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Pengaruh Media Swim-up terhadap Karakteristik Spermatozoa Epididimis Kerbau: Sperma kerbau Rini Elisia; Maiyontoni
Jurnal Peternakan Mahaputra Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Peternakan Mahaputra
Publisher : Program Studi peternakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36665/jpm.v2i2.93


The objective this study was to improve the best of swim-up media for buffalo epididymal spermatozoa used embryos produce by in vitro fertilization. Epididymal sperm collected from buffalo examined macroscopically and microscopically. Three media were used for the swim-up sperm: TALP, mBO and TCM-199. The results epididmys buffalo sperm motility percentage indicates that more influenced significantly (P<0,05) on all three swim-up media with TALP averaging 74,17 ± 7,35; mB-O 77,5 ± 4,03; TCM-199 67,5 ± 5,15. For buffalo epididymal spermatozoa percentage was also influential shows significant (P<0,05) on the three swim-up media with TALP averaging 90,76 ± 4,04; mB-O 91,86 ± 4,63; TCM-199 80,73 ± 9,6. While the percentage TAU of buffalo epididymal spermatozoa showed that no significant effect (P>0,05) in the three swim-up media with TALP averaging 81,36 ± 5,38; medium BO 80,22 ± 6,35; TCM-199 79,62 ± 7,69. From these results it can be concluded that the use of media medium BO is able to maintain the characteristics of buffalo epididymal spermatozoa in vitro better than the other two media.
The Profile Of Native Chicken Farm At Nagari Sinyamu, Tanjung Gadang District, Sijunjung Regency Hera Dwi Triani; Maiyontoni Maiyontoni; Elmira Yanti
Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Animal Nutrition and Production Science
Publisher : Department of Agriculture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Nagari Sinyamu is one of the villages in the Tanjung Gadang sub-district, Sijunjung district, most of the people are farmers. Free-range chicken is a potential family side business to be developed, where the source of agricultural waste feed is quite available. This is a supporting factor for the development of native chickens. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of native chickens in Nagari Sinyamu. This research method uses a survey method by collecting primary data and secondary data. This research material uses books, camera pens and questionnaires. The data obtained are arranged in tabulated form (percentages and numbers) and sentence statements, the results of data processing are analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, and quantitatively. Based on the research, the number of respondent chicken breeders in Nagari Sinyamu was 40 families with a total population of 633 individuals. The characteristics of the chicken respondent breeders in Nagari Sinyamu are post-productive average 52.5%), the sexes of men and women are the same (50%). The level of education in general is SD Equivalent (72.5%), with experience raising for more than 10 years (50%) and the scale of the free-range chicken business in Nagari Sinyamu is only a side business (100%) with an extensive rearing system (77.5 %). In the management of raising native chickens in Nagari Sinyamu, the seeds used are local seeds (100%), the feed given is not according to the standard of livestock nutrition needs (100%) and there is no treatment or prevention of disease (90%) but sick chickens have been treated. separated and marketing of free-range chicken in Nagari Sinyamu is generally for needs and sold to the surrounding community if they need money (62.5%). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the profile of free-range chicken farms in Nagari Sinyamu, Tanjung Gadang sub-district, Sijunjung district is a side business on a micro scale.
Analisis Usaha Ternak Ruminansia di Nagari Silokek Kabupaten Sijunjung Noni Novarista; Maiyontoni Maiyontoni; Riza Andesca Putra; Hera Dwi Triani
Agrifo : Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh Vol 5, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Malikussaleh – Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ag.v5i1.2734


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) Karakteristik peternak sapi, kerbau dan kambing dan 2) Aspek teknis usaha peternakan sapi, kerbau dan kambing   di Nagari Silokek Kabupaten Sijunjung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan memakai data primer dan sekunder. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 10 orang peternak. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Karakteristik peternak sapi, kerbau dan kambing di Nagari Silokek: a) umur peternak umumnya berusia produktif (25-55 tahun), b) jenis kelamin sebagian besar adalah laki-laki, c) tingkat pendidikan   peternak   sebagian  besar  berpendidikan  rendah,   d)  pengalaman beternak tergolong baru untuk ternak sapi (66,7%) dan sudah beternak lama untuk ternak kerbau dan kambing (50% dan 100%), e) jumlah kepemilikan ternak masih skala kecil untuk ternak sapi dan kerbau (66,7% dan 50%) dan skala besar untuk ternak kambing, f) status usaha ternak sebagian besar masih usaha sampingan untuk ternak sapi dan kerbau, untuk ternak kambing sudah sebagai usaha utama (50%). 2) Aspek teknis usaha peternakan sapi, kerbau dan kambing di Nagari Silokek: a) bibit yang digunakan adalah bibit yang ada di sekitar lokasi/turun temurun dan dipilih dengan pengetahuan tradisional, b) pakan yang diberikan hanya rumput yang didapat ternak dari hasil merumput dan ditambah dengan yang diberi peternak, c) sistem pemeliharaan ternak kerbau dilepaskan saja, ternak sapi dilepaskan di siang hari dan dimalam hari dikandangkan, ternak kambing dipelihara secara intensif (dikandangkan).