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The nfluences of Pandita, Youth, and Women of Buddhayana to Harmonious Life of Buddhist in Central Java Budi Utomo Ditthisampanno
Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Agama Buddha dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Negeri Raden Wijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53565/abip.v3i2.227


Pengaruh Pandita, Pemuda, dan Wanita Buddhayana terhadap Keharmonisan Umat Beragama Buddha di Jawa Tengah[1] Oleh. Budi Utomo, Ph.D[2]. Abstrak Kemajemukan menjadi modal kekayaan bangsa Indonesia dan bila tidak dikelola dengan baik akan dapat menjadi penyebab kehancuran, sebaliknya jika dikelola dengan baik akan menjadi contoh bagi masyarakat dunia. Kerukunan beragama ada pada istilah agree in disagreement, setuju dalam perbedaan, artinya setiap penganut agama percaya bahwa agama yang dianutnya itulah agama yang paling baik dan benar, antara agama satu dengan lainnya terdapat berbagai persamaan selain perbedaannya. Kerukunan beragama bukanlah ingin menyatukan semua agama, atau ingin menyamaratakan semua agama, atau ingin menciptakan suatu agama baru yang dipadukan dari semua agama yang ada. Harmonisasi menjadi salah satu tujuan bagi bangsa Indonesia agar masyarakat hidup tentram, dan damai. Objek penelitian ini adalah Para Pandita, Pemuda, dan Wanita yang ada dilingkungan Keluarga Buddhayāna Indonesia yang menjadi anggota Majelis Buddhayāna Indonesia, Sekber PMVBI (Pemuda Buddhayāna), dan Wanita Buddhis Indonesia (WBI) di provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan populasi sekitar 150 Orang. Peran dan pengaruh Pandita, Pemuda, dan Wanita Buddhayāna sangat besar dalam mewujudkan keharmonisan umat beragama khususnya umat Buddha, hal ini secara teori sangat beralasan sekali karena Buddhayāna merupakan sebuah gerakan agama Buddha Indonesia yang menghargai semangat pluralisme, inklusif, dan non-sektarian. Semua aliran utama agama Buddha dalam wihara-wihara Buddhayāna dapat hidup bersama secara damai dan berkembang bersama dengan beradaptasi pada budaya lokal, budaya Indonesia. Desain penelitian yang dijadikan pedoman dalam penelitian ini adalah positifistik kuantitatif dengan langkah penelitian (desain) model persamaan struktural (Struktural Equation Model). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya pengaruh signifikan pandita (X1) terhadap Keharmonisan (Y) karena nilai sign < probabilitas yaitu 0,000 < 0,05; Tidak ada pengaruh Pemuda (X1) terhadap Keharmonisan (Y) karena nilai sign > probabilitas yaitu 0,081 > 0,05; Tidak ada pengaruh wanita (X1) terhadap Keharmonisan (Y) karena nilai sign > probabilitas yaitu 0,219 > 0,05. Kesimpulannya ada pengaruh Pandita, Pemuda, dan Buddhayāna terhadap Keharmonisan Umat Beragama Buddha di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini, secara teori dan praktik diharapkan menjadi bahan masukan bagi pemangku kepentingan, organisasi keagamaan dan seluruh masyarakat di Jawa Tengah khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Sebagai bahan masukan bagi Pandita, Pemuda dan Wanita Buddhayāna Indonesia untuk berperan terhadap harmonisasi umat beragama Buddha di Jawa Tengah. Bahan kajian dan acuan pimpinan Majelis Buddhayāna Indonesia dalam memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan organisasi, serta referensi dan masukan bagi pimpinan Majelis Buddhayāna Indonesia dalam mengambil kebijakan yang kurang sesuai dengan kondisi umat Buddha. Kata Kunci: Pandita, Pemuda, Wanita Buddhayāna, keharmonisan. Influences of Pandita, Youth, and Women of Buddhayana to Harmonious Life of Buddhist in Central Java Budi Utomo, Ph.D[3]. ABSTRACT Diversity is the asset for the wealth of the Indonesian nation and if it is not managed properly it can be devastating, on the other hand, if it is managed properly, it will become an example for the world community. Religious harmony is in terms of agreeing in disputes, agreeing in differences, that is, every religious believer believes that the religion he adheres to is the best and correct religion, between religions there are various similarities in differences. Successful religious harmony wants to unite all religions, or wants to unify all religions, or wants to create a new religion that is integrated from all existing religions. Harmonization is one of the goals for the Indonesian nation so that people live peacefully and peacefully. The objects of this research are the Panditas, Buddhists Youths, and Buddhist Women in the Indonesian Buddhayāna Families who are members of the Indonesian Buddhayāna Council, the PMVBI Secretary (Pemuda Buddhayāna), and Indonesian Buddhist Women (WBI) in Central Java Province with a population of around 150 people. The role and influence of Pandita, Youth, and Women Buddhayāna is very large in realizing religious harmony, especially Buddhists, this is very reasonable in theory because Buddhayāna is an Indonesian Buddhist movement that respects the spirit of pluralism, inclusion and non-sectarianism. All the main streams of Buddhism in the Buddhist monasteries can live together peacefully and develop together by adapting to local culture, Indonesian culture. The research design that is used as a guide in this research is positivistic quantitative with the research step (design) of the structural equation model (Structural Equation Model). The results of this study are the significant influence of pandita (X1) on harmony (Y) because the sign value <probability is 0.000 <0.05; There is no influence of Youth (X1) on Harmony (Y) because the value of sign> probability is 0.081> 0.05; There is no influence of women (X1) on harmony (Y) because the value of sign> probability is 0.219> 0.05. In conclusion, there is the influence of Pandita, Buddhist Youth, Buddhist Women (Buddhayāna) on Buddhist Harmony in Central Java. This research, in theory and practice, is expected to become input for stakeholders, religious organizations and all communities in Central Java in particular and Indonesia in general. As input for Pandita, Indonesian Buddhayāna Youth and Women to play a role in the harmonization of Buddhists in Central Java. Study material and reference for the leadership of the Indonesian Buddhayāna Council in improving and enhancing the quality of organizational management, as well as references and input for the leadership of the Indonesian Buddhayāna Council in making policies that are not in accordance with the conditions of the Buddhist community. Keywords: Pandita, Buddhist Youth, Buddhist Women, Harmonious life. [1] Artikel ini adalah Laporan Penelitian Dosen STIAB Smaratungga tahun 2020, penelitian ini dibiayai oleh DIPA Dirjen Bimas Buddha, Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia [2] Dosen dan Ketua STIAB Smaratungga Boyolali, juga sebagai Ketua Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Agama Buddha Indonesia (APTABI), serta Asst. Secretary pada International Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (ATBU) and EXCO Member pada International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU). [3] Lecturer and principal of Smaratungga Buddhist College Boyolali, Chairs of Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Agama Buddha Indonesia (APTABI), serta Asst. Secretary of International Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (ATBU) and EXCO Member of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU).
The Effect of Organizational Trust, Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) on University Performance during Digital Era Khie Khiong; Budi Utomo
International Journal of Social and Management Studies Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : IJOSMAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5555/ijosmas.v4i2.288


