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Proses Implementasi Managemen Kualitas Rahmana, Arief; Sunaryo, Indryati; Irianto, Dradjad; Hidajat, Ubuh Buchara
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 11, No 2 (2010): Agustus
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.239 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol11.No2.105-111


Study of The Implementation Process of Quality Management (Case Study Research In Company X). This research is carried out to study implementation process of quality management,which consists of three stages namely introduction, adoption, and adaptation. Research strategy in this research is case study research in Company X, which is a company that already has the ability to export and certified quality assurace system. Prime method of collecting data is structured interview with director, managers, supervisors, and employees Company X. The result indicate that in the introduction stage are shown by customer recognition of quality product, Company X began to export, and demand of foreign customer to quality assurance system. In the adoption stage are shown by company’s plan for certification of quality assurance system, certification of quality assurance system, and quality improvement. Meanwhile, in the adaptation stage are shown by recertification of quality assurance system, upgrading of quality assurance system,and production process evaluation. Those result give insight that Company X has carried out continuous quality improvement through quality management implementation with the aim to enhance customer satisfaction.
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 14, No 3 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.407 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jati.14.3.119-128


This study aims to measure and analyze the effect of several restaurant-related quality attributes toward customer loyalty with a mediating effect from customer satisfaction in the local fast-food industry in Indonesia. The nature of local fast-food industry is different compared to its global counterpart, so a new perspective has to be taken into account. Based on literature review of previous studies, the quality attributes that are selected for this study are food quality, service quality, environment, price, and location. Data in this study were collected from the responses of 461 participants and analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The SEM result shows that only price and location significantly affect customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. When customer satisfaction is removed and restaurant-related quality attributes is directly tested towards customer loyalty, only price and food quality significantly affect customer loyalty. Both with and without mediating effect from customer satisfaction, price keeps influencing customer loyalty. This result is against the majority of fast-food customer loyalty studies which usually emphasize on food or service quality as the main factor that influences customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 11, No. 2, Mei 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.72 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jati.11.2.81-86


Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) di usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) di Indonesia masih pada tingkat yang belum sesuai harapan. Mempertimbangkan bahwa UKM di Indonesia banyak menyerap tenaga kerja dan menyumbang pendapatan nasional yang cukup besar, serta melihat bahwa pemanfaatan TIK di banyak industri besar telah membawa peningkatan performansi yang cukup signifikan,  peningkatan pemanfaatan TIK di UKM merupakan hal yang penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan tingkat pemanfaatan TIK di UKM dan mengaplikasikan intervensi kognitif dan pendekatan rantai nilai dalam meningkatkan pemanfaatan TIK di UKM. Pemetaan pemanfaatan TIK dilakukan melalui survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dan wawancara yang melibatkan 61 UKM di berbagai bidang di Bandung. Hasil pemetaan pemanfaatan TIK di UKM menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan TIK di UKM sebatas pada tujuan pemasaran produk dan sebatas pada penggunaan website. Kendala utama pemanfaatan TIK di UKM adalah faktor SDM terutama berkaitan dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan dan informasi. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan, selanjutnya, intervensi dilakukan melalui edukasi/kampanye dengan materi mengenai rantai nilai pada 30 UKM yang bergerak di bidang fashion. Hasil intervensi menunjukkan bahwa level pengetahuan dan intensi/kemauan untuk menerapkan TIK di UKM selain untuk kepentingan pemasaran (misalnya untuk perancangan produk dan hubungan dengan pemasok) semakin meningkat. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dibahas lebih lanjut.  AbstractThe use of information and communication technology (ICT) in small and medium enterprise (SME) in Indonesia is at low level. Considering that SME in Indonesia employ a lot of people and contribute to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as improve performance of industries,  coupled with low level of ICT use in Indonesian SME, ICT’ used in SME must be increased. Therefore, this study aims to map the use of ICT in SME in Bandung, and to apply cognitive intervention and value chain approach in increasing ICT use in SME.Mapping of ICT use in SME was conducted by survey with structured questionnaire and interview involving 61 SME in Bandung. Result shows that ICT use in SME is limited only for product marketing and is mostly using website.  Main constraint of ICT use in SME is related with human resource capability in particular related with limited knowledge and information about ICT use. Based on mapping result, intervention was conducted through education or campaign with value chain content on 30 SME in fashion. Intervention result shows that knowledge level and intention to implement ICT in SME other than marketing purpose is increasing. Implication of the results is discussed
Perbaikan Atmosfer Plaza Purwakarta Berdasarkan Perbandingan dengan Toserba Yogya Purwakarta Rukmi, Hendang Setyo; Sunaryo, Indryati; Meiliapandiati, Nenden
Publisher : Jurnal ITENAS Rekayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.067 KB)


