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Rancangan Bangun Sistem Pakar Menentukan Bakat Anak Melalui Kepribadian Menggunakan Model Forward Chaining Hadi Jayusman; Sandi Najib Iskandar; Korisaputri Korisaputri
Jurnal IT UHB Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (503.191 KB) | DOI: 10.35960/ikomti.v2i1.659


Setiap anak terlahir dengan bakat dan kepribadiannya masing-masing dan unik. Sebagai orang tua tentu ingin memberikan pendidikan yang baik untuk anak mereka. Pendidikan yang baik terkadang belum tentu yang tepat untuk anak tersebut. Karena setiap anak punya bakat yang berbeda. Pemberian pola belajar yang tidak sesuai dengan kepribadian anak. Kesalahan dalam memberikan pendidikan atau pola belajar yang tidak sesuai dengan bakat anak, pada akhirnya anak terbebani dengan pendidikan yang mereka jalani. Sistem pakar yang digunakan untuk menentukan bakat pada anak sesuai kepribadian mengggunakan model Forward Chaining. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi sistem pakar bakat anak berdasarkan kepribadian anak.
Perancangan Aplikasi Penjualan Buku pada Laksana Komputer Majenang Dede Yusuf; Raden Bagus Bambang Sumantri; Hadi Jayusman; Khoirun Nisa
Jurnal IT UHB Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35960/ikomti.v3i1.794


Penyebaran informasi dan pemesanan buku pada saat ini banyak dilakukan dengan metode konvensional yaitu melalui telp, mengunjungi konsumen atau konsumen datang langsung ke toko sangat tidak efektif. Terlebih lagi jangkauan pasar sangat terbatas yaitu hanya pada konsumen yang ditawarkan melalui telepon dan konsumen yang dikunjungi. Perancangan aplikasi penjualan buku ini diharapkan dapat menghemat biaya dalam menyampaikan informasi mengenai data buku yang tersedia serta dapat mempermudah konsumen dalam melakukan pemesanan buku. Disamping itu dengan diterapkannya aplikasi ini toko dapat memperluas jangkauan pasarnya. Pada penelitian ini metode grounded research adalah metode yang digunakan ini merujuk pada fakta dan menggunakan analisis di lapangan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses transaksi penjualan yang dilakukan selama ini. Hasil yang ingin dicapai yaitu perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem informasi ini menggunakan bahasa Pemrograman PHP, MySQL sebagai databasenya dan Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 untuk mendesain webnya. Simpulan hasil uji dan analisis tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan berbagai bentuk kombinasi sistem perancangan sehingga menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai Produk perangkat lunak yang bisa di dipergunakan dalam kegiatan penjualan di Laksana Komputer Majenang.
Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) Vol 13, No 2 (2022): Jurnal TAM (Technology Acceptance Model)
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Pringsewu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56327/jurnaltam.v13i2.1309


The expert system is one of the branches of artificial ingenuity that studies how to adopt an expert's way of thinking in solving a problem and making a decision to draw conclusions. In this case an expert system is used to diagnose anemic diseases. Problems that arise in the community such as not knowing the characteristics of the disease, its impact is felt for a long time, and being lazy to consult a doctor. Overcoming these problems takes a lot of time and money, so an application is needed that can help doctors diagnose web-based red blood cell production disorders. The use of web technology combined with expert systems in supporting decisions, can better socialize the system. The data collection methods used are literature study methods, interviews with health experts and documentation. Fact-finding in expert systems uses the forward chaining method, to seek conclusions from existing facts. The application development phase includes interface design and system testing. The result of this study is to produce an output in the form of an application to diagnose impaired red blood cell production. The black box test shows that the program is in accordance with the knowledge of health experts regarding impaired red blood cell production.
Penyuluhan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) di Industri Sektor Purbalingga Galih Samodra; Reina Melani; Indri Wijayanti; Purwatiningsih Purwatiningsih; Hadi Jayusman
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat - PIMAS Vol 1 No 4 (2022): November
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35960/pimas.v1i4.1007


Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is an effort made to create a safe, comfortable working atmosphere with the aim of achieving the highest possible productivity. The implementation of K3,KAK,PAK is the responsibility of all related parties and is obliged to play an active role in accordance with their functions and authorities in carrying out various efforts in the field of K3 on an ongoing basis and making K3 a part of the work culture in every activity. Apart from K3, the public's knowledge about the dangers of fire is still common/insufficient even though the danger from fire can cause a lot of losses both material and moral and can also result in death. Knowledge of K3 can provide knowledge to the public so that they are more careful in taking actions that can cause a hazard such as fire. Knowledge of K3 can provide knowledge to the public so that they are more careful in taking actions that can cause a hazard such as fire. Based on these conditions, we, the Community Service Team at Harapan Bangsa University, Purwokerto, will provide counseling regarding K3 socialization in the Purbalingga eyelash industry sector
Socialization of Basic Software and Microsoft Word Application Training for Elementary Students Musafa Widagdo; Purwono Purwono; Marlia Hafny Afrilies; Hadi Jayusman
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v3i2.116


The progress of software is increasing along with the rapid development of technology. Software is made to facilitate human work. The convenience of the application cannot be maximized if users do not understand how to use it properly. This is generally caused by a lack of facilities and experts in the technology field, and it impacts users' lack of knowledge and insight. To keep pace with technological developments, each individual must learn the latest technologies, and one way is to attend training. Karang Duren Village is one of the areas in Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. Awareness in the field of Education in the Karang Duren Village area is very high, but they have problems related to education costs. This prompted the lecturers and students of Harapan Bangsa University to become resource persons in providing outreach and training to grade 6 students at SD Negeri 2 Karangduren as a form of effort to help increase insight and knowledge about operating software, especially Microsoft Word, correctly. This training is beneficial for elementary school students to add understanding and knowledge about Microsoft Word software and training. The training objectives can be achieved optimally if supported by more complete software facilities for student learning media.
METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputersisasi Akuntansi
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46880/jmika.Vol7No1.pp25-33


Queries in a database application system, have a great influence on the success of application development. Frequently used query forms include subselect and join. Choosing the right query form will affect the performance of the database application. Database applications are sometimes slow to respond because of slowness in their databases. The selection of the form of the query to be used is the first step of forming a query, because the resulting query will affect access from the database. The purpose of this study is to determine the form of SQL with a faster data access time, whether join or subselect. The subject of this study is queries made in the form of joins and subselects. The methods that will be used in this study are literature and experimental methods. The result of this study is a comparison table of access time between join and subselect queries. From the results of the query comparison, it can be concluded that the join form query is a faster SQL form compared to subselect. A faster query is determined from testing done by creating a simple application using both forms of the query.