abdullah Taufiq
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi Jl. Raya Kendalpayak km 8, Kotak Pos 66 Malang 65101

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Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 13, No 1 (2010): Maret 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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Assesement of Cultivation Technology and Economic Feasibility of Soybean Farming Systemwith Integrated Crop Management Approach in Tidal Land at Jambi Province. This assessment aims todetermine the performance of cultivation technology and the economic feasibility of soybean farming systemthrough integrated plant control on tidal swamp land. Assesment was conducted on dry season 2007 in BandarJaya village, Rantau Rasau sub District, Tanjung Jabung Timur District, Jambi Province, on tidal land withacid soils and sulfate land type C. Technology packed involved: seed quality, varieties, manure and dolomiteapplication, fertilizer dosage, water management, and pest diseases control. Data were collected through directobservation in the field with Participation Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach. Descriptive data were analyzedqualitatively and quantitatively using partial budget analysis with the economic parameters of R/C, MBCR,PBE, and TIH. The assessment indicated that the PTT technology is able to increase productivity .6 fold, andit was economically improve the profitability of farming for Rp.2,528,720/ha with MBCR score of 3.68, so thatthe PTT technology was feasible to be implemented. In order for PTT technology development to continue, itneeds supply of inputs, alternative fertilizer, seed multiplication by farmer, and direct supervision. Disseminationefforts need to be done both through technology and communication, and through direct propagation.Key words: Tidal swamp land, economic feasibility Tujuan pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaan teknologi budidaya, dan kelayakan ekonomiusahatani kedelai dengan pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu di lahan pasang surut. Pengkajian inidilaksanakan pada MK 2007 di desa Bandar Jaya Kecamatan Rantau Rasau Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung TimurProvinsi Jambi dilahan pasang surut dengan tipologi lahan sulfat masam dan tipe genangan air C. Paketteknologi PTT kedelai meliputi benih bermutu, varietas, penggunaan pupuk kandang dan dolomit, dosis dan carapemupukan, pengaturan tata air dan pengendalian OPT. Sebanyak enam petani kooperator yang menggunakanpaket teknologi PTT dilibatkan dalam pengkajian ini. Data diperoleh dengan pengamatan langsung dilapangan,data primer dikumpulkan dengan pendekatan PRA. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskripif kualitatif dankuantitatif menggunakan analisis anggaran parsial dengan parameter ekonomi R/C, MBCR, TIP dan TIH.Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi PTT mampu meningkatkan produktivitas ,6 kali lipat,Kajian Teknologi Budidaya dan Kelayakan Ekonomi Usahatani Kedelai Dengan Pendekatan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu diLahan Pasang Surut Jambi (Jumakir dan Abdullah Taufiq)2dan secara ekonomis meningkatkan keuntungan usahatani sebesar Rp.2.528.720/ha dengan nilai MBCR 3,68sehingga teknologi PTT layak untuk diterapkan. Agar pengembangan teknologi PTT berlanjut, diperlukandukungan saprodi dan harga terjangkau, penggunaan pupuk alternatif dan pemanfaatan agen hayati sertapenangkaran benih oleh petani. Disamping itu masih perlu pembinaan dan pendampingan oleh petugas. Upayadiseminasi perlu dilakukan baik melalui teknologi informasi dan komunikasi maupun diseminasi langsung.Kata Kunci : Lahan pasang surut, PTT kedelai dan Kelayakan ekonomi
Buletin Palawija No 23 (2012)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian

