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Asst. Dosen STT Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

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Konstruksi Kristologi Di Bumi Indonesia Febriaman Lalaziduhu Harefa; Jeane Paath; Ferdinan Pasaribu
SCRIPTA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kontekstual Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Scripta : Jurnal Teologia dan Pelayanan Kontekstual
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.012 KB) | DOI: 10.47154/scripta.v7i1.62


Kristologi adalah pusat dari disiplin ilmi teologi, karena dalam studi Kristologi memuat tentang Pribadi dan Karya Yesus Kristus dalam rangka penyelamatan umat manusia dari dosa agar manusia memperoleh hidup yang kekal. Namun dewasa ini khususnya di Indonesia, finalitas doktrin Kristologi mengalami pergeseran makna oleh karena studi interpretasi radikal dari beberapa teolog. Bertolak dari pergumulan konteks dan didukung oleh filsafat Postmodern, mereka berusaha untuk melakukan Re-Kristologi yang selama ini diajarkan di dalam gereja-gereja dan menghasilkan model-model Kristologi Kontekstual khususnya yang berkenaan dengan konteks bumi Indonesia. Pendekatan Kristologi ini telah kehilangan makna serta identitasnya dan sangatlah berbeda dengan doktrin Kristologi sebagaimana yang dinyatakan oleh teks-teks Alkitab firman Allah. Kristologi yang benar adalah Kristologi yang bertolak dari pernyataan teks-teks Alkitab kemudian Kristologi tersebut menjawab problematika konteks khususnya di bumi Indonesia. Christology is the center of the scientific discipline of theology, because in the study of Christology it contains the Person and Work of Jesus Christ in the context of saving mankind from sin so that humans can have eternal life. But today especially in Indonesia, the finality of the Christology doctrine has shifted in meaning because of the study of radical interpretations of some theologians. Starting from the struggle of context and supported by Postmodern philosophy, they tried to do Re-Christology that had been taught in the churches and produced contextual Christology models especially with regard to the context of the Indonesian earth. This Christological approach has lost its meaning and identity and is very different from the Christological doctrine as stated by the biblical texts of God's word. The correct Christology is a Christology that departs from the statement of the biblical texts and then the Christology answers the problematic context especially in Indonesian soil.
Konstruksi Pernikahan Kristen Alkitabiah Jean Paath; Yuniria Zega; Ferdinan Pasaribu
SCRIPTA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kontekstual Vol. 8 No. 2 (2019): Scripta : Jurnal Teologia dan Pelayanan Kontekstual
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (510.263 KB) | DOI: 10.47154/scripta.v8i2.104


ABSTRAK Pernikahan adalah suatu kemitraan yang permanen yang dibuat dengan komitmen di antara seorang wanita dan pria. Ada dalam Alkitab, ”Dan sesudah itu Ia berkata, Itu sebabnya laki-laki meninggalkan ibu bapaknya dan bersatu dengan istrinya, maka keduanya menjadi satu. Jadi mereka bukan lagi dua orang, tetapi satu. Itu sebabnya apa yang sudah disatukan oleh Allah tidak boleh diceraikan oleh manusia”. Tujuan dalam tulisan ini tentang supremasi pernikahan Kristen pada Abad XXI agar semua yang percaya tidak menganggap remeh tentang pernikahan. Agar orang percaya tidak menyepelekan pernikahan kudus yang sudah di persatukan oleh adalah dan tidak merusak rencana Allah dalam hidup mereka. Asumsi dalam penelitian ini adalah Alkitab adalah firman Allah yang tidak bersalah karena diinspirasikan oleh Roh Kudus kepada para penulis. Firman Allah menjadi dasar dalam memperbaiki pernikahan pada Abad XXI. Untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif bibliologis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode inilah yang dianggap paling sesuai oleh peneliti karena metode deskriptif memberikan gambaran lengkap dan natural akan suatu peristiwa dan fenomena yang terjadi. ABSTRACT Marriage is a permanent partnership made with a commitment between a woman and a man. It's in the Bible, "And after that He said, That's why a man leaves his father's mother and unites with his wife, then the two become one. So they are no longer two people, but one. That is why what has been united by God must not be divorced by humans ". The purpose in this paper is the supremacy of Christian marriage in the XXI Century so that all believers do not underestimate marriage. So that believers do not underestimate the holy marriage that has been united by is and does not damage God's plan in their lives. The assumption in this study is that the Bible is the innocent word of God because it was inspired by the Holy Spirit to the writers. God's Word became the basis for fixing marriages in the XXI Century. To solve this problem, researchers used a descriptive bibliological method with a qualitative approach. This method is considered the most appropriate by researchers because descriptive methods provide a complete and natural picture of events and phenomena that occur.
Kepemimpinan Spiritualitas Musa Sebagai Dasar Bagi Pembinaan Asrama Di Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Ebenhaezer Aris Elisa Tembay; Eliman; Ferdinan Pasaribu
SCRIPTA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kontekstual Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022): Kepemimpinan Kristen dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.792 KB)


