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Publisher : LPPM Universitasdiwangsa Jambi

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Penjadwalan perkuliahan merupakan masalah mengalokasikan waktu, mata kuliah, dosen dan ruangan. Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi penjadwalan perkuliahan masih dikelola dengan cara konvensional dan belum terintegrasi dengan sistem informasi dengan menggunakan draft penjadwalan untuk diisi secara manual dan kemudian menggunakan komputer untuk kerapian hasilnya namun penyusunan jadwal dengan cara ini membutuhkan banyak waktu, tenaga, dan biaya serta akan mengalami banyak hambatan terutama dalam hal ketelitiannya. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Menghasilkan suatu analisis terhadap sistem jadwal perkuliahan yang berlangsung di Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi saat ini, Menghasilkan rancangan prototype Sistem Informasi Manajemen Jadwal Perkuliahan pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi yang berbasis web sehingga meningkatkan efektfitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan jadwal perkuliahan, Mempercepat dalam proses pemberitahuan jadwal perkulihan sehingga kebutuhan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa, karyawan, dosen bisa terlayani dengan mudah. Rancangan ini dibuat dengan menggunakan visual paradigm dan menggunakan teknik pemodelan berbasis objek untuk menggambarkan analisis dan desain sistem, yaitu dalam bentuk diagram use case, diagram class, dan diagram activity. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah rancangan prototype sistem informasi Manajemen Jadwal Perkuliahan Pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi. Harapannya bahwa sistem tersebut dapat diimplementasikan secara langsung untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pelaksanaan sistem jadwal perkuliahan di Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi.
Pemahaman Mengenai Pentingnya Media Sosial Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Pada Klinik Basmallah Jambi Hafiz Nugraha; Noneng Marthiawati. H; Kevin Kurniawansyah; Oka Ediansa
SINAR SANG SURYA Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : UM Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/sss.v6i1.1889


ABSTRAK Teknologi informasi berupa media sosial merupakan sebuah media untuk bersosialisasi satu sama lain dan dilakukan secara online yang memungkinkan manusia untuk saling berinteraksi tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu. Klinik Basmallah Sebagai salah satu pelayanan kesehatan yang memiliki peran dalam melayani kesehatan masyarakat. Namun, manfaat dari keberadaan sosial media ini belum dapat dirasakan untuk seluruh pelayanan kesehatan. Hal ini dikarenakan belum adanya pengetahuan dan manfaat sosial media untuk menunjang proses kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan, promosi dan menyebarkan informasi mengenai anjuran kesehatan. Sehingga banyak pelayanan kesehatan lebih memilih dengan cara yang konvensional. Hal ini dikarenakan terbatasnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan media sosial untuk hal-hal yang produktif, mendorong kreativitas dan inovasi, serta peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Untuk itu agar dapat memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pemanfaatan media sosial dalam mempermudah dan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan maka dilakukanlah program pengabdian kepada masyarakat penerapan IPTEK. Dimana pada program pengabdian ini akan dilakukan dalam 3 sesi kegiatan, yaitu 1 sesi penyampaian materi, 2 sesi  kegiatan pendampingan penerapan dan pelatihan pemanfaatan social media yang baik dalam mempermudah dan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan di Klinik Basmallah Jambi. Luaran kegiatan program pengabdian masyarakat (PPM) ini adalah peningkatan pemahaman, wawasan, pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat, terutama pegawai di Klinik Basmallah Jambi dalam menggunakan media sosial untuk mempermudah dan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Kata kunci : Sosial Media, Pelayanan Kesehatan, Klinik Basmallah ABSTRACT Information technology in the form of social media is a medium to socialize with each other and is carried out online which allows humans to interact with each other without being limited by space and time. Basmallah Clinic As one of the health services that has a role in serving public health. However, the benefits of the existence of social media cannot be felt for all health services. This is because there is no knowledge and benefits of social media to support the process of health service activities, promotion and dissemination of information regarding health recommendations. So many health services prefer the conventional way. This is due to the limited knowledge of the community in using social media for productive things, encouraging creativity and innovation, and increasing people's welfare. For this reason, in order to provide knowledge about the use of social media in facilitating and improving health services, a community service program for the application of science and technology is carried out. Where this service program will be carried out in 3 activity sessions, namely 1 session of material delivery, 2 sessions of mentoring activities for the implementation and training of good use of social media in facilitating and improving health services at the Jambi Basmallah Clinic. The output of this community service program (PPM) activity is an increase in understanding, insight, knowledge and skills of the community, especially employees at the Jambi Basmallah Clinic in using social media to facilitate and improve health services.Keywords: : Social Media, Health Services, Basmallah Clinic
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Persuratan Berbasis Web pada Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi Indah Desmasari; Safira Agustina; Hetty Rohayani; Noneng Marthiawati
JOURNAL VISION TECHNOLOGY (V-TECH) ISSN : 2622-9315 (Online - Elektronik) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): JOURNAL V-TECH (VISION TECHNOLOGY)
Publisher : JOURNAL VISION TECHNOLOGY (V-TECH) ISSN : 2622-9315 (Online - Elektronik)