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Tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L.) dapat memberikan respon positif dan negatif terhadap perubahan lingkungan tumbuh di atas tanah maupun di dalam tanah. Respon tersebut dapat diketahui dari perubahan perubahan fenotipik dan fisiologis tanaman. Lingkungan di atas tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai terutama adalah lama dan intensitas penyinaran, suhu udara dan kandungan CO2 di atmosfer. Lama penyinaran yang optimal adalah 10-12 jam. Berkurangnya intensitas cahaya matahari menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh lebih tinggi, ruas antar buku lebih panjang, jumlah daun dan jumlah polong lebih sedikit, dan ukuran biji semakin kecil. Respon kedelai terhadap perubahan suhu tergantung pada fase pertumbuhan. Suhu yang sesuai pada fase perkecambahan adalah 15-22oC, fase pembungaan 20-25oC, dan pada fase pemasakan 15-22oC. Peningkatan CO2 atmosfer dari 349 µL menjadi 700 µL meningkatkan laju pertukaran karbon (C), menurunkan laju transpirasi, dan meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan air. Kondisi lingkungan di dalam tanah yang berperan terhadap pertumbuhan kedelai terutama adalah tekstur tanah, kadar air tanah dan unsur hara, unsur-unsur toksik, kemasaman tanah, suhu tanah, dan salinitas. Kedelai tumbuh baik pada tanah bertekstur ringan hingga berat, namun tanah yang padat (BI >1,38 kg/m3) tidak sesuai untuk kedelai. Kebutuhan air tanaman kedelai pada fase generatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada fase vegetatif, sehingga pada fase generatif lebih peka terhadap kekeringan terutama pada fase pembungaan hingga pengisian polong. Kandungan air optimal adalah 70-85% dari kapasitas lapangan. Kandungan unsur hara tanah harus di atas batas kekahatan agar tanaman tumbuh optimal. Nilai kritis suatu unsur hara dalam tanah beragam tergantung jenis tanah dan metode analisis yang digunakan. Pengaruh suhu tanah terutama pada fase perkecambahan, dan suhu tanah optimal adalah 24,2-32,8°C. Kedelai agak sensitif terhadap kemasaman tanah, unsur-unsur toksik, dan salinitas. Nilai kritis pH, Al, Mn, dan salinitas berturut-turut adalah pH 5,5, Al-dd 1,33 me/100 g, Mn 3,3 ppm, dan 1,3 dS/m. Rhizobium berperan dalam memasok kebutuhan N tanaman kedelai, namun inokulasi tidak efektif pada tanah yang sering ditanami kedelai.
Buletin Palawija No 26 (2013)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian

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Salinitas yang tinggi merupakan salah satu cekaman lingkungan yang mengakibatkan tanaman mengalami cekaman osmotik, ketidak seimbangan hara, toksisitas ion tertentu, dan cekaman oksidatif. Cekaman tersebut mempengaruhi hampir semua proses fisiologis dan biokimia serta tahap pertumbuhan tanaman. Fase perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan semaian adalah fase kritis terhadap cekaman salinitas bagi sebagian besar tanaman, termasuk kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr.), kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) dan kacang hijau (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), sehingga ketahanan tanaman terhadap cekaman salinitas dapat dievaluasi pada fase-fase tersebut. Toleransi tanaman legum terhadap cekaman salinitas beragam antar spesies maupun varietas. Batas kritis tingkat salinitas berdasarkan penurunan hasil pada tanaman kedelai, kacang tanah, dan kacang hijau berturutturut adalah 5 dS/m, 3,2 dS/m,dan 1–2,65 dS/m. Pemahaman pengaruh salinitas terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman sangat berguna untuk menentukan strategi pengelolaannya. Informasi mengenai mekanisme toleransi tanaman terhadap salinitas dari aspek morfologis, fisiologis, maupun biokimia tanaman sangat diperlukan dalam mengembangkan kultivar yang toleran. Penggunaan kultivar toleran merupakan salah satu upaya mengatasi masalah salinitas yang praktis dan ekonomis.
Penentuan Kebutuhan Pupuk P Untuk Tanaman Kedelai, Kacang Tanah Dan Kacang Hijau Berdasarkan Uji Tanah Di Lahan Kering Masam Ultisol Wijanarko, Andy; Taufiq, abdullah
Buletin Palawija No 15 (2008)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian

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Ketersediaan P pada tanah masam umumnya rendah sehingga diperlukan pemupukan P. Pemupukan P yang didasarkan pada status kandungan P dalam tanah dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pemupukan. Kebutuhan pupuk dapat diketahui melalui kalibrasi uji tanah. Kalibrasi uji tanah merupakan percobaan tentang tanggap tanaman terhadap pemupukan pada status hara tanah tertentu. Tingkat ketersediaan hara dalam tanah dinyatakan dalam tingkat rendah, sedang, dan tinggi, atau dalam suatu kisaran kandungan hara tertentu. Uji kalibrasi juga dapat dilakukan pada lokasi dengan status hara tanah bervariasi dari rendah sampai tinggi. Kandungan hara P dalam tanah dengan Bray I di lahan kering masam Ultisol termasuk pada kategori rendah untuk tanaman kedelai, kacang tanah, dan kacang hijau masing-masing adalah <5 ppm P2O5, <9 ppm P2O5, dan <7 ppm P2O5. Metode Bray I dan Bray II adalah metode yang baik untuk menduga tingkat ketersediaan P untuk kedelai, kacang tanah, dan kacang hijau pada tanah Ultisol.
Komponen Teknologi Budidaya Kedelai di Lahan Kering Kuntyastuti, Henny; Taufiq, Abdullah
Buletin Palawija No 16 (2008)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Tanaman Kacang-kacangan dan Umbi-umbian

