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GUIDENA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Psikologi, Bimbingan dan Konseling Vol 5, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (75.221 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/gdn.v5i1.61


Abstrack: This paper aimed to get the profile of efforts of guidance teachers in improving students’ learning skills. It is hoped that this papaer is useful for guidance teachers, subject teachers and student as well in improving their learning skills. The learning skill quality of the students was low while their learning problems were on medium level. Guidance given by guidance teachers to students to master learning skills was not yet optimal. There was cooperation among teachers and guidance teachers but it was still limited to physics teachers and it had skills came from both guidance teachers and students themselves.Keywords: guidance teachers, learning skill, students.
Constructivist Didactics Of Leadership Management In The Covid 19 Pandemic Era To Improve Work Communication In Educational Institution Zahdi; Sulthan Syahril; Subandi; Ida Umami; Siti Patimah; Koderi
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : International Journal of Science, Technology & Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46729/ijstm.v2i3.233


World Bank mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening and hasgreat potential to make education worse. The pandemic has had a hugeimpact on education by closing schools. However, in overcoming thisdisruption, crises can become opportunities. The first step to successfullyaddressing school closures by protecting health and safety is to preventstudents from losing their learning using distance learning. At the same time,countries need to start planning for school reopening. That meanspreventing dropouts, ensuring healthy school conditions, and using newtechniques to promote rapid learning recovery in key areas once studentsreturn to school. The purpose of this study was to analyze the leadershipmanagement in the COVID-19 pandemic era to improve workplacecommunication. This study used the qualitative case study method. Theinstruments used were observation, interview, and documentation.
Peran Tokoh Agama dalam Pembinaan Harmonisasi Kehidupan dan Akhlak Masyarakat di Kota Metro Lampung Ida Umami
Fikri : Jurnal Kajian Agama, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Fikri : Jurnal Kajian Agama, Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.946 KB) | DOI: 10.25217/jf.v3i1.220


Religious figures basically have a very important and strategic position and role, mainly as a spiritual, moral and ethical foundation in the life and life of mankind. a religious figure is a figure or role model in society. Has a position and great influence in the midst of society, because it has advantages, both in science, integrity, and so forth. Religious figures also serve as community leaders, as priests in religious matters and community issues and state affairs in order to succeed government programs and foster community life harmonization. Religion as a value system must be understood, lived and practiced by all adherents in the life order of every individual, family and society and animates the life of the nation and the state. The current situation of harmonization and community behavior requires the role of religious leaders to be significantly expected to take the initiative in the development and development of morality. This means that every development effort must always be directed to have a positive impact on character development. Keyword: Religious figures and character development
Nizham Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 2 No 2 (2014): Tantangan Pendidikan Islam Di Era Globalisasi
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

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The principles of educational science emphasize the importance of relation between educators and students in high-touch situation. This touch is based on how far educators understand the nature of students as the subject of learners rather than the object of teachers. This understanding and its application by teachers in the learning process in school is presumedly low. The general aim of this study was to get description of teachers’ understanding about the students and its application in learning process. The results of this study revealed that: 1) in general, teachers understanding toward students is in a middle category, and so is with its application toward learning process; 2) five observable variables about the nature of man are valid and can be used to explain teachers’ understanding about the nature of students as latent variable, and six observable variables about high touch are valid and can be used to explain high touch application as application of teachers’ understanding about student in learning process.
The Contribution of Teachers’Motivation and Characteristics on the Teachers’ Performance in Junior High School of Maarif Metro Lampung Ali Mashari; Ida Umami
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 1, No 6 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v1i6.1660


The success of the teacher in the teaching and learning process is determined by the teacher's performance as an educator. This performance plays an important role in achieving optimal teaching goals. However, in the reality of the teacher's performance shows less encouraging symptoms that many teaching teachers seem to have the lack mastery in teaching materials, media and methods used in the teaching and learning process. They have a tendency to teach the same materials in the following year while some of teachers arestill not being placed in accordance with their educational background. There is also the lack of encouragement from teachers to excel and compete among others. This research is conducted to reveal the contribution of teachers’ motivation and characteristic toward their performance in SMP Ma’arif Metro. The research method used in this research is the quantitative method using Ex Post Facto. The population of this study was all of teacheras many as 38 people and the sampling technique was done by total sampling. The result of the research shows that the teachers’ Motivation is 79.4 % of the ideal maximum score and can be categorized as medium category.Teachers’ motivation contributes significantly towardTeacher’s performance by 41.2 %. While the Teachers’ Characteristics score is 85.30 % of the ideal maximum score and can be categorized as good category.Teachers’ Characteristics contribute significantly towardthe Teachers’ Performance by 28.1 %, while Teachers’ Motivation and Characteristics together contribute significantly toward Teachers’ Performance by 32.7 %. This study found out that the two predictor variables which are the Motivation and Characteristics of Teachers both individually and jointly made a meaningful contribution toward the Teachers’ Performance.
Pengembangan Dimensi Kemanusiaan dalam Pendidikan Islam Ida Umami
Didaktika Religia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): December
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.952 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/didaktika.v3i2.161


