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The Effect of Income with Household Consumption on The Welfare of Dodol Potato Businesses Assessed From Islamic Economic Concept Cendra, Cendra; Fauzi, Muhammad; Arzam, Arzam; Novia, Aidil; Hulwati, Hulwati; Bustami, Yuserizal; Syarif, Dafiar; Mursal, Mursal
Dinar : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 7, No 2: Agustus 2020
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/dinar.v7i2.11214


The purposed of this study was to analyze the influence between income and household consumption on the welfare of potatoes taffy business in Lubuk Nagodang Village, Siulak Subdistrict, Kerinci regency. This study was assessing the welfare of taffy business in Islamic economic concepts and indicators. Field research with quantitative-qualitative (Mixed Method) as the method and approach used in this research. The research data was sourced from primary data, using multiple linear regression equations as a data analysis tool. This study was shown that the income partially has a significant effect on the welfare of potatoes taffy business that assessed from the Islamic economic concept. Then, household consumption partially has a significant effect on the welfare of potatoes taffy business assessed from the concept of Islamic economics. Besides, the income with household consumption simultaneously has a significant effect on the welfare of potatoes taffy business assessed from the concept of Islamic economics with a significance value of 0.000 0.05, and both variables contribute 69.2% together, while the remaining 30 ,8% influenced or explained by other factors not discussed in this study.
Turast: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.585 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/turast.v8i2.3627


Science and technology development is an indication of human civilization progress which has the merit of a religious point of view. Based on anthology and epistemology, the development itself has shown amazing result, however based on axiology, the development itself requires great attention. In this case, there are four phenomenon arise in society related with the integration of religion, economy, and technology; namely i). Religion, economy, and technology are separating; ii) The occurrence of confrontation among religion, economy, and technology; iii) There is a dialogical relationship, and iv) The occurrence of integration. All of the four phenomenon are the axiology basic of human civilization progress. Implementing the axiology in society depends on the integration of religion, politics, economy, and technology with a reciprocal relationship to build benefit, justice, and democracy in a country, particularly in Indonesia. Nowadays in Indonesia, the relationship among religion, economy and technology is at the political policy variant level. Therefore, this research hinges on the integration of religion, politics, economy, and technology in Indonesia.
MEMAHAMI KESETARAAN GENDER DALAM FIQH: Analisis Teori Evolusi Kontinuitas Fiqh Hulwati Hulwati
Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jk.v5i1.112


Gender equality in Islam has orientation on righteous that is part of liberal thought meanwhile there is an opposition from some Muslim that the concept of gender equality is unacceptable one. The presence of Islam which was brought by Muhammad the messenger was to elevate woman position in society. While observing some fiqh books, it is found that the books have masculine nuance and have more alignments on man side. In particular, it is not found any chapters that discuss about woman. That is an interesting commentary on gender bias in fiqh discourse. In order to avoid an historical dichotomy that leads suspicion on fiqh that deals with gender bias, this article tries to discuss how to understand gender equality according to Islamic law (Analysis of Fiqh Continuity Evolution Theory).
Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jk.v2i1.42


Talk about women in Islamic studies became more prevalent and warmed up, it even looks that this study has never lost its appeal. All activities are highlighted in the context of modern life, because in some of them there are only dropped as a housewife (domistic-worker). But became a career woman and even plunge into politics, so this statement has invited some controversial comments. Based on the problems described above, this paper will not examine all aspects of the women in the Islamic view, but this discussion will focus on how the position of women in Islamic political debate, it is precisely this paper tries to reveal how the movement of women seen from the eyes of political Islam, the reveals some important points, such as women in Islam, the position of women in Islamic politics and the last of this section described the reality of women in the social world. Keywords : Women and Islamic political debateCopyright © 2012 by Kafa`ah All right reservedDOI : 10.15548/jk.v2i1.42
Hajj Fund Investment Management in Indonesia Hulwati Hulwati; Roni Andespa; Slamet Mujiono
At-tijaroh: Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam Vol 8, No 1 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/tijaroh.v8i1.5189