This research aims to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and organizational trust, investigate the relationship between innovative work behavior (IWB) and organizational trust, investigate the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and performance, and investigate the relationship between innovative work behavior ( IWB) on performance, investigated the relationship between organizational trust and performance variables. This type of research is quantitative research. Each research indicator was measured using a Likert scale of 1-7 points and criteria from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The analytical tool used in this study was SEM based on PLS (Partial Least Square). The respondents to this study were 310 university lecturers in Banten Indonesia who were determined using the simple random sampling method. The research data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires through social media. The results of the hypothesis test showed that The results of the hypothesis test show that the perceived organizational support (POS) variable has a significant effect on organizational trust, the innovative work behavior variable (IWB) has a positive and significant effect on organizational trust, the perceived organizational support (POS) variable has a positive and significant effect on performance, the innovative work variable work behavior (IWB) has a positive and significant effect on performance, organizational trust variables have a significant effect on university performance.
Pengaruh Puasa Vikâla Bhojana terhadap Kadar Trigliserida dan Gula Darah pada Komunitas Bhikkhu Theravâda Fredy; Budi Utomo; Khie Khiong
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 69 No 8 (2019): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.69.8-2019-187


Introduction: Heart disease and stroke are the top two causes of death in the world that are associated with high cholesterol and blood glucose level due to the wrong diet. Objective: The objective of this study is to prove the effect of vikâla bhojana (Buddhist fasting) on triglyceride and fasting plasma glucose levels on Theravâda monks community in Medan city. Method: The research method used is quasi experimental design with non equivalent control group. A purposive sampling technique with inclusion criteria has been applied to respondents, which consisted of 18 monks and 18 laypeople. Anthropometric measurements and biochemical blood analysis are used to collect data. Statistical analysis is performed by using a single sample t-test, unpaired t-test, and Pearson Product Moment. Result: The research statistic shows the value of p=0,006 (p<0,05), indicating there is a significant difference between the mean of triglyceride and fasting plasma glucose level among groups. Conclusion: Although the main purpose of vikâla bhojana (Buddhist fasting) is to attain self-control, vikâla bhojana (Buddhist fasting) can reduce triglyceride and fasting plasma glucose level.
Development of Jataka Pop-Up Book As Instructional Media for Sunday School Buddhist Students at Culla Sekha Level Joko Adi pradana; Budi Utomo; Devy Muslianty
Jurnal Paedagogy Vol 10, No 4: Jurnal Paedagogy (October 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jp.v10i4.8685


This research aims to develop a Pop-up Book about Jataka stories as a learning material for Culla Sekha level students at the Buddhist Sunday School. The research method used was development research with the 4D model, which includes Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate phases. This research was carried out at the Buddhist Sunday School in the Gladagsari sub-district, involving teachers and students. The data collection technique distributed questionnaires for groups of students and two expert respondents: a media expert and a Jataka material expert. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics in the form of percentage analysis. The research results showed that the development of the Pop-up Book media obtained an average percentage of 93% in the "very good" category according to the media expert, 84% in the "good" category according to the material expert, and 92.7% in the "very good" category based on student responses. From these research findings, the development of the Jataka Pop-up Book has excellent quality. This Pop-up Book could effectively support the learning process, as it received positive feedback from the media expert, material expert, and students.
Minat Membaca dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Perilaku Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Buddha dan Budi Pekerti Yudi Surono; Budi Utomo; Devi Muslianty
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.4232


This study aims to improve the learning behavior of 7th grade students of SMP Smaratungga Ampel. The research method used in this research is quantitative research method, while the research approach used is a causal approach. The subject of this research was Buddhist students in grade 7 of SMP Smaratungga Ampel, totaling 10 people, data collection techniques in the form of data obtained directly from the field (primary data) by distributing questionnaires or questionnaires to respondents. Primary data was obtained by researchers by distributing questionnaires to respondents totaling 10 people. The results of this study indicate that the results of data analysis with the simple linear regression formula obtained the amount of R square 0.814, thus meaning that 81.4% of Buddhist education learning behavior in 7th grade students of Smaratungga Ampel Junior High School is influenced by reading interest while the remaining 18.6% is influenced by other factors not included in the regression equation. Thus it can be concluded that interest in reading can improve the learning behavior of 7th grade Buddhist students of Smaratungga Ampel Junior High School.