Leadership begins with a spritual personal ability possessed, demonstrated through roles and functions, manifested in a moral form that can inspire the lives of others. This means that leadership that can generate trust for others is not only built by authority or spiritual factors solely in an office and power but by exemplary. Talking about leadership in the context of believers is certainly closely related to the moral responsibility that is possessed. This is not only the standard in building one's identity as a spiritual human being that first needs to be achieved and can build, awaken the people around him. The development of self-quality becomes a pattern that strategically improves leadership
Jurnal Matetes STT Ebenhaezer Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Misi Dalam Konteks di Idonesia
Publisher : Jurnal Matetes STT Ebenhaezer

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Jika kita memperhatikan secara bersama-sama tentang negara kita ini yaitu Indonesia, maka kita akan menemukan begitu banyak agama, suku, bahasa dan budaya. Akan tetapi bukan hanya itu saja msih Banyak Keragaman yang dimiliki oleh negara kita ini. Dan kali ini kita akan melihat secara bersama-sama bahwa di dalam gereja pun banyak sekali suku bahkan bahasa yang berpadu atau bercampur di dalamnya. Maka dapat dikatakan bahwa gereja, secara khusus gereja GPIN Mahanaim Surabaya memiliki jemaat yang multikultural. Maka dalam artikel ini kita akan melihat bagaimana model pelayanan yang dilakukan hamba Tuhan dalam melayani jemaat yang multikultural. Pasti dalam setiap pelayanan yang dilakukan tidak mudah pasti ada tantangan yang akan dihadapi, maka bagaimana peran hamba Tuhan untuk menghendel atau memberi solusi yang terbaik untuk melayani mereka yang berbeda-beda ini. Secara khusus di era pandemi seperti ini maka kita akan melihat bagaimana model dalam melayani jemaat yang multikultural.
Jurnal Matetes STT Ebenhaezer Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Gereja/Pelayanan di Era Revolusi 4.0 (Digital)
Publisher : Jurnal Matetes STT Ebenhaezer

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Abstract Indonesia has been in the life of the industrial revolution 4.0, where human life is getting easier. Technologies created by humans can replace human positions in doing work. Students of theology must be able to find and develop their potential to adapt to today's life. The challenges and demands of the given era must also be faced. By looking at the negative impacts given by the times and technology, individuals who have standards are needed to survive in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Theology students must really prepare themselves to serve in the 4.0 era because it is not an easy thing to deal with. The method used is a qualitative-descriptive method, the author describes and analyzes life in era 4. 0 and the possibilities that will occur in the future. The results of the study found that theology students need to prepare themselves to serve in the 4.0 era by developing intellectual intelligence and skill development in the IT field, developing emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. Abstrak Indonesia telah berada dalam kehidupan revolusi industri 4.0, di mana kehidupan manusia semakin dipermudah. Teknologi-teknologi yang diciptakan manusia dapat menggantikan posisi manusia dalam melakukan pekerjaan. Mahasiswa teologi harus bisa menemukan dan mengembangkan potensi dalam dirinya untuk beradaptasi dengan kehidupan saat ini. Tantangan dan tuntutan zaman yang diberikan pun harus dihadapi. Dengan melihat dampak-dampak negative yang diberikan oleh perkembangan zaman dan teknologi, dibutuhkan individu yang memiliki standar-standar untuk tetap bisa bertahan di era revolusi industri 4.0. Mahasiswa teolgi harus benar-benar mempersiapkan diri untuk melayani di era 4.0 karena itu bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dihadapi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif-deskriptif, penulis mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kehidupan di era 4.0 dan kemungkinan- kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa mahasiswa teologi perlu mempersiapkan diri untuk melayani di era 4.0 dengan mengembangkan kecerdasan intelektual dan pengembangan skill di bidang IT, mengembangkan kecerdasan emosi, dan kecerdasan spiritual.
Jurnal Matetes STT Ebenhaezer Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Church Services in the Industrial Age 4.0 and Church History
Publisher : Jurnal Matetes STT Ebenhaezer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.294 KB)


Indonesian is one of the largest countries in the world. Indonesian people have ethnic, cultural, religious and so on. The church is in the midst of a plurality and plurality reality. One of the tasks of the Church is to be light and salt in the midst of the world. The consequence of the Church being in the midst of plurality has become a reality and a challenge. Inter-religious dialogue is an important method for communion between groups and between religious communities. The use of digital media has become a means of building this dialogue. The purpose of this writing is to provide an overview and reality of inter-religious life, especially the church in building dialogue. This research method uses a qualitative approach and by using literature studies.
PkM: Pistotites Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni (2019): Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : STT Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