ABSTRAKSejak berdirinya Toserba Yogya Purwakarta, Plaza Purwakarta mengalami penurunan jumlah pengunjung yang berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan sebesar 40% setiap bulannya. Berdasarkan pendapat pengunjung diketahui bahwa suasana (atmosfer) Plaza Purwakarta kurang begitu nyaman dibandingkan dengan Toserba Yogya Purwakarta, sehingga pihak manajemen Plaza Purwakarta berniat untuk memperbaiki atmosfer tersebut. Selain mengutamakan elemen atmosfer yang dipentingkan pengunjung, pihak manajemen juga perlu melakukan benchmarking terhadap pesaingnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan usulan perbaikan elemen atmosfer Plaza Purwakarta berdasarkan perbandingan dengan Toserba Yogya Purwakarta, dengan metode pembobotan dan Analisis Compare Mean. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 130 orang yang pernah berbelanja di Plaza Purwakarta serta Toserba Yogya Purwakarta dalam 3 bulan terakhir. Dari hasil pengolahan data diketahui bahwa 3 sub-elemen atmosfer Plaza Purwakarta yang merupakan skala prioritas untuk diperbaiki adalah suhu, personnel, dan self service, serta teknologi. Usulan perbaikannya adalah memperbaiki AC yang rusak, pelatihan service excellence untuk karyawan, serta menyediakan fasilitas barcode dan alat pengecek harga.ABSTRACTSince the establishment of Yogya Department Store in Purwakarta, the number of visitors to Purwakarta Plaza has been decreasing, which consequently, decline the store’s monthly income by 40%. Initial survey showed that the atmosphere of the store is less comfortable for visitors than that of Yogya Department Store. The management intended to improve the atmosphere for more comfortable shoppings, based on visitor preferences, as well as, a benchmarking process against the competitor. This research will formulate several proposal to improve the atmosphere at Purwakarta Plaza based on comparison with that of Yogya Department Store Purwakarta, using the weighing method and Compare Analysis of Mean. The data collected through questionnaires to 130 people who have shopped at both stores in the last 3 months. The data analysis showed that priorities should be given to the store’s temperature, personnel & self service, and technology. The improvements proposed were fixing broken air conditioners, service excellence trainings for employees, and providing barcode reader and price checker tools.
Proses Implementasi Managemen Kualitas Arief Rahmana; Indryati Sunaryo; Dradjad Irianto; Ubuh Buchara Hidajat
Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 11 No. 2 (2010): Agustus
Publisher : Department Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.239 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/JTIUMM.Vol11.No2.105-111


Study of The Implementation Process of Quality Management (Case Study Research In Company X). This research is carried out to study implementation process of quality management,which consists of three stages namely introduction, adoption, and adaptation. Research strategy in this research is case study research in Company X, which is a company that already has the ability to export and certified quality assurace system. Prime method of collecting data is structured interview with director, managers, supervisors, and employees Company X. The result indicate that in the introduction stage are shown by customer recognition of quality product, Company X began to export, and demand of foreign customer to quality assurance system. In the adoption stage are shown by company’s plan for certification of quality assurance system, certification of quality assurance system, and quality improvement. Meanwhile, in the adaptation stage are shown by recertification of quality assurance system, upgrading of quality assurance system,and production process evaluation. Those result give insight that Company X has carried out continuous quality improvement through quality management implementation with the aim to enhance customer satisfaction.