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Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Peserta English Proficiency Test (EPrT) Di Language Development Center (LDC) STT-PLN Jakarta Yudhy Setyo Purwanto; Amanda Trisia Supriadi
KILAT Vol 8 No 2 (2019): KILAT
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.096 KB) | DOI: 10.33322/kilat.v8i2.474


Brand image and service quality in the view of consumers will provide a positive trend in the process of perception experienced by consumers. A good perception will guarantee customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of brand image (X1), service quality (X2), both individually and jointly towards customer satisfaction (Y). The research was conducted at the Language Development Center (LDC), a work unit at STT-PLN which organizes the English Proficiency Test (EPrT) for final year students in all majors. The study was conducted for 6 months, from December 2018 to May 2019 where EPrT was held 5 times with 987 participants. Descriptive and inferential analysis was conducted to obtain administrative and questionnaire data. Samples were taken randomly using Slovin formula and produced 100 respondents. The questionnaire was processed by assumption test (validity, reliability, and normality) which then the data was processed by correlation analysis and path analysis to reveal the magnitude of the influence between variables both individually and collectively. The results showed that individually, brand image and service quality provided a positive trend toward customer satisfaction. Brand image has an effect of 25.5%, while service quality is 73.2%. Together, the two independent variables also have a significant influence on the dependent variable, with a ratio of Fcount > Ftable, or 252.40> 3.09.
Sistem Informasi Wisata Situs Batu Tulis Guna Meningkatkan Potensi Desa Ciaruteun Ilir, Kec. Cibungbulang, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat Yudhy Setyo Purwanto; M. Farid Rifai; Hendra Jatnika; Sely Karmila
Terang Vol 3 No 1 (2020): TERANG : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/terang.v3i1.1044


Although it has been known for a long time the management of historical tourism potential of Situs Batu Tulis Ciaruteun has not been well categorized, because: 1) a simple management system, and still uses conventional and manual methods, especially for site information and cultural activities; and 2) The form of reservation and registration of entry into cultural/historical attractions still uses manual methods so that it influences the management and financial management of this site. These things cause the development of tourism objects to be hampered and in the end, become undeveloped. The potential for the development of cultural/historical tourism objects is very large considering the historical and cultural contributions that can be given. Data collection methods used are using observation, literature study and interviews, while the method of implementing activities is by creating a special website that combines 3 historical sites (Batu tulis, Tapak Gajah, dan Muara Cianten) which are located nearby. The solutions offered are: 1) creating a special website for cultural/historical attractions fot Situs Batu Tulis and its surroundings which contains historical information, cultural activities, and other activities; 2) create a management information system for reservation and registration of visits that is integrated with the website; and 3) provide training on the usages of the website and reservation and registration information system for village officials, youth groups, and object administrator. The contributions that will be felt by the surrounding community include: 1) improving the quality of life through economic empowerment including: welfare, hygiene, and health; 2) Increasing the popularity of the region which in turn can become the superior assets of region and province; and 3) increasing the understanding of history and culture of the surrounding community.
Implementasi Teknologi Informasi Dan Manajemen Bisnis Dalam Pengembangan Bidang Pendidikan Dan Kewirausahaan Di Pesantrenpreneur & SMP Ihsan Cerdas Mandiri Banten Yudhy Setyo Purwanto; Hendra Jatnika; M. Farid Rifai; Sely Karmila; Yessy Fitriani; Dine Tiara Kusuma; M Yoga Distra Sudirman
Terang Vol 4 No 1 (2021): TERANG : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Menerangi Negeri
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/terang.v4i1.1268


Pondok Pesantren & SMP Ihsan Cerdas Mandiri yang dikenal sebagai ICM Pesantrenpreneur atau Pesantren Wirausaha, adalah lembaga pendidikan Islam (pondok pesantren) berbasis sekolah, yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai Pendidikan dan kegiatan wirausaha. Kurikulum ICM berbasis Aqidah Islamiyah, dengan memadukan pendidikan umum (SMP), pendidikan agama (pondok pesantren) dan keterampilan hidup (life skills) dalam bentuk pendidikan kewirausahaan dasar. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pihak ICM, terdapat setidaknya dua masalah besar, yaitu: 1) manajemen pondok pesantren; dan 2) pengembangan kewirausahaan. Pengelolaan potensi pesantren belum dapat dikategorikan baik, karena: 1) sistem pengelolaan yang sederhana, dan masih menggunakan cara-cara yang konvensional dan manual, terutama untuk informasi pesantren, fasilitas, dan kegiatannya; dan 2) Bentuk promosi dan registrasi masuk pesantren masih menggunakan cara-cara manual sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan administrasi dan keuangan; dan 3) Untuk bidang kewirausahaan, tidak ada mekanisme dan manajemen yang mendukung perputaran bisnis dan pengembangan bidang usaha. Hal-hal ini menyebabkan pengembangan pesantren untuk dapat lebih mandiri dan unggul menjadi terhambat dan pada akhirnya, menjadi tidak berkembang. Potensi pengembangan pesantren dapat dilihat dari beberapa sudut pandang/aspek, yang antara lain adalah: 1) Pengembangan pola promosi, dan registrasi pesantren untuk menarik minat, bukan hanya peserta didik (santri dan siswa), tetapi juga donatur dan investor; 2) Pengembangan teknik kewirausahaan dan business planning sebagai sarana pendukung kemandirian pesantren; 3) perluasan jaringan pemasaran dan kerjasama. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah: 1) membuat sebuah website khusus bagi Pesantren beserta berbagai pengembangannya yang berisikan informasi Pendidikan, kegiatan, dan bidang-bidang kewirausahaan; 2) membuat sebuah sistem informasi manajemen untuk promosi dan regitrasi pesantren yang terintegrasi dengan website; dan 3) memberikan pelatihan teknik kewirausahaan dan business planning sebagai sarana pendukung kemandirian pesantren. Pondok Pesantren & SMP Ihsan Cerdas Mandiri, known as ICM Pesantrenpreneur or Pesantren Wirausaha, is a school-based Islamic education institution (pondok pesantren), which is equipped with various education and entrepreneurial activities. The ICM curriculum is based on Aqidah Islamiyah, by combining general education (SMP), religious education (Islamic boarding schools) and life skills in the form of basic entrepreneurship education. Based on the results of the interview with the ICM, there are at least two major problems, namely: 1) management of the Islamic boarding school; and 2) entrepreneurship development. The management of pesantren cannot be categorized as good, because: 1) the management system is simple, and still uses conventional and manual methods, especially for information on pesantren, facilities, and activities; and 2) The form of promotion and registration to pesantren still uses manual methods so that it affects administrative and financial management; and 3) For entrepreneurship, there is no mechanism and management that supports business turnover and business development. These things frustrate the development of pesantren to be more independent and superior and in the end, they will not develop as expected. The potential for developing pesantren can be seen from several perspectives/aspects, which include: 1) Development of promotional patterns and pesantren registration to attract interest, not only students (santri and students), but also donors and investors; 2) Developing entrepreneurial techniques and business planning as a means of supporting the independence of pesantren; 3) expansion of marketing and cooperation networks. The solutions offered are: 1) creating a special website for Islamic boarding schools and various developments that contain information on education, activities, and areas of entrepreneurship; 2) create a management information system for the promotion and registration of pesantren that is integrated with the website; and 3) providing training in entrepreneurship techniques and business planning as a means of supporting the independence of the pesantren.