This paper discusses Islamic education and its relationship with the informationof ideal criteria and the sources of the noble character. The combination of thosetwo things mentioned is an interesting offer. This illustration becomes, at once,an entry point to state that the education character has something to do withthe spirituality values. In the operational context, the morality education is aneffort to equip the students through counselling, instruction, and training duringtheir growth time. Such effort is meant to create human with a clean heart, goodbehaviour, decent worship to God, and well-behaved response to God’s creation.The morality education, in turn, lead to a holistic personality possessing a highmoral standard in speech, action, attitude, thought, feeling, work, and outputwhich are in line with the religious values, norms, and the noble moral of thenation. The character education should be developed within oneself. It is manifestedin a process or an activity aimed at integrating the essential values. Such is basedon the assumption that human is a creature who possesses the capability to learnand give meaning to essential values existing in their life. The very fundamentalthing within the process of character education is the value integration conductedthrough broadening the insight on how to live meaningfullyKey words: Dimension, development, humanity, Islamic education
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 1 No 02 (2016): Pendidikan Islam dan Dakwah
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.478 KB)


This research generally aims to get brief description of teachers’ understanding aboutnstudents and its implication in learning process. Specifically, the purpose of this research are to get description about: 1) teachers understanding about students and its defferences among variables, 2) the implementation of high touch unsure in learning process according to teachers’ and students and defferences among them, 3) the contribution of teachers, understanding about student toward high touch applied in learning process and, the different response between teachers and students about high touch implementation. This research is conducted by descriptive quantitative method. The population is all teachers and students at senior high school in Padang. Samples are taken by using stratified cluster random sampling technique. The percentage, correlation and t test. The results of this research reveal that: 1) everall, teachers understanding is in middle category, so is with the implementation toward learning process, 2) five observable variables about the nature of man are valid and can be used to explain teachers’ understanding about the nature of man as laten variable, and six observable variables about high touch implementation as implication of teachers’ understanding about student in learning process. Therefore, teachers understanding about student has positive and significant correlation with implementation of teachers’ understanding about nature of man toward learning process trough high touch implementation, and 3) teachers’ opinion about high touch implementation as implication of teachers’ understanding toward learning process differ significantly with students’ opinion. In general, teachers’ opinion score is higher compared with student’s opinion score
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 19 No 2 (2014): Agama dan Pelestarian Lingkungan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Allah menciptakan manusia antara lain adalah sebagai khalifah di muka bumi. Berkaitan dengan konsep ini, maka manusia berkewajiban memelihara dan melestarikan lingkungan. Namun, tidak jarang manusia malah merusaka alam dan lingkungan. Hal ini tentunya bertentangan dengan tugas dan fusngsinya sebagai khalifah. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi hakikat penciptaan mausa dan urgensinya dalam pelestarian lingkungan. Kajian dalam tulisan ini mengacu pada perspektif al-Quran. Berdasarkan kajian yang penulis lakukan dapat didapat kesimpulan bahwa hakekat penciptaan manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dari alam semesta dan lingkungannya. Salah satu tugas penting yang diamanahkan kepada manusia adalah tugasnya sebagai khalfatullah di muka bumi. Prinsip amanat yang dibebankan kepada manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi menghendaki adanya cobaan, ujian dan medan pergulatan antara kebajikan dan keburukan. Manusia diciptakan untuk mengarungi kehidupan dan melaksanakan tugas kekhalifahannya terkait dengan pelestarian alam semesta baik bagi manusia maupun lingkungannya baik di laut, di darat maupun di udara. Manusia di lahirkan ke dunia dibekali dengan kemampuan/ daya cipta, rasa, karsa karya dan daya taqwa. Dalam kaitannya dengan lingkungan, daya tersebut merupakan fungsi eksekutif dalam jiwa manusia. Daya disebut akan mendorong timbulnya pelaksanaan doktrin serta ajaran agama dalam mengemban tugas kekhalifahan dan khususnya dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggungjawab terhadap pelestarian lingkungan alam semesta. The essence of human creation cannot be separated from the universe and its environment. One of the important tasks entrusted to human beings is their duty as khalfatullah on the earth. The principle of the duties assigned to humans as vicegerent on earth leads for hurdle, temptation and struggles between virtues and evils. Humans were created to live and carry out duties related to the preservation the nature of universe for both humans and the environment such as the sea, the land and the air. It has been stressed by Allah in the Quran that the damage in the land and sea was actually caused by human hands. In this context as an-Nas and Bani Adam, to describe the universal values that exist in every human being regardless of background differences in gender, race and ethnicity or their respective faiths, human being born into the world equipped with the ability/ creativity, feeling, creation and faith. Related to the environment, those values are the most executive function in the human soul. It also will encourage the implementation of the doctrine and dogma in the duties as a khalifah and mostly in the duties implementation and responsibilities toward the environment of the universe.