Does the management of investment in Hajj funds in Indonesia impact the economy and welfare of the pilgrims in Indonesia? This study aims to see how the management of hajj funds in Indonesia. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of Hajj funds' investment management pattern that is applied in Indonesia. The location of this research is in Indonesia, where most of the population is Muslim. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are through interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted with the Hajj fund manager at the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, the Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH), and Bank Syariah Mandiri. Hajj funds managed by BPKH are placed on deposits and investments in securities. BPKH has now developed a hajj fund, and the investment returns positively impact the welfare of the hajj. The management of hajj funds through investment is the right way to benefit the congregation and for the welfare and benefit of the congregation during the pilgrimage. The return on investment is a government subsidy for pilgrims or covers the difference between the total cost of organizing the pilgrimage and the deposit paid by prospective pilgrims to the government. Pilgrims themselves can feel the subsidies provided through the management of hajj funds.
Uang Panggilan: Media Pertukaran Sosial dan Tolong Menolong dalam Masyarakat Gadih Angik Zainal Abidin; Hulwati Hulwati
Indonesian Journal of Religion and Society Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Religion and Society Studies (InTReSt)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36256/ijrs.v3i2.237


This study raises the theme of Uang panggilan in the Gadih Angik Community Tradition. Call money is a form of tradition in the form of giving a kind of money to the host who is holding a baralek event. This tradition is carried out on the principle of mutual cooperation and mutual help, so of course if someone is invited and has paid the summons, then with a sincere heart, the person who was given the call money must also give when the person who gave earlier held a baralek event. So based on this, the question arises, how is the tradition of calling money in the baralek event in the tradition of the Gadih Angik community, starting from the formation factor, the implementation process and what are the implications of this tradition for the surrounding community. With a qualitative descriptive approach, this study will describe some of the data obtained from the field, both observational interviews and documentation as data collection methods. In addition, this research also uses a mix method, in the sense of a combination of social science research and Islamic law approach research, then also analyzed with 'urf and maqasyid shari'ah and with social exchange theory. From the factors that occur, the implementation process to the implications for society, it can be concluded that the law for the implementation of this tradition of calling money is permissible at the level of hajjiyah.
JEBI (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam) Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Januari - Juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jebi.v2i1.70


The theme of the article is "economy based on the principles of Islam". Investment of sukuk was a solution of investment of conventional bonds. It is not allowed in shari’a, because of riba. Sukuk will be able to offer the innovative financial solution, this is product not only give a good contribution to the investment but also sukuk was be capable to compete with anothers investment in capital market. Moreover this investment is considered by company as alternative to get fund. Based on the explanation above, how investment of sukuk, wether sukuk is allowed by Islamic economic pespective or not? In this paper, I elaborate how the legal concept of invesment in Islamic economic perspective. Then I concentrate to describe about the concept of sukuk, also explain on mecanism of transaction of sukuk. Last, I attempt to analyze how the investment of sukuk in Islamic economic perspective.
Al-Masraf: Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Juli - Desember 2022
Publisher : Prodi Manaj. Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam – UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/al-masraf.v7i2.330


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menjelaskan potensi Peer to Peer Lending Syariah terhadap pemulihan ekonomi pasca Covid 19 di Indonesia. Survei yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan Mitrausaha di Indonesia atau Fintech Modalku menyebutkan bahwa 70% pinjaman online adalah untuk kepentingan bisnis mereka selama Covid 19. Sejak Fintech Syariah muncul pada tahun 2017, jumlah perusahaan Fintech Syariah bertambah sebanyak 7 perusahaan pada tahun 2019. Sedangkan pada tahun 2020 bertambah 12 Perusahaan. Total aset Fintech Syariah sebagai pemberi pinjaman tercatat sebesar 36 miliar pada Februari 2020 dan meningkat menjadi 61 miliar selama Covid 19. Studi ini menegaskan Peer to Peer Lending Syariah dalam pemulihan ekonomi pasca Covid 19, dan menganalisis potensinya dalam Indonesia. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, selain itu penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur seperti website OJK, Covid, dan fintech. Dapat dikatakan Peer to Peer Lending Syariah memiliki potensi karena memiliki sistem penyaluran dana yang fleksibel yang digabungkan antara dana investor dan dana sosial seperti zakat, sadaqah, dan wakaf. Selain itu, Peer to Peer Lending Syariah mampu mendukung pendanaan Covid 19 melalui program dana pemulihan dengan program pembiayaan sosial berupa qardh al-hasan (pinjaman kebajikan). Sistem ini memberikan solusi bagi peminjam untuk mengatasi pembiayaan yang terbebani dengan sistem bunga selama masa Covid 19.
KESEJAHTERAAN EKONOMI ISLAM: Bukti Dari Masyarakat Penerima Manfaat Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Karya Dermawan Dusun Dalam Fauzi, Muhammad; Arzam, Arzam; Novia, Aidil; Hulwati, Hulwati
An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 9 No 2 (2022): An-Nisbah
Publisher : IAIN Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/an.v9i2.5930