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Surat menyurat ialah kegiatan operasional yang dilakukan oleh setiap organisasi atau instansi, seperti dilingkungan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi. Pada saat ini kegiatan surat menyurat pada Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi agar berjalan dengan baik, walaupun kegiatan surat menyurat masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu dalam bentuk kertas. Sistem yang akan dikembangkan dengan metode yang diimplementasikan dengan basis data MySQL. Sistem ini mampu melakukan transaksi surat masuk dan surat keluar secara elektronik, serta mampu melakukan pencarian surat. Di saat penelusuran di Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi, dilakukanlah kuesioner teradap karyawan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi, serta didapatkan hasil bahwa rata-rata karyawan setuju bahwa aplikasi ini dikembangkan serta diterapkan, demi proses kegiatan surat meyurat, serta membantu menyimpan surat agar mudah ditemukan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, bahwa aplikasi ini dapat membantu mempercepat proses surat menyurat serta menyimpan surat dapat dikendalikan dan dapat menyimpan untuk mudah ditemukan. Setelah aplikasi ini dikembangkan, maka aplikasi ini dapat digunakan oleh bagian Teknologi Informasi pada Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi untuk sistem surat menyurat secara elktronik dan juga membantu memenuhi struktur birokrasi di Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Tanaman Pisang Canvendish Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Kevin Kurniawansyah; Noneng Marthiawati. H; Reni Aryani
Jurnal Ilmiah SINUS Vol 21, No 1 (2023): Vol. 21 No. 1 Januari 2023
Publisher : STMIK Sinar Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30646/sinus.v21i1.679


Bananas are part of the horticultural commodity group of fruits which are widely consumed because of their delicious taste and high nutritional content. One of the problems that exist when cultivating canvendish banana plants is the existence of disease disorders that occur in these plants. To prevent this from happening, knowledge about the diseases experienced by these plants is based on the symptoms experienced. Sources of knowledge about the disease and its symptoms can be obtained from an expert. However, the difficulty of consulting with experts in the field of canvendish bananas can be overcome with the help of an expert system to diagnose diseases of canvendish bananas using the Forward Chaining method. The purpose of this research is to help banana farmers or ordinary people to be able to carry out prevention and treatment when bananas are attacked by diseases or pests and overcome existing problems regarding canvendish bananas.
Jurnal Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan (FORSINTA) Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal (FORSINTA) Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (707.47 KB) | DOI: 10.53978/jfsa.v1i1.205


Seeing the importance of measuring the level of student satisfaction with the service implementation of the education and learning system, a container for measuring the level of student satisfaction is needed. Student satisfaction and a good experience received by each student is one of the priorities prioritized by the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi in shaping the image or good name of the university. But unfortunately, so far, to measure the level of student satisfaction in having the experience of feeling the service of implementing the education and learning system and using existing facilities at the University, it is still in the form of a questionnaire in the form of paper which is distributed directly to students when students are going for the final semester exams with a fairly time-consuming process. time in procedures and calculations. so that there is no transparency in data collection that is accumulated directly through the system and does not become a waste of time, energy and paper. The purpose of this study is to analyze and design an Information System for Measuring Student Satisfaction on Web-Based Services for the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi Campus so that it can improve the services of the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi Campus. This design is made using the visual paradigm and using object-based modeling techniques to describe the analysis and design of the system, namely in the form of use case diagrams, class diagrams, and activity diagrams. This study resulted in a prototype design of an Information System for Measuring Student Satisfaction on Web-Based Services for the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi Campus. On this basis, an integrated system is needed, it is hoped that the system can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of implementation for the university in handling and implementing faster solutions related to services on the University campus of Muhammadiyah Jambi University.
Jurnal Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan (FORSINTA) Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Jurnal (FORSINTA) Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (896.079 KB) | DOI: 10.53978/jfsa.v1i1.206


Computer-based information systems are needed, especially in the development of an organization, in this case is the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi. Where the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi pays less attention to incoming and outgoing letters because currently the mail scheduling information system has not been fully integrated with the system where for mail scheduling still uses the conventional system. Where the process is still carried out by separating incoming and outgoing letters and then writing or recording several parts of the letter, namely: letter number, letter description, letter origin, incoming letter date, outgoing letter date, agenda date, document. The purpose of this research is to analyze and design a prototype letter scheduling system so as to increase the effectiveness and efficiency in scheduling letters and speed up the process of searching for letters so as to make it easier for mail managers to find letters according to their needs. This design was made using the visual paradigm and using object-based modeling techniques to describe the analysis and design of the system, namely in the form of use case diagrams, class diagrams, and activity diagrams. This research resulted in a prototype design of an analysis system and design of a letter scheduling information system at the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi. On this basis, an integrated system is needed, it is hoped that the system can be implemented directly to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the letter logging information system at the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi.
Jurnal Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan (FORSINTA) Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal (FORSINTA) Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53978/jfsa.v1i2.245


