Tjipto Susana
Universitas Sanata Dharma

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Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia Vol 7, No 1 (2010): VOL 7, NO 1 (2010)
Publisher : Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia

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Di Indonesia, gejala-gejala depresi dan kecemasan kurang terdeteksi dengan baik. Hal ini diduga berkaitan dengan proses somatisasi yang merupakan ekspresi distres personal dan sosial dalam bentuk keluhan fisik serta upaya mencari bantuan medis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat psikodinamika proses somatisasi yang berkaitan dengan alosentrisme. Subjek yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini ada 5 individu alosentris, yang terdiri dari 3 subjek dengan gejala depresi dan somatisasi (2 perempuan, 1 laki-laki) dan 2 subjek yang tidak mengalami gangguan. Alat pengumpulan data berupa wawancara. Hasil wawancara akan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) somatisasi muncul sebagai akibat dari ketidakmampuan subjek mengenali reaksi disforik yang menyertai reaksi fisologis dari distres, (2) munculnya somatisasi sebagai akibat dari kurangnya kesadaran akan reaksi disforik dan upaya disengaja untuk mendapatkan dukungan sosial. Hasil analisis kualitatif juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan strategi koping antara individu yang mengalami gejala somatisasi dan depresi dengan individu yang tidak mengalami gejala. Pada individu dengan gejala somatisasi dan depresi, strategi koping yang mereka lakukan belum mengarah pada upaya-upaya yang memperkuat kemampuan individu untuk menghadapi stresor. Sementara itu subjek yang tidak mengalami gejala somatisasi dan depresi, menggunakan strategi koping yang dapat digunakan untuk menghadapi stresor secara efektif. Mereka memiliki sikap nrima. Nrima adalah salah satu nilai budaya Jawa yang berarti kecenderungan untuk menerima segala sesuatu yang terjadi dalam hidup yang merupakan respon aktif untuk menghadapi masalah. Nrima sebagai respon aktif merupakan kesadaran atas diri dan takdir hidupnya.Kata kunci: alosentris, deprsi, distres, nrima, somatisasi, strategi koping.In Indonesia, depression and anxiety symptoms are less well examined. This was suspected as reflecting the impact of a somatization process which is an expression of personal and social distress in an idiom of bodily complaints and medical help-seeking. The purpose of this study as to examining the psychodynamic of somatization process due to allocentrism. Subjects involved in this study are 5 so-called allocentric individual, encompassing 3 subjects with depression and anxiety symptoms (2 women and 1 man) and 2 healthy subjects (1 woman and 1 man). Data were collected by interview and analyzed by using case study method. This study showed that somatization happened because :(1) individual less aware of dysphoric reaction that accompanied the physiological reaction of distress, and (2) both of less aware of dysphoric reaction and as an effort to gain social support. Result from qualitative analysis also showed that there was difference between individual with somatization and depression symptoms and healthy individual in coping strategies which used. Subjects with somatization and depression symptoms used coping strategies that have not lead to strengthen the self competence in facing stressor, yet. Meanwhile, the healthy subjects used coping strategies which could make them facing stressor effectively. They had a nrimo attitude. Nrimo is one of the Javanese values means a tendency to accept everything that happens in one’s life, which is an active response to facing problems in life. Nrimo as an active response is a self- awareness and a destination in life.Keywords: allocentrism, depression, distress, nrima, somatization, coping strategy.
Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia No 01 (2008): Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia No.1, 2008
Publisher : Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia

