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Kajian Penataan Permukiman Waterfront Architecture Kampung Tua Tanjung Riau Martin Baron; Indah Yunita; Antoni Wijaya; Victor Agustian; Yovita Yolanda; Hendy Tan; Maharanta Milala; Larassaty Vitrian; Saffian Saffian; Anggita Rahmi Batubara
Journal of Architectural Design and Development (JAD) Vol 1 No 1 (2020): JAD
Publisher : Program Sarjana Arsitektur Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jad.v1i1.834


Kampung Tua Tanjung Riau merupakan salah satu perkampungan melayu yang terdapat di Kota Batam. Kampung ini terletak pada pesisir pantai di daerah Sekupang. Perkampungan ini sudah ditempati sejak sebelum tahun 1970, sehingga memiliki banyak nilai-budaya melayu. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, perkembangan yang terjadi di perkampungan ini menyebabkan penataan permukimannya menjadi tidak rapi, sehingga membuat perkampungan terlihat kumuh, tidak terawat dan tidak terlihat bercirikhas arsitektur melayu. Pada penelitian ini untuk memecahkan masalah kami menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data dari wawancara, lapangan dan data Pustaka sehingga menemukan kesimpulan yang terbaik dari kajian kami. Kajian yang dilakukan menghasilkan usulan desain penataan permukiman kampung tua melayu Tanjung Riau berkarakter arsitektur melayu, khusus di kawasan tepi laut (waterfront architecture), dengan desain yang sederhana dan sangat mungkin untuk direalisasikan. Dengan fokus penataan yang dilakukan memberikan alternatif desain rumah tinggal berkarakter arsitektur melayu dan penataan lanskap tepi laut yang sederhana dan ramah lingkungan. Konsep waterfront architecture yang menjadikan laut sebagai perluasan halaman rumah dengan memanfaatkan view-nya dan karakteristik rumah melayu modern menjadi target kajian ini.
PENGARUH GERAKAN ANTI-ABORSI TERHADAP POLA PIKIR REMAJA Agustina Fitrianingrum; Surya Bodhi; Lili Chinda; Maria Trisnawati; Mettatama Gandha Puspita; Nathalia Kristiani; Novika Novika; Soveinia Soveinia; Elva Christina; Winny Stevania; Victor Agustian
National Conference for Community Service Project (NaCosPro) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): The 2nd National Conference of Community Service Project 2020 (Accepted Papers)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/nacospro.v2i1.1214


Often we heard the word miscarriage or better known as abortion. Abortion is a bad act that is considered to be killing indirectly and is even prohibited by law in Article 75 Paragraph 2 of Law 36/2009 on Health. Although this has been regulated in the Law in Indonesia, there are still many cases of abortion, especially among Indonesian adolescents. One of the reasons abortions occur among adolescents is due to a lack of or minimal knowledge of sex education and the existence of promiscuity without parental supervision. Besides, adolescents do not understand the dangers or impacts of abortion which can affect internal health and even psychologically. Therefore, the action is needed for sex education for adolescents using communication media. Educational videos are made and uploaded on social media as media and campaigns for the anti-abortion movement on various social media. This action is effective because it can be accessed by every age group anytime and anywhere.
Pentingnya Inverter System Air Conditioner pada Penghawaan Ruangan Showroom Kota Batam Yessy Christanti Silaban; Stivani Ayuning Suwarlan; Victor Agustian
Journal of Architectural Design and Development (JAD) Vol 3 No 1 (2022): JAD
Publisher : Program Sarjana Arsitektur Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37253/jad.v3i1.4264


Batam merupakan kota diindonesia yang memiliki cuaca beriklim tropis dimana terdapat musim kemarau maupun musim hujan. Sering sekali panas yang ada pada musim kemarau dapat mencapai suhu diatas 36⁰C. Berada didalam ruangan yang tidak mengenai panas terkadang tidaklah cukup untuk menghilangkan rasa panas di musim kemarau ini, penggunaan penghawaan alami juga tidak bisa untuk mendingkan ruangan secara menyeluruh, dengan begitu penghawaan buatan harus dibuat agar dapat menciptakan suasana udara yang dingin dan nyaman. Terdapat banyak pameran yang sering sekali mendesign penghawaan tidak sesuai dengan kapasitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancangan ruangan menggunakan sistem Inverter Air Conditioner yang fungsinya mendinginkan ruangan sesuai kapasitas yang dibutuhkan pada showroom yang akan dirancang.
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Vol 4, No.2 (2022), Journal of Architectural Research and Education (JARE)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v4i2.52121


Batam City has a high potential in the tourism sector and attract tourists for natural tours, shopping tours, culinary tours, sports tours ,etc. In addition, Batam City is a destination for local people outside Batam to find work, because of many manufacturers (local or foreign companies) have established in Batam. The developments triggered a significant increase in population. As the effect of population growth, development in Batam city is also growing. It has a major impact on the reduction of green space. Many buildings have been created only focusing on their strategic location and the beauty of their exterior design. Therefore, the next development in Batam city must be controlled, so that there is a balance with the environment and doesn’t cause the new problem in the future.In other side, young people nowadays, who are in productive age, demand comfort and practical life. Staying in a hotel (for work or vacation) is a new desire for them to adapt to their modern lifestyle. To meet the demands of modern life and to overcome the potential problems that will arise in the future, the need to realize an environmentally friendly hotel is a must. Biophilic is a concept strategy modified by the addition of green plants as a guide to balancing biotic life in the environment. Biophilic design has embodied an auspicious momentum in human’s relationship with nature. The Implementation of a biophilic hotel design is awaited and will encourage the environment by using the same concept in the future
Audio Visual Story For Children By Architectural Students "It's Dyra" Amanda Rosetia; Aprilia Chandrawati; Coral Aswanti; Mikel Owen; Indah Yunita; Elva Christina; Victor Agustian; Deviana Deviana; Rickie Cung
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Since the age of 3, children have been trained to understand the world little by little and shape their own personalities and characters. Children around the age of development tend to learn behavior and articulation through sight and hearing. Hearing educational stories in early ages will help them learn good traits more quickly. Children educative stories can become one of the sources to shape and build good characteristics of children. In collaboration with IOM, HMPS Architecture UIB has created a special audio visual story for children to understand. Delivering story plots with audio and visuals through the story of "It's Dyra" will provide positive results to build positive mindsets of children. The story will be distributed via YouTube and SoundCloud to make it easier to be shared directly to viewers