Muhammad Kamal
Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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JCH (Jurnal Cendekia Hukum) Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JCH (JURNAL CENDEKIA HUKUM)
Publisher : STIH Putri Maharaja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33760/jch.v6i1.268


An agreement is a legal relationship between one person and another person or several persons in order to accomplish a certain thing that has been agreed upon. The Agreement becomes the Law for the parties who make and comply with the content of the agreement. In principle, the treaty embraces the principle of contractual freedom, but that freedom has certain limitations that cannot be violated for the sake of justice, usefulness and legal certainty. The purpose of this research is to describe juridically the wetness and consequences of the illegal cell phone sale and purchase agreement. This research method uses normative legal research type using secondary data and is analyzed based on juridical descriptive. The results of this study argue that the absence of a mobile phone sale agreement is illegal because it does not meet the legal requirements of the agreement which is lawful under the applicable positive law and that the agreement is declared void by law and is considered to be a non-binding agreement.
Penyelesaian Perkara Tindak Pidana yang Dilakukan oleh Anak Melalui Pendekatan Restorative Justice Di POLRESTABES Makassar A. Ayu Lestari Baharuddin; Sufirman Rahman; Muhammad Kamal
Journal of Lex Generalis (JLG) Vol. 3 No. 10 (2022): Journal of Lex Generalis (JLG)
Publisher : Journal of Lex Generalis (JLG)

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Tujuan penelitian menganalisis penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak melalui pendekatan restrorative justice di Polrestabes Makassar. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner (angket). Data dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan teori efektifitas hukum sebagai pisau analisis penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Proses penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak melalui pendekatan restrorative justice di Polrestabes Makassar telah dilaksanakan sesuai prosedur namun masih kurang efektif.; (2) Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap proses penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh anak melalui pendekatan restrorative justice di Polrestabes Makassar, yaitu; faktor hukum, faktor ekonomi, faktor Pendidikan, dan faktor budaya.. The research objective is to analyze the settlement of criminal cases committed by children through a restorative justice approach at the Makassar Police Station. The research method in this study uses the type of empirical research. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and distributing questionnaires (questionnaires). The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis method using the theory of legal effectiveness as the analytical knife of this research. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The process of resolving criminal cases committed by children through a restorative justice approach at the Makassar Police Station has been carried out according to procedures but is still not effective; (2) The factors that influence the process of resolving criminal cases committed by children through a restorative justice approach at the Makassar Police Station, namely; legal factors, economic factors, educational factors, and cultural factors.
Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Diversi Oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum Terhadap Perkara Anak Syakaria Syakaria; Syahruddin Nawi; Muhammad Kamal
Journal of Lex Generalis (JLG) Vol. 3 No. 12 (2022): Journal of Lex Generalis (JLG)
Publisher : Journal of Lex Generalis (JLG)