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Sebagian besar kedelai di Indonesia diusahakan di lahan sawah. Hingga saat ini produksi kedelai belum bisa mencukupi kebutuhan domestik sehingga diperlukan peningkatan produksi. Perluasan areal ke lahan kering merupakan salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai. Tingkat kesuburan dan karakteristik lahan kering sangat beragam, dan oleh karenanya pengembangan kedelai ke lahan kering dihadapkan pada beragam masalah. Penelitian komponen teknologi budidaya kedelai di lahan kering masih belum seintensif di lahan sawah. Dalam makalah ini dibahas beberapa alternatif peningkatan produktivitas kedelai pada lahan kering dari aspek varietas, pengaturan jarak tanam, dan pengelolaan pemupukan. Informasi tersebut diharapkan dapat dijadikan acuan penelitian lebih lanjut dan pengelolaan kedelai di lahan kering.
Respon Morfologi Empat Genotip Kedelai Terhadap Cekaman Salinitas Purwaningrahayu, Runik D.; Taufiq, Abdullah
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1375.748 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v13i2.3392


ABSTRACTSalinity stress affects metabolic processes of plants and it can cause changes in plant morphology. Information on soybean morphological characters due to salinity stress is important for breeding programs of soybean salinity tolerant. The objective of research was to study the response of morphological characters of four soybean genotypes to salinity stress. The research was conducted in a greenhouse at Iletri (Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute), Malang in 2013/2014. Four soybean genotypes consisted of Wilis and Tanggamus varieties ( salinity sensitive), IAC100/Bur//Mal-10-KP-21-50 (G1) and Argopuro // IAC100 (G2) that are tolerant to salinity. The genotypes were tested at five levels of soil salinity i.e. 1.5 dS/m, 6.6 dS/m, 10.9 dS/m, 13.4 dS/m and 15.6 dS/m. Treatments arranged in randomized complete block design, replicated three times. The results showed that increasing salinity decreased plant height, leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) and seed size, and increased scorch score in all genotypes. Increasing salinity reduced CCI by 45% on sensitive genotypes, but no symptoms on tolerant genotypes. Density and lenght of trichomes of G1 and G2 genotypes were higher than Wilis and Tanggamus. Stomata of G1 and G2 genotypes opened 93% wider than Wilis and Tanggamus. At salinity level 15.6 dS/m, seed size of G1 was 9.4 g/100 seeds and G2 was 10.2 g/100 seeds, while Wilis and Tanggamus could not perform seeds. G1 and G2 genotypes are potential to be developed as new soybean variety tolerant to salinity up to 15.6 dS/m.Keywords: salinity, morphological character, Glycine max L.Merr
UNIVERSUM Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30762/universum.v9i1.73


The glow of corruption criminal in this country is extroudinary over limit so it needs some efforts to fight against it totally and finished. Although there are regulations for corruption act, but it doesn’t abolish yet or over come this problem, this, because the corruption has become a culturre system and rooted also become life style of the nation. So it’s rather difficult to abolish the corruption criminal via regulations.Therefore it’s need to reconstruct a nation mind set, life style, and moral by digging up the value of Pancasila as the cristalization of caracter, behaviour and personality for early Indonesian people.It is very urgent to revitalize the value of Pancasila when the nation has been suffered from bad moral, because the revitalization is real effort to reconstruct and replace the nation morality in right position as it has moved far from nation morality value that is Pancasila.A Pancasila revitalizasion is process to revitalize aboth function and occupation of Pancasila as philosophy of noble family and state. As well as make it as resource of all law resources in Indonesia country. So that Pancasila as standard, for Indonesian people in a noble family and state life.Keyword: Revitalisasi, Norma Hukum, Korupsi, Pancasila.
TOLERANCE OF PEANUT GENOTYPES TO ACIDIC SOIL CONDITION Kasno, Astanto; Taufiq, Abdullah; Trustinah, Trustinah
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 35, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v35i2.284


