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PEMAHAMAN AKUNTANSI DAN AKUNTABILITAS MAHASISWA PENERIMA BEASISWA (Studi pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UKSW) David Adechandra A. Pesudo; Maylinda Adriani Putri; Supatmi Supatmi
Dinamika Akuntansi Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 5 No 1 (2016): VOL. 5 NO. 1 EDISI MEI 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas STIKUBANK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.903 KB)


The purpose of this study is to describe the level of accounting comprehension and the accountability of educational fee and to describe the relationship between the level of accounting comprehension and the accountability of educational fee. This is a descriptive study by using the primary data which were collected by distributing the questionnaires and doing the interview with the respondents, the students of Economics and Business Faculty of Satya Wacana Christian University who are obtaining the scholarship. The results from 82 respondents showed that their average level of accounting comprehension was on the less comprehend range (64,02) with the accountability of educational fee was on the accountable range (82,40). Based on the correlation test, there was no correlation between the level of accounting comprehension and the accountability of educational fee. The result of this study also confirmed that the accountable behavior of the students of Economics and Business Faculty of Satya Wacana Christian University who are obtaining the scholarship was included in the second intention factor of the planned behavior theory which is called the normative beliefs. In this case, they behaved to be accountable because of the third party’s encouragement and based on their own agreement.  Keywords: the level of accounting knowledge, the accountability of educational fee, theory of planned behavior, students
Analisis Perbedaan Tingkat Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan pada Industri High-Profile dan Low-Profile Sisilia Devina Permatasari; Supatmi Supatmi
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Vol 3 No 3 (2016): Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia - Edisi Juni 2016
Publisher : Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31843/jmbi.v3i3.87


This study aims to prove the difference in the level of disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and financial performance among the industry's high-profile and low-profile. This study also proved that if there is a relationship between the level of CSR and financial performance. Financial performance is measured using the Return On Equity (ROE) and Tobin's Q. The samples are 346 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2012, where the industry as much as 167 high-profile and low-profile companies as much as 179 companies. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. The analyze used to test Mann-Whitney test first, while the second test using Spearman correlation test. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the level of disclosure of CSR and financial performance as measured by Tobin's Q between industrial high-profile and low-profile, but did not differ when performance is measured by ROE. In addition, this study proves that there is a positive relationship between the level of CSR and financial performance as measured by ROE, but there is no relationship between the level of CSR and financial performance as measured by Tobin's Q. Keywords : Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, ROE, Tobin’s Q, high-profile and low-profile industries.
Peningkatkan Prestasi Belajar IPA Materi Penyesuaian Hewan dengan Lingkungannya melalui Metode Resitasi supatmi supatmi
Jurnal Pendidikan : Riset dan Konseptual Vol 4 No 4 (2020): Volume 4, Nomor 4, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (182.718 KB) | DOI: 10.28926/riset_konseptual.v4i4.294


Metode digunakan guru dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar (PBM) di SDN Rejowinangun terkesan sangat kaku, kurang fleksibel, kurang demokratis, dan guru cenderung lebih dominan. Metode Resitasi memberikan kebebasan anak untuk belajar secara mandiri, yang lebih merangsang siswa untuk untuk belajar lebih banyak, baik pada waktu di kelas maupun di luar kelas. Metode ini dapat membuat siswa bergairah dalam belajar karena kegiatan belajar dilakukan dengan berbagai variasi sehingga tidak membosankan. Proses pembelajaran kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Rejowinangun Kecamatan / Kabupaten Trenggalek, masih mengunakan metode konvensional yaitu metode ceramah. Akibatnya nilai hasil ulangan harian sebelum metode resitasi diterapkan 80% dari 15 siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri Rejowinangun Kecamatan / Kabupaten Trenggalek masih di bawah KKM (di bawah nilai 70). Ditunjukkan ada peningkatan prestasi belajar pada siklus I 5 siswa atau 33,33 % belum tuntas, 66,67 % tuntas dari 15 siswa, siklus II 100 % tuntas dari 15 siswa. Rata-rata ulangan tiindakan siklus I 59,33, siklus II 70. Ketuntasan secara klasikal siklus I 66,67%, sedangkan sikus II 100%.
Pemanfaatan Media Lingkungan untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercerita pada Anak Usia Dini Waris Waris; Supatmi Supatmi
BIO-CONS : Jurnal Biologi dan Konservasi Vol 3 No 2 (2021): BIO-CONS: Jurnal Biologi dan Konservasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31537/biocons.v3i2.617


Peran pendidik (orang tua, guru, dan orang dewasa lain) sangat diperlukan dalam upaya pengembangan potensi anak usia 4-6 tahun. Perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini memang masih jauh dari sempurna, namun demikian potensinya dapat distimulasi lewat komunikasi yang aktif dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar. Kualitas bahasa yang digunakan orang-orang yang dekat dengan anak akan mempengaruhi keterampilan bercerita pada anak. Pada proses pembelajaran, seorang guru sangat dituntut untuk selalu berinovasi dalam memilih dan menggunakan media pembelajaran, khususnya yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita pada anak usia dini dengan mengimplementasikan media lingkungan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelompok A di TK Al Furqon Maesan Bondowoso yang berjumlah 33 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan/pelaksanaan, observasi, dan evaluasi/refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan analisis hasil observasi pada siklus I diperoleh data bahwa 22 siswa (63,6%) masih belum bisa bercerita dengan baik dan 12 siswa (36,4%) sudah mampu bercerita dengan baik. Data pada siklus I belum sesuai dengan KKM (>80%), sehingga dilanjutkan ke siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan analisis hasil observasi pada siklus II diperoleh bahwa 4 (13%) siswa masih belum bisa bercerita dengan baik dan 29 siswa (87%) sudah mampu bercerita dengan baik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi media lingkungan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita pada anak usia dini.
The effect of physical exercise on vital lung capacity in Tapak Suci athletes Sukadiono Sukadiono; Siti Fatimatus Zahrah; Dede Nasrullah; Supatmi Supatmi; Vika Ramadhana Fitriyani
Jurnal Keolahragaan Vol 10, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jk.v10i2.52392


