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VALUASI EKONOMI DAMPAK KEMACETAN LALU-LINTAS DI DKI JAKARTA Syaukat, Yusman; Sarma, Ma’mun; Falatehan, Ahmad Faroby; Bahtiar, Rizal
Jurnal Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 6 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen. IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (285.037 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jurnal_mpd.v6i1.24652


Congestion that occurs in the Sudirman area of economic impact on society. Congestion can lead to a reduction in income and decrease the economic benefits for workers who work in the Sudirman. The decline in the perceived economic benefits of the workers can be called with a loss. Losses felt by workers is the value of wasted fuel loss due to increased purchases of fuel oil (BBM), a decrease in productivity in the form of wasted time akbitat jammed seen from income and working time. In addition, there is a loss of value where there is a decline in the health of the costs incurred for treatment due to declining health and psychological pressure value losses due to traffic. Total economic losses due to the impact of congestion on Jl. Sudirman Rp 19,716,239,573,128 / year. The loss is derived from the value of inefficiency fuel oil (BBM) Rp 15,008,423,787,414 / year, the value of reductions in labor productivity Rp 2,871,644,285,714 / year, the value of psychological distress as a result of congestion Rp 525.800.000.000/tahun, and health value of USD 1,310,371,500,000 / year.Key word : Congestion, Economic Losses, Inefficiency, Jakarta ABSTRAK Kemacetan yang terjadi di Jakarta, khususnya di daerah Jalan Sudirman berpengaruh pada ekonomi masyarakat. Kemacetan ini telah berdampak pada pengurangan penghasilan dan penurunan manfaat ekonomi bagi pekerja yang bekerja di daerah Sudirman. Kerugian yang sangat dirasakan para pekerja adalah nilai kerugian dari pemborosan bahan bakar akibat peningkatan pembelian bahan bakar minyak (BBM), penurunan produktivitas berupa waktu yang terbuang akibat kemacetan. Selain itu, kemacetan lalu-lintas juga menimbulkan kerugian nilai ekonomi akibat penurunan kondisi kesehatan, sehingga menimbulkan biaya dalam bentuk biaya pengobatan, serta kerugian nilai tekanan psikologis karena kemacetan. Kerugian total ekonomi akibat dampak kemacetan di Jl. Jenderal Sudirman tersebut mencapai Rp 19.72 trilyun per tahun atau sekitar 1,6 persen dari nilai PDRB DKI Jakarta. Kerugian tersebut sebagian besar berasal dari kerugian akibat: inefisiensi Bahan Bakar Motor (BBM) (76 persen), penurunan produktivitas pekerja (15 persen), peningkatan biaya kesehatan (7 persen), serta kerugian akibat tekanan psikologis (3 persen).Kata Kunci: Kerugian ekonomi, metoda valuasi, inefisiensi
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 7, No 4 (2019): OKTOBER
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.407 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkm.v7i4.24990


PT. Y is a construction service company that has a Stop Work Authority (SWA) policy as a form of prevention against work accidents. Based on preliminary survey findings data, there were four incidents of unsafe actions and unsafe conditions that were not given stop work intervention. This shows that there are problems in implementing the Stop Work Authority (SWA) policy. Therefore it is necessary to find the root of the problem so that further alternative solutions to problems can be found related to the implementation of the Stop Work Authority (SWA) policy. The purpose of this study is to describe and find in- depth information about the application of the Stop Work Authority (SWA) program in Architecture and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) work in the X Apartment Project PT. Y Depok City with qualitative methods. In this study the sample was selected using purposive sampling to obtain two main informants and seven triangulation informants. The instruments used in this study were in- depth interview guidelines and observation sheets. From the interviews it was found that the project personnel did not fully know the points of the Stop Work Authority (SWA) policy, there were still project personnel who had low expertise in stopping work interventions, project personnel had good motivation due to the encouragement factor from PT. Y and the same background, supervision is considered not optimal because it only focuses on violations of unsafe actions and unsafe conditions, and the use of SWA forms is only done by HSE staff. PT. Y still needs to optimize communication and oversight of the Stop Work Authority (SWA) policy and ensure that all personnel have the knowledge and expertise regarding the provision of stop work interventions.