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Ṭibāq Styles in the Book ‘Umdah Al- Ahkām Min Kalāmi Khair Al-An’ām (the Balagah Study) Abdul Azis; Yusroh Yusroh
Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/insyirah.v4i1.4125


This study aims to determine the ṭibāq language style used in the book ʻUmdah al-Ahkām min Kalām Khair al-Anām and to analyze the types and forms of ṭibāq language style contained in it. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with observation and note-taking techniques in data collection. In analyzing the data used the method of agih with the basic technique of BUL (For Direct Elements). The data presentation used a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that in the book ʻUmdah al-Ahkām min Kalām Khair al-Anām there are 63 data with 61 hadith containing ṭibāq, of which 48 ṭibāq ījāb and 15 ṭibāq salab. Ṭibāq ījāb in the form of fiʻil with fiʻil has 19 data, isim with isim is 21, the combination of fiʻil and isim has 2 data, and harf with harf have 6 data. While the form of ṭibāq salab which consists of fiʻil with fiʻil has 11 data, isim with isim has 3 data, and the combination of fiʻil and isim has one data.
Ta'allum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK) UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/taalum.2022.10.2.220-248


Etika guru merupakan hal yang paling penting dalam proses pendidikan, karena tujuan dari pendidikan sendiri adalah memperbaiki akhlak. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Peneliti dalam analisis data menggunakan metode analisis isi dimana metode ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi informasi secara objektif. Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian ini adalah menurut Yusuf al-Qardhawi seorang pendidik haruslah memiliki etika-etika guna tercapainya situasi kelas yang kondusif dan membuat nyaman para pelajar. Berikut etika-etika yang harus dimiliki guru dalam proses belajar mengajar: kehati-hatian pengajar dan perencanaan sesuai dengan kompetensi, tanggung jawab bersama dalam mendidik anak-anak, penyampaian materi kepada pelajar dan kebahagiaan bagi pelajar, ramah kepada pelajar, bersimpati kepada yang berbuat kesalahan, bersemangat berbuat baik dan bersemangat memberikan penghargaan kepada peelajar, mengalami peningkatan dalam belajar, menjaga kelompok-kelompok yang terpencil, keseimbangan dan menghilangkan kebosanan, pemanfaatan rekreasi sebagai pembelajaran, jalan pendukung pembelajaran, memilih cara yang baik, evaluasi dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan baik tulis maupun lisan.
Arabic Learning Media Based on Neuroscience Abdul Azis; Suyadi Suyadi
Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/insyirah.v6i1.6731


Learning Arabic cannot be separated from learning media that can carry out the functions of the right brain and left brain, so learning Arabic will run effectively. This study uses a qualitative method with a library research approach. Researchers in data analysis use content analysis method where this method is carried out by identifying information objectively. The result of this discussion is that Arabic learning media that can optimize the left brain and right brain are varied. Neuroscience-based Arabic learning media. The first, using a flash card or word card media. Second, using audio-visual media. Both of these media have a function in learning listening competence, which can improve students' sense of hearing and familiarize them with receiving language input more often. In addition, this media utilizes all the purposes of language skills, namely listening, reading, writing and speaking. So that in the learning process, flash cards and audio-visual media optimize the functions of the two brains, namely the right and left brain.
Islamic Education in Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan to ‎Prevent the Culture of Shirk on Social Media ‎ Abdul Azis; Ridho Riyanto; Eko Tuanto; Suradiyono; Mhd. Lailan Arqam
TADRIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 18 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v18i1.8336


The development of social media or information media also has two sides that affect to each other positive or negative. Behavior that depends on social media needs, to forget the creator where these actions are included as a culture of shirk in seeing the sophistication of social media. The efforts of Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) in higher education can provide innovative solutions in overcoming the cultures of shirk towards social media culture that has become a sense of addiction to the sophistication of social media. This research uses literature study research, where the process of collecting data from books or journal articles that are in accordance with the subject of research, namely about Islamic anthropology in AIK to prevent shirk culture in social media. The result of this study is that AIK can prevent the culture of shirk in social media by increasing the hours of faith courses. This is so that students are able to choose and filter what content can make themselves better in their religious knowledge so that they can stay away from content that contains shirk. In addition, there is an information fiqh course, so that students know the Islamic view of social media, are able to use social media wisely in accordance with Islamic views, students are able to filter incoming information and students’ tabayyun incoming information and are able to disseminate good information that does not contain shirk.