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1. STRATEGI PEMASARAN USAHA BUAH NANAS MADU DI KOTA MATARAM Baiq Cici Aulia Izzati; Wuryantoro Wuryantoro; Taslim Sjah
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/agrimansion.v19i3.244


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pemasaran usaha buah nanas madu di Kota Mataram; (2) Memformulasikan strategi pemasaran usaha buah nanas madu di Kota Mataram. Lokasi penelitian ini ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu di Kota Mataram. Penentuan responden dilakukan dengan metode sensus yaitu berjumlah 26 usaha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) faktor internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) dan faktor eksternal (peluang dan ancaman) usaha buah nanas madu di Kota Mataram. Kekuatannya adalah: (a) rasa buah nanas madu yang manis, (b) harga buah nanas madu terjangkau, (c) bahan baku mudah ditemukan, (d) keuntungan usaha nanas madu yang relatif tinggi. Kelemahannya adalah: (a) keterbatasan modal, (b) manajemen usaha masih lemah, (d) buah yang mudah busuk. Peluangnya adalah: (a) permintaan pasar yang tinggi, (b) khasiat buah nanas madu, (c) Kesadaran masyarakat. Ancamannya adalah: (a) adanya buah substitusi, (b) adanya pedagang lain, (c) gangguan hujan. (2) Strategi pemasaran yang harus dilakukan oleh usaha pemasaran buah nanas madu adalah pertumbuhan agresif (growth oriented strategy) yaitu meningkatkan jumlah penjualan buah nanas madu dengan cara memberbanyak membeli buah nanas madu di tempat pusat-pusat produksi buah nanas madu dan membuka cabang-cabang usaha buah nanas madu di tempat yang berbeda. ABSTRACT The aims of this research are to identify internal and external factors that affect the marketing of honey pineapplebusiness in Mataram, and to formulate marketing strategy for business of honey pineapple in Mataram. The study area is determined by purposive sampling in Mataram. The determination of respondents was done by sensus method that is amounted to 26 respondents. The results showed thatthere are two factors influencing pineapple busuiness, nameley internal factors (strenghts and weaknessesof the business) and external factors(opportunities and threats of the business). The Strenghts consisting of: (a)sweet taste ofhoney pineapple, (b) price of honey pineapple, (c) late availability of honey pineapple, (d) high profit of the business. The weakness consiting of: (a)limited funds, (b) business management, (c) perishable honey pineapple. Meanwhile the opportunities of the business consiting of (a) high market demand; (b) the efficacy of honey pineapple, (c) citizen’s awareness. Thethreats of the business consisting of: (a) the presence of substitutes; (b) the presence of other traders; (c) rain disturbance. Marketing strategy that must be done in marketing effort of honey pineapple fruit is aggressive growth strategy, that is to increase the number of sales of honey pineapple by purchasing honey pineapple in production centers and opening branches of fruit business of honey pineapple in different places.