Exercise can have a physiological effect on the body, including the work system of the heart and lungs. The lungs have an important role in human life, where there is an exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide through the respiratory process. In terms of health, exercise needs to be done by every human being, because exercise can increase the work of the lung muscles, whereas if the lung muscles work well, the ability to accommodate oxygen or the vital capacity of the human lungs also increases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of physical exercise on vital lung capacity. This research method uses a pre-experimental approach with pre and post-test one-group design. The sampling technique of this study used a random sampling of 30 respondents. The instruments used were observation sheets from the examination of vital lung capacity and spirometry. Analysis Research data analysis using the Wilcoxon Rank Test. The results of the Wilcoxon Rank Test statistical test obtained P = 0.000 with a safety level of = 0.05 meaning P value = . Conclusion It can be concluded that there is a difference in the vital capacity of the lungs before and after participating in the sacred tapak exercise so that this research is expected to be useful for athletics in improving physical fitness, especially by routinely doing sports or physical exercise such as participating in the sacred tapak exercise.
The Dominant Factors Affecting the Dietary Habits Among School-Age Children Utilizing the Dorothea Orem Theory Approach at Orphanages Surabaya Gita Marini; Fatma Sriardiana; Yuanita Wulandari; Supatmi Supatmi
Jurnal Keperawatan Komprehensif (Comprehensive Nursing Journal) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN KOMPREHENSIF (COMPREHENSIVE NURSING JOURNAL)
Publisher : STIKep PPNI Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33755/jkk.v9i2.507


Aims: The diets of foster children in orphanages in groups tend to differ from those of children cared for by their parents. Indeed, applying Self Care Theory to children will help train them in independence in meeting their needs. However, there is a lack of studies to explore the factors affecting children's diets utilizing Dorothea Orem's theory approach. Objective: Analyzing the dominant factors affecting school-age children's eating patterns utilizing Dorothea Orem's theory approach at the Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Surabaya. Methods: A cross sectional design included 43 children with orphanages in Surabaya with Cluster Random Sampling technique. The dependent variable is dietary habits. At the same time, the independent variables in this research include nutritional knowledge, body image, the role of caregivers, and food availability. The Spearman-Rho with a significant value <0.05 was performed. Results: Results of the study revealed that age (p = 0.007), caregiver role (p = 0.012) and food availability (p = 0.000) was significantly correlated with dietary habits. However, gender (p = 0.930), nutritional knowledge (p = 0.667), body image (p = 0.975) no significantly correlated with dietary habits. Conclusion: Food availability is the most vital factor and directly influences the diet of school-age children. Moreover, in this case, the foster mother and adequate food availability support the child’s independence process in fulfilling the appropriate self-care process.
Pemanfaatan Media Lingkungan untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercerita pada Anak Usia Dini Waris Waris; Supatmi Supatmi
BIO-CONS : Jurnal Biologi dan Konservasi Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): BIO-CONS: Jurnal Biologi dan Konservasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31537/biocons.v3i2.617


Peran pendidik (orang tua, guru, dan orang dewasa lain) sangat diperlukan dalam upaya pengembangan potensi anak usia 4-6 tahun. Perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini memang masih jauh dari sempurna, namun demikian potensinya dapat distimulasi lewat komunikasi yang aktif dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar. Kualitas bahasa yang digunakan orang-orang yang dekat dengan anak akan mempengaruhi keterampilan bercerita pada anak. Pada proses pembelajaran, seorang guru sangat dituntut untuk selalu berinovasi dalam memilih dan menggunakan media pembelajaran, khususnya yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita pada anak usia dini dengan mengimplementasikan media lingkungan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelompok A di TK Al Furqon Maesan Bondowoso yang berjumlah 33 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dalam 2 siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan/pelaksanaan, observasi, dan evaluasi/refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan analisis hasil observasi pada siklus I diperoleh data bahwa 22 siswa (63,6%) masih belum bisa bercerita dengan baik dan 12 siswa (36,4%) sudah mampu bercerita dengan baik. Data pada siklus I belum sesuai dengan KKM (>80%), sehingga dilanjutkan ke siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan analisis hasil observasi pada siklus II diperoleh bahwa 4 (13%) siswa masih belum bisa bercerita dengan baik dan 29 siswa (87%) sudah mampu bercerita dengan baik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi media lingkungan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bercerita pada anak usia dini.
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Edisi Khusus (2023): International Conference of Health Innovation and Technology (ICHIT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v0i0.19709


Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between injecting contraceptive use and blood pressure and body weight in women of childbearing ageMethods: The design of this research is analytic correlation research using the Croos-sectional method. With a population of 47 injecting family planning acceptors and a sample of 42 respondents using a simple random sampling technique. With the independent variables of injection contraception and the dependent variables of blood pressure and body weight. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and observation sheets, using the chi-square test.Results: The results of the Chi-Square test between the type of injecting birth control and blood pressure obtained a calculated Chi-Square test value of 6,881 with a significant value of (p = 0.032) there was a significant relationship between the type of injecting birth control and blood pressure. The results of the Chi-Square test between the type of injecting birth control and body weight obtained a calculated Chi-Square test value of 10,521 with a significant value of (p = 0.015), there was a significant relationship between the type of injecting birth control and body weightConclusion: The choice of injectable birth control needs to be reconsidered regarding the side effects of use if it is used long term for a later date