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai kesejahteraan masyarakat penerima manfaat BUMDes Karya Dermawan dalam ekonomi Islam. Ini didasari bahwa gagasan kesejahteraan ekonomi konvensional dipandang tidak sesuai, yang hanya meletakan dimensi kebutuhan materil (dunia) untuk menilai sejahteranya masayarakat. Karena itu, kesesuaian menilai sejahteranya masyarakat terletak dalam gagasan kesejahteraan ekonomi Islam, yang didilamnya terdapat penilaian dimensi kebutuhan spiritual (akhirat) dan materil (dunia), dengan mengacu lima prinsip tujuan syariat Islam (Maqasid Syariah). Penelitian ini mempergunakan pendekatan Mixed Method. Data penelitian dikumpul dari sumber primer, meliputi data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif berupa hasil kuesioner yang telah disebarkan/diisi oleh 100 responden yang diambil secara Purposive Sampling dan dihitung mengikuti teknik Slovin. Data kualitatif berupa observasi dan wawancara terhadap 6 responden yang diambil secara Snowball Sampling. Penelitian ini mempergunakan metode analisis deskriptif sebagai alat analisis data Mixed Method. Penelitian ini menujukan bahwa masyarakat penerima manfaat BUMDes Karya Dermawan sudah sejahtera dinilai dalam ekonomi Islam. Hal ini dibuktikan oleh masyarakat penerima manfaat mampu mewujudkan dimensi kebutuhan spiritual meliputi menjaga agama (Hifdzu Din), jiwa (Hifdzu Nafs), akal (Hifdzu
Unveiling the Benefits of Hajj Funds Investment in Indonesia Hulwati Hulwati; Slamet Mujiono; Roni Andespa; Abdi Fadhlan
Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/share.v12i1.16082


This article aims to investigate the benefits of investing in Hajj funds deposited by waitlisted pilgrims, not only for the purpose of organizing the pilgrimage but also for the wider community in Indonesia. The study draws upon primary data obtained from interviews conducted with the Public Relations of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) and the Director of Hajj and Umrah Management of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Jakarta. Additionally, secondary data was obtained from a variety of sources such as books, online news articles, and reports published by the BPKH that address the value of investment benefits for the Hajj pilgrimage. The selection of the BPKH is based on its responsibility for managing and investing in Hajj funds under Law Number 34 of 2014. The study highlights that Hajj funds investment not only benefits the management of Hajj operations but also has value for the wider community. The findings of this study supplement previous research that has focused primarily on the management of Hajj investments and their juridical basis in Indonesia. The benefit value of Hajj funds is optimally utilized for the implementation of the pilgrimage, as well as for the benefit of the ummah. Such benefits include the provision of religious, educational, and social facilities, as well as disaster relief such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The study concludes that in order to maximize the benefits of Hajj funds investments, they must be directed towards more productive investment opportunities that yield maximum return.====================================================================================================ABSTRAK –  Menyingkap Manfaat Investasi Dana Haji di Indonesia. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi nilai manfaat dari investasi dana haji yang disetor oleh calon jamaah haji yang masih dalam daftar tunggu, tidak hanya untuk tujuan penyelenggaraan ibadah haji tetapi juga untuk masyarakat Indonesia secara umum. Data primer untuk penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan Humas Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) dan Direktur Penyelenggaraan Haji dan Umrah Kementerian Agama di Jakarta. Sementara data sekunder diperoleh dari buku, artikel, berita online, dan laporan-laporan yang diterbitkan oleh BPKH yang membahas tentang nilai manfaat investasi dana haji. Pemilihan BPKH sebagai sumber data didasarkan pada tanggung jawabnya dalam pengelolaan dan investasi dana haji sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 34 Tahun 2014. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa investasi dana haji tidak hanya memberikan nilai manfaat bagi penyelenggaraan operasional haji tetapi juga memberikan nilai manfaat bagi kemaslahatan umat. Temuan ini mendukung beberapa penelitian sebelumnya tentang pengelolaan dana haji dan basis yuridisnya di Indonesia. Nilai manfaat dari dana haji dapat dioptimalkan untuk penyelenggaraan ibadah haji dan kemaslahatan umat, seperti penyediaan fasilitas keagamaan, pendidikan, dan sosial, serta bantuan dalam bencana seperti pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk memaksimalkan nilai manfaat dana haji, investasinya harus diarahkan pada peluang yang lebih produktif dan menghasilkan keuntungan maksimal.