Inventory is an activity to compile goods or record existing goods or materials correctly. Inventory of goods is also a recording of data related to goods or assets at Muhammadiyah Jambi University. Every item that is to be procured must be recorded properly as well as if the goods that have been procured and distributed must be recorded and reported properly and correctly as asset data. The purpose of this research is to help and facilitate employees in managing inventory of goods to be more effective and efficient, the method used is a prototyping system with the results of this research being the Design of the Goods E-Inventory Interface at Muhammadiyah Jambi University
Jurnal Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan (FORSINTA) Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal (FORSINTA) Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53978/jfsa.v1i2.247


The laboratory is an academic support unit in an educational institution, in the form of a closed or open room that is permanent, managed systematically for teaching and learning activities, research, experiments as well as for practical and learning activities both individually and in groups. The laboratory at the Muhammadiyah University of Jambi has limited capacity, equipment and numbers because it is not proportional to the number of students, so students cannot master this value. These limitations can be overcome by scheduling the use of space. The current schedule for computer laboratory practicum can only be seen on the paper attached to the laboratory room and for the process of borrowing the laboratory, lecturers and students must come directly to the laboratory to communicate the laboratory loan to the head of the computer laboratory to see if there is an empty schedule. From the problems above, the purpose of this study is to design a Laboratory Usage Schedule System to make it easier for lecturers and students, especially the head of the laboratory, to access laboratory usage schedules regarding borrowing empty laboratories and substitutes for learning with the prototyping system method which results in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of implementation to overcome existing problems
Clustering Disiplin Pegawai Kecamatan Danau Sipin Kota Jambi Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Hetty Rohayani; Irmanelly; Rico; Noneng Marthiawati; Rendi Efdiansyah
JOURNAL VISION TECHNOLOGY (V-TECH) ISSN : 2622-9315 (Online - Elektronik) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): JOURNAL V-TECH (VISION TECHNOLOGY)
Publisher : JOURNAL VISION TECHNOLOGY (V-TECH) ISSN : 2622-9315 (Online - Elektronik)

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Disiplin merupakan kunci keberhasilan suatu organisasi dalam mencapai tujuannya, karena kedisiplinan merupakan fungsi operasional dari manajemen sumber daya manusia yang sangat penting dan akan menciptakan karyawan yang berkualitas. Disiplin karyawan dapat dilihat melalui kehadiran karyawan. Pentingnya mengevaluasi tingkst disiplin pegawai untuk meningkatkan pelayan kepada masyarakat dan memudahkan pimpinan untuk mengetahui tingkat kedisiplinan pegawai kantor Camat Danau Sipin Kota Jambi saat ini belum mengelompokan tingkat disiplin pegawai karena tidak ada system yang dapat membantu dalam prosesnya. Pengelompokan tingkat disiplin karyawan digunakan metode K-Means Clustering dalam penelitian ini.Penerapan metode K-Means Clustering diimplementasikan dalam aplikasi yang dibuat dengan 3 cluster dari 14 sampel data, dan tidak absen dari rumah. Data yang digunakan adalah data kehadiran untuk 14 karyawan dari tahun 2018 hingga 2021.Hasil penelitian ini adalah algoritma k-means mampu mengklasifikasikan data dengan tingkat kedisiplinan tetinggi. Sedang dan rendah dengan adanya system aplikasi ini, diharapkan pimpinan dapat dengan mudah mengetahui tingkat kedisiplinan pegawai kantor Camat Danau Sipin Kota Jambi sehingga dapat memberikan bonus bagi karyawan dengan tingkat kedisiplinan yang tinggi, dan sanksi bagi karyawan dengan tingkat disiplin yang rendah.
Jurnal Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan (FORSINTA) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal (FORSINTA) Informatika, Sistem Informasi dan Kehutanan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53978/jfsa.v2i1.265


Store Gofone is a privately owned business entity that sells smartphones which are a tertiary need for people in everyday life. Initially, Gofone still sold conventional products, limited to meetings at product sales points or shops, which were deemed less effective and efficient. This is because Gofone does not yet have a dedicated e-commerce website to provide all information related to product sales. To make product sales more effective and efficient, an e-commerce website is needed. This research aims to increase market share, reduce operational costs, widen sales reach, increase consumer loyalty or loyalty to the product, as well as a promotional medium. The method used in this study is UML (Unified Modeling Language) which consists of use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. The design uses the prototype system method. The results of the research are in the form of an e-commerce system at Gofone Jambi.