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Abstract Women as companions to their husbands and at the same time as mothers to their children are the major determinants of the success and sustainability of their households as the smallest elements of society in a nation. For that we need a character that is beautiful, strong and blessed. Therefore, this seminar is needed to provide learning for the women at GPIN Bukit Asam, so that they can have these beautiful characters. The theological contribution resulting from the theological principles of Song of Solomon 4:1-15 will produce the desired character, namely outer beauty and inner beauty that has been written in it, which can be used as a guide for women to have the beauty of outer and inner beauty. So it is hoped that through community service in the form of seminars using power points accompanied by interesting gambits, women will be equipped to optimize their beautiful characters in their domestic lives and become a blessing to the people around them. Abstrak Para wanita sebagai pendamping suami dan sekaligus sebagai ibu bagi anak-anaknya menjadi sebagian besar penentu keberhasilan dan keberlangsungan rumah tangganya sebagai elemen masyarakat yang terkecil dalam sebuah bangsa. Untuk itu diperlukan sebuat karakter yang cantik, kuat dan memberkati. Karena itu seminar ini diperlukan untuk memberi pembelajaran bagi para wanita di GPIN Bukit Asam, sehingga mereka dapat memiliki karakter yang yang indah tersebut. Sumbangsih teologis yang dihasilkan dari prinsip-prisip teologis dari Kidung Agung 4:1-15 akan menghasilkan Karakter yang diidamkan yaitu kecantikan lahiriah dan kecantikan batiniah tersebut telah tertulis di dalamnya, yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman bagi para wanita untuk memiliki keindahan kecantikan lahir dan batin. Maka diharapkan melalui pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk seminar dengan menggunakan power point yang disertai gambit-gambar yang menarik ini, para wanita akan diperlengkapi dalam mengoptimalkan karakter cantiknya dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya dan menjadi berkat bagi masyarakat di sekelilingnya.
PkM: Pistotites Vol. 1 No. 1, Juni (2019): Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : STT Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.899 KB)


Abstract The church is a collection of people who are called out of the shadow of sin to Christ. It doesn't stop there but believers are sent back into the world for a whole world full of shadows. In other words, the church is called as a witness of Christ's salvation throughout the world, including children. The Lord Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such is the kingdom of God that belongs to God (Mark 10:14). This sentence of the Lord Jesus shows that children also have an important place in the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, because children are part of the kingdom of God. Abstrak Gereja merupakan kumpulan orang-orang yang dipanggil keluar dari kegelapan dosa kepada terang Kristus. Tidak sampai di situ saja tetapi orang percaya juga diutus kembali ke dunia untuk menyinari dunia yang penuh dengan kegelapan. Dengan kata lain, gereja terpanggil sebagai saksi Kristus memberitakan keselamatan ke seluruh dunia termasuk kepada anak-anak. Tuhan Yesus berfirman “Biarkan anak-anak itu datang kepadaKu, jangan menghalang-halangi mereka, sebab orang-orang seperti itulah yang empunya kerajaan Allah (Mar 10:14). Kalimat Tuhan Yesus ini menunjukan bahwa anak-anak juga mendapat tempat yang penting dalam hidup dan pelayanan Tuhan Yesus, karena anak-anak merupakan bagian dari kerajaan Allah.
PEMBINAAN ANAK SEKOLAH MINGGU MELALUI MEDIA DIGITAL Yenny Anita Pattinama; Debby Christ Mondolu; Riky Handoko Sitindaon; Ferdinan Pasaribu
PkM: Pistotites Vol. 2 No. 1, November (2022): Pembinaan Terhadap Anak dan Kepemimpinan
Publisher : STT Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

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Using the internet as a means of fostering and educating children is a good step during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Through Eben Kids Ministry shows, staff and students are required to be more creative and innovative in presenting shows so that each show can attract children's attention. Eben Kids Ministry is also designed in such a way that every child who watches the show is not only educated in spiritual matters but also trained to build creativity and ability in various things. The Southern Sumatra Regional Council and the Ebenhaezer Theological College are trying to build community service programs, and the institution gets support from parents and all Christians, especially those in the Tanjong Enim area and its surroundings.
PkM: Pistotites Vol. 2 No. 1, November (2022): Pembinaan Terhadap Anak dan Kepemimpinan
Publisher : STT Ebenhaezer Tanjung Enim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.093 KB)


Christian education requires a good leadership model. This leadership model is not only able to direct and influence all elements of education to achieve educational goals, but this leadership model must be able to provide answers and exemplary life for everyone it leads and those around it. So that a leader is expected to be able to become a leader who can position himself and build a leadership model that is appropriate to the context of his organization. Leadership in Christian Education is tasked with increasing high, good, wise work in carrying out its functions and duties as a good Christian leader. The purpose of writing this article is to provide an overview of the leadership model in Christian Religious Education. The method used in writing this scientific work uses a literature review approach.