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Tujuan penelitian menganalisis efektivitas pelaksanaan diversi oleh jaksa penuntut umum terhadap perkara anak di Kejaksaan Negeri Mamuju, dan 2). Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan diversi oleh jaksa penuntut umum terhadap perkara anak di Kejaksaan Negeri Mamuju. Tipe penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris. Hasil Penelitian penulis mendapatkan bahwa: 1). Efektivitas pelaksanaan diversi oleh jaksa penuntut umum terhadap perkara anak di Kejaksaan Negeri Mamuju, kurang berjalan secara efektif dikarenakan kurangnya profesionalisme oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum (Jaksa Anak) yang memiliki pengalaman dalam penanganan perkara anak di Kejaksaan Negeri Mamuju sehingga Jaksa Penuntut Umum kesulitan mempertimbangkan hak dalam proses diversi di tingkat Kejaksaan Negeri Mamuju. 2). Faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan diversi oleh jaksa penuntut umum terhadap perkara anak di Kejaksaan Negeri Mamuju yaitu; substansi, struktur, dan budaya hukum. Pada ketiga faktor tersebut yang paling berpengaruh ada pada struktur hukum itu sendiri. The research objective is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor in child cases at the Mamuju District Attorney, and 2). To find out and analyze the factors that influence the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor in child cases at the Mamuju District Attorney. This type of research is empirical juridical. Research results the authors find that: 1). The effectiveness of the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor against child cases at the Mamuju State Attorney, is not running effectively due to the lack of professionalism by the Public Prosecutor (Child Prosecutor) who has experience in handling child cases at the Mamuju State Attorney so that the Public Prosecutor has difficulty considering rights in the process diversion at the Mamuju District Attorney level. 2). Factors that influence the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor in child cases at the Mamuju District Attorney are; substance, structure, and legal culture. Of these three factors, the most influential is the legal structure itself.
Smart City Policy in Indonesia: An Overview from the Green Constitution's Perspective Muhammad Kamal; Rizki Ramadani; Hardianto Djanggih
Jurnal Wawasan Yuridika Vol 6, No 2 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Hukum Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (740.927 KB) | DOI: 10.25072/jwy.v6i2.548


Smart city is now become an alternative policy to address various urban ecosystem’s issues. This article examines smart city policies in Indonesia, as well as the extent to which these policies can fulfill citizens' rights from the green constitution’s perspective. This is a normative/doctrinal legal research with statutory and conceptual approach. Data was gathered through  library research on primary legal materials in the form of related laws and regulations, as well as secondary legal materials in the form of relevant literature. The findings show that several smart city policies are still sectoral and unsustainable. A specific legal instrument is required to regulate smart city standardization to avoid misinterpretation and obstacles in its implementation. The smart city concept is consistent with the rights enshrined in Indonesia's green constitution, but policies continue to rely on local government initiative and discretion, resulting in citizens' rights not being placed proportionally.
Refungsionalisasi Dan Reposisi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Dalam Pembentukan Dan Pengawasan Peraturan Daerah Rudianto Rudianto; La Ode Husen; Muhammad Kamal
Journal of Lex Philosophy (JLP) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Lex Philosophy (JLP)
Publisher : Doktor Ilmu Hukum Program Pascarajana Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Tujuan peneltian menganalisis pengaturan mengenai pembentukan dan pengawasan peraturan daerah oleh DPRD Kota Makassar sebagai refungsionalisasi dan reposisi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah. Tipe penelitian ini adalah normatif. Hasil Penelitian penulis mendapatkan bahwa: 1). Pengaturan mengenai pembentukan dan pengawasan peraturan daerah oleh DPRD Kota Makassar sebagai refungsionalisasi dan reposisi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, termuat dalam Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah yang memberikan legitimasi kepada DPRD untuk membentuk dan mengawasi arah kebijakan otonomi daerahnya serta sebagai representasi dari Pasal 18 ayat (3) UUD 1945 UUD NKRI Tahun 1945. 2). Implikasi hukum pembentukan dan pengawasan peraturan daerah oleh DPRD Kota Makassar sebagai refungsionalisasi dan reposisi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, akan menimbulkan dualism terhadap pengawasan Peraturan Perda yakni antara Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah dan pemerintahan pusat. The research objective is to analyze the arrangements regarding the formation and supervision of regional regulations by the Makassar City DPRD as the re-functionalization and repositioning of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly. This type of research is normative. Research results in the authors find that: 1). Arrangements regarding the establishment and supervision of regional regulations by the Makassar City DPRD as re-functionalization and repositioning of the Regional People's Representative Council, are contained in the Regional Government Law which gives legitimacy to the DPRD to form and oversee the direction of its regional autonomy policy and as a representation of Article 18 paragraph (3) 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 2). The legal implications for establishing and supervising regional regulations by the Makassar City DPRD as re-functionalization and repositioning of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly, will lead to dualism in the oversight of Regional Regulations, namely between the Regional People's Representative Council and the central government.