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Tunas Geografi Vol 10, No 1 (2021): JURNAL TUNAS GEOGRAFI
Publisher : Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/tgeo.v10i1.27197


This study aims to develop a pattern of planning for educational facilities in the education management system in Jambi Province based on the projection of population growth in Jambi Province in 2023. The method used in this study is the quantitative method. The data collection method was carried out by literature study, and secondary data study from the Central Statistics Agency of Jambi Province. The results showed that the projected population growth in 2023 experienced different trends in each district and city. Population growth projections provide a real picture of school needs for junior high school & senior high school. This trend indicates a strong direction of management functionalization in planning aspects for local governments to meet the needs of educational facilities junior high school & senior high school which are relatively balanced with the population. Analysis of the results of the calculation of the number of school availability with the population in each region is relatively less balanced. This happens because one of the main factors, namely planning for school needs, is not based on information and projected data for calculating population growth in the area. The results showed that the areas that did not need to add junior high schools until 2023 were Kerinci, Merangin, Sarolangun, Batanghari, Muaro Jambi, East Tanjung Jabung, West Tanjung Jabung, Tebo, Bungo districts. On the other hand, the areas that require an additional number of junior high schools are the City of Jambi as many as 32 and the City of Sungai Penuh with 3 schools. For the senior high school, all districts in Jambi Province require additional schools. Therefore, it is suggested to the Government and Regional Governments to develop plans based on population growth projections so that there is an even distribution of educational facilities so that inequality between regions can be minimized..Key words: population growth projections, educational facilities, management, planning
Diversity and Abundance of Insect in Conventional Apple (Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill) Plantation at Kota Batu, East Java Bayu Kurniawan; RC. Hidayat Soesilohadi
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 8, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2020.008.03.08


Apple is a plant that susceptible toward pests and diseases. Application of pesticide to suppress insect pest population gave negative impact toward natural enemies and insect pollinators. The purpose of this research was to determine the diversity and dominance of insect pests, pollinators, and natural enemies of each phase of apple plant development in conventional plantations in Kota Batu, East Java. This research was conducted in February to May 2016 in each phase of apple growth namely, after defoliation, early flower, late flower, early fruit, and late fruit. Plot size was 10x10 m2 with total 5 plots and total plants in each plot were 60 trees. Collection methods were active collection (hand picking, insect net, and beating tray) and passive collection (yellow trap, pitfall trap, light trap, and stainer trap). Preservation methods used in this research were dry preservatoin and wet preservation. Identification was conducted in Laboratorium of Entomology, Faculty of Biology UGM and Laboratorium Entomology, Zoology Division, Research Centre for Biology Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Cibinong. Data analyzed by using Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index, Simpson Dominance Index and Abundance Formulation. The results showed that total insects that was caught consist of 38 species belong to 9 orders. Diversity index in each phase of apple growth were: after defoliation (0.69), early flower (1.39), late flower (1.86), early fruit (0.66), and late fruit (1.24). Domination index each phase of apple growth were after defoliation (0.50), early flower (0.34), late flower (0.21), early fruit (0.75), and late fruit (0.40). Diversity index of potential insect as pest (1.46), as pollinator (1.29), and as natural enemies (1.18). The highest abundance of insect as pollinator was Apis cerana, as natural enemy was Pantala flavescens, and as pest was Aphis gossypii.Key words: Conventional, diversity of insects, apple plantation, pesticide
Keanekaragaman Spesies Kupu-Kupu (Lepidoptera) pada Habitat Eko-wisata Taman Bunga Merangin Garden Bangko Jambi Bayu Kurniawan; Rila Rahma Apriani; Srianika Cahayu
Al-Hayat: Journal of Biology and Applied Biology Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ah.v3i1.6064


