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Konstruk Pendidikan Multikultural (Studi Urgensi Integrasi Nilai-nilai Multikultural dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan) Jalwis Jalwis; Nicolas Habibi
Tarbawi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): Tarbawi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/tarbawi.v15i02.453


Pendidikan multikultural merupakan pendidikan yang mengajarkan nilai-nilai heterogenitas kepada peserta didik secara komprehensif dan menyeluruh. Lahirnya diskursus pendidikan multikultural merupakan sebuah respon terhadap gejala multikulturalisme yang ada dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Untuk itu eksistensi pendidikan multikultural adalah menciptakan stabilitas dan integrasi nasional, serta peningkatan terhadap kualitas peradaban masyarakat ke arah yang positif. Ada tiga ide pokok dalam pendidikan multikultural, yaitu: (1) kesetaraan (equality) yang meliputi harkat keutamaan yang setara (equal dignity) dan pengakuan/perlakuan yang setara (equal respect); (2) konsep keragaman yang memandang kemajemukan sebagai realitas yang tak terbantahkan, bahkan dalam satu kelompok pun yang diklaim sama, juga terdapat keragaman; dan (3) Integrasi dalam kerangka collective identities, memberi dan menerima, saling mempengaruhi dan interaksi, sehingga tidak ada ketertutupan, segregasi dan benturan antar budaya. Untuk membuktikan penjelasan paparan data tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomelogi. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa`sejatinya realitas pendidikan multikultural bertujuan untuk menjadi salah satu alternatif pendidikan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai model pendidikan di Indonesia, karena sunatullah masyarakat Indonesia yang multikultural. Semua individu dalam masyarakat memiliki kesetaraan nilai, derajat dan peran dalam mengabdikan serta menjalankan peran masing-masing dalam komunitasnya. Untuk itu, pendidikan multikultural harus diajarkan kepada masyarakat Indonesia.
Konstruk Bahasa Dalam Tradisi Budaya Melayu Islam Kerinci Nicolas Habibi
Islamika : Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 22 No. 01 (2022): Islamika: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kerinci, Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32939/islamika.v22i01.1346


Language in the reality of society, affects the way speakers think and act. It also affects the social and cultural dynamics of society. The reciprocal influence of language and culture is inevitable. In the context of the Islamic Malay community of Kerinci, the influence of language and culture can be seen in the lives of the people. This is because the language in the cultural tradition of the Malay Islamic Kerinci society has been unified in all aspects of people's lives. To prove this, qualitative research logic is used and refined by two approaches, namely; The ethnographic approach is used to examine the religious life of the ethnic Malay community of Kerinci Islam from the point of view of religion, culture, and history. To see the changes and dynamics that occur in the Malay Islamic society of Kerinci, the approach to the concept of capital developed by Bourdieu is also used to reflect the dynamics of people's lives in the context of Islam and the traditions of the Malay Islamic society of Kerinci. The findings of this study cover aspects of the multicultural spectrum, the tahlilan tradition, and the language spectrum. These three things are evidence of the reciprocal influence of language on the Malay Islamic cultural tradition of Kerinci. The absorption of other languages ​​in the Malay Islamic Kerinci language affects the culture of the users of that language. The arrival of Islam with the concept of language has changed the lifestyle of the mystical community into a rational society, and still accommodates the local traditions of the Kerinci Islamic Malay community.
Semantik Kata Serapan dari Bahasa Arab dalam Kamus Arab Melayu Khairil Malik; Nicolas Habibi; Milki Aan; Neldi Narianto
Titian: Jurnal Ilmu Humaniora Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/titian.v6i2.22030


Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang perubahan semantik kosa kata serapan dari Bahasa Arab yang terdapat dalam Bahasa Melayu, khususnya Bahasa Indonesia. Penyerapan kosa kata dari Bahasa Arab terjadi seiring dengan masuknya pengaruh bangsa Arab ke wilayah Nusantara. Pengaruh tersebut salah satu dibuktikan dengan banyaknya kosa kata dari Bahasa Arab yang diserap oleh Bahasa Melayu (Indonesia). Kosa kata serapan tersebut mengalami beberapa perubahan, seperti: perubahan sub kategori masdar berubah menjadi verbal, sub kategori masdar menjadi katagori adjektif, perubahan referensi, perubahan makan menyempit, perubahan makna meluas, perubahan makna jamak menjadi mufrad. Perubahan ini berbanding lurus dengan dinamika dan kebutuhan masyarakat Melayu untuk memahami istilah-istilah kosa kata serapan tersebut. Kosa kata yang diserap mengakar dan mengalami perkembangan, serta akulturasi terhadap dinamika kebudayaan-kebudayaan yang ada di Nusantara. Banyak penggunaan istilah-istilah kosa kata Bahas Arab dalam aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat Melayu di Nusantara tidak lepas dari terjadinya pengaruh penyerapan dari Bahasa Arab dalam bahasa yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Melayu di Nusantara. Kata Kunci: kata serapan, semantik, bahasa, budaya
The History of the Development and Growth of Arabic Language Science Neldi Harianto; Rengki Afria; Julisah Izar; Nicolas Habibi
Proceeding International Conference on Malay Identity Vol. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Sejarah, Seni, dan Arkeologi, FKIP, Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


AbstractThe emergence of the science of Arabic language is the fruit of Islam. Before Islam, there is no historical data that shows evidence of Arab efforts to study Arabic. Apart from the problem of the contact of Arabic with other languages, there were other factors that made the study of Arabic so active at that time. In the case of lahn (solecism; linguistic errors, especially syntax) and the concern of the authorities for the preservation of the language of the Qur'an. The Arabs at that time were also interested in understanding the Qur'an and discovering its meaning. This desire is also shared by non-Arab Muslims who encourage them to learn Arabic and the Qur'an. The purpose of this study is to examine historical data about the history of Arabic linguistics. This research is a literature study with a qualitative descriptive approach, taking data from various references on Arabic linguistics. After studying the data in detail from books on Arabic linguistics, then the data is described by way of narration. From several historical documents of Arabic linguistics it is found that the forerunner of Arabic linguistics which first appeared was nahwu (grammatical) in Basra, and the initial laying of the foundation and formation was carried out by Abu Aswad Adduali (d. 69 H) until the early period of al Khalil bin Ahmad al Farahidi (d. 175 H). Then continued the period of growth and development in Basra and Kufa. Nahwu experts who were influential in this period included al-Khalil bin Ahmad al Farahidi and Abu Ja'far bin Hasan al Ruasi (d. 187 H). until the time of al Mazini al Bashari (d. 249 H) and Ibn Sikkit al Kufiy (d. 243 H). This is followed by a period of maturation and refinement. this period starts from the time of Abu 'Usman al Mazini and Ya'qub bin al Sihhil al Kufi (d. 243 H) to the time of al Mubarrad al Bishri (d. 285 H) and Tsa'lab al Kufi (d. 291 H). The next period is the period of strengthening and writing starting from the III H century to the IV century. Still in the first century of hijriyah, phonetics and lexicography also developed. The first to make this effort was al Khalil bin Ahmad, whose dictionary was entitled al 'Ain. Al Khalil made a dictionary based on sound articulation and showed that the total number of Arabic letters is 29. In the era of Modern Arabic Linguistics, names such as Ali Abd al-Wahid Wafi, professor of sociology at Cairo University, appeared, among others, wrote a book entitled 'Ilm al- Lughah (1941) only after that did linguists at leading Arab universities, especially in Egypt, become interested in studying this science. Wafi's efforts were continued by Ibrahim Anis, professor at the Faculty of Science at Cairo University and Tammam Hasan who wrote Manahij Al Bahts fi al Lughah (1979) and al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah Mabnaha. Keywords: History, Arabic Linguistics