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Bisnis Online: Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Perempuan Penerima PKH di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Nazeli Adnan; Sri Andaiyani; Feny Marissa; Fera Widyanata; Zulkarnain Ishak
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 5 (2021): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v5i5.7544


Indonesia, which is dominated by poor communities, has also been seriously affected not only in the health aspect but also on job losses due to this pandemic. It is hoped that PKH beneficiaries will be able to survive these difficult times. Through the power of housewives who are considered to be able to help the family economy, online business is a new trend today. Therefore, the Sriwijaya University community service activity team provided training related to how to manage an online business. This activity was carried out on November 9, 2020 offline while adhering to health protocols. This training was attended by 40 PKH beneficiaries in Ilir Barat II District, Palembang City, South Sumatra Province. The methods used are presentation, tutoria and discussion. The results showed that 80 percent of participants understood the importance of online promotion through social media. The understanding related to the benefits of social media, types of social media, and downloading applications is quite good where the percentage obtained is above 70 percent. However, understanding regarding the use of Instagram is still lacking where the results only reach 65%. In this case, the government can provide special assistance to women in developing online-based businesses.
Indonesian Coffee at The International Market Deassy Apriani; Feny Marissa; Alghifari Mahdi Igamo
Jurnal Paradigma Ekonomika Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Paradigma Ekonomika
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jpe.v17i2.13983


The research was conducted to know the competitiveness of coffee in the international market both comparatively and competitively. Measuring the strength of competitiveness in this study was conducted based on comparative analysis (analysis of RCA index, Herfindahl and CR4 Index, and Trade Specialization Index / ISP) and to analyze the competitive advantage of Indonesian coffee (Berlin Porter'/ Porter's Diamond Theory theory) to see the demand and supply side of the market. The results of this study revealed that the competitiveness of Indonesian coffee is very strong supported by the average RCA value of 4.08, the Herfindahl Index which shows free competition and reveals that the market ratio includes low market concentration and Indonesia based on the Market Specialization Index including exporting countries.
Edukasi Praktis Pembayaran Pajak Dan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor Bagi Gen Millennial Di Kota Palembang Azwardi Azwardi; Nazeli Adnan; Gustriani Gustriani; Alghifari Mahdi Igamo; Feny Marissa
Sricommerce: Journal of Sriwijaya Community Services Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Sricommerce: Journal of Sriwijaya Community Services
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29259/jscs.v3i2.101


Pajak merupakan salah satu sektor penyumbang penerimaan suatu negara guna pembiayaan pembangunan negara tersebut. Namun, kondisi penerimaan pajak Indonesia masih rendah di Asia Tenggara dan dunia. Rendahnya penerimaan di sektor pajak disebabkan oleh rendahnya kepatuhan wajib pajak dalam melaksanakan kewajiban perpajakannya. Sistem perpajakan yang diterapkan  di Indonesia adalah self assessment sehingga kepatuhan wajib pajak merupakan kunci penting untuk mendorong peningkatan penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak. Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan ketidakpatuhan wajib pajak adalah menumbuhkan kesadaran pajak dalam diri masyarakat sejak dini. Memberikan edukasi mengenai pajak terhadap gen millenial diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran mengenai pentingnya membayar pajak untuk kepentingan bangsa. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan mengenai cara pembayaran pajak dan bea balik nama kendaraan bermotor dengan target sasaran gen millenial dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan terkait kesadaran membayar pajak.
Pengaruh Belanja Subsidi, Belanja Hibah dan Belanja Bantuan Sosial terhadap Kemiskinan di Indonesia Dinar Islami Sari; Feny Marissa
Indo-Fintech Intellectuals: Journal of Economics and Business Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Indo-Fintech Intellectuals: Journal of Economics and Business
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/ifijeb.v3i2.238


Poverty is a complex, multi-dimensional problem in developing countries including Indonesia. Subsidy expenditure, grant expenditure and social assistance expenditure are government expenditures intended to help reduce poverty. This study aims to examine the effect of subsidy expenditure, grant expenditure and social assistance expenditure on poverty in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative descriptive analysis method with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The data used in this study are secondary data sourced from several agencies such as the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for the period 2003 - 2022. The results show that simultaneously subsidy expenditure (energy and non-energy), grant expenditure, and social assistance expenditure have an influence on poverty in Indonesia, while partially energy subsidy expenditure and grant expenditure have an influence on poverty in Indonesia. However, non-energy subsidy expenditure and social assistance expenditure have no influence on poverty in Indonesia. This can occur because budget realization for grant expenditure and energy subsidy expenditure is prioritized in public policy to reduce poverty, while non-energy subsidy expenditure and social assistance expenditure occur due to inaccurate targeting in their distribution
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Januari 2024
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v8i1.22349


This community service activity was carried out in one of the partner villages, namely Sakatiga Village. The main problem in Sakatiga Village is the problem of changing the harvest season. The purpose of this service activity is to create benefits and added value from a local commodity, namely rice. This activity will provide insight into the development of potential processed rice commodities that have a selling value by managing them through the process of making products from rice commodities to take advantage of the transition period. The techniques for carrying out this activity included direct observation and interviews with the Head of Sakatiga Village and several members of the seasonal farming families. The methodology is carried out with lectures, discussions, and experiential learning. The results of this community service activity are in the form of training and skill development for making semprong cakes from processed local commodities to generate business opportunities to increase the income of the people in Sakatiga Village. The results of this activity were very positive for the village community, this can be seen from the activity feedback 73% answered that the activity provided benefits and 27% answered that it added insight to the Sakatiga Village community. It is hoped that with this activity, the village community can strive for the formation of independence and self-sufficiency of villagers through the formation of awareness, knowledge, skills, and abilities that can encourage participation in the management of local commodities or processed rice in their environment.  ---   Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di salah satu desa mitra yaitu Desa Sakatiga. Permasalahan utama Desa Sakatiga yakni masalah peralihan musim panen. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk menciptakan manfaat dan nilai tambah dari komoditi lokal yakni beras. Kegiatan ini akan memberikan wawasan untuk pengembangan tentang potensi olahan dari komoditi beras yang memiliki nilai jual dengan mengelolanya melalui proses pembuatan produk dari komoditi padi sehingga memanfaatkan waktu peralihan. Teknik pelaksanaan kegiatan ini meliputi observasi dan wawancara secara langsung kepada Kepala Desa Sakatiga dan beberapa anggota keluarga petani musiman. Metodologi dilakukan dengan ceramah, diskusi serta experiental learning.  Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa pelatihan dan pengembangan keterampilan pembuatan kue semprong dari olahan komoditi lokal agar menghasilkan peluang usaha untuk menambah pendapatan masyarakat di Desa Sakatiga. Hasil kegiatan ini sangat positif bagi masyarakat desa, hal ini terlihat dari umpan balik kegitan 73% menjawab bahwa kegiatan memberikan manfaat dan 27% menjawab menambah wawasan bagi masyarakat Desa Sakatiga. Diharapkan dengan adanya kegiatan ini, masyarakat desa dapat mengupayakan terbentuknya kemandirian dan keswadayaan warga desa melalui terbentuknya kesadaran, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kemampuan yang dapat mendorong partisipasi pengelolaan komoditi lokal atau olahan padi dilingkunganya.