Butterflies play an important role in the balance of ecosystems and function as a bioindicator for clean/healthy environment. Degradation and fragmentation of natural habitats threat the population of butterflies. Habitat conservation through eco-tourism is an way to keep the existance butterfly species. This study aims to identify the  butterflies species, analyze species diversity, and abundance of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in the eco-tourism habitat of Merangin Garden Bangkang Jambi flower garden. Sampling was carried out five times at December 2018 to March 2019 using insect net. A total of 3 families from 16 species found. The species that dominated was Junonia orithya with 88 individuals (16.4%). The biodiversity value of butterflies species was 2.68. Diversity index is the lowest level of diversity. The types of flowers that bloom affect the high or low diversity index values. The most of butterflies found at 7.30 - 9.30 AM.
PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN KERIPIK PAKIS SEBAGAI POTENSI UMKM UNGGULAN DESA KARANG BERAHI Bayu Kurniawan; Ayub Mursalin; M. Juridis Muhaibuddin; Irwandi Irwandi; Dwi Indah Lestari; Sella Tasya; Witri Witri; M. Rizal Alfidani; Elza Berta Salsabila; Fauzi Yudiyanto
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 10 (2022): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v5i10.3527-3532


Desa Karang Berahi merupakan desa dengan history yang tinggi dengan adanya Prasasti Karang Berahi penginggalan kerajaan Sriwijaya. Desa ini merupakan masyoritas perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan potensi kelimpahan tumbuhan pakis yang tinggi namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Masyarakat cenderung hanya memanfaatkan tumbuhan pakis sebagai sayur mayur. Studi etnobotani menyebutkan bahwa tumbuhan pakis dapat dijadikan sebagai obat diantara sebagai obat kencing darah, obat penurun panas pada anak, dan obat sakit kepala. Tumbuhan pakis juga memiliki kandungan Vitamin A yang tidak rusak jika melalui proses pemanasan/penggorengan yang wajar. Pengabdian masyarakat yang ada di Desa Karang Berahi memberikan inovasi dalam pengelolaan tumbuhan pakis menjadi keripik pakis yang lebih ekonomis dengan kemasan yang lebih menarik. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode sosialisasi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalu beberapa tahapan observasi, persiapan, dan pelaksanaan. Hasil dari akhir dari pengabdian ini merupakan adanya produk inovatif dari bahan baku tumbuhan pakis menjadi keripik pakis yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi.
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2023): martabe : jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i2.520-531


Eco-enzyme merupakan cairan multiguna yang diperoleh dari fermentasi limbah organik. Kegiatan green pesantren berkelanjutan memiliki tujuan sebagai training of trainer kepada peserta pelatihan sebagai sasaran kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dengan harapan peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan mau dan mampu menerapkan pengelolaan limbah organik menjadi eco-enzyme dengan skala domestik yang berkelanjutan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan kulit buah nanas sebagai bahan organik untuk pembuatan eco-enzyme yang dilakukan di pondok pesantren Darul Aufa dan Darul Qur’an Al-Islamy di Kabupaten Batanghari. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan melakukan studi lapangan atau observasi, penyebaran angket untuk mengetahui pengetahuan masyarakat pesantren dalam hal pengelolaan limbah organic menjadi eco-enzyme, penyampaian materi, diskusi interaktif, prantik pembuatan eco-enzyme, monitoring,  pemanenan eco-enzyme, serta penyebaran angket untuk evaluasi hasil dari kegiatan ini. Hasil angket menunjukkan bahwa semua responden tidak mengetahui tentang eco-enzyme, setalah pelatihan responden tertarik terhadap eco-enzyme. Hasil dari monitoring menunjukkan bawah terdapat eco-enzyme yang berhasil setelah dilakukan fermentasi selama 3 bulan dicirikan dengan warna kecoklatan, memiliki bau yang khas seperti buah nanas dan asam, tidak ada belatung. Eco-enzyme yang terkontaminasi setelah dilakukan fermentasi selama 3 bulan memiliki ciri warna kehitaman, dan terdapat belatung. Masyarakat pesantren sangat antusias dalam menyambut kegiatan pengabdian green pesantren berkelanjutan.