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A Preliminary Study on the Barriers in Listening Section of English Proficiency Test: Students’ Perspectives Paulina paulina; Farah Natchiar Mohd Khaja; Abdul Ghani Abu
DIDAKTIKA Vol 28 No 2 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.413 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/didaktika.v28i2.3818


Abstract This study intends to find out the problems or barriers faced by Indonesian students in studying for an English proficiency test (EPT), especially in Listening section. EPT becomes a standard English test and a compulsory test for students since it is used as one of the requirements for their graduation at the degree level, and also for a job application. Those requirements increase the demand of the test. However, the fact shows that the test takers of the EPT took the test for times since they cannot pass the targetted score. This fact led this study to investigate further about the barriers they face in EPT. The study also describes kinds of English Proficiency Test and the kind used in University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. The design of the study is descriptive qualitative with 40 students as the subject. The data will be collected from questionnaire and follow-up interview to answer the question and reveal the barriers they face during the test.
DIDAKTIKA Vol 26 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (791.85 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/didaktika.v26i1.1466


Student’s Perception is the process of students to interpret and organize an environment into meaningful information which cover student’s feeling of like or dislike towards something, it includes positive and negative opinion. Student’s Perception in this study focuses on the implementation of YouTube in Learning English song lyric. This study uses mixed method design. 72 students in class XI Science 3 and 7 in SMAN 1 Cerme become the subject of this study. The data was collected using Perception Questionnaire. After grained the data, the writer analyzed by using some formulas and SPSS 1.16. The writer also used interview to ensure the result of questionnaire.Based on the data analysis that was collected and analyzed from the students of XI-Science 3 and 7, 58,3 % of the students had positive perception towards the implementation of YouTube in Learning English song lyrics, from the interview and questionnaire result, this study is also gave many advantages from the student’s perception, the writer would like to answer the research questions as stated before. It consisted of a question involving to find out the research question “What is the students’ perception on the implementation of English song video in YouTube for learning song lyric at eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Cerme?”. The result is students had good perception, the students gave positive respond in every activity conducted in the classroom because the song make the class become more conducive, fun, and meaningful, so it influenced their ability in listening improved well. Not only that, they also mastered the component of language in English, such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The result of questionnaire and interview, the percentage from students who disagree that learning English song lyric improved their understanding in identifying grammatical structure. Even though they have learnt grammar for many times, but they still have difficulties in learning grammatical structure. Not only that, students also have difficulties in differentiating the native speaker accent, such as American accent and British accent. Students also weak in imitating the sound of speech. It is because the native speaker speaks fast, so that they cannot get the word easily, they still repeat the English song again and again. Teacher also uses group discussion technique in learning English song lyric from YouTube, it made the students become more active in communicate and share ideas with their friends.
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar Vol 1 No 3 (2017): Agustus 2017
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jisd.v1i3.11945


Permainan tradisional yang merupakan salah satu kekayaan intelektual bangsa, yang mengandung syarat akan makna kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  meningkatkan keterampilan sosial anak SD melalui permainan tradisional “Cublak Suweng” untuk diangkat dalam pembelajaran. Dengan diangkatnya permainan tradisional “Cublak Suweng”, secara otomatis akan mengenalkan dan membudayakan budaya kearifan lokal pada siswa SD. Untuk mencapai target peningkatan keterampilan sosial anak SD melalui permainan tradisional “Cublak Suweng”, peneliti melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas yang berkolaborasi dengan guru SDN 1 Lampah, Kedamean, Gresik. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan dalam tiga siklus, masing-masing siklus meliputi tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan observasi, serta refleksi. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas siswa pada siklus I mencapai 76,2%, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 82,6%, dan pada siklus III meningkat menjadi 85,9%. Begitu juga dengan hasil analisis data keterampilan sosial siswa pada siklus I yang mencapai 79%, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 85%, dan pada siklus ketiga meningkat menjadi 88%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui permainan tradisional “Cublak Suweng” keterampilan sosial siswa dapat ditingkatkan.
Impact of Distance Learning through Zoom Application and WhatsApp Group on Students’ Attitude and English Aptitude: A Case Study on Students of ICT due Covid-19 Outbreak Fujiono Fujiono; Paulina paulina; Nurul Hidayati; Farah Natchiar
Kontribusia : Research Dissemination for Community Development Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Kontribusia (Research Dissemination for Community Development)
Publisher : OJS Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.357 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/kontribusia.v4i2.2744


This study was a case study of qualitative research design to know the impact of distance learning through zoom application and WhatsApp group on students’ attitude and English aptitude: A Case Study on Students of ICT due Covid-19 Outbreak. The result of the study showed that most of the students’ attitude or response to the online learning using zoom application are less interesting, interactive, effective, efficient and energetic. It was also found that many troubles with their signal, and they often got limited internet package. Zoom meeting needed much internet package to connect between lecturer and learners in one meeting. In this case, the trouble networks and limited internet also often gave impact on students’ learning process, style, and strategy to enhance their English aptitude; listening and speaking competency. Meanwhile, the lecturer took the usage of WhatsApp group by sending voice notes and materials about reading and writing. No troubled networks to download and upload the reading and writing tasks during distance teaching and learning class. It needed a little internet to get the online materials. Based on the situation, almost all participants felt interesting to join reading and writing online class. Aside from that, they could enhance their own English aptitude; reading and writing proficiency. To against the highly infectious covid-19 pandemic, the distance learning has created their physic and mental health from fear, anxiety, panic, and the outbreaks of influenza. Learning from home is one of the solution to reduce the physical contact to large number of people. Distance learning has been referred to save educational young generation from the pandemic of covid-19 outbreak.
The Effect of Mobile English Learning Center to Teacher's Ability, English Proficiency and Attitude of Students in Remote Areas Wanida Simpol; Phoom Praraksa; Prakit Sinthong; Paulina paulina
IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): July
Publisher : Department of English Language Education, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.908 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/ijet2.2021.10.1.70-85


Inequality in education is an important problem in Thailand especially English learning between urban and rural students that concerned teacher quality, socioeconomic status of students, and English learning support system that directly affects the quality of English learning. This research aimed to develop teachers' ability in teaching English, English proficiency and attitude of primary students in Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 where located in the remote area of Thailand using Mobile English Learning Center based on activity based learning approach. The study conducted 2 phases in the academic year 2019 with the 157 affiliated schools comprising of 130 teachers and 1,482 students. The quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaires, English skills assessment, observation, interview, and reflection meetings. Descriptive statistics were applied for quantitative data, Z-test and one sample t-test for hypothesis testing and content analysis for qualitative data. The result of this research indicated that the treatment affected teachers' ability in teaching English, English proficiency and attitude of the students with the statistical significance, and also achieved the student attitude toward English learning. The implication and recommendation were also discussed.