Endah Suwarni
Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia. FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033

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Journal : Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology

Analisis Keanekaragaman Genetik dan Diferensiasi Jati Jawa dan Madura berdasarkan Marka Mikrosatelit untuk Mendukung Fingerprinting Jati Millah, Munisyatul; Habibah, Noor Aini; Suwarni, Endah
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2010): September 2010
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v2i2.1157


Analysis fingerprinting teak is supported by information about teak’s character molecularly. The information is gotten by analyzing 3 primary microsatellite in 46 teak samples that produce total 18 kinds of alel averagely 6 alel per locus. Genetics variety level is shown by Observed Heterozigosity (Ho), Expected Heterozygosity (He), Polimorfi sm Information Content (PIC) and Genetics Differentiation Coeffi cient successively 0.5122; 0.6221; 0.5818; and 0.0629. Kinship connection through dendogram analysis produces coeffi cient resemblance 0.3-1.00 that form 2 groups. However it has not shown inclination of forming group based on origin grows yet. Genetics differentiation analysis indicates different genetics in a population is higher then it is between populations. Analysis result has not found specifi c alel yet but has found 12 specifi c genotipe that is potential for analyzing fi ngerprinting if it relates to important useful genes. Keywords: microsatellite teak, DNA fi ngerprinting
Analisis Keanekaragaman Genetika dan Diferensiasi Jati Jawa dan Madura Berdasarkan Marka Mikrosatelit Untuk Mendukung Fingerprinting Jati Millah, Mun Isyatul; Habibah, Noor Aini; Suwarni, Endah; Rertoningsih, Amin
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 4, No 2 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v4i2.3929


Fingerprinting jati diperlukan untuk melengkapi data base konservasi plasma nutfah jati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi keanekaragaman genetika pohon jati berdasarkan marka mikrosatelit dan mengidentifikasi alel spesifik pada lokus tertentu yang dapat menjadi penciri khas jati populasi Jawa dan Madura. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi karakteristik jati plus (fingerprinting) secara molekuler menggunakan penanda mikrosatelit. Sampel diambil dari koleksi jati plus di Kebun Benih Klonal (KBK) di Jawa dan dari lokal Areal Produksi Benih (APB) Madura. Sampel diisolasi menggunakan metode CTAB. Amplifikasi DNA menggunakan 3 primer mikrosatelit dan hasilnya divisualisasi pada gel poliakrilamid dengan pewarnaan silver. Hubungan kekerabatan dianalisis melalui program NTSYSpc (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis Sistem) versi 2.01. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tingkat keanekaragaman jati yang tinggi, didukung oleh nilai Observed Heterozigosity (Ho), Expected Heterozygosity (He), Polimorfism Information Content (PIC) dan koefisien diferensiasi genetika berturut-turut 0.5122; 0.6221; 0.5818; dan 0.0629. Hubungan kekerabatan melalui analisis dendogram menghasilkan koefisien kemiripan 0.3-1.00. Nilai keanekaragaman dalam populasi (HS), antar populasi (DST), dan nilai diferensiasi (G) berturut-turut adalah 0.5817, 0.0391, dan 0.0629. Dari hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keanekaragaman jati di Jawa dan Madura termasuk tinggi dan ada indikasi perbedaan genetika di dalam populasi lebih tinggi dibanding antar populasi.Fingerprinting teak is required to complete the data base teak germplasm conservation. This research aimed to obtain information about the genetic diversity of teak based on microsatellite markers and identify specific allele at a particular locus can be distinctive identity identifier population of Java and Madura. In this research is to identify the characteristics of teak plus (fingerprinting) molecularly using microsatellite markers. Samples were taken from the collection of teak plus in Kebun Benih Klonal in Java and from Areal Produksi Benih Madura. Samples were isolated using the CTAB method. Amplification of DNA using microsatellite primer 3 and the results are visualized on a polyacrylamide gel by silver staining. Kinship analyzed through NTSYSpc program (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) version 2:01. The analysis showed a high level of diversity teak, supported by Heterozigosity Observed value (HO), Expected Heterozygosity (He), polymorphisms Information Content (PIC) and genetic differentiation coefficient 0.5122 respectively; 0.6221; 0.5818; and 0.0629. Kinship through analysis dendogram generate similarity coefficient 0.3-1.00. The value of diversity in the population (HS), between populations (DST), and the value of differentiation (G) respectively are 0.5817, 0.0391, and 0.0629. From the analysis concluded that the level of diversity of teak in Java and Madura are high, and there are indications of genetic differences in the population is higher than among the population.