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EARLY STUDY OF BIOCHARCOAL QUALITY FROM POULTRY LIVESTOCK WASTE Dwi Anna Anggorowati; Faidliyah N. Minah; Anis Artayani; Lalu Mustiadi
Journal of Sustainable Technology and Applied Science (JSTAS) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Sustainable Technology and Applied Science, May 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITN) Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/jstas.v1i1.2523


Bio charcoal is one type of fuel in the form of charcoal made from various kinds of biological or biomass material, which includes agricultural waste, forestry waste, agro-industrial waste, animal waste from livestock waste. Bio charcoal is produced from the carbonization process or the charcoal process of materials containing carbon (biomass). One of the biomass that has the potential to be used as raw material for bio charcoal is poultry manure originating from poultry livestock waste. The composition of poultry livestock waste (chicken manure) is crude protein by 9.97-12.67% and crude fiber by 30.36-32.65. This study aims to determine the optimal carbonization temperature and particle size in the carbonization process so that optimal Fixed Carbon level can be obtained by using variations in the size of Chicken Manure Particles, namely: 30 mesh, 40 mesh, 50 mesh, and Charcoal temperature: 200, 225, 250, 275 and 300° C. Stages of the process carried out is drying chicken manure to the weight of constant chicken manure (water content < 10%) and then mashed and sieved to sizes of 30, 40, and 50 mesh and the last stage is the charcoal process of chicken manure with variations in temperature of 200, 225, 250, 275, and 300° C until the perfect charcoal process. From this study, the best parameter is obtained at 350° C and 50 mesh particle size with 45% Fixed Carbon content, 3.26% moisture content, 41% ash content, and volatile matter content 22%.
Journal of Sustainable Technology and Applied Science (JSTAS) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Sustainable Technology and Applied Science, November 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITN) Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36040/jstas.v2i2.3579


Coconut husk waste is waste that has not been used optimally, generally only as a craft material. Seeing the composition of coconut husk, it has the potential to be used as an alternative fuel, one of which is to produce bioethanol products. The purpose of this research was to utilize coconut husk waste as raw material for bioethanol production and to assess the effect of the number of enzymes and time of hydrolysis on the glucose levels produced. In this research, the authors focused on obtaining glucose levels from coconut husks by hydrolysis using cellulase enzymes with an activity of 700 EGU/g. The variations used in this research were the volume of cellulase enzymes (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ml and the hydrolysis time (4, 8, 12) hours. After the coconut husk undergoes physical and chemical treatment using 10% NaOH, there is a decrease in lignin levels from 44% to 14% and there is an increase in cellulose levels from 24% to 38%, and the use of a cellulase enzyme volume of 2 ml with a hydrolysis time of 4 hours was more optimal with a glucose level of 0.32%.