan non return rate, pemeliharaan kebuntingan dengan pemberian pakan suplemen dan vitamin, penanganan parturisi, penanganan cempe neonatal dan pengukuran berat lahir hingga penyapihan dan pengukuran berat sapih, promosi pertumbuhan cempe lepas sapih dengan suplementasi probiotik EM4, penilaian performa kambing bibit dengan pengukuran langsung berat badan dan dimensi vital kambing. Capaian tujuan dan manfaat kegiatan yang dievaluasi dengan teknik survey menggunakan quisioner dan pengukuran langsung performa reproduksi kambing induk dan performa cempe yang dihasilkan di dalam demplot menunjukkan, semua peternak dari kedua kelompok mitra/sasaran telah memahami dengan baik materi Ipteks yang diberikan penyuluh dan dipandang telah mampu mengembangkan system produksi kambing perbibitan dengan penerapan teknik reproduksi terkontrol. Penerapan teknik reproduksi terkontrol dalam usaha ternak kambing perbibitan sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan efisiensi reproduksi kambing induk dan produktivitas perbibitan yang diusahakan.
Pre-Weaning Growth Performance of Boerka (Boer >< Kacang) Crossbred Kids in the Difference Genotype and Birth Types Lalu Wira Pribadi; Rr. Agustien Suhardiani; Tahyah Hidjaz; M. Ashari; Happy Poerwoto; Rina Andriati; Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 22 No. 3 (2022): July - September
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v22i3.4146


Breeding programs to promote the productivity of Indonesian local goats (i.e. Kacang Goats) in various regions have been carried out by cross-breeding with predominant breeds of meat goats in the world such as Boer Goats. Currently, considering that the various genotypes of the cross-bred goat (namely Boerka Goat) have been spread and farmed by various goat farms throughout the country, it is necessary to evaluate the increase in productivity achieved. This study aims to investigate the pre-weaning growth performance of Boerka (Boer x Kacang) Crossbred Kids at different genotypes and birth types. The study was carried out experimentally using 167 Boer x Kacang crossbred kids which was arranged in a Split-Plot Design covering 3 plots of kid genotype, namely: BK (50% Boer, 50% Kacang), BBK (75% Boer, 25% Kacang) , and KBK (25% Boer, 75% Kacang), each with 3 sub-plots of kid birth types, namely single born kid (CT), twin born kid (CK-2), and triplet born kid (CK-3), all including male and female kids. The response variable that measured on pre-weaning growth performance, was observed directly by measuring birth weight (BL), 90-day-old weaning weight (BS90), and daily body weight gain (PBBH) for pre-weaning period. The data is tabulated and analyzed using software “Genstat”. The results showed that BL, BS.90, and pre-weaning PBBH of Boer x Kacang crossbred kids were influenced by genotype (P<0.01) and birth type (P<0.05) of the kids, and differed (P<0.05) between males and females kid. Male kids showed BL, BS90, and Pre-Weaning PBBH 12.88, 9.20, and 9.24% higher than female kids, respectively. Based on the genotype and birth type of the kids, the highest pre-weaning growth performance was shown by single-born male BBK kids, with BL, BS.90 and Pre-Weaning PBBH 3.32±0.33, 13.06±3.46 and 0.114±0.020 kg, respectively.
Bioenergetic Performance of Bali Cows Employed in Ploughing Agricultural Land under Different Work Intensities Lalu Wira Pribadi; Muhammad Ashari; Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri; Lukman H Y
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023): April-June
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i2.4849


The study was undertaken to investigate the use of cow as draught power in soil cultivation of the different type of farming field namely paddy farming field and dry farming field. Ten cows (5 working pairs) were randomly selected from each location so that the total number of obsevation cows was 20 (10 pairs). From each location, 45 breeders were randomly selected as respondents, so that a total of 90 respondents was observed intensively. The results showed, that the main motives recorded from this study are all respondents (100%), both paddy field farmers and dry field farmers, raising cattle for a source of labor and for savings. Most of the farmers raise cattle also for the purpose of being a source of fertilizer (88% of respondents). Cows in dry field farming worked with heigher intensity then those worked on paddy field farming areas. Cows were employed in average 48 days/season and only 4 hours/day, each under 49,60 kg droaugt load, 45 HP draught power, and 45,57 kg draught force, which indicate that the use of cows as a draught animal power in soil cultivation at the transmigration site in the West Nusa Tenggara area is within sub maximal exercise.