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Kapasitas Keuangan dan Kesadaran Atas Produk Keuangan: Survei Rumah Tangga Berpenghasilan Rendah di Jabodetabek dan Surakarta, Indonesia Dwi Nastiti Danarsari; Viverita -; Zaafri A. Husodo
Jurnal Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia Vol 44, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara kapasitas keuangan dan kesadaran atas produk keuangan pada rumah tangga berpenghasilan rendah di Jabodetabek dan Surakarta dengan melaksanakan survei kepada 1.520 responden rumah tangga. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa rekening tabungan dan kredit kepemilikan kendaraan adalah dua produk keuangan yang paling dikenal oleh responden. Lebih lanjut, hasil tabulasi silang dan analisis Chi-Square menemukan bahwa pada responden Jabodetabek, responden yang pernah memiliki dan sedang menggunakan produk keuangan lebih banyak berasal dari responden yang kapasitas keuangannya lebih kuat, sedangkan responden yang tidak pernah memiliki dan tidak sedang menggunakan produk keuangan lebih banyak berasal dari responden yang keuangannya lebih lemah. Lebih lanjut, baik di Jabodetabek maupun Surakarta diperoleh hasil bahwa responden yang tidak pernah memiliki dan tidak sedang menggunakan produk keuangan kredit kepemilikan kendaraan lebih banyak berasal dari responden yang kapasitas keuangannya relatif lebih lemah. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa kapasitas keuangan diasosiasikan dengan kesadaran atas produk keuangan.
Analysis of Debt Restructuring Methods for Negative Equity Firm Ikhsan Abi Nubli; Viverita
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings 1st ICEMAC 2020: International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/nstp.2021.1001


This paper aims to find the best debt restructuring methods for negative equity firms. This study uses four common debt restructuring methods, i.e. Debt-to-Equity swaps, debt-to-asset swaps, issuing convertible bonds, and repayment agreements. Furthermore, based on each debt structure, we compared their price-to-book ratio and debt-to-equity ratio (DER) to find the best possible method for every firm and their industries. The sample for this study is firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The ideal capital structure of the firms is deter-mined by using an iterative algorithm. After finding their ideal capital structure, firms will be treated by debt restructuring to reach their ideal capital structure. Mostly, firms are better performances while using debt to an equity swap and issuing convertible bonds. This condition is proven by increasing their P/BV and their better capital structure by looking at their DER. Furthermore, a debt to asset swap is better to use for firms with high DER. Whilst debt repayment agreements do not affect the firm’s capital structure and its value.
Factors Influencing the Profitability of Listed Indonesian Commercial Banks Before and During Financial Global Crisis Agustini, Menur; Viverita, Viverita
The Indonesian Capital Market Review Vol. 4, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As a country with bank-based economy, stability and soundness of its banking industry are cru-cial matters for Indonesia especially in dealing with the crisis period, such as financial global crisis which occurred in 2008. Considering the crucial impact of the crisis, this study aims to examine determinants of bank profitability (as the measurement of stability and soundness of banking industry) before and during the crisis period. Using the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM), this study analyzes the profitability of listed commercial banks using unbalanced panel data over the period of 2002-2009. To investigate the impact of recent financial global crisis, this study uses time dummy variable to separate the pre-crisis period (2002-2006) and during the crisis period (2007-2009). Findings of this study show that in the pre-crisis period, bank-specific factors i.e. lagged profitability, bank size, bank capitalization, and diversification and external factors which are inflation and stock market-based financial development statistically and significantly affect bank's profitability. Further-more, the crisis is proven to have significant impact on the effect of inflation and stock market-based financial development toward bank profitability. Whereas, through the general model which is not separate the pre and during crisis periods, this study shows that bank-specific factors such as lagged profitability, bank size, and bank capitalization are proven to have significant effects on bank profit-ability while external factors that also have effects are bank-based financial development and bank concentration.
The Effect of Family Ownership and Control on Dividend Policy of Publicly Listed Firms in Indonesia and Malaysia Ayu, Laras; Viverita, Viverita
The Indonesian Capital Market Review Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of family ownership and family control ona firm’s dividend policy of publicly listed firms in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study applied thegeneralized least square panel data over 2003-2016 and considering the period of global financialcrisis 2008-2010. The results show that a firm with a higher percentage of family ownership paysmore dividend compared to non-family firms. The same effect applies to the percentage of familycontrol. In contrast, we found that higher debt levels will reduce the dividend payment. These findingsindicate that dividend distribution can be used as a policy to lessen agency problems of listed firms.