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Konflik antar suku, agama, dan golongan serta tindakan kekerasan di Indonesia bukanlah hal baru. Berdasarkan kajian terhadap hasil-hasil penelitian maupun pemikiran para ahli dapat disimpulkan bahwa konflik-konflik tersebut berakar dari keinginan setiap kelompok untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya. Solidaritas, harmoni, dan toleransi tumbuh subur di dalam kelompok (in-group), tetapi tidak terhadap orang-orang di luar kelompoknya (out-group). Keragaman kelompok secara menyeluruh potensial menciptakan konflik, intoleransi, dan disharmoni. Identifikasi berlebihan terhadap sebuah entitas yang unik seperti kesukuan, kepartaian, ataupun keagamaan merupakan hambatan besar menuju pada identitas Indonesia yang baru. Upaya penyeragaman pada zaman Orde Baru dengan kekuasaan absolutnya di satu sisi memang meredam konflik tetapi di sisi lain, mematikan pluralisme. Menggunakan kerangka berpikir Arrow dan Sundberg (2004) tentang Identitas Internasional, penulis berpendapat tidaklah cukup mengembangkan Identitas Nasional. Perlu pengembangan identitas yang lebih luas, yaitu Identitas Global atau Global-Human Identity atau World-Mindedness. Identitas global merupakan identifikasi terhadap semua orang di dunia melampaui batas-batas kesukuan, keagamaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, atau ikatan personal. Dengan demikian tidak ada lagi batas antara in group dan out group. Secara esensial setiap orang akan dipersatukan dengan orang lain sebagai manusia (as a human being) dan oleh perasaan kemanusiaannya (in his/her humanity). Sehingga setiap orang akan mengembangkan sikap hormat dan toleransi yang luas. Perbedaan akan dihayati sebagai kebenaran paradoks. Dengan demikian Bhinneka Tunggal Ika bukanlah sekadar semboyan penghias Bangsa.Kata kunci: konflik, identitas nasional, identitas internasional, identitas global, in group, out group.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 21, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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Generally, in this digital era, some concerns arise relating to assistance to young people. Mentoring process is not as easy as that done at 4 or 5 decades ago. The situation is more concerned by the monastic community which is to support the values “and way of life which is contrary to the values” offered by the modern world today. The current generation does have characteristics which is different from the generation that lived in the 40s. The current generation faces challenges that make them much more difficult to persevere in the vision and commitment. By the time the situation is almost instantaneous, offering various facilities, and highly hedonic, who unwittingly caused the split of the self. This condition requires an approach that enables them to manage themselves better. Multisensory approach in learning process, self processing and spiritual exercise, as well as therapeutic community is a way offered to help them reflect and measure themselves.
Program Bantu Diri Terapi Kognitif Perilaku: Harapan bagi Penderita Depresi Susana, Tjipto; Parmadi, Eko Hari; Adi, Puspaningtyas Sanjoyo
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 42, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.299 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.6944


This article is the first-phased report of a research through a testing of cognitive behavioral therapy module. The subjects involved in this research were 27 students who were experiencing mild to moderate depression. The research design was experiment with a pretest and posttest group. Instruments used in this study were Back Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Automatic Thought Questionnaire (ATQ), Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS). The data was analized using paired t-test. Based on qualitative analysis, the results showed that in general it was easy for the students to understand and do the module independently. This module was very helpful for them in managing thoughts and feelings and specifically in the automatic negative thoughts, dysfunctional thinking, and rules. Nevertheless, this module did not cover the core belief. The results of the t test (t (25)=9.2; p
Evaluasi Terhadap Asumsi Teoritis Individualisme dan Kolektivisme: Sebuah Studi Meta Analisis Susana, Tjipto
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 33, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.659 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7084


Since Hofstede (1980) published his research about individualism-collectivism differences among countries, interest in cross-cultural study increased dramatically. However not all studies support each other. So the purpose of this study is to evaluate primary studies that studied individualism-collctivism differences. Articles selected from electronic data¬base (e.g. Proquest, EBSCO, and ERIC) for publication. Forty nine studies were found, but only 15 studies that were relevant. After final evaluation, only 3 studies with 7 data points that actually could be analized. This study found that there are diffe-rences between individualist and collectivist countries in horizontal collectivism. People in collectivist countries are more collectivist than people in individualist countries. In vertical individualism, horizontal indivi¬dualism, and vertical collectivism dimension, homogeneity coefficient (Q) shows that sample drawn from the same source differ systematically. However we can not do moderator analysis because of number of studies are limited. Thus, this study can not explain moderator variables that influence effectc size variation. Keywords: Individualism, Collectivism, meta-analysis.
Evaluasi Terhadap Asumsi Teoritis Individualisme dan Kolektivisme: Sebuah Studi Meta Analisis Susana, Tjipto
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 32, No 1 (2005)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.712 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7959