The acidic soil is generally less productive due to soil pH ranging from 3.1 to 5.0. However, it could be solved through soil amelioration, planting tolerant varieties to acidic soil condition, and a combination of both. Twenty peanut genotypes including two check varieties (Jerapah and Talam 1) were evaluated on dolomite-ameliorated and non ameliorated soil. In the greenhouse, the treatments were laid out in factorial design with four replications, while in the field using strip plot design with three replications. Assessment of tolerance was using Stressed Tolerance Index (STI) according to Fernandez (1992). Results showed that dolomite application at dose equivalent to 0.5 x exchangeable Al was optimal in improving peanut growth, and peanut yield on acidic soil. Lines of GH3 (G/92088/92088-02-B-2-8-1) and GH 4 (G/92088/ 92088-02-B-2-8-2) genotypes had high STI with average yield of 2.47 tha-1 and 2.62 t ha-1 of dry pods and potential yield of 4.05 t ha-1 and 3.73 t ha-1 of dry pods, respectively as well as check varieties (Jerapah and Talam-1). It is concluded that peanut genotype of G/92088//92088-02-B-2-8-1 and G/92088//920 88- 02-B-2-8-2 were adaptable and tolerance to acidic, and tolerance of peanuts on acidic soil condition were probably controlled by the buffering mechanisms. Keywords: peanut, acidic soil, tolerance
Effect of Rock Phosphate Enriched With Sp36 to Soybean Yield on Ultisol Lampung Wijanarko, Andy; Taufiq, Abdullah
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 33, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v33i1.32


Research to study the effect of application of rock phosphate (RP) enriched with SP36 to soybean on Ultisol was conducted at ILETRIs' green house from July to October 2008. Treatment consisted of combination of rock phosphate from Lamongan and Bojonegoro at rates of 162 kg P2O5/ha with three rates of SP36 (0, 9, 18 and 27 kg P2O5/ha). The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The result showed that application of RP from Lamongan and Bojonegoro to Ultisol Lampung at rates of 162 kg P2O5/ha increased soil pH by 0.3 and 0.5, available P (Bray 1) by 400% and 823% respectively compared to check.Highest soybean yield was attained by application of RP from Lamongan combined with SP36 at rates of 18 kg P2O5/ha or RP from Bojonegoro combined with SP36 at rates of 9 kg P2O5/ha which yielded 4.98 and 5.21 g/pot respectively. This result indicated that RP from Lamongan and Bojonegoro can be applied directly as P fertilizer for soybean in acid soil, and combining them with SP36 will increase their effectiveness.Keywords: rock phosphate, SP36, soybean, ultisol
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v13i2.3392


ABSTRACTSalinity stress affects metabolic processes of plants and it can cause changes in plant morphology. Information on soybean morphological characters due to salinity stress is important for breeding programs of soybean salinity tolerant. The objective of research was to study the response of morphological characters of four soybean genotypes to salinity stress. The research was conducted in a greenhouse at Iletri (Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute), Malang in 2013/2014. Four soybean genotypes consisted of Wilis and Tanggamus varieties ( salinity sensitive), IAC100/Bur//Mal-10-KP-21-50 (G1) and Argopuro // IAC100 (G2) that are tolerant to salinity. The genotypes were tested at five levels of soil salinity i.e. 1.5 dS/m, 6.6 dS/m, 10.9 dS/m, 13.4 dS/m and 15.6 dS/m. Treatments arranged in randomized complete block design, replicated three times. The results showed that increasing salinity decreased plant height, leaf chlorophyll content index (CCI) and seed size, and increased scorch score in all genotypes. Increasing salinity reduced CCI by 45% on sensitive genotypes, but no symptoms on tolerant genotypes. Density and lenght of trichomes of G1 and G2 genotypes were higher than Wilis and Tanggamus. Stomata of G1 and G2 genotypes opened 93% wider than Wilis and Tanggamus. At salinity level 15.6 dS/m, seed size of G1 was 9.4 g/100 seeds and G2 was 10.2 g/100 seeds, while Wilis and Tanggamus could not perform seeds. G1 and G2 genotypes are potential to be developed as new soybean variety tolerant to salinity up to 15.6 dS/m.Keywords: salinity, morphological character, Glycine max L.Merr