Factors Affecting Customers’ Satisfaction and Perception: Case Study of Islamic Banks’Service Quality Cheriyah, Yayah; Sulistyowati, Widya; Cornelia, Ade; Viverita, Viverita
ASEAN Marketing Journal Vol. 2, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aims to investigate the perception and expectation of the Islamic bank customers on the banks’ service quality, and how these factors affect their satisfaction and their intention to buy and to use the Islamic banks products and services.This finding implies that the Islamic banks should have pay more attention to their service quality since it would have a positif influence on customer satisfaction and purchase intention.
Kapasitas Keuangan dan Kesadaran Atas Produk Keuangan: Survei Rumah Tangga Berpenghasilan Rendah di Jabodetabek dan Surakarta, Indonesia Danarsari, Dwi Nastiti; Viverita, Viverita; Husodo, Zaäfri A.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia Vol. 44, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aims to examine the relationship between financial capacity and awareness on financial product for low-income households in Jabodetabek and Surakarta by conducting survey on 1,520 household respondents. The survey results show that saving account and credit for vehicle owner- ship are the two most popular financial products known by the respondents. In addition, the cross- tabulation and chi-square analysis find that Jabodetabek’s respondents, who ever have and are using financial product, mostly have stronger financial capacity. On the other hand, respondents who never have and are not using financial product are those who have weaker financial condition. Moreover, respondents in both regions, who never own and are not having credit for vehicle ownership, mostly have relatively weaker financial capacity. The results indicate that financial capacity is associated with awareness on financial product.
Households Perceptions on Factors Affecting Resilience towards Natural Disasters in Indonesia Viverita, Viverita; Kusumastuti, Ratih Dyah; Husodo, Zaäfri Ananto; Suardi, Lenny; Danarsari, Dwi Nastiti
The South East Asian Journal of Management Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Most areas in Indonesia are prone to natural disasters. Learning the lessons from the Aceh Tsunami in 2004, areas with high risks of natural disasters are in the process of preparing themselves for such an unexpected event, by increasing their resilience. The objective of this study is to shed more lights on factors affecting the resilience from two sources namely, existing literatures and the application of disaster management in four disaster-prone areas in Indonesia -Padang, Sleman, Cilacap, and Palu. To enrich our analysis, we collect data from the field to compare the preparedness and to get insights on people’s perceptions towards the factors of resilience in those areas.We employ IDI and FGD to identify the factors of resilience and the preparedness in the areas investigated. Thereafter, a preliminary survey is conducted to identify people’s perceptions towards the aspects of resilience in the areas. Results from the survey conducted to 800 households in Padang and Cilacap indicates that from the social aspect, community’s value cohesiveness is one of important factor affecting their resilience towards natural disaster. In addition, since almost 85 percent of their income was spending to fulfill their daily basic needs such as foods, clothing, and housing. Therefore, when disaster occurred, they heavily relied on the help of debt or selling some of their assets, as well as used cash in hand as emergency funds. In general, respondents in all sample cities are able to re-start their economic activities as soon as two weeks after the event of disaster. In addition, the survey found that most of respondents were aware that the government has programs to educate people on the disaster mitigation.
Disaggregation of Productivity Growth of Indonesian Airports Viverita, Viverita; Kusumastuti, Ratih Dyah
The South East Asian Journal of Management Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This paper reports the sources of productivity growth of 23 Indonesian airports foryears 2006-2010. Using input slack-based productivity index (ISP), we disaggregatetotal factor productivity change into each input productivity change. Apron areaand terminal area are chosen as input variables while aircrafts’ movement is theoutput. By classifying the airports based on two operators, this study finds thatairports under the management of Angkasa Pura 1 (AP1) show higher productivitygrowth than Angkasa Pura 2 (AP2), whose growth is mainly driven by technicalprogress in apron areas. Moreover, the productivity decline of AP2 was mostlydue to inefficient use of terminal areas.
Competition in Microfinance Institutions: Does Voluntary Saving Product Have a Moderating Role? Nisa, Chaerani; Viverita, Viverita; Chalid, Dony Abdul
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 27, No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jkdp.v27i2.11014


This study investigates the effect of competition and the moderating role of voluntary savings on the outreach and sustainability of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). The study uses data from 39 countries and 609 MFIs from 2004 to 2018. Unit of analysis in this study includes all MFIs in the Mix Market database. It uses Boone Indicator to measure competition. In addition, this study uses the random effects model to regress the model. We find that competition corresponds with decreased outreach and sustainability, but the value is insignificant.  The first research question is how competition affects MFIs’ outreach and sustainability, and the second research question is whether voluntary savings can work as a moderating variable in the relationship between competition and MFIs’ outreach and sustainability. Findings of this study provide guidance to MFIs and regulators regarding the ideal form for MFIs whether they should prioritize lending or expand their services to include voluntary savings. DOI: 10.26905/jkdp.v27i4.11014