Since Hofstede (1980) published his research about individualism‐collectivism differences among countries, interest in crosscultural study increased dramatically. However not all studies support each other. So the purpose of this study is to evaluate primary studies that studied individualism‐collctivism differences. Articles selected from electronic database (e.g. Proquest, EBSCO, and ERIC) forpublication. Forty nine studies were found, but only 15 studies that were relevant. After final evaluation, only 3 studies with 7 data points that actually could be analized. This study found that there are differences between individualist and collectivist countriesin horizontal collectivism. People in collectivist countries are more collectivist than people in individualist countries. In vertical individualism, horizontal individualism, and vertical collectivism dimension, homogeneity coefficient (Q) shows that sample drawn from the same source differ systematically. However we cannot do moderator analysis because of number of studies are limited. Thus, this study can not explain moderator variables that influence effectc size variation.
Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 21, NOMOR 01, APRIL 2012
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Generally, in this digital era, some concerns arise relating to assistance to young people. Mentoring process is not as easy as that done at 4 or 5 decades ago. The situation is more concerned by the monastic community which is to support the values and way of life which is contrary to the values offered by the modern world today. The current generation does have characteristics which is different from the generation that lived in the 40s. The current generation faces challenges that make them much more difficult to persevere in the vision and commitment. By the time the situation is almost instantaneous, offering various facilities, and highly hedonic, who unwittingly caused the split of the self. This condition requires an approach that enables them to manage themselves better. Multisensory approach in learning process, self processing and spiritual exercise, as well as therapeutic community is a way offered to help them reflect and measure themselves.
Percieved Threat of Homosexuals in Indonesia: Construct, Measurement, and Correlates Tjipto, Susana; Mayawati, Elisabeth Haksi; Bernardo, Allan B. I.
Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia Vol. 23, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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In Indonesia, homonegativity still exists and acts of violence against homosexual groups still happen, but there has not been much research on aspects of this homonegativity beyond inquiring into general attitudes towards homosexuals. This study has several aims: to qualitatively explore dimensions of perceived threat, to develop a measure of perceived threat of homosexuals, and to study some correlates and perceived threat of homosexuals in Indonesian samples. We used a mixed-method approach (qualitative-quantitative) to gather the data. Study 1 is a qualitative study that seeks to identify expressions and dimensions of perceived threat of homosexuals using thematic analysis of responses to an open-ended questionnaire and of online media articles. Study 2 develops a measure of perceived threat of homosexuals based on the results of Study 1, then establishes the factor structure and reliability of the measure, and explores some correlates of the measure. developed. The implications of using the scale to further study homonegativity in Indonesia and other Asian societies is discussed
Program Bantu Diri Terapi Kognitif Perilaku: Harapan bagi Penderita Depresi Tjipto Susana; Eko Hari Parmadi; Puspaningtyas Sanjoyo Adi
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 42, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.299 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.6944


This article is the first-phased report of a research through a testing of cognitive behavioral therapy module. The subjects involved in this research were 27 students who were experiencing mild to moderate depression. The research design was experiment with a pretest and posttest group. Instruments used in this study were Back Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Automatic Thought Questionnaire (ATQ), Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS). The data was analized using paired t-test. Based on qualitative analysis, the results showed that in general it was easy for the students to understand and do the module independently. This module was very helpful for them in managing thoughts and feelings and specifically in the automatic negative thoughts, dysfunctional thinking, and rules. Nevertheless, this module did not cover the core belief. The results of the t test (t (25)=9.2; p
Evaluasi Terhadap Asumsi Teoritis Individualisme dan Kolektivisme: Sebuah Studi Meta Analisis Tjipto Susana
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 33, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.659 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpsi.7084


Since Hofstede (1980) published his research about individualism-collectivism differences among countries, interest in cross-cultural study increased dramatically. However not all studies support each other. So the purpose of this study is to evaluate primary studies that studied individualism-collctivism differences. Articles selected from electronic data¬base (e.g. Proquest, EBSCO, and ERIC) for publication. Forty nine studies were found, but only 15 studies that were relevant. After final evaluation, only 3 studies with 7 data points that actually could be analized. This study found that there are diffe-rences between individualist and collectivist countries in horizontal collectivism. People in collectivist countries are more collectivist than people in individualist countries. In vertical individualism, horizontal indivi¬dualism, and vertical collectivism dimension, homogeneity coefficient (Q) shows that sample drawn from the same source differ systematically. However we can not do moderator analysis because of number of studies are limited. Thus, this study can not explain moderator variables that influence effectc size variation. Keywords: Individualism, Collectivism, meta-analysis.